François Prince
Biomécanique, sport, posture et locomotion, athlètes paralympiques
- Professeur titulaire
Faculté de médecine - Département de chirurgie
Research expertise
Biomécanique de la performance dans les sports olympique et paralympique. Ergonomie du geste chirurgical. Développement, maturation et dégénérescence des systèmes de contrôle de la posture et de la locomotion chez les enfants, les adultes, les personnes âgées.
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05-11-2017 Marathon, les raisons de la domination kenyane
Depuis 2010, les coureurs et coureuses kényans ont remporté un total combiné de neuf victoires lors du célèbre marathon de New York, dont la 47e édition a lieu ce matin. Professeur aux départements de kinésiologie et de chirurgie de l’Université de Montréal, François Prince s’est rendu plusieurs fois dans le berceau kényan pour y trouver des explications à cette domination.
29-03-1999 Prévoir les chutes des personnes âgées
François Prince a mis au point une machine qui mesure le processus d'équilibre.
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Teaching and supervision
Student supervision
Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)
Analyses biomécaniques de l'interaction acrobate-équipement de cirque dans la performance acrobatique en planche coréenne
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Is preoperative physical function testing predictive of length of stay in patients with colorectal cancer? : a retrospective study
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Understanding the underlying biomechanical mechanisms and strategies in dysvascular lower-limb amputees during Gait Initiation : implications for Gait analysis
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
L’analyse biomécanique du sprint sur ergomètre non-motorisé : interaction entre les asymétries cinétiques et cinématiques lors d’un sprint de 40 verges
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Relations entre la mobilité, la condition physique et les fonctions cognitives dans une perspective de vieillissement sain
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Impact des troubles musculosquelettiques sur les mécanismes du contrôle postural chez les adolescents-hockeyeurs de niveau élite et intervention en Reconstruction Posturale®
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Contrôle postural et intégration sensorielle chez l’enfant en santé, chez l’adolescent atteint du syndrome Gilles de la Tourette ainsi que chez l’adulte atteint de la maladie de Huntington
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Interactions entre le sommeil, l’attention et le contrôle postural chez des sujets jeunes et âgés
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Évaluation biomécanique de la locomotion à la suite d'une arthroplastie de la hanche
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Complexe d'épaule dans un contexte d'analyse tridimentionnel - Modélisation et mise en garde
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Asymétries à la marche chez les adolescents atteints de scoliose idiopathique
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Analyse du contrôle postural en station debout chez les adolescentes saines et les adolescentes atteintes d'une scoliose idiopathique
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Contrôle postural et patron locomoteur à la suite d'une arthroplastie de la hanche : effet du type de prothèse
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Évaluation de la stabilité posturale en fauteuil roulant chez les enfants atteints d'un déficit moteur cérébral : description clinique et validation d'un outil de mesure
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Analyses comparatives des stratégies musculaires et des co-contractions chez des enfants sains et amputés trans-tibiaux lors de tâches dynamiques des membres inférieurs
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Comparaison du patron locomoteur entre les patients ayant subi une arthroplastie de resurfaçage de la hanche et les sujets contrôles
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Le rôle des entrées auditives dans les mécanismes de régulation posturale : analyse biomécanique
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
La différence dans les performances visuo-spatiales des résidents en chirurgie et celles d'un groupe contrôle
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Analyse cinétique et cinématique de la locomotion chez les enfants atteints d'un déficit moteur cérébral : comparaison de l'orthèse tibiale fixe et articulée
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Comparaison des paramètres cinématiques et cinétiques lors de la locomotion chez des enfants obèses et non-obèses
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Analyse de la marche chez les adolescents sains et atteints de scoliose idiopathique : une étude cinétique et cinématique intégrée
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Aspects of postural alignment and postural control relevant for the evaluation and the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis patients
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Contribution à l'évaluation de l'équilibre quasi-statique à l'aide d'une plate-forme de force
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Les effets à court terme d'un programme d'entraînement sur le contrôle de l'équilibre postural des personnes âgées
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Research projects
Impact of specialized proprioceptive and aerobic training on proprioception and postural control in seniors.
Interaction between proprioception and attention in postural control of seniors
Publications and presentations
Winter DA, Prince F, Stergiou P, Powell C. 1993. Partitioning of Medio-Lateral and Anterior-Posterior motor responses associated with center of pressure changes in quiet standing. Neurosc Res Comm, 12:141-148.
Prince F, Winter DA, Stergiou P, Walt SE. 1994. Anticipatory control of upper body balance during human locomotion. Gait Posture, 2:19-25.
Prince F, Winter DA, Sjonnesen G, Wheeldon RK. 1994. A new technique for the calculation of the energy, stored, lost, and recovered in different ankle-foot prostheses. IEEE Trans Rehabil Eng, 2:247-255.
