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Health Sciences; Information and Communication Technologies

Renaud Duval

Rétine, vidéos chirurgicaux, invention d'instruments, apprentissage automatisé en vision

Professeur agrégé de clinique

Faculté de médecine - Département d'ophtalmologie


Research expertise

Le Dr Renaud Duval a obtenu son doctorat en médecine de l'Université McGill et sa résidence en ophtalmologie de l'Université de Montréal. Il a complété un fellowship en chirurgie vitréo-rétinienne à Chicago, dans l'Illinois, à l'Université Rush et à Illinois Retina Associates. Il est un ophtalmologiste certifié et spécialisé dans la prise en charge des maladies médicales et chirurgicales de la rétine. Il est actuellement professeur adjoint au Département d'ophtalmologie de la Faculté de médecine de l'Université de Montréal. Il est directeur des fellowships en ophtalmologie à l'Université de Montréal. Il a une pratique chirurgicale très active en tant que chef de la rétine au Centre universitaire d’ophtalmologie - Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont où il voit des patients, opère, enseigne aux étudiants en médecine et aux résidents et forme des boursiers en vitréo-rétine.
Il a co-écrit un chapitre de livre sur la vitrectomie pour la réparation des décollements de la rétine et a publié de nombreux articles évalués par des pairs. Il a présenté à plusieurs conférences internationales. Il a participé à 6 essais cliniques en tant que chercheur principal ou co-investigateur. Il a remporté de nombreux prix pour ses vidéos chirurgicales, qui ont été présentées localement et internationalement. Ses intérêts de recherche comprennent la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge, la rétinopathie diabétique, l'intégration d'algorithmes d'apprentissage profond pour l'analyse des images du fond d'œil et des OCT, la télé-ophtalmologie et l'innovation chirurgicale à travers le développement de nouveaux outils chirurgicaux.

Awards and recognitions


Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, Chicago, IL; Microscope-integrated intraoperative OCT in the management of large macular holes.


Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, Vancouver, BC; YAG-vitreolysis-induced crystalline lens damage ultimately leads to severe posterior segment complication.


Rhett Buckler Award, ASRS Film Festival, San Francisco, CA; Endoscopic view of ARGUS II retinal prosthesis insertion.


ASRS Junior Achievement Award, ASRS, Vienna, Austria.


Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, Vienna, Austria; Fatal Air Embolism during Extensive Retinochoroidectomy Performed under Elevated Air Infusion.


Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, San Diego, CA; Exploring the Suprachoroidal Space.


Doctor’s Choice, ASRS Film Festival, Las Vegas, NV; 25-Gauge Embolectomy for Retinal Artery Occlusion: Outcomes After Retinal Artery Avulsion.


Rhett Buckler Award (Best in Show), ASRS Film Festival, Las Vegas, NV, for best surgical video; 25-Gauge Embolectomy for Retinal Artery Occlusion: Outcomes After Retinal Artery Avulsion.


Rhett Buckler Award, ASRS Film Festival, Las Vegas, NV, for best surgical video; Use of PFO in large-volume vitreous biopsy - or How we learned from Aesop's crow.


Dean’s Honour List, University of Montreal, Faculty of Medicine, top 10% of residents graduating from a surgical specialty


Dean’s Honour List, McGill University, Faculty of Medicine


Robert Forsyth Prize, awarded by the Department of Surgery to the graduating student who has shown exceptional ability in all branches of surgery


Francis Williams Prize, awarded on the recommendation of the Department of Medicine, to the student with the highest standing in Medicine clerkship in the Practice of Medicine component


  • 2006 — MD CM — Médecine généraleUniversité McGill
  • 2011 — DÉS (5 ans) - Ophthalmologie — OphtalmologieUniversité de Montréal
  • 2013 — Fellowship (2 ans_ - Chirurgie Vitréo-rétinienne — OphtalmologieIllinois Retina Associates / Rush University

Affiliations and responsabilities

Research affiliations

University service and activities

Administrative responsibilities

Directeur du programme de fellowship en ophtalmologie


Research projects

2022 - 2026

An OCT-controlled system for precise and reproducible subretinal drug injection in mice

Lead researcher : Christos Boutopoulos
Co-researchers : Bruno Larrivée , Renaud Duval
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet

Publications and presentations


Ajlan, R., Isenberg, J., Cordahi, G., Duval, R., Olivier, S., Rezende, F. J. I. j. o. r., & vitreous. (2017). Primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with inferior retinal breaks postoperative prone positioning results: 1 day versus 7 days. 3(1), 47. 

