Pierre Depommier
Enseignement de la physique et transmission du savoir
- Professeur émérite
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de physique
Expertise de recherche
Travaux de recherche en physique des particules, effectués depuis plus de quarante ans dans de grands laboratoires internationaux: - le Centre Européen de Recherche Nucléaire (CERN), à Genève (Suisse). - Tri-University Meson Factory (TRIUMF), à Vancouver (Canada). - Le laboratoire national japonais KEK, à Tsukuba (Japon). Les particules fondamentales et leurs interactions. Les symétries des lois de la physique. La transmission des connaissances: nombreuses conférences dans des écoles et des collèges. Les retombées technologiques des découvertes scientifiques.
- Doctorat, Université de Grenoble, France, 1961
- Professeur, Université de Grenoble, France, 1961-1969
- Directeur, Laboratoire de Physique Nucléaire, U. Montréal, 1969-1982
- Professeur, Université de Montréal, 1982-1993
- Professeur émérite, Université de Montréal, 1993-présent
Prix et distinctions
- Société royale du Canada : Les Académies des arts, des lettres et des sciences du Canada 1985 - Société royale du Canada
Diplômé de l'Académie des Sciences de la Russie (année 2000)
Enseignement et encadrement
Thèses et mémoires dirigés (dépôt institutionnel Papyrus)
Mesure du taux de la capture radiative du muon par l'hydrogène liquide
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Étude de la production de paires de leptons dans les interactions p-Be à 450 GeV
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Études Monte Carlo des améliorations d'un détecteur de capture radiative muonique
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Spectres inclusifs des pions, des protons et des deutons dans les collisions proton-tungstène et oxygène-tungstène à 200 GeV par nucléon
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Publications et communications
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``First measurement of the T-violating muon polarization in the decay K+ → μ+ ν γ'', Phys. Lett. B562, 166-172, 2003.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Apparatus for a search for T-violating muon polarisation in stopped kaon decays'', Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A506, 60-91, 2003.
- KEK-E470 Collaboration, ``Measurement of direct photon emission in K+ → π+ π0 γ decay using stopped positive kaons'', Phys. Lett. B554, 7-14, 2003.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Test of exotic scalar and tensor interactions in Ke3 decay using stopped positive kaons'', Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Nonaccelerator New Physics (NANP 01), Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia, 19-23 June 2001; Phys. Atom. Nucl. 65, 2232-2237, 2002, (Yad. Fiz. 65, 2294-2299, 2002).
- TRIUMF-E614 Collaboration, ``Drift chambers for a precision measurement of the Michel parameters in muon decay'', 8th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detector: Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 21-25 May 2000; Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A461, 68-70, 2001.
- TRIUMF-E614 Collaboration, ``TWIST - The Triumf Weak Interaction Symmetry Test: the Michel parameters from μ+ decay'', 6th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics (TAU 00), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 18-21 Sep. 2000; Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 98, 247-254, 2001.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``New limit on T-violating parameters in kaon decays'', International Europhysics Conference on High-Energy Physics (HEP 2001), Budapest, Hungary, 12-18 Jul 2001.
- TRIUMF-E614 Collaboration, ``A precision measurement of muon decay'', DPF 2000: The Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society, Columbus, Ohio, 9-12 Aug. 2000; Int. J. Mod. Phys. A16S1A, 296-298, 2001.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Measurement of Γ(Kμ3) ⁄ Γ(Ke3) ratio using stopped positive kaons'', Phys. Lett. B513, 311-318, 2001.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Search for exotic scalar and tensor couplings in K+ → π0 e+ ν decay'', Phys. Lett. B495, 33-41, 2000.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Test of Time Reversal Invariance in the decay K+ → π0 μ+ ν '', Nucl. Phys. A663, 919-922, 2000.
- TRIUMF-E614 Collaboration, ``A Precision Measurement of Muon Decay'', Nucl. Phys. A663, 903-906, 2000.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``A Kinematically Complete Measurement of the K+ → π+ π0 π0 Decays'', Eur. Phys. J. C12, 627-631, 2000.
- KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``CsI (Tl) Photon Detector With Pin Photodiode Readout for a Kμ3 T-Violation Experiment'', Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A440, 151-171, 2000.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``25 ans de TRIUMF'', conférence sur invitation, Colloque ``Les Sciences au XXIème Siècle'', 68ème Congrès de l'Association Canadienne Française pour l'Avancement des Sciences, Université de Montréal, 15-19 mai 2000.
- P. DEPOMMIER, for the KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Search for time-reversal violation in the K+ → π0 μ+ ν decay'', 16th IUPAP International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Taipei, Taiwan, 6-10 March, 2000, Nucl. Phys. A684, 707-709, 2001.
