Manuela Santos
Microbiome intestinal, cancer colorectal, métabolisme du fer, hémochromatose héréditaire
- Professeure sous octroi titulaire
Faculté de médecine - Département de médecine
Research expertise
Intérêts de recherche
Cancer du côlon et thérapies anticancéreuses: interaction entre les micro-éléments, le microbiote et l'hôte à l'interface de la muqueuse.
Il apparaît de plus en plus clairement que la dysbiose du microbiote intestinal est associée à l'inflammation et à la cancérogenèse du côlon. Notre laboratoire a pour objectif d'améliorer la compréhension de cette association par la découverte de ses mécanismes fondamentaux, l'identification des biomarqueurs qui lui sont liés et la mise au point par le biais de tests de nouvelles façons d'éviter la dysbiose et/ou de restaurer l'homéostasie métabolique intestinale.
Parmi nos pistes de recherche :
1) comprendre comment la compétition pour l'assimilation des micro-éléments affecte la composition du microbiome intestinal et peut provoquer l'inflammation et la cancérogenèse;
2) identifier des biomarqueurs et des régulateurs du microbiote afin de l'influencer et de rétablir sa santé après un traitement anticancéreux;
3) identifier les mécanismes fondamentaux par lesquels l'hôte contrôle l'écologie microbienne de l'intestin;
4) examiner comment les pathogènes et les pathobiotes modifient le microbiote d'une façon qui aboutit à la cancérogenèse;
5) évaluer le rôle protecteur des probiotiques.
1994-98 Ph.D., Utrech University - Immunology and iron metabolism, Laboratoires des Drs Hans Clevers et J.J.M. Marx.(Pays-Bas).
1999-2001 Post-doc, Université de Montréal - Iron metabolism in Friedreich ataxia, Supervisor - Laboratoire du Dr Massimo Pandolfo.
Awards and recognitions
2002-2007 IRSC - Nouveaux Chercheurs
2007-2010 FRSQ Chercheur boursier : Junior 2
2010-2014 FRSQ Chercheur boursier : Sénior
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Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Research units
Teaching and supervision
Recruitment in research
Postdoctoral and PhD positions are available for highly trained and motivated individuals wishing to work in cancer and microbiota research in the Nutrition and Microbiome Laboratory at the Hospital Research Center of the Université de Montréal (CRCHUM), Montréal, Canada.
The lab’s major research objective is to gain an understanding of how competition for the uptake of dietary microelements affects the composition of the gut microbiota and may disrupt quiescent and protective inflammation to promote carcinogenesis.
Research aims include investigating underlying mechanisms, identifying related biomarkers, and testing new ways to avoid dysbiosis, as well as researching ways to restore intestinal metabolic homeostasis.
The applicant will be employing technical skills in molecular biology and cell culture, and will use a variety of in vivo models including unique knock-out mouse models, in addition to microbiota analysis in human patients.
Essential requirements for postdoctoral candidates:
- PhD degree completed between January 2018 and April 2019, in biology or a related field from a recognized institution, with at least (2) two years of experience in either: animal models, molecular biology, cell biology, or microbiology (depending on the project).
- A track record of first author publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals that are well recognized in their respective fields.
Additional assets:
- A background in advanced statistics/bioinformatics (SAS, R-statistics), experience in analysis of microbiome datasets, including familiarity with the microbiome bioinformatics and analysis program, QIIME.
- A track record for obtaining competitive funding for research, and distinction or awards in scientific excellence; Experience in managing multiple projects and meeting strict deadlines; Evidence of scientific networking skills and collaborations; Strong verbal and written communication skills.
Postdoctoral fellows will be encouraged to generate their own research ideas based on the general project objectives. Over the course of their training, PDFs will be expected to develop these ideas into full research project proposals.
Essential requirements for PhD candidates:
- Master’s degree in biology, microbiology, or similar disciplines
- Hands-on experience in experimental lab work (routine cellular and molecular biology laboratory techniques) and mouse handling
- Computational skills (using R, PRISM or similar) is a plus
- Open minded, self-driven and curious person, willing to work in a complex, interdisciplinary, and international environment
- Excellent academic track record
Application procedure:
An application package containing a cover letter detailing expertise, research interests, and career goals, and curriculum vitae containing publication record, and a list of three references with contact information can be sent to Dr. Manuela Santos (
Student supervision
Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)
Dysbiosis at the crossroads of antibiotics, iron and colorectal cancer: identifying the role of the gut microbiota in colorectal cancer promotion
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
The gut microbiota : a major actor in the improvement of postoperative outcomes and the prevention of anastomotic leak in colorectal surgery
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Manipulation of the bacteria promoting the development of colorectal cancer
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Study of the role of the adaptor protein MyD88 in the iron-sensing pathway and of the effect of curcumin in the development of anemia in a DSS-induced colitis mouse model
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Rôle des récepteurs Toll-like et de la protéine adaptatrice MyD88 dans la régulation de l’hepcidine et le développement des hyposidérémies associées à l’inflammation
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Régulation de l'hepcidine et le rôle de la lipocaline 2 dans l'homéostasie du fer / Novel insights into the regulation of hepcidin and the role of lipocalin 2 in iron homeostasis
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
L'expression de la protéine de l'hémochromatose HFE est modulée par les lymphocytes T activés et inhibe la présentation antigénique par MHC I
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
La régulation de l’hepcidine à travers les récepteurs Toll-like dans les macrophages
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Mutations du gène HFE dans le cancer épithélial de l'ovaire
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Study of Rgmc regulation by iron levels, anemia, inflammation and hypoxia
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Regulation of lipocalin 2 (Lcn2) gene expression by iron stores, anemia and inflammation
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Research projects
Iron uptake, utilization, and storage in mice
Sex-Dependent Role of IL22 during Metabolic Dysfunction-associated Liver Disease (MASLD)
Prevention of anastomotic leak in colorectal surgery through microbiome mediation of intestinal healing
Iron uptake, utilization and storage in mice
The influence of heme on the gut microbiota and colon carcinogenesis
The influence of heme on the gut microbiota and colon carcinogenesis
Postoperative intestinal healing and anastomotic colorectal cancer recurrence and metastasis
Supplément COVID-19 CRSNG_Iron uptake, utilization and storage in mice
TMPRSS6 in iron overload disorders
Mycobiota Dysbiosis in Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer.
Mycobiota Dysbiosis in Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer.
Microbiota Characterization and Modulation Through the Use of Generated Probiotic Strains to Combat Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer.
Microbiota Characterization and Modulation Through the Use of Generated Probiotic Strains to Combat Colitis-Associated Colon Cancer.
Microbiome et séquençage par nanopores - Fonds de soutien de l'Institut de Cancer de Montréal
Colon cancer and inflammation: the interplay or iron, microbia and host at the mucosal interface
- Microbiology
- Nutrition
- Oncology
- Immunology
Areas of expertise
- Anemia
- Carcinogenesis
- Bacteria
- Cancer of the Digestive System
- Environment and Cancer
- Crohn’s Disease
- Nutrients
- Microorganisms
- Immune Reactions
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