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Sleep and brain trauma: recovery of normal sleep-wake cycle associated with recovery of consciousness.
With a new investment of $4.1 million from the CFI, the Érudit dissemination and research platform hopes to expand its services to a wider Canadian...
A research team established that years of bilingualism change how the brain carries out tasks that require concentrating.
The National Institutes of Health is funding Canadian component of a study to determine the optimal amount of blood to transfuse in anemic patients...
The Journal of Immunology has ranked the most recent research of Professor Delisle among the top 10% of its best scientific articles.
Sociologist Sandrine Malarde has devoted her master’s studies to the phenomenon of Hasidic Jews leaving their community. She has just published a new...
Low social status alone can alter immune regulation, even in the absence of variation in access to resources, health care, and at-risk behaviours for...
As part of his PhD, Vincent Denault explores why witnesses lie in court.
Only a minority of medical studies take sex and gender into account when analyzing and reporting research results. Dr. Cara Tannenbaum demands more...
Bacteria in your intestines may play an important role in determining if you will develop blinding wet Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD).


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