Olivier Ferlatte
- Professeur agrégé
École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive
Olivier Ferlatte est professeur agrégé au département de médecine sociale et préventive à l’École de santé publique de l’Université de Montréal et chercheur régulier au Centre de Recherche en Santé Publique (CreSP). Il est titulaire d’un baccalauréat en sexologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal et d’une maitrise et d’un doctorat en santé publique de l’Université Simon Fraser en Colombie-Britannique. Ses travaux de recherche sont axés sur la relation entre la stigmatisation, la consommation de substance et la santé mentale chez les communautés 2S/LGBTQIA+. Il est un expert reconnu sur les syndémies et sur l’approche intersectionnelle, et les conclusions de ses travaux de recherche ont influencé des politiques ainsi que le développement de programmes visant à améliorer la santé des personnes 2S/LGBTQIA+. Ses travaux scientifiques sont basés sur plusieurs méthodologies (qualitative, quantitative, méthode artistique, approches mixtes) et sont motivés par un intérêt particulier pour l’engagement communautaire et la participation des personnes touchés par les inégalités en santé en tant que partenaire de recherche. Mr. Ferlatte est le directeur Qollab, un laboratoire de recherche communautaire et collaboratif sur la santé mentale des personnes 2S/LGBTQIA+. Il détient une bourse salariale Junior 1 du Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé.
Affiliations et responsabilités
Affiliations de recherche
Enseignement et encadrement
Thèses et mémoires dirigés (dépôt institutionnel Papyrus)
La vie sociale et romantique en période de COVID-19 des jeunes hommes gais et bisexuels habitant à Montréal: résultats d'une enquête qualitative
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Overcoming conversion therapy : a qualitative investigation of experiences of survivors
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Projets de recherche
Clinic Mauve – Transforming integrated care and the health workforce for LGBTQIA+ migrant and racialized communities
Pride Talk: Informing and evaluating an online suicide prevention intervention for sexual and gender minorities
Our Health: A Community-Based Participatory Study of Sexual and Reproductive Health of Two-Spirit and LGBTQQIA+ People Across Canada
Chemstory: community produced podcasts to broaden knowledge and spark conversations about sex, drugs, prevention, and community
Identifying innovative responses to problematic gambling among LGBTQ2S+ communities in Canada - A mixed methods study
A FOCUS on youth mental health and substance use-related outcomes, inequities and trajectories during COVID-19 and beyond: A mixed-methods study in Canada and France
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) - Colloque Quali 2025 - Favoriser les collaborations intersectorielles et interdisciplinaires dans la recherche qualitative en santé des populations
Cannapix 2.0 : Explorer les besoins et les désirs des jeunes des minorités sexuelles et de genre (18-24 ans) en termes d'interventions de prévention et de réduction des risques liés au cannabis
Identifier et comprendre les iniquités en santé mentale et consommation de substances chez les minorités sexuelles et de genre par une recherche communautaire novatrice
Identifier et comprendre les iniquités en santé mentale et consommation de substances chez les minorités sexuelles et de genre par une recherche communautaire novatrice
2SLGBTQ+ Health Hub: An Intersectional and Interdisciplinary Training and Mentorship Platform
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) - Colloque Quali 2024
Assurer un accès équitable aux services de santé pour les femmes des minorités sexuelles
Community-Centred Responses to 2SLGBTQ+ COVID-19 Mental Health Impacts
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) / I stand out : Exploring resilience and mental health among 2S/LGBTQIA+ youth with cellphilms
Identifying the impact of cannabis use on mental health outcomes among sexual and gender minority youth in British Columbia and Québec
Identifying the impact of cannabis use on mental health
Coping strategies and mental health: quantitative and qualitative insight into the COVID-19 experience in young adults
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec (RRSPQ) - Colloque Quali 2023
