Information and Communication Technologies; Engineering; Communication; Social Sciences and Humanities; Arts and Literature
Laboratoire de recherche en design Hybridlab
Centre facultaire
Faculté de l'aménagement
École de design
Secondary numbers:
514 340-4711 #2207
514 340-4711 #2215
Secondary email:
(Personne contact)
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© Hyve-3D
Research units
- Infrastructure du Laboratoire de recherche en design Hybridlab
Location on the University campus
Pavillon J.-Armand-Bombardier, room 4027-4032 Pavillon de la Faculté de l’aménagement, room 4170For more information…
Reportage du Code Chastenay sur l'Espace hybride d’idéation
2014-09-11 Des esquisses 3D grâce à un système interactif de design révolutionnaire
Site du projet Hyve 3d
18-10-2016 Hybridlab publie deux articles dans Design Studies
12-05-2017 Hybridlab participe au Salon Innovatives SHS à Marseille
10-08-2015 Les curseurs d'ordinateur passent au 3D
31-10-2016 Réalité virtuelle: les gens la préfèrent sans lunettes!
12-04-2018 Solutions de recharge pour véhicules électriques
25-04-2018 Bornes pour voitures électriques: des étudiants de l’UdeM s’en chargent!
18-10-2016 Hybridlab publie deux articles dans Design Studies
Research focus
Outils numériques d’aide à la conception dans les disciplines de l’aménagement
Mise sur pied de nouvelles techniques novatrices, nouvelles interfaces, interactions et outils de conception et leur intégration en design
Processus de conception et de codesign, plus particulièrement au cours de ses premières étapes, lors de l’idéation ou du design conceptuel
Design collaboratif colocalisé et à distance
Interfaces homme-machine dans le contexte des télécommunications
Méthodologies novatrices pour l'évaluation de l'activité de conception
Expérience des usagers et son implication dans les nouvelles technologies et leur interaction
Projects and funding
Publications and presentations
- Dorta, T., Pierini, D., & Boudhraâ, S. (2016). « Why 360° and VR Headsets for Movies? Exploratory Study of Social VR via Hyve-3D », Proceedings of the 28éme Conférence Francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine. Fribourg, Switzerland. 26-28 October, pp. 211–220.
- Dorta T., Kinayoglu G., et Boudhraâ S. A new Representational Ecosystem for Design teaching in the studio. Design Studies, 2016, 47 (November 2016), pp. 164-186.
- Safin S., Dorta T., Pierini D., Kinayoglu G. et Lesage A. Design Flow 2.0, assessing experience during ideation with increased granularity: A proposed method. Design Studies, 2016, 47 (November 2016), pp. 23-46.
- Dorta, T., Kinayoglu, G. and Hoffmann, M. (2016) « Hyve-3D and the 3D Cursor: Architectural co-design with freedom in Virtual Reality ». International Journal of Architectural Computing, 14 (2), pp. 87-102.
- Schnabel, M A., Aydin S., Moleta T., Pierini D. and Dorta T. (2016) « Unmediated cultural heritage via Hyve-3D: Collecting individual and collective narratives with 3D sketching », S. Chien, S. Choo, M. A. Schnabel, W. Nakapan, M. J. Kim, S. Roudavski (eds.), Living Systems and Micro-Utopias: Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2016, Melbourne 30 March–2 April 2016, pp. 683-692.
- Dorta T., Kinayoglu G., et Hoffmann M. (2015) « Hyve-3D and rethinking the “3D cursor”: unfolding a natural interaction model for remote and local co-design in VR ». SIGGRAPH ’15 Studio: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Studio Proceedings, Article No. 43, Los Angeles, p. 43.
- Lesage, A. (2015) « The autotelic experience: A design approach to user experience (UX) », Thèse de doctorat, Université de Montréal, Avril 2015.
- Dorta T. and Kinayoglu G. (2014) « Towards A New Representational Ecosystem for The Design Studio », N. Gu, S. Watanabe, H. Erhan, H. Haeusler, W. Huang, R. Sosa (eds.), Rethinking Comprehensive Design: Speculative Counterculture, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Association of Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2014, Kyoto, Japon, pp. 699–708.
- Calvo I., Dorta T., Robert J-M. (2014) « An empirical study on the user’s context in mobile videoconferencing devices », Journal d’Interaction Personne-Système (JIPS), JIPS, 2014, 3 (2), pp. 1-24.