Winter DA, Prince F, Powell C, Frank J. 1996. A Unified Theory regarding A/P and M/L Balance during Quiet Standing. J Neurophysiol, 75:2334-2343.
Prince F, Corriveau H, Hébert R, Winter DA. 1997. Gait in the elderly: A review. Gait Posture, 5:128-135.
Prince F, Winter DA, Sjonnesen G. 1998. Mechanical efficiency during gait of adults with transtibial amputation: a pilot study comparing the SACH, Seattle, and Golden-Ankle prosthetic feet. J Rehabil Res Dev, 35, 2:177-185.
Winter, DA, Patla AE, Prince F, Ishac M, Gielo-Perczak K. 1998. Stiffness control of balance in quiet standing. J Neurophysiol, 80:1211-1221
Archer SE, Winter DA, Prince F, Frank JS, Patla AE. 1998. The initiation of gait in young, elderly and Parkinson's disease subjects. Gait Posture, 8:8-14
Blaszczyk J, Prince F, Raîche M, Hébert R. 2000. Effect of visual input on limb load symmetry during quiet stance in the elderly subjects. J Biomech, 33: 1243-1248.
Corriveau H, Hébert R, Prince F, Raîche M. 2000. Intrasession reliability of COP-COM variable of postural stability in healthy elderly. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 81:45-48.
Sadeghi H, Allard P, Shafie K, Mathieu PA, Sadeghi S, Prince F, Ramsay J. 2000. Reduction of gait data variability using curve registration. Gait Posture, 12:257-264.
Raîche M, Hébert R, Prince F, Corriveau H. 2000. Screening older adults at risk of falling with the Tinetti scale. LANCET, 356:1001-1002.
Corriveau H, Prince F, Hébert R, Raîche M, Tessier D, Maheux P, Ardilouze J-L. 2000. Evaluation of postural stability in the elderly with diabetic neuropathy. Diab Cares, 23:1187-1191.
Sadeghi H, Prince F, Allard P. 2000. Symmetry and limb dominance in able-bodied gait. A review. Gait Posture, 12:34-45.
Sadeghi H, Prince F, Sadeghi S, Allard P. 2001. Principal component analysis of the power developed in the flexion/extension muscle of the hip in able-bodied gait. Biomed Eng Phys, 22:703-710.
Corriveau H, Prince F, Raîche M, Hébert R. 2001. Postural control in the elderly: an analysis of the test-retest and interrater reliability of the COP-COM variable. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 82:80-85.
Sadeghi H, Prince F, Zabjek KF, Allard P. 2001. Sagittal hip muscle power during walking in old and young able-bodied men. J Ag Phys Act, 9:172-183.
Sadeghi H, Sadeghi S, Prince F, Allard P, Labelle H,Vaughan CL. 2001. Functional roles of ankle and hip sagittal muscle moment in able-bodied gait. Clin Biomech, 16:688-695.
Sadeghi H, Prince F, Zabjek KF, Sadeghi S, Labelle H. 2002. Knee flexors/extensors in gait of elderly and young able-bodied men II. Knee, 91:55-63.
McFadyen BJ, Prince F. 2002. The avoidance and accommodation of surface height changes by healthy, community-dwelling, young and elderly men. J Gerontol: Med Sc. 57A:B166-B174.
Lafond D, Corriveau H, Prince F. 2004. Postural control mechanisms during quiet standing in patients with diabetic sensory neuropathy. Diabetes Care, 27:173-8.
Termoz N, Martin L, Prince F. 2004. Assessment of postural response after a self-initiated perturbation. Motor Control, 8:51-63.
Lafond D, Mouchnino L, Prince F. 2004. Tactile stimulation of insoles and balance control in elderly people. LANCET, 363:9402.
Lafond D, Corriveau H, Prince F. 2004. Intrasession reliability of center of pressure measures of postural steadiness in healthy elderly. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 85:896-901.
Sadeghi H, Prince F, Zabjek KF, Labelle H. 2004. Simultaneous, bilateral, and three-dimensional gait analysis of elderly people without impairments. Am J Phys Med & Rehabil, 83:112-23.
Ferry M, Martin L, Termoz N, Côté J, Prince F. 2004. Biomechanical study of balance control during an arm raising. Biol Cyber, 91:104-114.
Lafond D, Duarte M, Prince F. 2004. Comparison of three methods to estimate the center of mass during balance assessment. J Biomech, 37:1421-1426.
Lafond D, Prince F. 2004. Obesity and knee torque and power during level walking. Lettre to Editor, J Biomech, 37:1631-1632.
Corriveau H, Prince F, Hébert R, Raîche M. 2004. Evaluation of postural stability in the elderly with stroke. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 85:1095-1101.