2SLGBTQ+ Health Hub: An Intersectional and Interdisciplinary Training and Mentorship Platform
Understanding stigma, minority stress and resilience among sexual and gender minority young adults attending college or university in Québec
ChemStory: community produced podcasts to spark conversations about Chemsex and HIV Prevention
Exploring cannabis use and mental health in sexually and gender diverse youth: A qualitative, community-based study
Le risque suicidaire chez les hommes gais, bisexuels et queer : Comprendre le rôle de l’expression de genre et de la stigmatisation par les pairs - Le Pôle d'expertise et de recherche en santé et bien-être des hommes
Picturing the experiences and perspectives of cannabis use by 2SLGBTQ living with a mental illness in Québec
Sexe et pandémie : Comprendre comment les hommes gais et bisexuels adaptent leurs comportements sexuels durant la crise du Covid-19
Publications et communications
Publications récentes
- Ortiz-Paredes, D.*, Chanady, T.*, Wassef, K.*, Knight, R., & Ferlatte, O. (2024). ‘I created my own access:’ understanding mental healthcare access experiences among LGTBQ + youth who use cannabis in Canada. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2024.2340090
- Karmann, J.*, Handlovsky, I., Moullec, G., Frohlich, K.L., Hébert, R., & Ferlatte, O. (2024). Understanding the Experiences of COVID-19 Public Health Measures and Well-Being: A Qualitative Study Among Older Adults in Quebec, Canada. Qualitative Health Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323241232928 (Publié en ligne le 5 mars 2024)
- Handlovsky, I., Amato, A., Wonsiak, T., Ferlatte, O., Kia, H., & Oliffe, J. (2024). Cultivating Psychological Well-Being amongst Older Gay Men: A Qualitative Exploration. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 100403. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2024.100403
- Handlovsky, I., Amato, A.T., Ferlatte, O., Kia, H., Gagnon, M., & Worthington, C. (2024). Examining the Influence of Pre-HAART Experiences on Older, Self-Identifying Gay Men’s Contemporary Constructions of Quality of Life (QOL): A Canadian Perspective. Journal of Homosexuality, 71(8), 1880–1899. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2023.2212100
- Kia, H., Kenney, K.A., Abramovich, A., Ferlatte, O., MacKinnon, K.R., & Knight, R. (2023). “Nowhere else to be found”: Drawing on peer support experiences among transgender and gender-diverse people to substantiate community-driven gender-affirming care. Social Science & Medicine, 116406. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2023.116406
- Cooper, S.*, Péloquin, T.*, Lachowsky, N.J., Salaway, T., Oliffe, J.L., Klassen, B. Brennan, D.J., Houle, J., & Ferlatte, O. (2023). Conformity to Masculinity Norms and Mental Health Outcomes Among Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Two-Spirit, and Queer Men and Non-Binary Individuals. American Journal of Men’s Health, 17(5), 15579883231206618. https://doi.org/10.1177/15579883231206618
- Salway, T., Kinitz, D.J., Kia, H., Ashley, F., Giustini, D., Tiwana, A., Archibald, R., Mallakzadeh, A., Dromer, E.*, Ferlatte, O., Goodyear, T., & Abramovich, A. (2023). A systematic review of the prevalence of lifetime experience with ‘conversion’ practices among sexual and gender minority populations. PLoS One, 16(6), e0252539. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291768
- Gingras-Lacroix, G., Guilmette, D., Tremblay, G., Ferlatte, O., Brodeur, N., Labra, O., Houle, J., Roy, P., & Dionne, É. (2023). L’utilisation de l’intervention psychosociale à distance auprès des hommes: quel est l’état des connaissances? Santé mentale au Québec, 48(1), 69–93. https://doi.org/10.7202/1106396ar
- Coulaud, P.J., Jesson, J., Bolduc, N., Ferlatte, O., Bandrand, K., Salway, T., Jauffret-Roustide, M., & Knight, R. (2023). Association between level of compliance with COVID-19 public health measures and depressive symptoms: a cross-sectional survey of young adults in Canada and France. Plos One 18(8), e0289547. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0289547