- Dorta T. Kinayoglu G. and Hoffmann M. (2014) « A New Embodied Interface for Immersive Collaborative 3D Sketching », SIGGRAPH ’14 Studio: Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference, Studio Proceedings, Article No. 37, Vancouver, p. 37.
- Safin S., Lesage A., Hébert A., Kinayoglu G. and Dorta T. (2013) « Analyse de référents de l’activité de co-design dans un contexte de Réalité Mixte », dans Hachet M. and Roussel N. (Éds.) 25ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM, 2013, Bordeaux, France, pp. 23-32.
- Calvo I., Dorta T. and Robert J-M. (2013) « An empirical study on the user’s context in mobile videoconferencing devices », in Hachet M. and Roussel N. (Éds.) 25ème conférence francophone sur l’Interaction Homme-Machine, IHM, 2013, Bordeaux, France, pp. 79-88.
- Dorta T., Lesage A. and Di Bartolo C. (2012) « Collaboration and design education through the interconnected HIS: Immature vs. Mature CI Loops observed through Ethnography by Telepresence », in Achten H., Pavlicek J., Hulin J., et Matejdan D. (Éds.) Physical Digitality, Volume 2, eCAADe, 2012, Prague, République Tchèque, pp. 97-105.
- Dorta T., Kalay Y., Lesage A. and Pérez E. (2011) « Elements of design conversation in the interconnected HIS », in International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology. Volume 18 Number 2, pp. 65-80.
- Dorta T., Kalay Y., Pérez E., Lesage A. and Calvo, I. (2011) « Conversaciones de diseño en el HIS interconectado », in Chiarella, M., Tosello, M. E. (Éds.)Cultura Aumentada, SIGraDi, 2011, Santa Fe, Argentina, pp. 494-498.
- Dorta T., Kalay Y., Lesage A. and Pérez E. (2011) « Comparing immersion in collaborative ideation through design conversations, workload and experience», in Taron, J., Parlac, V., Kolarevic, B. Johnson, J. (Éds.) Integration Through Computation, ACADIA, 2011, Banff, Canada, pp. 216–225.
- Dorta T., Kalay Y., Lesage A. et Pérez E. (2011) « Comparing immersion in remote and local collaborative ideation through sketches: a case study », dans Leclercq, P., Heylighen, A. and Martin, G. (eds.) CAADFutures 2011:Designing Together, ULg, 2011, Liège, Belgium, pp. 25-39.
- Dorta T., Kalay Y., Lesage A. and Pérez E. (2011) « Design conversations in the interconnected HIS », dans G. Carrara, A. Fioravanti, A. Trento (eds.)Connecting Brains Shaping the World: Collaborative Design Spaces, EuropIA 13, 2011, Rome, pp. 83-94.
- Dorta T., Kalay Y., Lesage A. and Pérez E. (2011) « First steps of the Augmented Design Studio: The interconnected Hybrid Ideation Space and the CI Loop », in C. M. Herr, N. Gu, S. Roudavsky, M. A. Schnabel (eds.),Circuit Bending, Breaking and Mending: Pro-ceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2011, Newcastle, Australia, Avril 2011, pp. 271-280.
- Lesage A. and Dorta T. (2011) « Beyond the functional / pleasurable split : User Experience with Conceptual Design Tools », in C. M. Herr, N. Gu, S. Roudavsky, M. A. Schnabel (eds.), Circuit Bending, Breaking and Mending: Pro-ceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2011, Newcastle, Australia, Avril 2011, pp. 291-300.
- Pérez E. and Dorta T. (2011) « Assessment of Design Tools for Ideation », in C. M. Herr, N. Gu, S. Roudavsky, M. A. Schnabel (eds.), Circuit Bending, Breaking and Mending: Pro-ceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia CAADRIA 2011, Newcastle, Australia, Avril 2011, pp. 429-438.
- Dorta T., Lesage A., Pérez E. and Bastien J.M. C. (2010) « Signs of Collaborative Ideation and the Hybrid Ideation Space », in Design Creativity 2010, Taura, T. et Nagai, Y. (Éds.) ICDC2010. Kobe, Japon. Springer, 2010, pp. 199-206.
- Robert, J-M. and Lesage, A. (2010) “From Usability to User Experience with Interactive Systems”, in Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction G.A. Boy (Ed.) Ashgate, U.K., pp. 303-320.
- Robert, J-M. and Lesage, A. (2010) “Designing and Evaluating User Experience”, in Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction G.A. Boy (Ed.) Ashgate, U.K., pp. 321-338.
