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Health Sciences; Medical Sciences

Francine M. Ducharme

Asthme pédiatrique : recherche clinique et transfert des connaissances

Professeure titulaire

Faculté de médecine - Département de pédiatrie

Professeure titulaire

École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive

Secondary number: 514 345-4931 #4398 (Travail 1)


Research expertise

Les travaux de recherche de Dr Francine M. Ducharme portent sur l'amélioration du traitement, de la prise en charge et de la morbidité de l'asthme pédiatrique. Ceci s’est fait par le biais du développement d’instruments cliniques et de recherche spécifiques aux enfants, des études testant des interventions éducatives et médicamenteuses, les revues systématiques d’essais randomisés, la dissémination des lignes directrices basées sur les preuves scientifiques et le développement d’interventions visant à améliorer l’adhérence des professionnels de la santé, les patients et leur famille aux lignes directrices. 

Intérêts de recherche

  • Asthme pédiatrique
  • Efficacité et profil de tolérance des interventions pour l’asthme pédiatrique
  • Élaboration d’instruments pour les enfants asthmatiques d’âge préscolaire
  • Revues systématiques des essais contrôlés randomisés
  • Épidémiologie clinique (plan et méthodes)
  • Transfert des connaissances


M.Sc. 1990 Epidemiology and Biostatistics

McGill University, Montréal (Canada)

Supervisor: Dr. Michael S. Kramer

Thesis topic: Predictive factors of relapse following an emergency

department visit for acute pediatric asthma.

Specialist June 1982 Residence in paediatrics

Ste-Justine Hospital

University of Montreal, Montreal (Canada)

M.D. 1982

University of Montreal, Montreal (Canada)

Awards and recognitions

Most recent awards

2023                 Invited Professor for the 2023 Brian J. Sproule Lectureship in recognition of an indvidual’s outstanding contribution as medical pioneer, innovator and caregiver in respiratory health. Research Centre, University of Calgary, Edmonton, Canada

2023                 2023 Jeffrey M. Drazen, M.D., Visiting Professorship, Harvard Medical School, in recognition of an individual’s outstanding contribution to the advancement of respiratory science.

2023                 Recipient of the 2023 CIHR-ICRH/CTS Distinguished Lecturer Award in Respiratory Sciences [Canadian Institute of Health Research’s Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health and the Canadian Thoracic Society Award in Respiratory Sciences]

                        in recognition of an individual's outstanding contribution to the advancement of respiratory sciences both in Canada and internationally. 

2023                 Awardee of the 2022 Price of excellence of the College of physicians of Quebec. The Award of Excellence honors a physician for his outstanding achievements in the clinical, research or teaching field and whose outstanding contribution makes a significant difference for the medical community or                             the evolution of the profession. 

2022                 Awardee of the 2022 Award of excellence in Research of the Department of Pediatrics. The Award of Excellence honors a physician for his outstanding achievements in research and whose outstanding contribution makes a significant difference for the pediatric community. 

2021                 Nomination for the 2021 Price of excellence of the College of physicians of Quebec. One of the five finalists. The Award of Excellence honors a physician for his outstanding achievements in the clinical, research or teaching field and whose outstanding contribution makes a significant difference                               for the medical community or the evolution of the profession.  


  • 1982 — M.D. — Médecine de familleUniversité de Montréal
  • 1986 — Postdoctorat — PédiatrieUniversité de Montréal
  • 1990 — Maîtrise — Épidémiologie et biostatistiqueCHU Sainte-Justine

Affiliations and responsabilities

Research affiliations

Research units


  • Can Respiratory Research Network (CRRN)
  • Maternal Infant Children Youth Research Network (MCYRN)
  • Pediatric Emergency Research in Canada (PERC)
  • Respiratory Effectiveness Network

Affiliated institutions

  • Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine (CHU Sainte-Justine)

Professional titles and affiliations

Clinical and professional activities

Dr. Ducharme is a full professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Social and Preventive Medicine at the University of Montreal. She is a pediatrician, clinical epidemiologist and head of the asthma clinic at the Center Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine. She has a productive career as a physician caring for children with asthma, as a teacher, research mentor and researcher.

Titles: corporations and professional organizations

Expert member - Scientific committee of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)

Co-Author and expert member - International recommendations on childhood asthma

Expert member - Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG) 

University service and activities

Administrative responsibilities

Chair of the coordinating Committee for Asthma treatment - CHU Sainte-Justine

Chair, Research Committee of the Department of paediatrics

Director, Asthma Clinic - CHU Sainte-Justine

Head of Quebec's inter-hospital network of pediatric asthma clinics

Teaching and supervision Currently recruiting

Recruitment in research Currently recruiting

1. PROJECT TITLE : Biomarker-centred clinical prediction modelling of asthma attacks in pediatric asthma​ 
STUDENT POSITION : Funded post-doctoral position in clinical epidemiology applied to paediatric asthma..


