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Health Sciences; Medical Sciences; Physical Education and Rehabilitation; Natural Sciences and Engineering; Life Sciences

Thomas Romeas

Scientifique de la performance spécialisé en neurosciences, vision et psychologie du sport.

Professeur associé

École d'optométrie

Pavillon 3744, rue Jean-Brillant, room 6455

Secondary number: 514 343-6111 #31539 (Travail 1)
Secondary email: (Travail)


Water polo

Water polo VR training

Water polo VR training

On n’a pas fini d’aller plus vite, plus haut, plus fort

Entrevue Le Devoir

Boxe AI et VR

Reportage à l'émission Zone Économie de Radio-Canada RDI


Boxing VR training - Thomas Romeas

Boxing VR training

La boxe en réalité virtuelle

Reportage à l'émission Découverte de Radio-Canada

Mocap video

Soccer motion capture

La boxe en réalité virtuelle

Simulateur de réalité virtuelle de boxe - Thomas Romeas

Simulateur de réalité virtuelle de boxe


Research expertise

Thomas Romeas est professeur associé à l’École d’optométrie de l'Université de Montréal et dirige le secteur de la recherche et de l'innovation à l'Institut national du sport du Québec (, un centre d'entraînement national Olympique et Paralympique.

En tant que scientifique de la performance, Thomas se spécialise dans l'acquisition de compétences, la cognition, la vision et la psychologie. Ses intérêts portent sur l'évaluation et l'entraînement des compétences, les capacités perceptivo-motrices, la psychologie cognitive, la performance mentale, les commotions cérébrales et l'application des technologies de réalité étendue et de suivi oculaire.

Il offre des consultations et collabore avec des athlètes d'élite ainsi que des organisations sportives professionnelles, Olympiques et Paralympiques pour optimiser la performance humaine. Thomas participe activement à des projets de recherche pour stimuler l'innovation, éclairer sa pratique professionnelle et faire progresser les connaissances, en particulier dans le domaine du sport de haut niveau.

Après avoir obtenu son doctorat en neurosciences de la vision à l’École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal, Thomas a approfondi son expertise en effectuant un stage postdoctoral au département de génie logiciel et de technologies de l'information à l'École de technologie supérieure et à l'Académie du CF Montréal.


Thomas Romeas serves as an adjunct professor at the School of Optometry of Université de Montréal and leads the Research and Innovation Department at the Institut national du sport du Québec (, a national Olympic and Paralympic training center.

As a performance scientist, Thomas specializes in skill acquisition, cognition, vision, and psychology. His primary focus lies in skill assessment and training, perceptual-motor abilities, cognitive psychology, mental performance, concussions, and the application of extended reality and eye tracking technologies.

He provides consultation and collaborates with elite athletes and professional, Olympic, and Paralympic sports organizations to optimize human performance. Thomas actively engages in research endeavors to drive innovation, inform his professional practice, and advance knowledge, particularly in high-performance sports.

After obtaining his Ph.D. in Vision Neurosciences from the School of Optometry at Université de Montréal, Thomas further developed his expertise by completing a post-doctoral fellowship with the Department of Software Engineering and IT at the École de technologie supérieure and CF Montréal Academy.


  • 2007 — Baccalauréat / Licence — Biologie et autres sciences connexes, PhysiologieUniversité Claude Bernard Lyon 1
  • 2009 — Maîtrise — Neurosciences, PharmacologieUniversité de Montréal
  • 2015 — Doctorat — Kinésiologie, Neurosciences, Optométrie, PsychologieUniversité de Montréal
  • 2017 — Postdoctorat — Génie informatique et génie logiciel, Kinésiologie, Optométrie, PsychologieÉcole de technologie supérieure