- Dorta, T., Lesage, A. and Pérez, E. (2009) “Design tools and collaborative ideation“, in Joining languages, cultures and vision, CAADFutures 2009, Tidafi, T. et Dorta, T. (Eds.) PUM, Montréal.
- Dorta, T. (2008) “Design Flow and Ideation”, in International Journal of Architectural Computing, Volume 06 Number 03, pp. 299-316.
- Dorta, T., Lesage, A. and Pérez, E. (2008) “Point and Sketch: Collaboration in the Hybrid Ideation Space”, in ACM Interaction humain machine : 20 ans d’interaction homme-machine francophone : De l’interaction à la fusion entre l’humain et la technologie, Bastien, C. et Carbonell, N. (Eds.) IHM 2008. Metz, France, September 2008, pp. 129-136.
- Lesage, A. and Dorta, T. (2008) “Au-delà de l’utilisabilité : L’autotélie”, inACM Interaction humain machine : 20 ans d’interaction homme-machine francophone : De l’interaction à la fusion entre l’humain et la technologie, Bastien, C. and Carbonell, N. (Eds.) IHM 2008. Metz, France, September 2008, pp. 147-150.
- Dorta, T., Pérez, E. and Lesage, A. (2008) “The Ideation Gap: Hybrid tools, Design flow and Practice”, in Design Studies. Volume 29 Number 2, pp. 121-141.
- Dorta, T. (2007) “Implementing and Assessing the Hybrid Ideation Space: a Cognitive Artifact for Conceptual Design”, in International Journal of Design Sciences and Technology. Volume 14 Number 2, pp. 119-133.
- Dorta, T. (2007) “Ideation and Design Flow through the Hybrid Ideation Space”, in Communication in the Visual Society, SIGRADI 2007. Mexico D.F., October 2007, pp. 418-422. (best paper)
- Dorta, T. (2007) “Augmented Sketches and Models: The Hybrid Ideation Space as a Cognitive Artifact for Conceptual Design”, in Digital Thinking in Architecture, Civil Engineering, Archaeology, Urban Planning and Design: Finding the Ways, De Paoli, G., Zreik, K. et Beheshti, R. (Eds.) EuropIA 11. Montréal, September 2007, pp. 251-264.
- Dorta, T. (2006) “¿Virtualidad y creación? El vacío del ordenador en el diseño conceptual”, in Temes de Disseny, Elisava. Barcelona, Vol. 23, pp. 163-173.Spanish, English and Catalán.
- Dorta, T. and Pérez, E. (2006) ” Immersive Drafted Virtual Reality: a new approach for ideation within virtual reality”, in Synthetic Landscapes, Luhan, G.; Anzalone, P.; Cabrinha, M. and Clarke, C. (Eds.) ACADIA 2006. Louisville, Kentucky, October 2006, pp. 304-316.
- Dorta, T. and Pérez, E. (2006) “Hybrid modeling: revaluing manual action for 3D modeling”, in Synthetic Landscapes, Luhan, G.; Anzalone, P.; Cabrinha, M. and Clarke, C. (Eds.) ACADIA 2006. Louisville, Kentucky, October 2006, pp. 392-402.
- Dorta, T. (2006) “Vers la maîtrise du virtuel à travers le réel : un nouvel usage de l’informatique en design”, in ACM Interaction humain machine : Nouveaux espaces d’interaction, Robert, J-M.; Desmarais, M and Lecolinet, E. (Eds.) IHM 2006. Montréal, April 2006, pp. 131-138.
- Dorta, T. (2005) “Hybrid Modeling : Manual and digital media in the first steps of the design process”, in Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms, Duarte, J.; Ducla-Soares, G and Sampaïo, Z. (Eds.) eCAADe 2005. Lisbon, September 2005, pp. 819-827.
- Dorta, T. (2005) &
- Environmental Planning and Design
- Design
- Game Design
- Architecture
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering and Software Engineering
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Education
- Media and Visual Arts
- General Surgery
- Chemistry
- Mining Engineering and Geological Engineering
- Oceanography
- Pharmacy
Areas of expertise
- Codesign and collaborative design
- Sustainable design (Ecodesign)
- Architectural design
- Design
- Interaction design
- Game design
- Industrial design
- Design and health
- Graphic design
- Video games
- Innovation process
- Computer-aided design
- Man-machine interface
- Creativity
- User-centered system design
- 2D and 3D modelling