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Strategic Initiatives

The Innovation Lab is an initiative of the Vice-Rectorate for Research, Discovery, Creation and Innovation and of the Vice-Rectorate for Student Affairs and Studies, based on UdeM's 10 sectors of excellence.

Its objective is to support UdeM faculties in order toFacilitate the networking of researchers from different units; Support the launch of new major intersectoral initiatives to address major societal challenges.


Érudit is an inter-university consortium that provides research and cultural communities with a wide range of services in digital publishing and dissemination. The Érudit platform——is the leading digital dissemination platform of SSH research in Canada.

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IVADO is an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral consortium for research, training and knowledge mobilization whose mission is to develop and promote AI that is robust, reasoned and responsible. Led by Université de Montréal with four university partners (Polytechnique Montréal, HEC Montréal, Université Laval, and McGill University), IVADO brings together research centers, government bodies and industry members to co-build ambitious cross-sectoral initiatives with the goal of fostering a paradigm shift for AI and its adoption.


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The Consortium Santé Numérique aims to ensure coordination and exchanges between the structures of the entire Université de Montréal network involved in the field of digital health. The Consortium Santé Numérique promotes links with external stakeholders.

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One Health refers to an integrated and unifying approach that aims to balance and sustainably optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems. It recognizes that human health, domestic and wild animal health, plant health, and the health of the broader environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and interdependent. The approach mobilizes multiple sectors, discipline, and communities at different levels of society to work together to support human, animal, and ecosystem health.


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The Courtois Institute aims to transform scientific research by focusing on undirected fundamental research and providing it with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The Institute provides a space for exchange between leading theoretical and experimental approaches to research on the properties of matter. This innovation-friendly ecosystem brings together both renowned researchers and promising young researchers. Gathered within the MIL campus of the Université de Montréal, these scientists converge to push the limits of knowledge.


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The Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence was launched on November 3, 2017 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal during the Responsible AI Forum. It aims to spark public debate and propose a progressive and inclusive direction for AI development.

Video of the launch

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