For more information…

Affiliations and responsabilities

Research affiliations

Professeur associé

École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal

Professional titles and affiliations

Clinical and professional activities

Chef Recherche et Innovation

Institut national du sport du Québec (

Titles: corporations and professional organizations


Senior High Performance Certification - Own The Podium (

LEAD certification - Own The Podium (


SSC - Sport Scientist Canada (

NASPSPA - North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (

CCN - Canadian Concussion Network (

RRSV - Réseau de recherche en santé de la vision (

ReFORM - Réseau Francophone Olympique de Recherche en Médecine du Sport

Teaching and supervision

Student supervision

Post-doctoral Supervision

  • Fabian Alberto Romero Clavijo, Département Sport studies, Université Bishop’s. "Visuo-motor skills and baseball batting performance: assessment, association, and training protocols". Co-superviseur. 2023-2025. 
  • Mildred Loiseau Taupin, Département de génie logiciel et des TI, École de technologie supérieure. "La réalité virtuelle pour évaluer l'expertise et pour l’entraînement sécuritaire en boxe". Co-superviseur. 2021-2024.
  • Aïda Valevicius, Département de kinesiologie et d'éducation physique, Université McGill. "Fall and Head Impact Acceleration Monitoring of Short Track Speed Skaters". Superviseur industriel. 2020-2022.

Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)

Theses and dissertation supervision

  • Charlie Grisé-Joly, M. Sc. Neurosciences de la vision, École d'optométrie, Université de Montreal. Co-superviseur. 2024-2026.
  • Lucas Beckers, M. Ing. Génie logiciel et TI, Département de génie logiciel et des TI, École de technologie supérieure. Co-superviseur. 2024-2025.
  • Eve Charbonneau, Ph. D. Génie biomédical, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal. "Génération de techniques visuo-motrices optimales et innovantes de saltos vrillés pour améliorer la performance en sports acrobatiques".Co-superviseur. 2021-2024.
  • Lily Dong, Ph. D. Kinésiologie, Département de kinésiologie, Université du Québec à Montréal. "The effects of fatigue on match-play decision making among elite water polo athletes". Co-superviseur. 2020-2024.
  • Mélissa Vona, D. Psy. Neuropsychologie clinique, Département de psychologie, Université de Montréal. "Évaluation des capacités cognitives d’athlètes de haut niveau". Co-superviseur. 2020-2024.
  • Hossein Feizollah Zadeh Khoiee, Ph. D. Génie logiciel et TI, Département de génie logiciel et des TI, École de technologie supérieure. "Development of a 3D virtual reality boxing simulator using artificial intelligence for elite training". Superviseur industriel. 2020-2024.
  • Basil More-Chevalier, Ph. D. Neurosciences de la vision, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. "Périodisation cognitive – Méthodologie d’entraînement basée sur le développement des habiletés perceptivo-cognitives au soccer". Superviseur. 2020-2024.

Stages and Others

  • Maëlle Goujat, Licence (B. Sc.) ingénierie, stage de recherche, École Généraliste des Arts et Métiers de Lyon. Co-superviseur. 2023.

  • Mateo Dautelle, Master en sciences du sport et numérique, stage de recherche, École Normale Supérieure de Rennes. Superviseurr. 2023.

  • Béatrice Lavoie-Léonard, B. Sc. Neuroscience cognitive, Département de psychologie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2021.
  • Charles Henri et Xuan Vinh Nguyen, Doctorat en optométrie, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2015.

  • Phillippe Letendre-Joachim, B. Sc. Psychologie, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2014.

  • Nicolas Fugère et Louis-Simon Lavallée, Doctorat en optométrie, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2014.

  • Marie-Pier Lavoie, Marie-Pier Samson et Marjolaine Baril-Nadeau, Doctorat en optométrie, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2013.

  • Stéphanie Ferland, B. Sc. Génie biomédical, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2012.

  • Émilie Chamberland et Camille Gagnon-Cloutier, Doctorat en optométrie, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2012.

  • Olivier Parenteau, B.Sc. Génie biomédical, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2011.

  • Florence Fernet-Leclerc et Grégoire Deschenes, Doctorat en optométrie, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2011.

  • Carine Saint-Jalm, Charles Paillard et Sandy Michel, M. Sc. Sciences de la vision, École d'optométrie, Université de Montréal. Stage de recherche. Superviseur. 2010.

Jury Member

Mélissa Vona, D. Psy. Neuropsychologie clinique, Département de psychologie, Université de Montréal. "Évaluation des capacités cognitives d’athlètes de haut niveau". Co-superviseur membre du jury. 16 février 2024.


