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Sciences de la santé; Sciences médicales

Aude Castel

Professeure adjointe

Faculté de médecine vétérinaire - Département de sciences cliniques

Pavillon 1500, av. des Vétérinaires, local 2453

514 343-6111 #8594



  • 2017 — Diplomate de l'ACVIM-neurologie — —
  • 2017 — Résidence en neurologie/neurochirurgie — — Université de la Caroline du Nord
  • 2014 — Internat spécialisé en neurologie/neurochirurgie — — Canada West Veterinary Specialists
  • 2013 — M.Sc. — — Université de Montréal
  • 2011 — Internat en médecine des animaux de compagnie — — Université de Montréal
  • 2009 — Diplôme de doctorat d'exercice vétérinaire — — École nationale vétérinaire de Toulouse

Affiliations et responsabilités

Titres professionnels et autres affiliations

Titres : corporations et organismes professionnels

Diplomate du College Américain de Médecine Interne (ACVIM Neurology)

Contribution au fonctionnement de l’institution

Responsabilités administratives

Responsable du service de Neurologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vétérinaire de l'université de Montréal

Enseignement et encadrement


Thèses et mémoires dirigés

Aliénor Delsart: 

Évaluation de l’hypersensibilisation associée à l’ostéoarthrose chez le chien et le chat et modulation de celle-ci avec des traitements pharmacologiques et non pharmacologiques


Projets de recherche

2021 - 2025

D22FE-301: Modulation of chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis with pleasant and unpleasant stimuli: a neurophysiologic evaluation in cats with degenerative joint disease

Chercheur principal : Aude Castel
Co-chercheurs : Éric Troncy
Sources de financement : Morris Animal foundation
Programmes de subvention :

Publications et communications


Articles de revue

1. *Pennington, E.; Springer, C.; Albright, J; Castel, A. MH; et al. (2023). Efficacy of environmental enrichment

as part of a multimodal analgesic protocol to treat post-operative pain following hemilaminectomy in dogs

with acute intervertebral disc extrusion: a randomized double-blinded study. Front. Vet. Sci. - Animal

Behavior and Welfare (2023).

2. Hecht S; Anderson KM; Castel A; Griffin JF; Hespel AM; Nelson N; Sun X. (2021). Magnetic resonance

imaging has high agreement with computed tomography in the identification of skull fractures in a canine

and feline cadaver mode. Front. Vet. Sci. 8(603775)

3. Castel A; Burns PM; Benito, J; Liu H; Kuthiala S; Durosier LD; Frank Y; Cao M; Paquet M; Fecteau G;

Desrochers A; Frasch MG. (2021). Frasch MG. Recording and manipulation of vagus nerve electrical

activity in chronically instrumented unanesthetized near term fetal sheep. Journal of Neurosciences

Methods. 360(109257)

4. Castel, Aude. (2021). Approche clinique sur l’hyperesthésie cervicale canine : quels sont les

caractéristiques importantes à la présentation ?. Veterinarius. 37(25): 14.

Auteur principal

5. Castel A; Fazio C; Doré, V. (2020). Spinal stabilization using a polyvinilidine (Lubra) plate in a pot-bellied

pig. Veterinary Record Case Reports. Veterinary Record Case Reports.

Auteur principal

6. Castel A; Doré V; * Vigeral M; Hecht S. (2020). Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings in 13 Neurologic

Pot-bellied Pigs. Front. in Vet. Sci. 7(21)

Auteur principal

7. *Szafranski, NM; Castel, A; Hespel, A; Dore, V. (2020). Computed tomographic characterisation of

vertebral osteomyelitis in a goat kid. Veterinary Record Case Reports. 8(e001015)


8. Castel A; Frank Y; Feltner J; Karp F; Albright C; Frasch MG. (2020). Monitoring fetal electroencephalogram

intrapartum: a systematic literature review. Frontiers in Pediatrics.

Auteur principal

9. Castel A ; Olby NJ; Breitschwerdt EB; Thomas B; Maggi RG; Shelton GD. (2019). Co-infection with

Bartonella henselae and Sarcocystis sp. in a 6-year-old male neutered domestic longhair cat with

progressive multifocal neurological signs. . Vet Q. 39(1): 168-173.

Auteur principal

10. Stafford, E ; Kortum, A; Castel, A; Green, L; Lau, J; Early, P; Muñana, K; Mariani, C; Yoder, J; Olby,

N. (2019). Presence of CSF Antibodies Associated with Human Autoimmune Encephalitis in Dogs with

Neurologic Disease. J Vet Intern Med. 33(5): 2175-2182.


11. Castel A; Olby NJ; Ru H; Mariani CL; Muñana KR; Early PJ. (2019). Risk factors associated with

progressive myelomalacia in dogs with complete sensorimotor loss following intervertebral disc extrusion: a

retrospective case-control study. BMC Vet Res. 15(1): 433.

Auteur principal

12. Pastina B ; Early PJ; Bergman RL; Maller A; Bray KY; Waldron RJ; Castel AM; Munana KR; Papich MG, ;

Messenger KM. (2018). The Pharmacokinetics of Cytarabine Administered Subcutaneously, Combined with

Prednisone, in Dogs with Meningoencephalomyelitis of Unknown Etiology. J Vet Pharmacol Ther.


13. Dorman DC; Foster ML; Olesnevich B; Bolon B; Castel A; Sokolsky-Papkov M; Mariani CL; et al. (2018).

Toxicity associated with ingestion of a polyacrylic acid hydrogel dog pad. J Vet Diagn Invest. 30(5):



14. A. Castel ; NJ. Olby; CL. Mariani; KR. Muñana; PJ. Early. (2017). Clinical characteristics of dogs with

progressive myelomalacia following acute intervertebral disc extrusion. J Vet Intern Med.

Auteur principal

15. Castel, A; Olby, NJ; et al. (2016). Acute change in neurological level following canine intervertebral disc

herniation. The Journal of Small Animal Practice. 57(4): 220.

Auteur principal

Castel, A; Hélie, P; Beaudry, F; Vachon, P. (2013). Bilateral central pain sensitization in rats following

unilateral thalamic lesion could be treated with ketamine. BMC veterinary research.

Auteur principal

17. Veilleux-Lemieux, D; Castel, A; Carrier, D; Beaudry, F; Vachon, P; et al. (2013). Pharmacokinetics of

ketamine and xylazine in young and old sprague-dawley rats. Journal of the American Association for

Laboratory Animal Science. 52(5): 567-570.


18. Castel, A; Vachon, P. (2013). Gabapentin reverses bilateral pain sensitization in a rodent model of central

pain induced by an intrathalamic hemorrhage. J Pain Res. 17(7): 5-12.

Auteur principal

19. (2010). Dissociable control of impulsivity in rats by dopamine d2/3 receptors in the core and shell

subregions of the nucleus accumbens. Neuropsychopharmacology.


Chapîtres de livres:

Castel, A. Vertebral column trauma. Tilley, L., & Smith, Francis W. K. Blackwell’s Five-minute veterinary

consult, Canine and feline. 7th

Auteur principal

2. Castel, A. Myelomalacia, Spinal Cord (Ascending, Descending). Tilley, L., & Smith, Francis W. K.

Blackwell’s Five-minute veterinary consult, Canine and feline. 7th

Auteur principal

3. Castel, A. (2021). Systemic Pharmacotherapeutics of the Nervous System. The Merck Veterinary Manual


Auteur principal


  • Médecine vétérinaire
  • Neurochirurgie
  • Neurologie

Champ d’expertise

  • Neurologie
  • Sciences neurologiques
  • Chirurgie vétérinaire
  • Animaux de compagnie

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