- P. DEPOMMIER, for the KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Search for time-reversal violation in the K+ → π0 μ+ ν decay'', International Conference on Quark Nuclear Physics, Adelaide, Australia, 21-25 February, 2000, to be published in the proceedings.
- P. DEPOMMIER in KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Test of Time Reversal Invariance in the Decay K+ → π0 μ+ ν , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Particles and Nuclei, Uppsala, Sweden, 10-16 June, 1999, Nucl. Phys. A663&664 (2000), 919c-922c.
- P. DEPOMMIER in KEK-E246 Collaboration, ``Search for T-Violating Transverse Muon Polarization in K+ → π0 μ+ ν Decay Using Stopped Kaons'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 4253-4256, 1999.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``Search for Non-Standard Time-Reversal Violation'', invited communication to the ``International Nuclear Physics Conference'', Paris, August 24-28, 1998, INPC/98, edited by B. Frois, D. Goutte and D. Guillemaud-Mueller, Nucl. Phys., Vol. A654, Nos 1, 2, North Holland, 1999, p. 935c-938c.
- D.H. WRIGHT, S. AHMAD, D.S. ARMSTRONG, G. AZUELOS, W. BERTL, M. BLECHER, C.Q. CHEN, P. DEPOMMIER, B.C. DOYLE, T. VON EGIDY, T.P. GORRINGE, P. GUMPLINGER, M.D. HASINOFF, D. HEALEY, G. JONKMANS, A.J. LARABEE, J.A. MACDONALD, S.C. MCDONALD, M. MUNRO, J.M. POUTISSOU, R. POUTISSOU, B.C. ROBERTSON, D.G. SAMPLE, E. SAETLLER, C.M. SIGLER, G.N. TAYLOR, D.H. WRIGHT and N.S. ZHANG, ``Measurement of the induced pseudoscalar coupling using radiative muon capture on hydrogen'', Phys. Rev. C57, 373-390, 1998.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``The TRIUMF-E614 Experiment: a Precision Measurement of the Muon-Decay Parameters'', in ``Proceedings of International KEK Workshop on Kaon, Muon, Neutrino Physics and Future'', KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, October 31-November 1, 1997, ``KEK Proceedings 97-24, JHF-97-8, February 1998, H'', edited by Y. Kuno and T. Shinkawa, pp. 209-216.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``Search for Non-Standard Time-Reversal Violation in the Beta Decay of the Kaon'', proceedings of the ``International Conference on Physics since Parity Symmetry Breaking, in Memory of Professor C.S. Wu'', Nanjing, China, August 16-18, 1997, edited by Fan Wang et al., World Scientific, 1998, pp. 112-117.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``A determination of the induced pseudoscalar coupling in the radiative capture of the muon on the proton'', in Proceedings of the ``International Conference on Physics Since Parity Symmetry Breaking, in Memory of Professor C.S. Wu'', Nanjing, China, August 16-18, 1997, edited by Fan Wang et al., World Scientific, 1998, pp. 31-44.
- HELIOS Collaboration, ``A study of Electron-Muon Pair Production in 450 GeV/c p-Be Collisions'', Z. Phys. C72, 429-436, 1996 .
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``Reviews on pion and muon decays'', in ``Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology'', Taipei, Taiwan, November 14-17, 1996, edited by D. Chang (National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan & Academia Sinica, Taiwan), H-Y. Cheng, C-Q. Geng & W-M. Zhang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan).
- P. DEPOMMIER,``Search for non-standard time-reversal violation in kaon physics'', in ``Physics at the Frontiers of the Standard Model'', Proceedings of the Second ``Rencontres du Vietnam'', Hô Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October 22-28, 1995, edited by Nguyen van Hiêu and J. Trân Thanh Vân, Éditions Frontières, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 1996, pp. 617-619.
- G. JONKMANS, S. AHMAD, D.S. ARMSTRONG, G. AZUELOS, W. BERTL, M. BLECHER, C.Q. CHEN, P. DEPOMMIER, B.C. DOYLE, T. VON EGIDY, T.P. GORRINGE, P. GUMPLINGER, M.D. HASINOFF, D. HEALEY, A.J. LARABEE, J.A. MACDONALD, S.C. MCDONALD, M. MUNRO, J.M. POUTISSOU, R. POUTISSOU, B.C. ROBERTSON, D.G. SAMPLE, E. SAETLLER, C.M. SIGLER, G.N. TAYLOR and N.S. ZHANG, ``Radiative muon capture on hydrogen and the induced pseudoscalar coupling'', Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 4512-4515, 1996.