Ajlan, R., Isenberg, J., Cordahi, G., Duval, R., Olivier, S., Rezende, F. J. I. O., & Science, V. (2016). Primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with inferior retinal breaks: 1 day vs 7 days postoperative prone positioning results. 57(12), 1038-1038. 

Boucher, M., Qian, J., Brent, M., Wong, D., Sheidow, T., Duval, R., . . . Samad, A. J. C. J. o. O. (2020). Evidence-based Canadian guidelines for tele-retina screening for diabetic retinopathy: recommendations from the Canadian Retina Research Network (CR2N) Tele-Retina Steering Committee. 55(1), 14-24. 

Duval, R., Hammamji, K., Aroichane, M., Michaud, J. L., Ospina, L. H. J. J. o. A. A. f. P. O., & Strabismus. (2010). Acquired myelinated nerve fibers in association with optic disk drusen. 14(6), 544-547. Retrieved from

Duval, R., Hui, J. M., & Rezaei, K. A. J. R. (2014). Rate of sclerotomy suturing in 23-gauge primary vitrectomy. 34(4), 679-683. 

Duval, R., Merrill, P. T. J. R. C., & Reports, B. (2016). Spotted fever group Rickettsia retinitis in a traveler to Africa. 10(1), 89-92. 

Duval, R., Olivier, S. J. R. C., & Reports, B. (2011). Intravitreal bevacizumab (avastin) for choroidal neovascularization associated with deferoxamine retinopathy. 5(3), 233-236. 

Duval, R., Pollack, J., Civantos, J., Packo, K. J. I. O., & Science, V. (2013). The influence of vitrectomy machine fluidics on the rate of iatrogenic retinal breaks in primary small-gauge vitrectomies. 54(15), 3327-3327. 

Duval, R., & Rezaei, K. A. (2014). Vitrectomy surgery for primary retinal detachment. In Microincision Vitrectomy Surgery (Vol. 54, pp. 174-181): Karger Publishers.

Duval, R., Rezaei, K. A. J. I. O., & Science, V. (2012). Rate of Suturing in 23-gauge and 25-gauge Primary Vitrectomy. 53(14), 2596-2596. 

Ferenchak, K., Duval, R., Cohen, J., MacCumber, M. J. I. O., & Science, V. (2013). Intravitreal Bevacizumab for Post-Operative Vitreous Hemorrhage After Vitrectomy for Diabetic Retinopathy. 54(15), 208-208. 

Ferenchak, K., Duval, R., Cohen, J. A., & MacCumber, M. W. J. R. (2014). Intravitreal bevacizumab for postoperative recurrent vitreous hemorrhage after vitrectomy for proliferative diabetic retinopathy. 34(6), 1177-1181. 

Gilca, M., Duval, R., Goodyear, É., Olivier, S., & Cordahi, G. J. R. (2014). Factors associated with outcomes of pneumatic retinopexy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachments: a retrospective review of 422 cases. 34(4), 693-699. 

Grizenko, N., Fortier, M.-E., Zadorozny, C., Thakur, G., Schmitz, N., Duval, R., . . . Psychiatry, A. (2012). Maternal stress during pregnancy, ADHD symptomatology in children and genotype: gene-environment interaction. 21(1), 9. 

Hamid, M., Moubayed, S. P., Duval, R., Fortin, E., Lesk, M., & Li, G. J. C. J. o. O. (2009). Recurrent anterior uveitis after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. 44(6), 697-699. Retrieved from

Lepetit-Aimon, G., Duval, R., & Cheriet, F. (2018). Large receptive field fully convolutional network for semantic segmentation of retinal vasculature in fundus images. In Computational Pathology and Ophthalmic Medical Image Analysis (pp. 201-209): Springer.

