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Health Sciences; Medical Sciences

Rubén Marín Juez

Vascular control of organ development and regeneration

Professeur sous octroi adjoint

Faculté de médecine - Département de pathologie et biologie cellulaire

Secondary email: (Personnel)


Research expertise

Son laboratoire s'intéresse aux mécanismes cellulaires et moléculaires qui régulent la régénération cardiaque, avec un accent particulier sur le rôle que joue l'endothélium cardiaque au cours de ce processus. L'infarctus du myocarde est la cause la plus fréquente de lésions cardiaques chez l'homme. L'incapacité du cœur humain à reconstituer le tissu cardiaque entraîne une insuffisance cardiaque, qui constitue la principale cause de mortalité et de morbidité dans le monde. Contrairement aux humains, les poissons-zèbres sont capables de régénérer leur cœur après une lésion cardiaque. L'invasion coronarienne des tissus endommagés est le fer de lance de la réponse régénératrice et est nécessaire pour soutenir la régénération cardiaque. Nous cherchons à comprendre comment l'endothélium cardiaque régule différents aspects de la régénération cardiaque et comment la dégradation de la formation du réseau coronaire influe sur la capacité des vaisseaux coronaires à soutenir la reconstitution des tissus.


  • Stage postdoctoral en régénération cardiaque, Institut Max-Planck pour la recherche sur le cœur et les poumons, Bad Nauheim, Allemagne (2014-2020)
  • Stage postdoctoral en métabolisme et immunité, Université de Leyde & ZF Screens, Leyde, Pays-Bas (2012-2014)
  • Doctorat, Université de Barcelone, Barcelone (2007-2012)
  • Maîtrise en sciences, Université de Barcelone, Barcelone (2006-2007)
  • Baccalauréat en biologie, Université du Pays Basque (UPV/EHU) (2000-2006)

Awards and recognitions

  • Subvention à la découverte, Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG), 2021-2026
  • Bourse de chercheur junior 1, Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRQS), 2021-2025
  • Chef de groupe CRC1366, Fondation allemande pour la recherche (DFG), 2019-2022
  • Bourse d'expertise partagée, Centre allemand de recherche cardiovasculaire (DZHK), 2019-2020
  • Bourse postdoctorale Marie Curie, Commission européenne, 2010-2012
  • Bourse FPI, Ministère espagnol des sciences et de l'innovation, 2007-2011

Affiliations and responsabilities

Research affiliations

Teaching and supervision Currently recruiting

Recruitment in research Currently recruiting

The Marín-Juez laboratory, at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, is recruiting a PhD student and a postdoctoral fellow (4-year fully funded positions). Our laboratory is interested in the cellular and molecular mechanisms regulating cardiac regeneration. The successful applicant will join the Marín-Juez laboratory at the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center, where s/he will have access to state-of-the-art facilities and technology platforms including Advanced imaging platform (light-sheet, spinning-disc confocal, multiphoton, STED super-resolution, etc.), genomics (DropSeq, 10x, Illumina Novaseq) and bioinformatics platforms. CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center provides a thriving scientific environment where the successful applicant will have the opportunity to work with multidisciplinary scientific teams and to collaborate with talented clinicians and researchers.

Research project description

For this project, we are particularly interested in understanding how the cardiac endothelium regulates different aspects of cardiac regeneration and how alterations in the coronary network formation impact the ability of coronary vessels to support tissue replenishment. We have recently found early coronary regeneration as a key determinant of heart regeneration (Marín-Juez et al., PNAS 2016), and identified mechanisms regulating coronary network replenishment to form a vascular scaffold that supports cardiomyocyte regeneration (Marín-Juez et al., Dev Cell 2019). We now seek to define how the different components of the cardiac endothelium regulate tissue replenishment and identify the different mechanisms involved in their regulation of CM proliferation and migration.

Required training and profile

Ph.D. student position: Applicants should have training in vascular biology, molecular biology, cell biology, or related fields. Suitable candidates should be enthusiastic about regenerative and vascular biology. Previous research experience with zebrafish and/or heart regeneration is desired.

Postdoctoral position: We are looking for candidates with a Ph.D. in the biological sciences and laboratory experience in tissue repair/regeneration, cellular, molecular biology, or genetics. Previous experience working with zebrafish, imaging and histology are highly valued but not essential.

Both positions: Candidates with experience in confocal/light-sheet imaging and/or genome engineering are strongly encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to applicants with excellent collaborative and communication skills. The Marín-Juez lab and the CHU Sainte-Justine Research Center subscribe to the principle of equal access to opportunities and encourage women, members of visible and ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and Indigenous people to apply.

Submit your application

Candidates must send the required documents before 07/2021 to Rubén Marín Juez at Please provide: Curriculum vitæ, Cover letter and References (2 or 3).


