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The Université de Montréal (UdeM) is sensitive to the issues of accessibility in regards to the content of its websites and is committed to the continued promotion and improvement of accessibility across its websites to increase ease-of-use for all individuals, with and without disabilities.

This site complies with the following standard : Standard sur l'accessibilité des sites Web (SGQRI 008 2.0 - PDF 142 Ko).

New content and developments that have been implemented from April 29, 2024, comply with the latest version of this standard : Standard sur l'accessibilité des sites Web (SGQRI 008 3.0).

Programming and technologies

This website uses the HTML5 markup language, the JavaScript programming language, and CSS style sheets to separate content from presentation. The site was developed using the Typo3 Content Management System.

Structure and presentation

  • Pages follow a hierarchical structure.
  • High contrast between text and background creates a comfortable reading experience.
  • This site does not use frames.
  • The use of tables in the site layout is limited.
  • All informative images feature with a textual equivalent.
  • Animations employ no light fluctuation or flickering at speed higher than three per second.

Main provisions

  • Pages and menus follow a hierarchical structure.
  • Pages and documents have titles describing their function or purpose.
  • A page title appear in the browser tab, identify the page when it is added to favorites or when it appears in search engine results.
  • Menus are used in a coherent and homogeneous way on all the pages of the site.
  • Links, buttons, images, and other components used are consistently and meaningfully labeled.
  • The use of tables in the layout of the site is limited.
  • Where possible, informative images (by opposition to decorative images) are accompanied by alternative (alt) text.
  • The animations do not use any light fluctuation, nor any blinking whose rate is greater than three times a second.
  • Color contrasts between a text and its background are Level AA compliant and have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 (or 3:1 for large text).


  • Navigational mechanisms are consistent throughout the site.
  • The Main Menu is readable without JavaScript and includes tags from list items.
  • Users can navigate through the site using the arrow keys or tab key on their keyboard.
  • Pages will not auto-refresh and context will not change without user action.
  • The site does not include keyboard shortcuts.


For any questions regarding the content or information presented on this site, if you need technical assistance when browsing this site (for example if you cannot access certain content using adaptive technologies ), or if you have difficulty filling out a form appearing on this site, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance.