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Natural Sciences and Engineering; Health Sciences

Julie Brassard

Virologie, zoonoses et salubrité alimentaire

Professeure associée

Faculté de médecine vétérinaire - Département de pathologie et microbiologie

Secondary numbers: 450 768-7942 (Travail 1) 450 768-7851 (Télécopieur)
Secondary email: (Travail)


Research expertise

  • Détermination de l'origine des virus pathogènes présentant des risques pour l'humain dans la chaîne alimentaire et dans son environnement
  • Évaluation des profils de survie ou de persistance des virus pathogènes présentant des risques pour l'humain dans la chaîne alimentaire et dans son environnement
  • Élaboration de stratégies de contrôle de la ferme à la table des virus pathogènes présentant des risques pour l'humain
  • Étudier des virus modèles ou substituts et des indicateurs viraux potentiels

Affiliations and responsabilities

Teaching and supervision

Student supervision

Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)

Publications and presentations


Nantel-Fortier N, Letellier A, Lachapelle V, Fravalo P, L'Homme Y, Brassard J. Detection and Phylogenetic Analysis of the Hepatitis E Virus in a Canadian Swine Production Network. Food and environmental virology. 2016. Epub 2016/07/17.

Brassard, J., Gagné, M.-J., Leblanc, D., Poitras, E., Houde, A., Boras, V.F., and Inglis, G.D. (2015). "Association of age and gender with Torque teno virus detection in stools from diarrheic and non-diarrheic people.", Journal of Clinical Virology, 72, pp. 55-59. doi : 10.1016/j.jcv.2015.08.020

Delaquis, P.J., Brassard, J., and Gajadhar, A. (2015). "Pathogenic Viruses and Protozoa Transmitted by Soil.", in Yates, M., Nakatsu, C., Miller, R. and Pillai, S. (eds.) - Manual of Environmental Microbiology 4th edition, ASMscience Press, Washington, DC., Chapter 3.3.1, pp.

Gagné, M.-J., Barrette, J., Savard, T., and Brassard, J. (2015). "Evaluation of survival of murine norovirus-1 during sauerkraut fermentations and storage under standard and sodium reduction conditions.", Food Microbiology, 52, pp. 119-123. doi : 10.1016/

Ward, P., Leblanc, D., Houde, A., and Brassard, J. (2015). "Analysis of complete genome sequences of swine hepatitis E virus and V239A substitution in helicase domain of genotype 3 hepatitis E virus strains isolated from human and swine in Canada.", Archives of Virology, 160(7), pp. 1767-1773. doi : 10.1007/s00705-015-2429-8

Béland, K., Doré-Nguyen, M., Gagné, M.-J., Patey, N., Brassard, J., Alvarez, F., and Halac, U. (2014). "Torque Teno Virus in children with orthotopic liver transplantation: new insights about a common pathogen.", The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 209(2), pp. 247-254. doi : 10.1093/infdis/jit423

Béland, K., Doré-Nguyen, M., Gagné, M.-J., Patey, N., Brassard, J., Alvarez, F., and Halac, U. (2014). "Torque teno virus load as a biomarker of immunosuppression? new hopes and insights.", The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 210(4), pp. 668-670. doi : 10.1093/infdis/jiu210

Lachapelle, V., Sohal, J.S., Lambert, M.-C., Brassard, J., Letellier, A., Fravalo, P., and L’Homme, Y. (2014). "Genetic diversity of group A rotavirus in swine from Canada.", Archives of Virology, 159(7), pp. 1771-1779. doi : 10.1007/s00705-013-1951-9

Leblanc, D., Houde, A., Gagné, M.-J., Plante, D., Bellon-Gagnon, P., Jones, T.H., Muehlhauser, V., Wilhelm, B.J., Avery, B., Janecko, N., and Brassard, J. (2014). "Presence, viral load and characterization of Torque teno sus viruses in liver and pork chop samples at retail.", International Journal of Food Microbiology, 178, pp. 60-64. doi : 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2014.03.005

Wilhelm, B., Leblanc, D., Houde, A., Brassard, J., Gagné, M.-J., Plante, D., Bellon-Gagnon, P., Jones, T.H., Muehlhauser, V., Janecko, N., Avery, B., Rajic, A., and McEwen, S.A. (2014). "Survey of Canadian retail pork chops and pork livers for detection of hepatitis E virus, norovirus, and rotavirus using real time RT-PCR.",International Journal of Food Microbiology, 185, pp. 33-40. doi : 10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2014.05.006

Wilkes, G.A., Brassard, J., Edge, T.A., Gannon, V.P.J., Gottschall, N., Jokinen, C.C., Jones, T.H., Khan, I.U.H., Marti, R., Sunohara, M., Topp, E., and Lapen, D.R. (2014). "Long-term monitoring of waterborne pathogens and microbial source tracking markers in paired-agricultural watersheds under controlled and conventional tile drainage management.", Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 80(12), pp. 3708-3720. doi : 10.1128/AEM.00254-14


  • Veterinary Sciences

Areas of expertise

  • Virology
  • Zoonoses
  • Food hygiene

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