Corriveau H, Prince F, Hébert R, Raîche M, Dubois M.-F. 2004. Postural Stability in the elderly: empirical confirmation of a theoretical model. Arch Geront Geriat, 39:163-177.
Gueguen N, Charbonneau M, Robert G, Coyle T, Prince F, Mouchnino L. 2005. Inter-segmental coordination: motor pattern in humans stepping over an obstacle with mechanical ankle joint friction. J Biomech, 38:1491-1500.
Zabjek KF, Leroux MA, Coillard C, Rivard C-H, Prince F. 2005. Evaluation of segmental postural characteristics during quiet standing in control and Idiopathic Scoliosis patients. Clin Biomech, 205:483-490.
Ayad T, Péloquin L, Prince F. 2005. Ergonomics in endoscopic sinus surgery: a systematic review of literature. J Otolaryno, 345:333-340. Review.
Lacoste M, Therrien M, Côté JN, Shrier I, Labelle H. et Prince F. 2006. Assessment of seated postural control in children: comparison of a force platform versus a pressure mapping system. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 8712:1623-1629.
Nantel J, Brochu M, Prince F. 2006. Locomotor strategies in obese and non-obese children. Obesity, 1410:1789-1794.
Centomo H, Termoz N, Savoie S, Beliveau L, Prince F. 2007. Postural control following a self-initiated reaching task in type 2 diabetic patients and age-matched controls. Gait Posture, 254:509-14.
Centomo H, Amarantini D, Martin L, Prince F. 2007. Muscle adaptation patterns of children with a trans-tibial amputation during walking. Clin Biomech, 224:457-63.
Savoie S, Tanguay S, Centomo H, Beauchamp G, Anidjar M, Prince F. 2007. Postural control during laparoscopic surgical tasks. Am J Surg, 1934:498-501.
Centomo H, Amarantini D, Martin L, Prince F. 2007. Differences in the coordination of agonist and antagonist muscle groups in below-knee amputee and able-bodied children during dynamic exercise. J Electrom Kinesiol, 183:487-94.
Centomo H, Amarantini D, Martin L, Prince F. 2007. Kinematic and kinetic analysis of a stepping-in-place task in below-knee amputee children compared to able-bodied children. IEEE Trans on Neural Syst and Rehabil Eng, 152:258-65.
Termoz N, Halliday SE, Winter DA, Frank JS, Patla AE, Prince F. 2008. The control of upright stance in young, elderly and persons with Parkinson's disease. Gait Posture, 273:463-70.
Zabjek KF, Leroux M, Coillard C, Prince F, Rivard C-H. 2008. Postural characteristics of adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis. J Ped Orthop, 282:218-24
Zabjek KF, Coillard, C Rivard, C-H, Prince, F. 2008. Estimation of the centre of mass for the study of postural control in Idiopathic Scoliosis patients: a comparison of two techniques. Eur Spine J, 173:355-60.
Nantel J, Termoz N, Centomo H, Lavigne M, Vendittoli PA, Prince F. 2008. Postural balance during quiet standing in patients with total hip arthroplasty and surface replacement arthroplasty. Clin Biomech, 234:402-7.
Prince F, +2. 2008. Dans Précis de physiatrie. Les exercices thérapeutiques. Édition Edisem.
Nantel J, Termoz N, Vendittoli PA, Lavigne M, Prince, F. 2009. Gait patterns after total hip arthroplasty and surface replacement arthroplasty. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 903:463-9.
Lacoste M, Therrien M, Prince F. 2009. Stability of children with cerebral palsy in their wheelchair seating: perceptions of parents and therapists. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 4:143-50.
Prince F. 2009. Research in sitting and standing rehabilitation La recherche en rééducation postural assise et debout. Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Eng. 12 S1:11-15.
Shrier I, Meeuwisse WH, Matheson GO, Wingfield K, Steele RJ, Prince F, +2. 2009. Injury patterns and injury rates in the circus arts: an analysis of 5 years of data from Cirque du Soleil. Am J Sp Med, 376:1143-9.
Nantel J, Termoz N, Ganapathi M, Vendittoli P-A, Lavigne M, Prince F. 2009. Postural balance during quiet standing in patients with total hip arthroplasty with large diameter femoral head and surface replacement arthroplasty. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 909:1607-12.
Lavigne M, Therrien M, Nantel J, Roy A, Prince F, Vendittoli P-A. 2010. The John Charnley Award: The Functional Outcome of Hip Resurfacing and Large-head THA Is the Same: A Randomized, Double-blind Study. Clin Orthop Rel Res, 468:326-36.
Nantel J, Mathieu M, Prince F. 2011. Physical activity and obesity: biomechanical and physiological key concepts. J Obesity, 011:650230.