- P. DEPOMMIER and C. LEROY, ``Searches for lepton-flavour violation'', Reports on Progress in Physics 58, 61-114, 1995.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``A brief review of lepton flavor violation'', invited talk, International Symposium on Nuclear reaction dynamics of nucleon hadron many body system, Osaka, 1995, p. 391-400.
- HELIOS Collaboration, ``Low-Mass Lepton-Pair Production in p-Be Collisions at 450 GeV/c'', Z. Phys. C68, 47-64, 1995.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``Lepton-flavour violation: from old to new experiments'', invited talk, XVI Kazimierz Meeting on Elementary Particle Physics, Kazimierz, Poland, 24-28 May 1993, published in ``New Physics with New Experiments'', Proceedings of the XVI Kazimierz Meeting on Elementary Particle Physics, Kazimierz, May 1993, edited by Z. Ajduk, S. Pokorski, A. K. Wroblewski, World Scientific, 1994, pp. 194-209.
- P. DEPOMMIER, ``Lepton-flavour violation: neutrino physics without neutrinos'', invited talk, Second Tallinn Symposium on Neutrino Physics, Lohusalu, Estonia, 5-8 October 1993, published in the proceedings, editors Ilmar Ots and Laur Palgi, pp. 148-156.
- P. DEPOMMIER, D.S. ARMSTRONG, G. AZUELOS, W. BERTL, M. BLECHER, C.Q. CHEN, B. DOYLE, T.P. GORRINGE, P. GUMPLINGER, M.D. HASINOFF, G. JONKMANS, J.A. MACDONALD, S.C. MCDONALD, M. MUNRO, J.M. POUTISSOU, R. POUTISSOU, B.C. ROBERTSON, E. SAETTLER, D.G. SAMPLE, C. SIGLER, G.N. TAYLOR and D.H. WRIGHT, ``Observation of Radiative Muon Capture on the Proton'', invited talk, First International Symposium on Symmetries in Subatomic Physics, May 16-19, 1994, Taipei, Taiwan, Chinese Journal of Physics, 32, 1247-1260, 1994.
- P. DEPOMMIER, for the RMC Collaboration,``Radiative Muon Capture on the Proton'', invited talk, International Symposium on Medium-Energy Physics, August 22-26, 1994, Beijing, China, published in ``ISMEP'94, Second International Symposium on Medium Energy Physics'', edited by Weiqin Chao and Pengnian Chen, pp. 135-139.
- M.D. HASINOFF, C.Q. CHEN, P. GUMPLINGER, A.J. LARABEE, E. SAETTLER, D.G. SAMPLE, S. VEILLETTE, G. AZUELOS, J.A. MACDONALD, J.-M. POUTISSOU, R. POUTISSOU, D.H. WRIGHT, P. DEPOMMIER, B. DOYLE, G. JONKMANS, D.S. ARMSTRONG, M. BLECHER, C.M. SIGLER, S.C. MCDONALD, M. MUNRO, G.N. TAYLOR, W. BERTL, T.P. GORRINGE, B.C. ROBERTSON, ``Measurement of the induced pseudoscalar coupling via radiative muon capture on hydrogen'', invited talk, 7th International School on the Physics of Exotic Atoms: Physics and Techniques of Extremely Low-Energy Beams, Erice, Italy, 19-30 May, 1994, ``Exotic Atoms, Molecules and their Interactions'', pp. 125-138.
- M. BLECHER, D.S. ARMSTRONG, G. AZUELOS, W. BERTL, C.Q. CHEN, P. DEPOMMIER, B. DOYLE, T.P. GORRINGE, P. GUMPLINGER, M.D. HASINOFF, G. JONKMANS, A.J. LARABEE, J.A. MACDONALD, S.C. MCDONALD, M. MUNRO, J.-M. POUTISSOU, R. POUTISSOU, B.C. ROBERTSON, D.G. SAMPLE, E. SAETTLER, C.M. SIGLER, G.N. TAYLOR, S. VEILLETTE and D.H. WRIGHT, ``Measurement of the Pseudoscalar Coupling via Radiative Muon Capture on Hydrogen'', Communication to the PANIC-93 Conference, Abstract Book, Vol. II, p. 618.
- Physique
- Astronomie et astrophysique
- Génie physique
- Éducation
Champ d’expertise
- Physique des particules élémentaires et des champs
- Interactions électrofaibles
- Symétries et lois de conservation
- Modèles au-delà du modèle standard
- Désintégration des pions
- Théories unifiées et modèles des interactions électrofaibles et fortes
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