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Natural Sciences and Engineering; Health Sciences; Medical Sciences; Social Sciences and Humanities

Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la vision et l’action

Chaire de recherche du Canada École d'optométrie
Secondary numbers: 514 343-6111 #4571 (Information) 514 343-2382 (Télécopieur)
Secondary email: (Personne contact)


Portrait de la titulaire: Aarlenne Khan

 - © Khan



Research units

  • Laboratoire de la vision, de l'attention et de l'action
  • Infrastructure du Laboratoire de la vision, de l'attention et de l'action


Location on the University campus

Pavillon 3744, rue Jean-Brillant



At Université de Montreal


Projects and funding


  • 2023 – 2028 – NSERC Discovery Grant, Canada

  • 2023 – 2025 –Programme réseautage national et international (RRSV-FRQS)

  • 2023 – 2024 – Programme de subventions d'outils et d'instruments de recherche (CRSNG), co-applicant

  • 2023 – 2024 –Fondation Canadienne pour l’innovation - Fonds des leaders John-R.-Evans, co-applicant

  • 2022 – 2024 – Programme de subventions maillage recherche/clinique (CIRCA), co-applicant

  • 2022 – 2023 –CRIR et Fondation En Vue, co-applicant

  • 2019 – 2024 – Chaire de recherche du Canada (CRC) en Vision et Action, Canada, renouvelée

  • 2017 – 2018 - FRQS Réseau de la Vision et de la Santé Subvention de Réseautage national et international – Renouvellement, Québec

  • 2016 – 2017 - FRQS Vision Health Research Network Networking Grant, Canada

  • 2015 – 2020 - NSERC Discovery Grant, Canada

  • 2014 - Canadian Foundation for Innovation Leaders Opportunity Fund, Canada

  • 2014 – 2019 - Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Vision and Action, Canada

  • 2013 – 2014  - Parkinson Society Canada Basic Research Fellowship Award, PSC

  • 2012 – 2013 - Rhône-Alpes International Cooperation and Mobility Fellowship Award, France

  • 2009 – 2011 - Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada Research Fellowship Award, HSF Canada

  • 2007 - Canadian Psychological Association Certificate of Excellence for PhD Dissertation

  • 2006 – 2009 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research Post-doctoral Fellowship Award, CIHR

  • 2006 - Japan Summer Post-doctoral Fellowship Award, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

  • 2006 - E. Lynn Kirshner Memorial Doctoral Scholarship, York University, Toronto, Canada

  • 2004 – 2006 - Joint PhD Award, Province of Rhône-Alpes, France

  • 2004 – 2006 - Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council Doctoral Scholarship, NSERC Canada

  • 2002 – 2004 - Canadian Institutes of Health Research Doctoral Research Scholarship, CIHR

  • 2002 – 2003 - Ontario Graduate Scholarship (declined), Province of Ontario, Canada

  • 2000 - Graduate Entrance Scholarship, York University, Toronto, Canada

Publications and presentations


  • Neurosciences
  • Optometry
  • Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  • Psychology

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