- Banerjee, A. T., Tan, A., Boston‑Fisher, N., Dubois, C.-A., LaFontaine, A., Cloos, P., Vissandjee, B., Adams, J., Hafeez, H., Bumba, S., Kernisan, K., Ferlatte, O., Razack, S., McKenna Edwards, M., & Evans, T. (2023). Embedding anti‑racism in Schools of Public Health: a pathway to accountability for progress towards equity. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 114(5), 872-877. https://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-023-00796-z
- Ferlatte, O., Gareau, E.*, Poirier, A., Salway, T., Morgan, J., Gaudette, M.*, Knight, R., & Lachowsky, N. (2023). Workplace Discrimination as a Social Determinants of Health among Gay, Bisexual and other Men who have Sex with Men. Annals of LGBTQ Public and Population Health, 4(4), 384-403. https://doi.org/10.1891/LGBTQ-2021-0052
- Kia, H., Kenney, K., MacKinnon, K.R., Abramovich, A., Salway, T., Ferlatte, O., Knight, R., Charles, G. & Marshall, S.H. (2023). “It saves lives”: peer support and resilience in transgender and gender diverse communities. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100264. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100264
- Fortin, G.*, Gagnon-Dufresne, M., Cooper, S., Ferlatte, O., & Zinszer, K. (2023). Global health and the urban poor: mobilising adolescents for sustainable cities and communities. BMJ Global Health, 8:e012624. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2023-012624
- Karmann, J.*, Handlovsky, I., Lu, S.*, Moullec, G., Frohlich, K. L., & Ferlatte, O. (2023). Resilience among older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A photovoice study. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100256
- Handlovsky, I., Wonsiak, T., Amato, A.T., Halpin, M., Ferlatte, O., & Kia, H. (2023). Between two pandemics: Older Gay Men’s experience across HIV/AIDS and COVID-19. SSM- Qualitative research in Health, 3, 100233. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100233
- Dhari, S., Oliffe, J.L., Goodyear, T., Ferlatte, O., McAuliffe, C., & Jenkins, E. (2023). Anchoring to life: A photovoice study of the resiliencies among sexual and gender minority women post-suicide attempt. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 3, 100219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100219
- Coulaud, P.J., Salway, T., Jesson, J., Bolduc, N., Ferlatte, O., Bertrand, K., Desgrées du Loû, A., Jenkins, E., Jauffret-Roustide, M., & Knight, R. (2023). Moderation of the association between COVID-19-related income loss and depression by receipt of financial support: Repeated cross-sectional surveys of young adults in Canada and France (2020-2021). SSM – Population Health, 21, 101340. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2023.101340
- Gaudette, M.*, Hesse, C., Kia, H., Chanady, T.*, Carson, A., Knight, R., & Ferlatte, O. (2023). “A Double-Edged Sword”: Health Professionals’ Perspectives on the health and social impacts of gay dating apps on young gay, bisexual, trans and queer men. Journal of Sex Research, 60(5), 656-667. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2022.2153786
- Coulaud, P.J., Jesson, J., Bolduc, N., Ferlatte, O., Jenkins, E., Bertrand, K., Salway, T., Jauffret-Roustide, M., & Knight, R. (2023). Young Adult’s Mental Health and Unmet Service Needs in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic across Canada and France. Community Mental Health Journal, 59:222-232. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10597-022-01000-1
- Goodyear, T., Ferlatte, O., Fast, D., Salway, T., Jenkins, E., Robinson, S., & Knight, R. (2022). Using photovoice to understand experiences of opioid use among sexual and gender minority youth in Vancouver, Canada. Culture, Health and Sexuality., 25(5):599-616. http://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2022.2079153
- Dromer, E.*, Ferlatte, O., Goodyear, T., Kinitz, D.J., & Salway, T. (2022). Overcoming conversion therapy: A qualitative investigation of experiences of survivors. SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 2 100194. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmqr.2022.100194
- Salway, T., Rich, A.J., Ferlatte, O., Gesink, D., Ross, L.E., Bränström, R., Sadr, A., Khan, S., Grennan, T., Shokoohi, M., Brennan, D.J., & Gilbert, M. (2022). Preventable mortality among sexual minority Canadians. SSM – Population Health, 101276. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101276
