Health Sciences
Laurent Legault
- Professeur associé
Faculté de médecine - Département de pédiatrie
Secondary number:
514 252-3400 #4438
(Travail 2)
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Affiliated institutions
- CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal – Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (HMR)
Teaching and supervision
Research projects
- 2012
BCG vaccination and type 1 diabetes: exploring an association using a retrospective birth cohort assembled from the Québec BCG and live birth registries
Lead researcher :
Marie-Claude Rousseau
Funding sources:
IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:
PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général)
Publications and presentations
- Endocrinology
- Hematology
- Oncology
- Pediatrics
Areas of expertise
- Child Abuse and Negligence
- Youth and Eating Disorders
- Breast Feeding and Infant Nutrition
- Anemia
- Congenital Anomalies
- Intrauterine Developmental Abnormalities
- Apoptosis and Cancer
- Autism (Child, Youth and Maternal Health)
- Cancer of the Musculoskeletal System
- Cancer of the Reproductive System
- Skin Cancer
- Prostate Cancer
- Head and Neck Cancer
- Cancer of the Digestive System
- Cancer of the Urinary System
- Lung Cancer
- Leukemia
- Breast Cancer
- Hereditary Cancer
- Hormone Dependent Cancers
- Carcinogenesis
- Chemotherapy
- Blood Flow and Transfusions
- Prenatal and Neonatal Screening
- Postpartum Depression
- Endocrine Disorders
- Social Determinants of Cancer
- Social Determinants of Child and Youth Development
- Cognitive Development in Children
- Infant / Child Development
- Embryonic Development
- Cancer Diagnosis and Detection
- Cellular Differentiation
- Cellular Division
- Environment and Cancer
- Growth Factors (Cancer)
- Cystic Fibrosis (Child, Youth and Maternal Health)
- Suppressor Gene
- Cancer Genetics
- Gestation / Parturition
- Hormones and Growth Factors
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Host-Tumour Interaction
- Lymphoma
- Neuroendocrine Diseases
- Drugs and Pregnancy / Breast Feeding
- Nutrition and Cancer
- Obesity
- Oncogenes
- Cerebral Palsy
- Newborn Respiratory Diseases
- Landscape and Restoration
- Perinatal Period
- Preeclampsia
- Prematurity
- Radiotherapy
- Hormonal Regulation
- Endocrine Regulation
- Growth Retardation
- Mental Retardation
- Mental Health and Psychopathology in Children and Youth
- Cell Signaling (Circulatory and Respiratory Health)
- Cell Signaling and Cancer
- Stress and Cancer
- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- Endocrine System
- Smoking and Cancer
- Cell Therapy (Circulatory and Respiratory Health)
- Cell Therapy of Cancer
- Gene Therapy of Cancer
- Thrombosis and Embolism
- Prenatal and Perinatal Trauma
- Behavioral Disorders in Children and Adolescents
- Learning Disorders in Children
- Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders
- Speech and Language Development Disorders
- Cerebral Tumors
- Retinal and Ocular Neoplasms
- Vaccine and Cancer