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To address the many challenges facing the province's schools, the Observatoire pour l'éducation et la santé des enfants launches "United for School:...
Scientists at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute have discovered the molecular mechanisms responsible for opening up the human genome and...
A research team led by UdeM’s Robert-Paul Juster has shown that performance on some cognitive tasks is better predicted by gender identity than by sex...
An UdeM study unveils fresh insights into how Neanderthals and Homo sapiens organized their living spaces at the Riparo Bombrini site in northern...
UdeM doctoral candidate in physics Emmanuel Bourret leads an international research group that has discovered C130, a rare carbon molecular structure.
A new report co-authored by an UdeM professor makes recommendations to help ensure that the rights of seniors in long-term care are respected.
The interstellar objects are usually paired as binary systems, but in a new study Clémence Fontanive shows that, as they get older, few actually keep...
A study led by Sainte-Justine hospital researcher Miriam Beauchamp has found long-term symptoms in children aged six and under who suffered a...
An UdeM criminologist looks at Quebec provincial police attitudes towards the potential use of bodycamera footage in legal proceedings – and finds...
A U.S.-Canada study co-led by UdeM researchers offers key understanding of Ebola virus replication and potential therapeutic targets.


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