Lesk, M. R., Sayah, D. N., Mazzaferri, J., Duval, R., Rezende, F. A., & Costantino, S. (2019). Intraocular Pressure Spikes Following Therapeutic Intravitreal Injections are Correlated with Ocular Rigidity. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60(9), 2249-2249. 

Masis, M., Sayah, D. N., Mazzaferri, J., Descovich, D., Duval, R., Rezende, F., . . . Lesk, M. (2020). Assessment of a model using ocular rigidity to predict the magnitude of IOP spikes following intravitreal injections. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 61(7), 995-995. 

Merck, J., Merrill, P., & Duval, R. (2014). Use of Perfluoron in Obtaining Large-Volume Undiluted Vitreous Specimens for Diagnostic Vitreous Biopsy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 55(13), 5794-5794. 

Playout, C., Duval, R., & Cheriet, F. (2018). A Multitask Learning Architecture for Simultaneous Segmentation of Bright and Red Lesions in Fundus Images. In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2018 (pp. 101-108): Springer International Publishing.

Playout, C., Duval, R., & Cheriet, F. (2019). A Novel Weakly Supervised Multitask Architecture for Retinal Lesions Segmentation on Fundus Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 38(10), 2434-2444. doi:10.1109/tmi.2019.2906319

Sayah, D. N., Descovich, D., Mazzaferri, J., Duval, R., Rezende, F., Costantino, S., & Lesk, M. R. (2018). Validation of a Non-Invasive OCT-based Method to Measure Ocular Rigidity using Intravitreal Injections of Bevacizumab. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 59(9), 2025-2025. 

Sayah, D. N., Mazzaferri, J., Ghesquière, P., Duval, R., Rezende, F., Costantino, S., & Lesk, M. R. (2020). Non-invasive in vivo measurement of ocular rigidity: Clinical validation, repeatability and method improvement. Experimental Eye Research, 190, 107831. doi:10.1016/j.exer.2019.107831

Sayah, D. N., Mazzaferri, J., Ghesquière, P., Duval, R., Rezende, F. A., Costantino, S., & Lesk, M. R. (2019). An improved mathematical model for OCT-based ocular rigidity measurements: clinical validation. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 60(9), 6183-6183. 

Sayah, D. N., Szigiato, A.-A., Mazzaferri, J., Descovich, D., Duval, R., Rezende, F. A., . . . Lesk, M. R. J. B. J. o. O. (2020). Correlation of ocular rigidity with intraocular pressure spike after intravitreal injection of bevacizumab in exudative retinal disease. 


April 2020  ARVO 2020, Baltimore, MD. Automated classification of early and intermediate AMD using spectral analysis of OCT- and OCTA-based biomarkers. Bélanger Nzakimuena C, Sayah DN, Masis Solano M, Duval R, Cheriet F, Lesk M, Santiago C.

June 2019  Canadian Ophthalmic Society 2019, Québec, QC. Artificial intelligence and tele-retina screening. Duval R.

May 2019  Canadian Ophthalmic Symposium 2019, Toronto, ON. 3D Heads Up Display, The Makings of a Better Surgeon? Duval R (Panellist)

May 2019  Canadian Ophthalmic Imaging Symposium 2019, Toronto, ON.  Artificial Intelligence – Developments in Canada.  Duval R.

April 2019  ARVO 2019, Vancouver, BC. An improved mathematical model for OCT-based ocular rigidity measurements: clinical validation. Diane N Sayah, Javier Mazzaferri, Renaud Duval, Flavio A Rezende, Santiago Costantino, Mark R Lesk

April 2019  mARVO 2019, Vancouver, BC. Intraocular Pressure Spikes Following Therapeutic Intravitreal Injections are Correlated with Ocular Rigidity. Mark R Lesk, Diane N Sayah, Javier Mazzaferri, Renaud Duval, Flavio A Rezende, Santiago Costantino

September 2018  MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain. A Multitask Learning Architecture for Simultaneous Segmentation of Bright and Red Lesions in Fundus Images. Payout C, Duval R, Cheriet F. (poster)

May 2018  Canadian Ophthalmic Imaging Symposium 2018, Montréal, QC. AI in diabetic retinopathy screening. Duval R.