Research projects

2021 - 2027

Development of a sailing simulator using virtual reality and haptic feedback for athletes training

Lead researcher : Thomas Romeas
Co-researchers : David Labbé
Funding sources: (18817) Éducation MEQ / Québec (18817)
Grant programs:
2023 - 2025

Implementing CHAOS in training to optimize competitive performance in water polo: A holistic approach to more physically, cognitively, and emotionally representative practices

Lead researcher : Nicolas Berryman
Co-researchers : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: Institut national du sport du Québec
Grant programs:
2023 - 2025

Development of a specific fencing test for the assessment of physical and perceptual-motor skills

Lead researcher : Nicolas Berryman , Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: Ministère de l'Éducation du Qc
Grant programs:
2022 - 2025

Advancing sport concussion care and athlete development through multi-modal data approaches

Lead researcher : Thomas Romeas , Magdalena Wojtowicz
Co-researchers : Suzanne Leclerc
2021 - 2025

Évaluation des capacités cognitives d’athlètes de haut niveau en santé et suivant une commotion cérébrale

Lead researcher : Elaine de Guise , Thomas Romeas
Co-researchers : Suzanne Leclerc
Funding sources: Institut national du sport du Québec , FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
Grant programs: ,
2022 - 2024

Périodisation cognitive – Méthodologie d’entraînement basée sur le développement des habiletés perceptivo-cognitives au soccer

Lead researcher : Jocelyn Faubert
Co-researchers : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: MITACS Inc.
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération International - MITACS
2022 - 2024

Visuo-motor assessment, monitoring and training for talent identification and performance improvement in baseball

Lead researcher : Thomas Romeas
Co-researchers : Maxime Trempe
Funding sources: (18817) Éducation MEQ / Québec (18817)
Grant programs:
2021 - 2024

Generation of optimal and innovative visuomotor techniques of twisting somersaults to improve performance in acrobatic sports

Lead researcher : Mickaël Begon
Co-researchers : Thomas Romeas , Annie Ross
Funding sources: MITACS Inc.
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
2021 - 2024

The effects of fatigue on match-play decision making among elite water polo athletes

Lead researcher : Nicolas Berryman
Co-researchers : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs:
2020 - 2024

Development of a 3D virtual reality boxing simulator using artificial intelligence for elite training

Lead researcher : David Labbé , Sheldon Andrews
Co-researchers : Jocelyn Faubert , Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: MITACS Inc.
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
2021 - 2023

Virtual reality to help talent identification and safe training in boxing

Lead researcher : David Labbé
Co-researchers : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: MITACS Inc. , (18817) Éducation MEQ / Québec (18817)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération - Bourse industrielle pour chercheurs postdoctoraux - MITACS ,
2020 - 2023

Investigating the benefits of virtual reality on perceptual-cognitive processes

Lead researcher : Maxime Trempe
Co-researchers : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: Université Bishop's
Grant programs:
2020 - 2022

Fall and Head Impact Acceleration Monitoring of Short Track Speed Skaters

Lead researcher : David Pearsall
Co-researchers : Suzanne Leclerc , Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: MITACS Inc.
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération - Bourse industrielle pour chercheurs postdoctoraux - MITACS
2019 - 2021

Perceptual-cognitive training strategies using virtual reality to enhance performance in elite boxers

Lead researcher : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: Institut national du sport du Québec
Grant programs:
2019 - 2021

Impact of an ecological perceptual-cognitive training on water-polo goalkeepers performance

Lead researcher : Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: Institut national du sport du Québec
Grant programs:
Historical period: 2000 A.D. - Present

Research exploitation

2023 - 2025

iCANbox: Programming a unique virtual reality boxing simulator for elite training

Lead researcher : David Labbé , Thomas Romeas
Funding sources: Institut national du sport du Québec
Grant programs:


Participation à des jurys (hors de l’institution)

Alexandre Vu, Thèse STAPS, Université de Rennes 2, Mesure de l’attention visuelle au football : contextualisation des contraintes d’évaluation en réalité virtuelle. Membre du Jury. 17 avril 2023.

