Health Sciences
Dickens Saint-Vil
Chirurgie pédiatrique : pathologies congénitales, traumatiques et générales
- Professeur titulaire
Faculté de médecine - Département de chirurgie
Secondary numbers:
514 345-4688
(Travail 1)
514 345-4879
(Travail 2)
Secondary email:
Research expertise
Chirurgie pédiatrique.
Affiliations and responsabilities
Teaching and supervision
Publications and presentations
- General Surgery
- Pediatrics
Areas of expertise
- Breast Feeding and Infant Nutrition
- Congenital Anomalies
- Intrauterine Developmental Abnormalities
- Autism (Child, Youth and Maternal Health)
- Prenatal and Neonatal Screening
- Social Determinants of Child and Youth Development
- Cognitive Development in Children
- Infant / Child Development
- Liver
- Gestation / Parturition
- Hepatic Diseases
- Drugs and Pregnancy / Breast Feeding
- Newborn Respiratory Diseases
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Transplantation and Graft Rejection
- Prenatal and Perinatal Trauma
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