April 2018  ARVO 2018, Honolulu, HI. Validation of a Non-Invasive OCT-based Method to Measure Ocular Rigidity using Intravitreal Injections of Bevacizumab. Sayah DN, Descovich D, Mazzaferri J, Duval R, Rezende F, Costantino S, Lesk MR

October 2017  Retina Case Conference Canada 2017, Montréal, QC.  Subconjunctival harpoon.  Case presentation.  Duval R.

August 2017  ASRS 2017, Boston, MA.  Creative Director of the meeting – responsible for audiovisual material and meeting development.

June 2017  McGill Ophthalmology Research Day 2017 – Medical and Surgical Retina.  Latest Surgical Technology.  Duval R.

November 2016  9e Journée de formation interdisciplinaire (JFI) de la FMSQ.  L’œil ou la peau.  Section rétine.  Renaud Duval, Marie-Claude Dionne.

August 2016  ASRS 2016, San Francisco, CA. Primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with inferior retinal breaks: 1 day vs 7 days postoperative prone positioning results. Radwan Ajlan, Jordan Isenberg, Ghassan Cordahi, Renaud Duval, Sébastien Olivier, Flavio Rezende. (Paper presentation)

May 2016  ARVO 2016, Seattle, WA. Primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with inferior retinal breaks: 1 day vs 7 days postoperative prone positioning results. Radwan Ajlan, Jordan Isenberg, Ghassan Cordahi, Renaud Duval, Sébastien Olivier, Flavio Rezende. (Poster presentation)

September 2015  Internal Medicine Grand Rounds.  Bilateral endogenous bacterial endophthalmitis.  Duval, R. Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montréal, QC, Canada

May 2015  Montreal Retina Review 2015.  Evidence-based review of the management of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema.  Renaud Duval, MD

September 2014  Eye on the Future 2014, Montreal, QC. Canadian meeting for young retina specialists.  Co-Chairs: Rajeev Muni, MD; Renaud Duval, MD.

September 2014  Continuing Medical Education/Formation Médicale Continue – Médecine Familiale, HMR, Montréal, QC.  Presentations on AMD and Glaucoma for family physicians.  Renaud Duval, MD

May 2014  Montreal Retina Review 2014.  Evidence-based review of the management of diabetic retinopathy and macular edema.  Renaud Duval, MD

May 2014  EOUMs 2014.  Treatment of Symptomatic VMA.  Renaud Duval, MD

May 2014  Meeting with 4 Experts.  Anti-VEGF in the management on PED.  Renaud Duval, MD

May 2014  HMR Weekly Ophthalmology Conference.  Pathogenesis and management of symptomatic VMAs.  Renaud Duval, MD

March 2014  Bellevue Optometrist Review 2014.  The timing of Retinal Detachment Repair/New Developments in the Management of Exudative AMD.  Renaud Duval, MD

June 2013  RUSH Alumni Day 2013, Chicago, IL. Role of fluidics in the development of iatrogenic retinal breaks during primary vitrectomy.  Renaud Duval, MD; John S. Pollack, MD.

May 2013  ARVO 2013, Seattle, WA. Intravitreal Bevacizumab for recurrent postoperative vitreous hemorrhages.  Ferenchak K, Duval R, MacCumber M. Poster presentation.

May 2013  ARVO 2013, Seattle, WA.  The influence of vitrectomy machine fluidics on the rate of iatrogenic retinal breaks in primary small-gauge vitrectomies. Renaud Duval, MD; John S Pollack, MD; Joseph M Civantos, MD; Kirk H Packo, MD. Poster presentation.

