Joshua Lewis
- Professeur agrégé
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de sciences économiques
Pour en savoir plus…
- 01-05-2020 Coronavirus: le nombre de cas nettement sous-estimé au Québec et en Ontario, selon une étude
Estimating COVID-19 Prevalence in the United States : A Sample Selection Model Approach
Public health efforts to determine population infection rates from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) have been hampered by limitations in testing capabilities and the large shares of mild and asymptomatic cases. We developed a methodology that corrects observed positive test rates for non-random sampling to estimate population infection rates across U.S. states from March 31 to April 7.
- 01-05-2020 New Study Shows There Could Be 12x More COVID-19 Cases In Quebec Than Officially Reported
- 27-03-2020 Your City’s Air Pollution Could Make COVID-19 Even More Dangerous
- 01-05-2020 Douze fois plus de Québécois contaminés
- 01-05-2020 La COVID-19 pourrait avoir infecté plus de 250 000 personnes au Québec
- 07-05-2020 Montreal Economist Says Number Of Confirmed Cases Is Just 'The Tip Of The Iceberg'
Affiliations et responsabilités
Affiliations de recherche
Enseignement et encadrement
Thèses et mémoires dirigés (dépôt institutionnel Papyrus)
Three essays on family, culture and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Essays on Water Infrastructure Investments and Infectious Diseases Management
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Essays on the regulation of sin goods
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Culture, gender and development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Réduction du risque des invalidités liées à la consommation de l’alcool : l’effet à long terme de l’introduction de la loi zéro tolérance
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M.A.
Principaux obstacles à la décision d’investissement des firmes en Afrique
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Projets de recherche
Covid-19: an economic analysis
Ce projet vise à estimer aussi précisément que possible le nombre de personnes ayant ou ayant eu le coronavirus, et à proposer une feuille de route pour la réouverture des entreprises.
Publications et communications
“The Value of Health Insurance during a Crisis: Effects of Medicaid Implementation on Pandemic Influenza Mortality.” (with Karen Clay, Edson Severnini, and Xiao Wang). NBER Working Paper #27120. Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics.
“Canary in a Coal Mine: Infant Mortality Tradeoffs Associated with Mid-20th Century Air Pollution.” (with Karen Clay and Edson Severnini). NBER Working Paper #22155. Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics.
“What Explains the Socioeconomic Status-Health Gradient? Evidence from Workplace COVID-19 Infections” (with Raphael Godefroy). Accepted at Social Science & Medicine - Population Health.
“Estimates of COVID-19 Cases Across Four Canadian Provinces.” (with David Benatia and Raphael Godefroy). Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 46, No. S3 (October 2020): S203-S216.
“Short- and Long-Run Impacts of Rural Electrification: Evidence from the Historical Rollout of the U.S. Power Grid.” (with Edson Severnini). Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 143, (March 2020): 102412.
“What Explains Cross-City Variation in Mortality during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic? Evidence from 440 U.S. Cities.” (with Karen Clay and Edson Severnini). Economics and Human Biology, Vol. 35 (2019): 42-50.
“Pollution, Infectious Disease, and Mortality: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish Influenza Pandemic.” (with Karen Clay and Edson Severnini). Journal of Economic History, Vol. 78, No. 4 (December 2018): 1179-1209.
“Does Male Education Affect Fertility? Evidence from Mali.” (with Raphael Godefroy). Economic Letters, Vol. 172 (November 2018): 118-122.
“Infant Health, Women’s Fertility, and Rural Electrification in the United States, 1930-1960.” Journal of Economic History, Vol. 78, No. 1 (March 2018): 118-154.
“The Impact of Technological Change within the Home.” Journal of Economic History, Vol. 75, No. 2 (June 2015): 539-543. Dissertation Summary.
- Économie
- Démographie
- Histoire
Champ d’expertise
- Histoire économique
- Économétrie appliquée
- Économie du travail
- COVID-19
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