- Michaelsen, M., Nombro, E., Djiofack, H., Ferlatte, O., Vissandjée, B., & Zarowsky, C. (2022). Looking at COVID-19 effects on intimate partner violence and sexual violence in Canada through a feminist political economy lens: a qualitative study. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 113:567-877. http://doi.org/10.17269/s41997-022-00673-1
- Ferlatte, O., Handlovsky, I., Ridge, D., Chanady, T.*, Knight, R., & Oliffe, J.L. (2022). Understanding stigma and suicidality among gay men living with HIV: A photovoice project, SSM – Qualitative Research in Health, 2:100112. http://doi.org/10.1080/09540121.2017.1290762
- Salway, T., Black, S., Kennedy, A., Watt, S., Ferlatte, O., Gaspar, M., Knight, R., & Gilbert, M. (2022). “Syndemic moral distress”: Sexual health provider practices in the context of co-occurring, socially produced sexual and mental health epidemics. BMC Public Health, 22: 750. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-022-08149-1
- Handlovsky, I., Ferlatte, O., Kia, H., Knight, R., Broom, A., & Oliffe, J. (2022). Processes underpinning survival in gay men living with HIV and a history of suicidality. Sociology of Health & Illness, 44 (7), 1132-1148. http://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9566.13500
- Goodyear, T., Kinitz, D.J., Dromer, E.*, Gesink, D., Ferlatte, O., Knight, R., & Salway, T. (2022). “They want you to kill your inner queer but somehow leave the human alive”: Delineating the impacts of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts. Journal of Sex Research, 59(5), 599-609. https://doi.org/10.1080/00224499.2021.1910616
- Ferlatte, O., Karmann, J.*, Gariépy, G., Frohlich, K.L., Moullec, G., Lemieux, V., & Hébert, R. (2022). Virtual photovoice with older adults: methodological reflections during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 21, 1-10. http://doi.org/10.1177/16094069221095656
- Hill, A.O., Lyons, A., Power, J., Amos, N., Ferlatte, O., Jones, J., Carman, M., & Bourne, A. (2022). Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, queer and asexual youth: Differential impacts of sexual orientation, verbal, physical, or sexual harassment or assault, conversion practices, family or household religiosity, and school experience. LGBT Health, 9(5): 313-324. https://doi.org/10.1089/lgbt.2021.0270
- Michaelsen, M., Djiofack, H., Nombro, E., Ferlatte, O., Vissandjée, B., & Zarowsky, C. (2022). Service Provider perspectives on how COVID-19 and pandemic restrictions have affected intimate partner and sexual violence survivors in Canada: A qualitative study. BMC women’s Health, 22, 111. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12905-022-01683-4
- Kinitz, D. J., Salway, T., Kia, H., Ferlatte, O., Rich, A. J., & Ross, L. E. (2022). Health of two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people experiencing poverty in Canada: a review. Health Promotion International, 37 (1), daab057. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daab057
- Kia, H., Grace, D., Strike, C., Ferlatte, O., Knight, R., Salway, T., & Ross, L.E. (2022). “They Haven’t Made a Slot for us Yet”: Conceptualizing the Health Care and Social Service Needs of Older Gay Men Living with HIV. Journal of Homosexuality, 69(2), 332-355. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daab057
- Kia, H., Salway, T., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Ferlatte, O., & Ross, L.E. (2022). “You could tell I said the wrong things”: Constructions of sexual identity among older gay men in healthcare settings. Qualitative Health Research, 32(2), 255-266. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497323211050373
- Kinitz, D.J., Goodyear, T., Dromer, E.*, Gesink, D., Ferlatte, O., Knight, R., & Salway, T. (2022). “Conversion therapy” experiences in their social contexts: A qualitative study of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression change efforts in Canada. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 67(6), 441-451. https://doi.org/10.1177/07067437211030498
- Salway, T., Juwono, S., Klassen, B., Ferlatte, O., Ablona, A., Pruden, H., Morgan, J., Kwag, M., Card, K., Knight, R., & Lachowsky, N. (2021). Experiences with sexual orientation and gender identity conversion therapy practices among sexual minority men in Canada, 2019-2020. Plos One, 16(6): e0252539. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252539
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