March 2013  Vail Vitrectomy, Vail, CO.  Iatrogenic Retinal Tears During Small Gauge Vitrectomy:
Impact of Vitrectomy Settings on Risk.  John S Pollack, MD; Renaud Duval, MD; Joseph M Civantos, MD; Kirk H Packo, MD. Scientific presentation.

January 2013  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with Rickettsia retinitis. Duval R, Role: presenter

October 2012  Midwest Uveitis Society, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with APMPPE. Duval R, Role: presenter

October 2012  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with an uncertain diagnosis that was helped by AMD genetic testing. Duval R,  Role: presenter

September 2012  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with multifocal choroiditis. Duval R,  Role: presenter

August 2012  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with wet AMD and chronic SRF that was successfully treated with Aflibercept. Duval R,  Role: presenter

August 2012  ASRS 2012, Las Vegas, NV. Risk of iatrogenic retinal tears in small-gauge vitrectomy (PPV) is reduced by initiating surgery with peripheral PPV rather than traditional core PPV. Duval R, Pollack JS, Civantos, JM.  Paper presentation. Role: Presenter

August 2012  ASRS 2012, Las Vegas, NV.  Rate of suturing in 23-gauge primary vitrectomy.  Rezaei KA, Duval R.  Paper presentation.  Role: gathering and analyzing data, creating presentation

June 2012  Rush Ophthalmology Alumni Day 2012, Chicago, IL.  Risk of iatrogenic retinal tears in small-gauge vitrectomy (PPV) is reduced by initiating surgery with peripheral PPV rather than traditional core PPV. Duval R, Pollack JS, Civantos, JM.  Paper presentation. Role: Presenter

May 2012  ARVO 2012, Fort Lauderdale, FL.  Rate of Suturing in 23-gauge and 25-gauge Primary Vitrectomy. Duval R, Rezaei KA.  Poster presentation.

December 2011  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with canthaxanthin retinopathy. Duval R, Role: presenter

November 2011  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with a an unsual form or retinitis pigmentosa. Duval R,  Role: presenter

October 2011  Chicagoland Vision Seminar, Saturday October 15, 2011 in Itasca, IL.  Invited to present on macular degeneration and inherited retinal disorders. Duval R, Role: presenter.

July 2011  Rabb Retina Study Club, Chicago, IL.  Case presentation of a patient with a large submacular hemorrhage. Duval R, Role: presenter

August 2010  American Society of Retina Specialists 28th Annual Meeting 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Pneumatic Retinopexy for the Management of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment.  Duval R, Gilca M, Goodyear E, Cordahi G.  Abstract accepted as  a Scientific Paper in Symposium 10 : Retinal Detachment. 

August 2010  American Society of Retina Specialists 28th Annual Meeting 2010, Vancouver, BC, Canada.  Macular Holes Developing in the Early Postoperative Period Following Pneumatic Retinopexy: a Series of 7 Cases.  Duval R, Gilca M, Goodyear E, Olivier S, Cordahi G.  Abstract accepted as a Scientific Poster.

May 2010  Canadian Neuroscience Meeting 2010, Ottawa, On, Canada.  Childhood ADHD, maternal stress during pregnancy, and gene-environment interaction. Fortier M, Grizenko N, Zadorozny C, Thakur G, Schmitz N, Duval R, Joober R.  Abstract.

June 2009  Université de Montréal Research Day, Université de Montréal.  Main Presenter: Dr. Renaud Duval, Topic: Antiophospholipid antibodies and progression of glaucomatous optic neuropathy

Avril 2009  International Orbital Society Meeting 2009, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. A rare case of optic neuropathy. Presented by Dr. François Codère.  Written by Dr. Renaud Duval.

December 2005  Ophthalmology Grand Rounds, McGill University.  Main Presenter: Dr. Renaud Duval, Topic: Purtscher’s Retinopathy


  • Ophthalmology

Areas of expertise

  • Visual System
  • Diabetes
  • Learning Modes
  • Technological Innovations
  • Vision
  • Cellular Degeneration