Hugo Bouchard
Applications of physics to medicine, in particular radiation therapy and imaging.
- Professeur agrégé
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de physique
Complexe des sciences, room B-4435
Research expertise
- Modeling of radiation transport coupled to magnetic fields by the Monte Carlo method.
- Characterization of tissues by spectral computed tomography.
- Small field dosimetry.
- Simulation of the dosimetric response of detectors.
- Radiation detectors: ionization chambers, radiochromic film, diodes, scintillator, liquid ionization chamber.
- 2010 — PhD — Physique — Université de Montréal
- 2003 — MSc — Physique médicale — McGill
- 2001 — BSc — Physique — Université du Québec
For more information…
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Research units
University service and activities
Activities within organizations or entities of the institution
- Membre du Groupe de recherche en physique médicale du Centre hospitalier de l'Univertsité de Montréal
Teaching and supervision
Courses taught (current session only)
Student supervision
Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)
Contrôle en temps réel de la précision du suivi indirect de tumeurs mobiles en radiothérapie
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Modélisation Monte Carlo du CyberKnife M6 et ses applications à la dosimétrie de petits champs de radiothérapie
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Detector dose response to megavoltage photon beams coupled to magnetic fields
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Étude de la tomodensitométrie spectrale quantitative et ses applications en radiothérapie
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Plateforme numérique de tomodensitométrie et ses applications en radiothérapie
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Segmentation automatique de la fibrose pulmonaire sur images de tomodensitométrie en radio-oncologie
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Évaluation de la corrélation inter-substitut pour le suivi de tumeurs pulmonaires indirect
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Étude Monte Carlo de l’impact de la tomodensitométrie multiénergie sur la précision du calcul de dose en protonthérapie
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Performance d'une technique de tomodensitométrie synthétique par IRM pour le calcul de dose en radiothérapie
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Développement d'un nouveau critère pour déterminer les limites d'utilisation des détecteurs en dosimétrie non standard
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Étude des artefacts en tomodensitométrie par simulation Monte Carlo
Cycle : Maîtrise / Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Research projects
Spectrométrie de masse par tomodensitométrie spectrale avec le MARS
Radiothérapie adaptative en ligne améliorée par modélisation physique et intelligence artificielle_(Radiothérapie adaptative intégrée par modélisation physique et intelligence artificielle)
Simulation of physical processes with Monte Carlo methods in the keV and MeV energy range
Major Resource Support at the Université de Montréal for Canada's Subatomic Physics Program
Canada Research Chair in Emerging Applications of Spectral Computed Tomography
Institut TransMedTech Montréal // Validation d’un algorithme de reconstruction spectrale par modélisation Monte Carlo d’un scanner à comptage de photons
Développement d'un outil de modélisation Monte Carlo d'un scanner à comptage de photons et ses applications en reconstruction spectrale
Spectrométrie de masse par tomodensitométrie spectrale avec le MARS
Accurate Monte Carlo simulation of megavoltage beams coupled to external magnetic fields
Performance of an ultrasound probe prototype for tumor motion management in lung radiotherapy
Investigation of tissue characterization techniques for proton therapy
Publications and presentations
J Duchaine, D Markel, JL Ley, D Béliveau-Nadeau, K Zerouali, R Doucet, and H Bouchard. Consistency of IAEA’s TRS-483 and AAPM’s extended TG-51 protocols for clinical reference do- simetry of the CyberKnife M6 machine. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, 24(5) :e13976, 2023
H Cook, M Simard, N Niemann, C Gillies, M Osborne, M Hussein, V Rompokos, H Bouchard, G Royle, J Pettingell, H Palmans, and A Lourenço. Development of optimised tissue-equivalent materials for proton therapy. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(7) :075009, 2023