2. PROJECT TITLE : Clinical and pharmacoepidemiological studies on pediatric asthma​
STUDENT POSITION : Funded post-doctoral position in clinical epidemiology applied to pediatric asthma.


3.  PROJECT TITLE : Biomarker-centred clinical prediction modelling of asthma attacks in pediatric asthma​ 
STUDENT POSITION : Funded doctoral  position in clinical epidemiology applied to paediatric asthma..


4. PROJECT TITLE : Impact of vitamin D3 supplementation on viral infections, metabolome, and bone turnover in preschool children

STUDENT POSITION : Funded doctoral position in clinical epidemiology or related sciencesWEB DESCRIPTION: 


5. PROJECT TITLE : Impact of vitamin D3 supplementation on the type of viral infections and their associated viral load in children with asthma

STUDENT POSITION : Funded master position in clinical epidemiology or related sciences


6. PROJECT TITLE : Effects of vitamin D3 supplementation on severity, functional and economic burden of asthma attacks of
young children

STUDENT POSITION : Funded master position in clinical epidemiology or related sciences 


7. PROJECT TITLE : Impact of vitamin D3 supplementation on the bone remodeling in preschool aged children

STUDENT POSITION : Funded master position in clinical epidemiology or related sciences


Student supervision

Post-doctoral Supervision

  • 2020-2022: Banafsheh Hossein.  

    1. Prevention of COVID with Oral Vitamin D Supplemental Therapy.

    2. Vitamin D In the prevention of Viral-induced in preschoolers: a randomized controlled multicenter trial (DIVA trial).

  • 2019 Nicoleta Cutumisu: Investigating the influence of neighbourhood characteristics on asthma outcomes in a cohort of children and adolescents diagnosed with asthma
  • 2018 Cristina Longo: Impact of asthma control in preschoolers on long-term asthma control and health care resource utilisation.
  • 2017 Imane Jroudi : Interdevice agreement in respiratory resistance values by oscillometry in asthmatic children..
  • 2015 Megan E. Jensen: Vitamin D vs. placebo in the prevention of viral-induced exacerbations in preschool aged children with asthma – a pilot RCT.
  • 2012 Annie Gauthier: Exploring barriers to optimal asthma management by physicians.
  • 2013 Bhupendrasinh F. Chauhan: Determinants of the response to oral corticosteroid in children with acute asthma.
  • 2009 Samir Gupta: Online Collaboration Tool for Asthma Action Plan with Usability (OCTAPUS)

Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)


Impact of asthma education and/or specialized asthma care on subsequent morbidity in asthmatic children

Graduate : Mondragon, Pamela
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.

Les facilitateurs et les solutions à la pratique optimale des médecins dans le traitement de l’asthme

Graduate : J. Lamontagne, Alexandrine
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.

Theses and dissertation supervision


  • 2020-present. Asmae El Abd. Impact of vitamin D supplementation in preschool children with repeated asthma attacks on various intermediate response biomarkers
  • 2018 Cristina Longo: Treatment Considerations and Prescribing Issues for Obese Children with Asthma.
  • 2017 François Després: Development and validation of a pharmaco-epidemiology asthma control score specific to children.
  • 2010 Sanjit Kaur Bhogal: Adherence to clinical pratice guidelines for acute asthma in the Emergency Department (Co-supervision with Jean Bourbeau).


  • 2023-present  Harika Dasari - Feasibility, acceptability, and safety of a novel device for self-collecting capillary blood samples in clinical trials in the context of the pandemic and beyond
  • 2022 Wael Abdelmageed - Development of asthma severity thresholds in children using the oscillometric technique (4 month internship)
  • 2022 Andrea Trevisan. Elaboration of severity cut-off values for oscillometry in asthmatic children.  (8 month internship)
  • 2018 Christiane Lawson: A Multifaceted Intervention to Improve Asthma Control via Self-Monitoring and Referral to Guided Management in Children with Repeated Emergency Department Visits for Asthma .
  • 2020 Bennet Desormeau: Clinical Utility of Respiratory Oscillometry Tests as an Addition to clinical assessment in preschool children with asthma.
  • 2018 Pamela Mondragon: Impact of referral of children with acute asthma to the Asthma Education Centre and/or to the Asthma Centre on health care resources and drug utilization..
  • 2017 Joanna Trees-Merckx: Asthma and risk of Emergency Department management failure: burden and impact of variousrespiratory pathogens in a pediatric population.
  • 2017 Roba Bairakdar: Vitamin D intervention in preschoolers with viral-induced asthma (DIVA).
  • 2015 Alexandrine J. Lamontagne: Exploring barriers to optimal asthma management by physicians.
  • 2015 Gladys Osien: The Effect of Excess Weight on Asthma Control among Children.
  • 2008 Maala Bhatt: Validation of an appendicitis score.
  • 2010 Anne-Marie Parent: Determinants of adherence to physician’s recommendations in childhood asthma.