Research projects

2021 - 2028

Coronary angiocrine control of heart regeneration

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2021 - 2027

Coronary vessel development and regulation of cardiac morphogenesis

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(DGECR) Tremplin vers la découverte
2021 - 2027

Coronary vessel development and regulation of cardiac morphogenesis

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVX20965-(RGP) Programme de subvention à la découverte individuelle ou de groupe
2021 - 2025

Endothelial control of heart regeneration: identification and modulation of pro-regenerative angiocrine factors as a novel therapeutic strategy for cardiac repair

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Bourse de chercheur-boursier : Junior 1
2021 - 2025

Endothelial control of heart regeneration: identification and modulation of pro-regenerative angiocrine factors as a novel therapeutic strategy for cardiac repair

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Établissement de jeunes chercheurs Juniors 1
2020 - 2023

Endothelial control of cardiac regeneration

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: Fondation de l'Hôpital Ste-Justine
Grant programs:
2021 - 2022

Zebrafish Platform for Cardiovascular and Developmental therapeutics

Lead researcher : Rubén Marín Juez
Funding sources: FCI/Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Fonds des leaders

Publications and presentations


  1. Taddese Tsedeke A, Allanki S, Gentile A, Jimenez-Amilburu V, Rasouli SJ, Guenther S, Lai SL, Stainier DYR, Marín-Juez R. Cardiomyocyte heterogeneity in zebrafish development and regeneration. Dev Bio 2021 Apr 12;476:259-271.
  2. Fukuda R, Marín-Juez R, El-Sammak H, Beisaw A, Konzer A, Bhagwat A, Graumann J, Stainier DYR. Stimulation of glycolysis promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation after injury in adult zebrafish. EMBO Reports 2020: e49752
  3. Marín-Juez R*, El-Sammak H, Helker CS, Kamezaki A, Mullapudi ST, Bibli SI, Fleming I, Foglia MJ, Poss KD, Stainier DYR*. Coronary revascularization during heart regeneration is regulated by epicardial and endocardial cues and forms a scaffold for cardiomyocyte repopulation. Dev Cell 2019, 51(4):503-515. *Co-corresponding author
  4. Collins MM, Ahlberg G, Hansen CV, Guenther S, Marín-Juez R, Sokol AM, El-Sammak H, Piesker J, Hellsten Y, Olesen MS, Stainier DYR, Lundegaard PR. Early sarcomere and metabolic defects in a zebrafish pitx2c cardiac arrhythmia model. PNAS 2019, 116 (48) 24115-24121.
  5. Gancz D, Raftrey BC, Perlmoter G, Marín-Juez R, Raviv H, Addadi Y, Golani O, Matsuoka R, Red-Horse K, Stainier DYR, Yaniv K. Distinct origins and molecular mechanisms regulating lymphatic formation during cardiac growth and repair. eLife 2019, Nov 8;8.
  6. Lai SL, Marín-Juez R, Stainier DYR. Immune Responses in Cardiac Repair and Regeneration - A comparative point of view. Cell Mol Life Sci 2018, doi: 10.1007/s00018-018-2995-5.
  7. Gauvrit S, Villasenor A, Strilic B, Kitchen P, Collins MM, Marín-Juez R, Maischein HM, Canham MA, Brickman JM, Bogue CW, Jayaraman PS, Stainier DYR. The homeobox transcription factor HHEX is an upstream regulator of the VEGFC/FLT4/PROX1 signaling axis during vascular development. Nat Commun 2018, 13;9:2704.    
  8. Lai SL, Marín-Juez R, Moura P, Kuenne C, Lai JKH, Taddese Tsedeke A, Guenther S, Looso M, Stainier DYR. Reciprocal analyses in zebrafish and medaka reveal that harnessing the immune response promotes cardiac regeneration. eLife 2017, Jun 20;6.  
  9. Gerri C, Marín-Juez R, Marass M, Marks A, Maischein HM, Stainier DYR. Hif1α regulates macrophage-endothelial interactions during blood vessel development in zebrafish. Nat Commun 2017, May 19;8:15492.
  10. Marín-Juez R*, Marass M, Gauvrit S, Rossi A, Lai SL, Materna SC, Black BL, Stainier DYR*. Fast revascularization of the injured area is essential to support zebrafish heart regeneration. PNAS 2016, 113(40):11237-11242. *Co-corresponding author
  11. Marín-Juez R, Rovira M, Crespo D, van der Vaart M, Spaink HP, Planas JV. GLUT2-mediated glucose uptake and availability are required for embryonic brain development in zebrafish. JCBFM 2015, (35) 74-85.
  12. Jimenez-Amilburu V, Jong-Raadsen S, Bakkers J, Spaink HP*, Marín-Juez R.* GLUT12 deficiency during early development results in heart failure and a diabetic phenotype in zebrafish. J Endocrinol 2015, Jan; 224(1):1-15. *Co-corresponding author


  • Cell Biology
  • General Pathology

Areas of expertise

  • Cardiovascular System
  • Gene (Living Organisms)
  • Coronary Heart Diseases
  • Endocrine System
  • Angiogenesis
  • Developmental Genetics
  • Animal
  • Metabolism (Living Organisms)