Transfert technologique et de connaissances

Entrevue télévisée. On n’a pas fini d’aller plus vite, plus haut, plus fort.,, Le Devoir. Juillet 2024.

Entrevue télévisée. Surpasser ses limites., Radio-Canada, Curium. Février 2024.

Podcast. La définition de la réalité virtuelle dans le sport de haute performance ( Dr. Coach Frank. Mars 2023.

Entrevue télévisée. La réalité virtuelle et l'intelligence artificielle en boxe., Radio-Canada RDI, Zone Economie. Novembre 2022.

Documentaire. La boxe en mode virtuel. Émission Découverte, Radio-Canada. Septembre 2020.

Documentaire. The quest for the perfect athlete. French Connection Films and ARTE France. Mars 2015.

Publications and presentations


Publications scientifiques évaluées par des pairs

Romeas, T., Croteau, F., & Leclerc, S. (2024). Where is the research on sport-related concussion in Olympic athletes? A descriptive report and assessment of the impact of access to multidisciplinary care on recovery. British Journal of Sports Medicine, bjsports-2024-108211.

Vona, M., de Guise, É., Leclerc, S., Deslauriers, J., & Romeas, T. (2024). Multiple domain-general assessments of cognitive functions in elite athletes: contrasting evidence for the influence of expertise, sport type and sex. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 102715, 102715.

Valevicius, A.; Croteau, F.; Romeas, T.; Leclerc, S.; Pearsall, D.J. Assessing Kinematic Variables in Short-Track Speed Skating Helmets: A Comparative Study between Traditional Rigid Foam and Anti-Rotation Designs. Biomechanics 2024, 4, 483-493.

Loiseau Taupin M, Romeas T, Juste L, Labbé D. Exploring the effects of 3D-360°VR and 2D viewing modes on gaze behavior, head excursion and workload during a boxing specific anticipation task. Frontiers in Psychology, Movement Science. 2023.

Edouard P, Guilhem G, Delvaux F, Romeas T, […]. Méthodes de recueil et report des données épidémiologiques sur les blessures et les maladies dans le sport : synthèse ReFORM de la position de consensus du Comité international olympique. Journal de Traumatologie du Sport, 2023.

Dong L, Berryman N, Romeas T. Questioning the validity and reliability of using a video-based test to assess decision making among female and male water polo players. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 2023.

Dong L, Pageaux B, Romeas T, Berryman N. The effects of fatigue on perceptual-cognitive performance among open-skill sport athletes: a scoping review. International review of sport and exercise psychology, 2022.

Romeas T, More-Chevalier B, Charbonneau M, Bieuzen F. Virtual-reality training of elite boxers preparing for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case-study. Case study in sport and exercise psychology, 2022.

Richard V, Lavoie-Leonard B, Romeas T. Embedding perceptual-cognitive trainings in the athlete environment: an interdisciplinary case study among elite female goalkeepers preparing for Tokyo 2020. Case study in sport and exercise psychology, 2021.

Romeas T, Greffou S, Allard R, McKerral M, Forget R, Faubert J, Gagnon I. Dynamic visual stimulations produced in a controlled virtual reality environment reveals long-lasting postural deficits in children with mild traumatic brain injury. Frontiers in Neurology, 2021.

Dong L, […], Romeas T, Berryman N. Sport-specific agility and change of direction in water polo: the reliability and validity of two newly developed tests. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2021.

Romeas T, Chaumillon R, Labbé D, Faubert J. Combining 3D-MOT with sport decision-making for perceptual-cognitive training in virtual reality. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 2019.

Mejane J, Faubert J, Romeas T, Labbe D. The combined impact of a perceptual–cognitive task and neuromuscular fatigue on knee biomechanics during landing. The Knee, 2019.

Chermann J, Romeas T, Marty F, Faubert J. Perceptual-cognitive three-dimensional multiple-object tracking task can help the monitoring of sport-related concussion. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 2018.

Hoke J, Reuter C, Romeas T, Montariol M, Schnell T, Faubert J. Perceptual-cognitive and physiological assessment of training effectiveness. Proceedings of Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation, and Education Conference (I/ITSEC) 2017.

