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Health Sciences; Medical Sciences; Natural Sciences and Engineering

Sergio Crespo-Garcia

Professeur adjoint

École d'optométrie

Pavillon 3744, rue Jean-Brillant, room 230-35

514 343-6111 #13652

Professeur accrédité

Faculté de médecine - Département de pharmacologie et physiologie


Laboratoire de Sergio Crespo-Garcia


Research expertise

Sergio Crespo-Garcia (he/him) develops his research in the field of retina degeneration and diabetes. His research interest revolves around the idea of better understanding the interactions of the cells that conform the blood vessels in the retina and how this translates to ocular disease. 

Awards and recognitions

2022: HMR Foundation Publication Prize on Cell Metabolism 2021 (Canada)

2021: Montreal Diabetes Research Center Postdoctoral Award (Canada)

2021: Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) Travel Award (USA)

2021: Publication Prize Relève Étoile Jacqes-Genest on Cell Metabolism 2021 (Canada)

2021: Publication Prize Réseau Vision on Cell Metabolism 2021 (Canada)

2018-2021: Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQ-S) Postdoctoral Scholarship (Canada)

2018-2019: Hospital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR) Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship (Canada)

2017: Dr. Margot Engelmann Foundation Doctorate Award (Germany)

2016: International Society for Eye Research (ISER) Travel Award (Japan)

2013-2016: Marie Curie ITN Early Stage Researcher Scholarship (Germany)

2012-2013: “la Caixa” Foundation Masters Scholarship (Spain)

2012: IE University Promotion 2008 Valedictorian (Spain)

2012: IE University First Grade Honors Distinction (First-of-the-class) (Spain)

2011-2012: Spanish Ministry of Education Beca de Colaboración - Research Scholarship (Spain)

2010-2012: IE University Academic Excellence Scholarship (Spain)

2009-2010: IE University Honors Scholarship (Spain)


  • 2022 — Post-doctorate — Biochimie médicaleCentre de recherche Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont
  • 2017 — Dr. rer. med. — Sciences biomédicalesCharité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • 2016 — Post-graduate certificate — OphtalmologieUniversity of Lincoln
  • 2013 — M.Sc. — Biologie cellulaireUniversidad Complutense de Madrid
  • 2012 — B.Sc. — Biologie et autres sciences connexesIE University

Affiliations and responsabilities

Professional titles and affiliations

Titles: corporations and professional organizations

Canada Coordinator - Marie Curie Alumni Association North-America Chapter

Teaching and supervision Currently recruiting

Recruitment in research Currently recruiting

Recruiting talented undergraduate interns and M.Sc. candidates interested in translational research in the field of retina vascular disease. Send your CV and a cover letter to:

Jury Member

Catarina Micaelo Fernandes (examen de synthèse) 

Other educational activities

SCV1151: Sciences de la vision: cerveau et vision

SCV2151: Sciences de la vision: physiologie de l'oeil

SCV7003: Problèmatique en sciences de la vision

OPM4150: Introduction à la recherche


Research projects

2023 - 2029

Intercellular causality in the formation and degradation of the vascular glycocalyx

Lead researcher : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(DGECR) Tremplin vers la découverte
2023 - 2029

Intercellular causality in the formation and degradation of the vascular glycocalyx

Lead researcher : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVX20965-(RGP) Programme de subvention à la découverte individuelle ou de groupe
2024 - 2027

Faulty perivascular metabolism predisposing to microvascular complications

Lead researcher : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: FMCC/Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX7979-Subvention pour projet de recherche et de développement
2023 - 2026

Étude des interactions entre les mécanismes cellulaires qui sous-tendent les pathologies de la rétine

Lead researcher : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: FCI/Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Fonds des leaders
2024 - 2025

Novel mechanisms of homocysteine contributing to microvascular instability in diabetic retinopathy

Lead researcher : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: Diabète Québec
Grant programs:
2023 - 2024

Therapeutic merit and cellular mechanisms of folate during age-related macular degeneration.

Lead researcher : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: Banting Research Foundation (The)
Grant programs:
2022 - 2024

Réseau de Recherche en Santé de la Vision (RRSV) - L’effet de l’hyperhomocystéinémie sur l’unité glial-périvasculaire dans la rétinopathie diabétique

Co-researchers : Sergio Crespo-Garcia
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche


Publications and presentations


Crespo-Garcia S, Tsuruda PR, Dejda A, Ryan RD, Fournier F, ..., Dubrac A, Beausejour C, Armstrong S, Mallette FA, Yohn CB, Joyal JS, Marquess D, Beltran PJ, Sapieha P. 2021. Pathological angiogenesis in retinopathy engages cellular senescence and is amenable to therapeutic elimination through BCL-xL inhibition. Cell Metabolism. Apr 6;33(4):818-832.e7

Crespo-Garcia S, Reichhart N, Skosyrski S, Kociok N, Joussen AM. 2021.Anti-inflammatory role of netrin-4 in diabetic retinopathy. Int. Journal Molecular Sciences. Apr 25;22(9):4481

Binet F, Cagnone G, Crespo-Garcia S, Hata M, Neault M, Dejda A, Wilson AM, Buscarlet M, ..., Côté JF, Andelfinger G, Rezende FA, Sennlaub F, Joyal J-S, Mallette FA, Sapieha P. 2020. Neutrophil extracellular traps target senescent vasculature for tissue remodeling in retinopathy. Science. Aug 21;369(6506):eaay5356

Crespo-Garcia S, Reichhart N, Wigdahl J, Skosyrski S, Kociok N, Strauß, Joussen AM. 2019. Lack of netrin-4 alters vascular remodeling in the retina. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 257: 2179–2184.

Crespo-Garcia S, Reichhart N, Skosyrski S, Mr. Foddis M, Wu J, ..., Sassi C, Dirnagl U, Joussen AM, Strauss O. 2018. Individual and temporal variability of the retina after chronic bilateral common carotid artery occlusion (BCCAO). PloS One. 13(3)

Crespo-Garcia S, Corkhill C, Roubeix C, Davids AM, Kociok N, Strauss O, Joussen AM, Reichhart N. 2017. Inhibition of placenta growth factor reduces subretinal mononuclear phagocyte accumulation in choroidal neovascularization, Investig. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 58(12): 4997-5006.

Reichhart N*, Crespo-Garcia S*, Haase N, Golic M, Skosyrski S, Rübsam A, ..., Bader M, Dechend R, Strauss O, Joussen AM. 2016. TetO rat as a new translational model for type 2 diabetic retinopathy by inducible insulin receptor knock-down, Diabetologia. 60(1):202-211 *First author

Kociok N *, Crespo-Garcia S*, Liang Y, Klein SV, Nürnberg C, Reichhart N, Skosyrski S, Moritz E, Maier AK, Brunken WJ, Strauss O, Koch M, Joussen AM. 2016. Lack of netrin-4 modulates pathologic neovascularization in the eye, Scientific Reports. 6:18828 *First author

Crespo-Garcia S, Reichhart N, Hernandez-Matas C, Zabulis X, Kociok N, Brockmann C, Joussen AM, Strauss O. 2015. In vivo analysis of the time and spatial activation pattern of microglia in the retina following laser-induced choroidal neovascularization. Experimental Eye Research. 139, 13-21 


  • Optometry
  • Ophthalmology
  • Cell Biology

Areas of expertise

  • Cellular Degeneration
  • Diabetes
  • Retinal and Ocular Neoplasms