Health Sciences
Paul Brassard
epidemiologie, recherche participative, controle des maladies infectieuses, acces aux services
Secondary number:
514 340-7563
(Travail 1)
Secondary email:
Research expertise
Division epidemiologie clinique, centre universitaire de sante McGill
BSc Biologie, MSc Parasitologie, MSc Epidemiologie, MD, FRCPC
Medecin specialiste en Sante publique et Medecine preventive
Épidemiologie clinique CUSM et Hopital General Juif.
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Professeur agregé, Faculté de médecine, Université McGill
Teaching and supervision
Student supervision
Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)
The Hygiene Hypothesis and the risk of Crohn’s disease : a case-control study utilizing prospectively-collected exposure data from an administrative database
Graduate : Springmann, Vicky
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Caractérisation épidémiologique de la maladie de Crohn au Québec
Graduate : Lowe, Anne-Marie
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Publications and presentations
- Pharmacy
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Infectious Diseases
- Community medicine
- Public Health
Areas of expertise
- Neoplasms
- Ethnocultural communities
- Biological determinants of health
- Health determinants
- Epidemiology
- Incidence (Epidemiology)
- Infections
- Infectious Diseases
- Clinical medicine
- Preventive medicine
- Organization of primary care services
- Pharmacoepidemiology
- Prevention
- Community health
- Population’s health
- Public health
- Americas
- Arctic