Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les approches communautaires et les inégalités dans le domaine de la santé
Research units
- Institut de recherche en santé publique de l’Université de Montréal
Partner organizations
- Centre de recherche et de partage des savoirs InterActions du CSSS de Bordeaux-Cartierville-Saint-Laurent
- Table des ressources en aide alimentaire du Centre-du-Québec (TRAACQ)
- Direction de santé publique de la région de Montréal
Location on the University campus
7101, av. du Parc, room 3108Team
At Université de Montreal
- Louise Potvin - Titulaire
Support staff
- Ginette Boyer - Coordonnatrice
- Federico Roncarolo - Coordonnateur
Research focus
Enseignement / formation
Soutien au développement social
Publications and presentations
- Les publications de la chaire CACIS sont disponibles ici :
- Public Health
- Social Services and Social Work
- Sociology
Areas of expertise
- Community Health / Public Health
- Public health
- Social inequality
- Poverty
- Public health systems analysis
- Public health practice
- Skills development in public health
- Occupational Safety and Health (Population Health)
- Population’s health
- Population health intervention assessment
- Infection prevention and control
- Intervention in social service
- Health Information Systems
- Social work with group
- Social Contexts
- Social Determinants of Health
- Ideology and Social Policy
- Social workers
- Social work
- Social services and social work
- Social problems
- Psychosocial maladjustment
- Antisocial behaviour
- Social policies
- Social action
- Social statistics
- Social medicine
- Social determinants
- Social epidemiology
- Specific Social Services (Clientele)