Houman Savoji
- Professeur sous octroi adjoint
Faculté de médecine - Département de pharmacologie et physiologie
Expertise de recherche
Nous combinons les technologies de fabrication avancée (la micro- et la nano- fabrication, la bio-impression 3D, la technologie de microfluides, l'electrofilage de cellules) avec des matériaux fonctionnels et composites pour des applications en génie tissulaire, médecine régénérative et organes sur puces.
- Bioingénierie
- Génie tissulaire
- Médecine régénérative
- Biomatériaux
- Micro- et nano-fabrication
- Bio-impression 3D
- Organes sur puces
Dr Houman Savoji est professeur-chercheur adjoint au Département de pharmacologie et physiologie de l’Université de Montréal. Il est également chercheur à temps plein au Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine et investigateur principal en médecine régénérative, organes sur puces et bio-impression à TransMedTech.
Il a obtenu son doctorat en génie biomédical à l’Institut de génie biomédical de Polytechnique Montréal en 2016. Ensuite, il a fait un stage postdoctoral à l’Institut des biomatériaux et de génie biomédical de l’Université de Toronto.
Dr Savoji a été récipiendaire de plusieurs bourses et prix prestigieux au cours de ses études supérieures et postdoctorales, dont : une bourse postdoctorale des IRSC, une bourse postdoctorale du FRQNT (1er rang), le "Human Society of International Grant", le prix étudiants-chercheurs étoiles du FRQNT, une bourse doctorale d’excellence du FRQNT, et un prix "Jane and Frank Warchol Fund of the Society of Vacuum Coaters (SVC) Foundation".
Il a été profondément impliqué dans plusieurs projets de recherche et il a publié de nombreux articles dans des revues à comités de lecture. Il a aussi rédigé plusieurs rapports techniques qui ont été soumis à des bureaux du gouvernement. De plus, il a présenté ses recherches dans des conférences nationales et internationales dans différents pays.
Son champ d’intérêt de recherche principal est la fabrication avancée, particulièrement la micro- et la nano-fabrication de biomatériaux fonctionnels pour des applications en génie tissulaire et médecine régénérative.
Ses recherches sont principalement liées à la conception, au développement, à l’optimisation, à l’implantation et à la caractérisation de biomatériaux fonctionnels novateurs en utilisant des technologies d’ingénierie émergentes, telles que les technologies de la bio-impression 3D, de microfluides et de l’électrofilage. Les biomatériaux fonctionnels sont parmi les plus demandés sur le marché en lien avec l’ingénierie et la médecine.
Prix et distinctions
- 2017-2020, Bourse de recherche postdoctorale, IRSC
- 2017-2019, Bourse de recherche postdoctorale, FRQNT
- 2017-2018, Human Society of International Grant, Human Toxicity Assessment Project
- 2016, Prix du Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CR-CHUM)
- 2015, Prix étudiants-chercheurs étoiles, FRQNT
- 2014-2015, Jane and Frank Warchol Fellowship, Society of Vacuum Coaters Foundation
- 2013, Institute of Textile Science Award
- 2012-2015, Bourse doctorale d'excellence pour étudiants étrangers, FRQNT
Affiliations et responsabilités
Affiliations de recherche
Enseignement et encadrement
Recrutement en recherche
Bioprinting of Cardiac Tissues - PhD Student in Savoji Research Group
Savoji Laboratory within the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology and Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal, the Research Center of the CHU Sainte-Justine (CHUSJ), and the TransMedTech Institute is seeking creative PhD students to join our multidisciplinary research group. Successful applicants should have hands-on experience in 3D bioprinting, designing, fabricating tissue engineered platforms.
Duties and Responsibilities:
You will work on an interdisciplinary project involving 3D bioprinting using stem-cell derived human cardiac cells to fabricate functional cardiac tissues. Successful candidates are expected to participate in writing research proposals, reports, presentations, and publications, etc.
- M.Sc. in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering or a related discipline.
- Must demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge within the fields of bioengineering, tissue engineering, or cell biology.
- Scientific track record demonstrating well-organized design and execution of research.
- Ability to work independently and in a collaborative team.
- Strong communication skills.
- Understanding of cell biology and/or tissue engineering.
- Cell culture experience.
- Experience with in vitro assays including cell viability, toxicity, etc.
- Experience working with induced pluripotent stem cells.
- 3D (bio)printing experience.