Research projects

2019 - 2024

Determinants of fixed airflow obstruction in children with asthma (Rôle: Chercheuse principale

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Co-researchers : Sze Man Tse , Olivier Drouin , Cristina Longo
Funding sources: (5983)Glaxo Canada Inc (5983)
Grant programs:
2022 - 2023

Élaboration de valeurs seuils de gravité de l’asthme chez l’enfant par la technique d’oscillométrie

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Co-researchers : Helen Trottier
Funding sources: MITACS Inc.
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
2020 - 2023

Prevention of COVID-19 with high dose Oral Vitamin D supplemental Therapy in Essential healthCare Teams (PROTECT)

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Subvention de fonctionnement (COVID-19)
2020 - 2021

Predicting Admission Risk in kids with Asthma (PARKA).

Co-researchers : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:
2020 - 2021

The Paediatric Asthma Database and Biobank of the Sainte-Justine University Hospital Centre.

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: GlaxoSmithKline inc.
Grant programs:
2018 - 2019

Preuve de concept de la mesure de la fonction pulmonaire par la technique de l'occulsion inversée.

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: MEDTEQ - Consortium de recherche et d''innovation en technologies médicales du Québec , Thorasys Thoracic Medical Systems inc.
Grant programs: ,
2017 - 2019

Long-term clinical and financial impact of asthma control during pregnancy and preschool years on disease evolution until adulthood.

Co-researchers : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Subvention d'équipe: réseaux de recherche clinique
2017 - 2019

Improved delivery of respiratory health care services using a metabolomic approach.

Lead researcher : Darryl James Adamko
Co-researchers : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Subvention catalyseur
2015 - 2016

Vitamin D in the prevention of viral-induced asthma of preschoolers: a RCT (DIVA)

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général)
2009 - 2016

Determinants of oral corticosteroid responsiveness in wheezing asthmatic youth (Doorway)

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général)
2014 - 2015

Vitamin D in the prevention of viral-induced asthma of preschoolers: a RCT (DIVA)

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général)
2013 - 2015

Investigating the influence of neighbourhood characteristics and obesity on asthma outcomes in children and adolescents

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général)
2011 - 2014

Nouvelles mesures des patterns de prescriptions et d’adhésion au traitement chez les patients asthmatiques.

Lead researcher : Lucie Blais
Co-researchers : Catherine Lemière , Francine M. Ducharme , Martha McKinney , Marie-France Beauchesne
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Recherche sur l'utilisation optimale des médicaments
2011 - 2014

Exploring barriers to optimal asthma management by physicians

Lead researcher : Francine M. Ducharme
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:


Expertise professionnelle (hors de l’institution)

Her research program, which has received uninterrupted research grants of more than $30,000,000 since 1990, aims to improve the quality of life of children with asthma by improving their diagnosis, management, and long-term outcome. She has developed multiple child-specific instruments, educational and pharmacological interventions, systematic reviews and has been instrumental in disseminating evidence-based guidelines. She has published over 225 peer-reviewed articles (including NEJM, Lancet, JAMA, BMJ) and numerous editorials and given over 225 guest presentations in North America, Europe, Middle East and Australia. She has educated many scientists and physicians, many of whom hold academic positions around the world. She has received numerous career awards for her outstanding contribution to improving the care of children with asthma. Indeed, Dr. Ducharme's research findings have helped change guidelines around the world.

Transfert technologique et de connaissances

Having been co-author of the Canadian guidelines for the treatment of asthma in children and adults in the last 20 years and several other provincial, national and international guidelines, she currently sits on the Scientific Committee of the international group Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA). Having been co-author of the Canadian guidelines for the treatment of asthma in children and adults in the last 20 years and several other provincial, national and international guidelines, she currently sits on the Scientific Committee of the international group Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA).

Publications and presentations


Dre Ducharme a publié plus de 230 articles revus par des comités de pairs (incluant le NEJM, Lancet, JAMA, BMJ) dont 65 dans les cinq dernières années), 3 rapports ont été revu par les pairs de même que 9 pamphlets, 12 lettres à l’éditeur et 4 livres ou chapitres de livres.


Dre Ducharme a donné plus de 225 présentations à titre d’experte invitée en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, Moyen Orient et Australie. 


  • Pediatrics
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Clinical Sciences
  • Infectious Diseases

Areas of expertise

  • Respiratory System
  • Asthma
  • Child
  • Life Cycles ( Childhood, Adolescence, Adulthood, etc.)
  • Patient compliance
  • Teenager
  • Youths
  • Epidemiology
  • Respiratory Tract Diseases
  • Healthcare/Healthcare quality evaluation
  • Clinical medicine
  • Qualitative methods
  • Quantitative methods
  • Mixed methods
  • Pharmacoepidemiology
  • Decision making
  • Quality of health care
  • Evaluative research
  • Operations research
  • Randomized clinical trial
  • Meta-Analysis
  • Cohort studies
  • COVID-19

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