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/ La recherche

Je donne
Life Sciences; Health Sciences; Natural Sciences and Engineering; Medical Sciences

Levon Abrahamyan

Virology, Genetics

Professeur agrégé

Faculté de médecine vétérinaire - Département de pathologie et microbiologie

Pavillon 3200, rue Sicotte - Aile A, room 3909

514 343-6111 #29536

Secondary number: 450 773-8521 #29536 (Travail 1)
Secondary emails: (Travail) (Personnel)


Communication with the media

Privileged media

  • Presse écrite (imprimé, numérique)
  • Radio
  • Télévision


  • Arménien, Écrit
  • Anglais, Écrit
  • Français, Écrit
  • Russe, Écrit
  • Espagnol; castillan, Écrit
  • Arménien, Oral
  • Anglais, Oral
  • Français, Oral
  • Russe, Oral
  • Espagnol; castillan, Oral

Expertise for media

I have a multidisciplinary academic and research background, but my research interests focus on virus-host interactions, virus intracellular trafficking, virus evolution, and design of the novel antiviral therapies and vaccines. Examples of research projects that we develop: 1) Studies on the pathogenesis of important animal nidoviruses, such as PRRSV (porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus) and PEDV (porcine epidemic diarrhea virus); 2) The molecular mechanisms of virus-host interactions of important human, animal and zoonotic  RNA viruses (for example, arboviruses such as ZIka, dengue, and chikungunya); 3) Development of a universal vaccine against porcine influenza virus; 4) Development of a vaccine against Aleutian Mink Disease virus (a parvovirus), 5) Study of honeybees viruses and parasite (Varroa destructor).


  • Virology
  • Microbiology
  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Molecular Medicine
  • Molecular Biology
  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Genetics

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