Chaumillon R, Romeas T, Paillard C, Bernardin D, Giraudet G, Bouchard JF, Faubert J. Enhancing data visualisation to capture the simulator sickness phenomenon: On the usefulness of radar charts. Data in Brief, 2017.

Chaumillon R, Romeas T, Paillard C, Bernardin D, Giraudet G, Bouchard JF, Faubert J. The use of transdermal scopolamine to solve methodological issues raised by gender differences in susceptibility to simulator sickness. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2017.

Romeas T, Faubert J. Soccer athletes are superior to non-athletes at perceiving soccer-specific and non-sport specific human biological motion. Frontiers in Psychology, Movement Science and Sport Psychology, 2015.

Romeas T, Guldner A, Faubert J. 3D-MOT training task improves passing decision-making accuracy in soccer players. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 2015.

Lucas G, Du J, Romeas T, Mnie-Filali O, Haddjeri N, Piñeyro G, Debonnel G. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors potentiate the rapid antidepressant-like effects of serotonin4 receptor agonists in the rat. PLoS One, 2010.

Romeas T, Morissette M-C, Mnie-Filali O, M. Boye S et Piñeyro G. Simultaneous anhedonia and exaggerated locomotor activation in an animal model of depression. Psychopharmacology, 2009.


Romeas T and Faubert J. Expertise sportive et entraînement perceptivo-cognitif de l’athlète. Book, Presses Académiques Francophones Ed., 2017.

Romeas T, Piñeyro G, M. Boye S. Bulbectomie olfactive : nouvelle approche pour étudier la dépression. Book, Presses Académiques Francophones Ed., 2013.


Communications orales

Feiz H, Romeas T, […], Andrews S. Development of a 3D virtual reality boxing simulator using artificial intelligence for elite training: Motion dataset, methodology, and application. Sport Innovation Summit 2023, Halifax, CA. Oral presentation. December 2023.

Dong L, Romeas T, Vincent T, Bherer L, Berryman N. The interactions of exercise intensity, modality, and duration on concurrent executive function performance among highly trained athletes. European College of Sport Science, Paris, FR. Oral presentation. July 2023.

Loiseau Taupin M, Romeas T, Juste L, Labbé D. The effects of presentation mode on gaze behavior between 360VR and 2D videos in a boxing specific task. European College of Sport Science, Paris, FR. Oral presentation. July 2023.

Romeas T, […], Labbé D. When computer vision and virtual reality enter the ring: opportunities, applications and challenges. Sport Innovation Summit 2022, Richmond, CA. Oral presentation. December 2022.

Valevicius A, Romeas T, […], Leclerc S. Concussion, helmet, and head impact acceleration monitoring of national short track speed skaters. Sport Innovation Summit 2022, Richmond, CA. Oral presentation. December 2022.

Charbonneau E, Romeas T, […], Begon M. Jumping from the computer onto the trampoline: what can athletes learn from predictive simulations? Sport Innovation Summit 2022, Richmond, CA. Oral presentation. December 2022.

Romeas T. La vision des athlètes de haut niveau : santé et performance. Conférences du Groupe de recherche en sciences de la vision (GRSV) de l’Université de Montréal, CA. Oral presentation. September 2022.

Dong L, Romeas T, Berryman N. Insights on the validity and reliability of a video-based decision-making test performed by female and male water polo players. European federation of sport psychology, Padova, IT. Oral presentation. July 2022.

Romeas T. La réalité virtuelle appliquée au sport de haut niveau : évidence actuelles et réflexions pour les entraîneurs. Question Sport, INS Québec, Montreal, CA. National coaching certification program. Oral presentation. May 2022.

Romeas T. Sport vision training. International course on sport vision: fellowship in vision sport training, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Faculty of optometry, Bogotá, CO. Virtual teaching class. May 2022.

Romeas T. Sport vision evaluation. International course on sport vision: fellowship in vision sport training, Universidad Antonio Nariño, Faculty of optometry, Bogotá, CO. Virtual teaching class. May 2022.

Valevicius A, […], Romeas T, Leclerc S. Rate of injury and concussion in short track speed skating. Sport Innovation Summit 2021, Virtual conference. Video-poster presentation. December 2021.