- Experience with flow cytometry, ELISAs, PCR, or confocal microscopy.
- Experience with in vivo experiments.
Please send your application as a single PDF file to Prof. Houman Savoji (houman.savoji@umontreal.ca) using the subject line “Savoji Lab PhD Student Application.”
Bioprinting of Cardiac Tissues – Postdoctoral Fellow in Savoji Research Group
Savoji Laboratory within the Department of Pharmacology and Physiology and Institute of Biomedical Engineering of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Montreal, the Research Center of the CHU Sainte-Justine (CHUSJ), and the TransMedTech Institute is seeking creative Postdoctoral Fellow to join our multidisciplinary research group. Successful applicants should have hands-on experience in 3D bioprinting, designing, fabricating tissue engineered platforms.
Duties and Responsibilities:
You will work on an interdisciplinary project involving 3D bioprinting using stem-cell derived human cardiac cells to fabricate functional cardiac tissues. Successful candidates are expected to participate in writing research proposals, reports, presentations, and publications, etc.
- Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, chemical engineering, materials science, mechanical engineering or a related discipline.
- Must demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge within the fields of bioengineering, tissue engineering, or cell biology.
- Scientific track record demonstrating well-organized design and execution of research.
- Ability to work independently and in a collaborative team.
- Strong communication skills.
- Understanding of cell biology and/or tissue engineering.
- Cell culture experience.
- Experience with in vitro assays including cell viability, toxicity, etc.
- Experience working with induced pluripotent stem cells.
- 3D (bio)printing experience.
- Experience with flow cytometry, ELISAs, PCR, or confocal microscopy.
- Experience with in vivo experiments.
Please send your application as a single PDF file including a complete resume, cover letter describing research interests and goals, full list of publications, as well as the names and contact information of three references. Applications should be sent to Prof. Houman Savoji ( houman.savoji@umontreal.ca ) using the subject line “Savoji Lab PhD Postdoctoral Fellow Application.”
Thèses et mémoires dirigés (dépôt institutionnel Papyrus)
Développement de patchs perfusables par bioimpression 3D pour une application potentielle dans la régénération de tissu cardiaque
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc. A.
Projets de recherche
Modelling cell dynamics and epigenetic changes in 3D spheroids with custom-made hydrogels
Valves cardiaques pulmonaires biomimétiques pour le traitement des valvulopathies cardiaques congénitales pédiatriques
Centre de Recherche sur les Systemes Polymeres et Composites Haute Performance_CREPEC / Research Center for High Performance Polymer and Composite Systems (2022-2028)
Biomimetic 3D (bio)printed pulmonary heart valves for pediatric patients
3D Bioprinting of Cardiac Tissues
3D Bioprinting of Cardiac Tissues
Bioimpression 3D de tissus cardiaques pour la transplantation, les applications de découverte et de criblage de médicaments
Bioimpression 3D de tissus cardiaques pour la transplantation, les applications de découverte et de criblage de médicaments
Bioimpression 3D de tissus cardiaques pour la transplantation, les applications de découverte et de criblage de médicaments
Bio-impression 3D in situ de bio-encres ostéo-inductives et conductrices pour la reconstruction de défauts osseux
Bioreactor system development for 3D printed vascularized tissue
Sound-Induced 3D Biofabrication and Morphogenesis
Développement d’une technologie biomimétique révolutionnaire pour les caractérisations non-invasives multiéchelles de tissus mous bio-imprimés en 3D
Réseau de thérapie cellulaire, tissulaire et génique du Québec - ThéCell / Développement d'un oesophage artificiel à l'aide de cellules souches induites de patients iPS
3D scaffolds for organoid growth
3D Bioprinting of Cardiac Tissues.
Fonds de démarrage
Institut TransMedTech - 3D Bioprinting of Cardiac Tissus
Publications et communications
Publications choisies
- Savoji H, Davenport Huyer L, Mohammadi MH, Lai BFL, Rafatian N, Bannerman D, Shoaib M, Bobicki E, Ramachandran A, Radisic M, 3D Printing of Vascular Tubes Using Bioelastomer Prepolymers by Freeform Reversible Embedding, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.9b00676.
- Zhao Y, Rafatian N, Wang EY, Lai BF, Wu Q, Lu RX, Savoji H, Radisic M, Towards Chamber Specific Heart-on-a-Chip for Drug Testing Applications, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2019.12.002.