M Yang, P Wohlfahrt, C Shen, and H Bouchard. Dual-andmulti-energyctforparticlestopping- power estimation : current state, challenges and potential. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 68(4) :04TR01, 2023
C Remy and H Bouchard. Uncertainty-driven determination of target measurement times for indirect tracking validation in adaptive radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 68(1) :015009, 2023
M Simard and H Bouchard. One-step iterative reconstruction approach based on eigentis- sue decomposition for spectral photon-counting computed tomography. Journal of Medical Imaging, 9(4) :044003, 2022
C Remy and H Bouchard. Adaptive confidence regions for indirect tracking of moving tumors in radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 49(7) :4273–4283, 2022
J Duchaine, M Wahl, D Markel, and H Bouchard. A probabilistic approach for determining Monte Carlo beam source parameters : II. Impact of beam modeling uncertainties on dosime- tric functions and treatment plans. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(4) :045006, 2022
J Duchaine, D Markel, and H Bouchard. A probabilistic approach for determining Monte Carlo beam source parameters : I. Modeling of a CyberKnife M6 unit. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(4) :045007, 2022
J Duchaine, D Markel, and H Bouchard. Efficient dose-rate correction of silicon diode relative dose measurements. Medical Physics, 49(6) :4056–4070, 2022
Y Cervantes, S Duane, and H Bouchard. Monte Carlo investigation of electron fluence pertur- bation in MRI-guided radiotherapy beams using six commercial radiation detectors. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 67(3) :035001, 2022
Y Cervantes, J Duchaine, I Billas, S Duane, and H Bouchard. Monte Carlo calculation of detector perturbation and quality correction factors in a 1.5 T magnetic resonance guided radiation therapy small photon beams. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(22) :225004, 2021
I Billas, H Bouchard, U Oelfke, and S Duane. Traceable reference dosimetry in MRI guided radiotherapy using alanine : calibration and magnetic field correction factors of ionisation chambers. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(16) :165006, 2021
C Remy, D Ahumada, A Labine, JC Côté, M Lachaine, and H Bouchard. Potential of a proba- bilistic framework for target prediction from surrogate respiratory motion during lung radio- therapy. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(10) :105002, 2021
H Bouchard, I Billas, A Subiel, and S Duane. Eigencolor radiochromic film dosimetry. Medical Physics, 48(5) :2592–2603, 2021
KB Niepel, M Stanislawski, M Wuerl, F Doerringer, M Pinto, O Dietrich, B Ertl-Wagner, A La- londe, H Bouchard, E Pappas, I Yohannes, M Hillbran, G Landry, and K Parodi. Animal tissue-based quantitative comparison of dual-energy CT to SPR conversion methods using high-resolution gel dosimetry. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 66(7) :075009, 2021
H Bouchard. Reference dosimetry of modulated and dynamic photon beams. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 65(24) :24TR05, 2020
Y Cervantes, I Billas, D Shipley, S Duane, and H Bouchard. Small-cavity chamber dose response in megavoltage photon beams coupled to magnetic fields. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 65(24) :245008, 2020
M Simard, E Bär, D Blais, and H Bouchard. Electron density and effective atomic number es- timation in a maximum a posteriori framework for dual-energy computed tomography. Medical Physics, 47(9) :4137–4149, 2020
M Simard, R K Panta, S T Bell, A P H Butler, and H Bouchard. Quantitative imaging perfor- mance of MARS spectral photon-counting CT for radiotherapy. Medical Physics, 47(8) :3423– 3434, 2020
M Simard, A Lalonde, and H Bouchard. Parametrization of multi-energy CT projection data with eigentissue decomposition. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 65(15) :155001, 2020
I Billas, H Bouchard, U Oelfke, D R Shipley, C A Gouldstone, and S Duane. Alanine dosimetry in strong magnetic fields : use as a transfer standard in MRI-guided radiotherapy. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 65(11) :115001, 2020
- Physics
- Medical Physics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Radiation Oncology
- Applied Mathematics
Areas of expertise
- Monte Carlo simulations
- Imagerie médicale
- Radiation therapy equipment
- Interactions of particles and radiation with matter
- Radiation detectors
- Scattering of atoms and molecules
- X-ray beams and x-ray optics
- X-ray imaging
- Charged-particle beams
- Physical radiation effects, radiation damage
- Biological and medical physics
- Metrology
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