Robillard R, Lanfranchi PA, Prince F, Filipini D, Carrier J. 2011. Sleep deprivation increases blood pressure in healthy normotensive elderly and attenuates the blood pressure response to orthostatic challenge. Sleep, 343:335-9.
Robillard R, Prince F, Boissonneault M, Filipini D, Carrier J. 2011. Effects of increased homeostatic sleep pressure on postural control and their modulation by attentional resources. Clin Neurophysiol, 122:1771-8.
Beaumont E, Beaumont P, Odermat D, Fontaine I, Jansen H, Prince F. 2011. Clinical validation of computer assisted navigation in total hip arthroplasty. J Arthropl Adv Orthop, 171783.
DeBeaumont L, Mongeon D, Tremblay S, Messier J, Prince F, Leclerc S, Lassonde M, Théoret H, 2011. Persistent Motor System Abnormalities in Formerly Concussed Athletes. J Athl Train, 46:234-40.
Robillard R, Prince F, Filipini D. Carrier J. 2011. Aging worsen the effects of sleep deprivation on postural control. PLoS One, 612:e28731.
Bouffard V, Nantel J, Therrien M, Vendittoli P-A, Lavigne M, Prince F. 2011. Center of mass compensation during gait in hip arthroplasty patients : comparison between large diameter head total hip arthroplasty and hip resurfacing. J Rehabil Res Pract, 586412.
Prince F. Bouffard V. 2012. Peri-operative exercise training program for hip arthroplasty: the effect on locomotion. Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Eng, Suppl 1:319-20.
Champagne A, Prince F, Bouffard V, Lafond D. 2012. Balance, falls-related self-efficacy, and psychological factors amongst older women with chronic low back pain : a preliminary case-control study. J Rehabil Res Pract, 430374.
Bouffard V, Begon M, Champagne A, Farhadnia P, Vendittoli P-A, Lavigne M, Prince F. 2012. Hip joint center localisation : A biomechanical application to hip arthroplasty population. World J Orthopeadics, 38:131-6.
Michaud B, Jackson MI, Prince F, Begon M. 2014. Can one angle be simply substracted from another to determine range of motion in three-dimensional motion analysis ? Comp Meth Biomech Biomed Eng, 175:507-15.
Ballaz L, Robert M, Parent A, Prince F, Lemay M. 2014. Impaired visually guided weight-shifting ability in children with cerebral palsy. Res Dev Disabil. 359:1970-7.
Blanchet M, Prince F, Chouinard S, Messier J. 2014. Postural stability limits in manifest and premanifest Huntington’s disease under different sensory conditions. J Neurosc, 279:102-12.
Messier J, Bergeron S, Morin V, Tremblay J, Prince, F. 2015. Mieux vivre avec le Parkinson. L’exercice physique. Trousse du formateur, Société de Parkinson, 60p.
Radhakrishna M, Steuer I, Prince F, Roberts M, Mongeon D, Kia M, Dyck S, Matte G, Vaillancourt M, Guertin, PA. 2017. Double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized Phase I/IIa study safety and efficacy with Buspirone/Levodopa/Carbidopa SpinalonTM in subjects with complete AIS A or motor-complete AIS B spinal cord injury. Current Pharmaceut Des, 2312:1789-1804.
Roberts M, Mongeon D, Prince F. 2017. Biomechanical parameters for gait analysis: a systematic review of healthy human gait. Phys Ther & Rehabil, 46:1-17.
Bolduc-Bégin J, Prince F, Christopoulos A, Ayad T. 2018. Work-related musculoskeletal symptoms amongst otolaryngologists and head and neck surgeons in Canada. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngology, 2751:261-267.
Cardical O, Prince F, Bébard S, Benveniste O, Hudson M. 2018. Dermoskeletics to preserve mobility and function in inclusion body myositis. Neurology, 16;9116:760
Mouchnino L, Prince F. 2018. L’engagement de l’élève en EPS: Déterminants neuro-biomécaniques. Dans: L’engagement de l’élève en EPS. D’une approche pluridisciplinaire aux perspectives profesionnelles. Maxime Travert, Olivier Rey Éd., Édition ÉP&S, no. 85.
Blanchet M, Prince F, Messier J. 2019. Development of postural stability limits: anteroposterior and mediolateral postural adjustment mechanisms do not follow the same maturation process. Hum Mov Sc, 63:164-171.
- Kinesiology
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomedical Engineering
- Physical Education
- Ergonomics
- Geriatrics
- Neurosciences
Areas of expertise
- Locomotor Activity / Movement Disorders
- Physiology
- Infant / Child Development
- Life Cycles ( Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, etc.)
- Age and Risk Factors
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