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UdeM’s Department of Anthropology hosted a delegation from the Consulate General of Mexico in Montreal for a ceremony marking the return of...
Scientists have developed an experimental medication called UBX1325, or foselutoclax, that shows promise in treating macular edema.
Researchers demonstrate a link between transgender people's exposure to gender-related stigma and cortisol, a key hormone in the stress response.
A study of Quebec schoolchildren enrolled in music programs shows that girls are more anxious. Whether the parent enrolled the child in the program is...
The 3,000-km artery contains a large quantity and variety of pharmaceutical compounds, some of which could be harmful to ecosystems and human health.
In the never-ending quest for a good night’s sleep, the use of white, brown or pink noise is the latest thing. Solution or illusion?
With a diameter approximately twice that of Earth, GJ 9827d could be an example of a planet with a water-rich atmosphere, according to astronomers at...
In an unseen process playing out in the deep, miniature elements of DNA are quietly outsmarting viruses.
A new study suggests being born very preterm may have a significant - but potentially reversible - impact on an adult's health.
What could be simpler than chewing? Yet this commonplace physical act mobilizes a surprising number of muscles and neurons, and is even important for...


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