- Davenport Huyer L, Bannerman D, Wang Y, Savoji H, Knee-Walden E, Brissenden A, Yee B, Shoaib M, Bobicki E, Amsden BG, Radisic M, One-Pot Synthesis of Unsaturated Polyester Bio-Elastomer with Controllable Material Curing for Microscale Designs, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2019, 8 (16), 1900245.
- Savoji H,Mohammadi MH, Rafatian N, Khaksar Toroghi M, Wang E, Zhao Y, Korolj A, Ahadian S, Radisic M, Cardiovascular Disease Models: A Game Changing Paradigm for Drug Discovery, Biomaterials, 2019, 198, 3-26.
- Savoji H,Godau B, Sheikh Hassani M, Akbari M, Skin Tissue Substitutes and Biomaterial Risk Assessment and Testing, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 2018, 6, 86.
- Ahadian S, Savoji H, Khademhosseini A, Recent Advances on Regenerative Hydrogels in Tissue Engineering, Chemical Engineering Progress, AIChE Journal, 2018, 114 (5), 56-63.
- Savoji H, Maire M, Lequoy P, Liberelle B, De Crescenzo G, Ajji A, Wertheimer MR, Lerouge S, Combining Electrospun Fiber Mats and Bioactive Coatings for Vascular Graft Prostheses, Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18, 303−310.
- Lequoy P, Savoji H,Saoudi B, Bertrand-Grenier A, Wertheimer MR, De Crescenzo G, Soulez G, Lerouge S, In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of a Bioactive Coating for Stent-Grafts Based on Chondroitin Sulfate and Epidermal Growth Factor, Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 2016, 27 (5), 753-760 e3.
- Savoji H,Lerouge S, Ajji A, Wertheimer MR, Plasma-Etching for Controlled Modification of Structural and Mechanical Properties of Electrospun PET Scaffolds, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2015, 12, 314–327.
- Lerouge S, Barrette J, Ruiz JC, Sbai M, Savoji H, Saoudi B, Gauthier M, Wertheimer MR, Nitrogen-Rich Plasma Polymer Coatings for Biomedical Applications: Stability, Mechanical Properties and Adhesion Under Dry and Wet Conditions, Plasma Processes and Polymers, 2015, 12, 882–895.
- Savoji H,Hadjizadeh A, Maire M, Ajji A, Wertheimer MR, Lerouge S, Electrospun Nanofiber Scaffolds and Plasma Polymerization: A Promising Combination Towards Complete, Stable Endothelial Lining for Vascular Grafts, Macromolecular Bioscience, 2014, 14, 1084–1095.
- Savoji H, Davenport Huyer L, Mohammadi MH, Lai BFL, Bannerman D, Shoaib M, Bobicki E, Radisic M, 3D Printing of Microvasculature Using BioelastomerPrepolymers by Freeform Reversible Embedding, 35th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Biomaterials Society, May 2019, Quebec City, Canada (Oral Presentation).
- Savoji H, Mohammadi MH, Kim L, Ahadian S, Rafatian N, Ebrahimi Warkiani M, Radisic M, Label‐Free, High‐Throughput Purification of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells-Derived Cardiomyocyte Using Spiral Microfluidic Separation, 34th Annual Meeting of Canadian Biomaterials Society, May 2018, Victoria, Canada (Poster Presentation).
- Mohammadi MH, Savoji H, Mandla S, Ahadian S, Radisic M, Development of Functional Heart Ventricle Using hiPSC-Derived Cardiomyocytes,12th Ontario-on-a-Chip Symposium, May 2017, Toronto, Canada (Oral Presentation).
- Savoji H, Maire M, Lequoy P, Liberelle B, De Crescenzo G, Wertheimer MR, Ajji A, Lerouge S, Chondroitin Sulfate-Oriented Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) Coating for Random and Aligned Electrospun Vascular Grafts, 10th World Biomaterials Congress, May 2016, Montreal, Canada (Poster Presentation).
- Hadjizadeh A, Savoji H, Ajji A, Growth Factor Releasing Micro Strands Promoted In Vitro Angiogenesis, 10th World Biomaterials Congress, May 2016, Montreal, Canada (Oral Presentation).
- Génie biomédical
- Sciences biomédicales
Champ d’expertise
- Génie des tissus structuraux / Biomatériaux
- Technologies biomédicales
- Biotechnologie
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