Seminaro J, […], Romeas T, Labbé D. Development of an automated tool for performance analysis in boxing based on computer vision and machine learning. Sport Innovation Summit 2021, Virtual conference. Video-poster presentation. December 2021.

Richard V, Lavoie-Léonard B, Romeas T. Embedding perceptual-cognitive training in the athlete environment: An interdisciplinary case study among elite female goalkeepers preparing for Tokyo 2020. Sport Innovation Summit 2021, Virtual conference. Video-poster presentation. December 2021.

Dong L, Romeas T, Berryman N. Performance on a video-based decision-making assessment among elite and sub-elite male water polo players. Sport Innovation Summit 2021, Virtual conference. Video-poster presentation. December 2021.

Romeas T, […], Bieuzen F. Safe and immersive decision-making training using virtual reality in elite boxers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sport Innovation Summit 2020, Calgary, CA, Virtual conference. Video-poster presentation. October 2020.

Romeas T. Exemples d'entraînement à la prise de décision en boxe : outils et applications. Symposium provincial de la performance sportive, Montreal, CA. Oral presentation. November 2019.

Romeas T. Sport vision and perceptual-cognitive expertise. Foro Internacional de Neurodeporte y Actividad Física, Bogotá, CO. Oral presentations. September 2019.

Romeas T. Vision sportive et entraînement perceptivo-cognitif de l’athlète. Question Sport, INS Québec, Montreal, CA. National coaching certification program. Oral presentation. October 2018.

Romeas T, Lugo E. Developing human performance through perceptual-cognitive training. National Defense Industrial Association, Human Systems Conference Achieving the Third Offset: Maximizing Human-Machine Symbiosis, Springfield, VA, USA. Oral presentation. March 2017.

Romeas T, Faubert J. Expertise perceptivo-cognitive des athlètes. 12th scientific day, School of optometry and the Groupe de recherche en sciences de la vision, Montreal, CA. Jury award for best oral presentation. $500. March 2015.

Romeas T, Faubert J. Perceptual-cognitive training improves passing decision-making accuracy in soccer players. 1st annual Concordia Perform Center research conference, Physical activity and brain functions, Montreal, Qc, CA. Jury award for best oral presentation. $250. May 2014.

Romeas T, Faubert J. Entraînement perceptivo-cognitif chez des joueurs de soccer. 11th scientific day, school of optometry and the Groupe de recherche en sciences de la vision, Montreal, Qc, CA. Jury award for best oral presentation. $500. April 2014.

Communications par affiche

Dong L, […], Romeas T. Embrace the CHAOS: The co-creation and implementation of evidence-informed representative training designs in elite water polo to optimize competition preparation. European Federation of Sport Psychology, Innsbruck, AT. Poster. July 2024.

Dong L, Romeas T, […], Berryman N. Match play decision making and fatigue: A case study in women’s water polo at the 2022 FINA World Championships. European Federation of Sport Psychology, Innsbruck, AT. Poster. July 2024.

More-Chevalier B, […], Romeas T. Cognitive load monitoring in elite youth soccer training. European Federation of Sport Psychology, Innsbruck, AT. Poster. July 2024.

Sewell I, Romeas T, […], Wojtowicz M. Examining the Role of Cognition in Lower Extremity Musculoskeletal Injury and Concussion Risk in Elite Athletes. 12th Sports Neuropsychology Society, Philadelphia, USA. Poster. May 2024.

Sewell I, Romeas T, […], Wojtowicz M. Examining the Role of Cognition in Lower Body Musculoskeletal and Concussion Injury Risk in Elite Athletes. 7th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, Monaco. ePoster. February 2024.

Croteau F, Romeas T, Leclerc S. Fast-tracking concussion recovery in elite athletes: the power of early multidisciplinary secondary prevention. 7th IOC World Conference on Prevention of Injury and Illness in Sport, Monaco. ePoster. February 2024.

Sivasubramaniyam, […], Romeas T, Corbin-Berrigan LA. The role of perceptual-cognitive skills in the prevention of repeated head impacts in hockey: a pilot study. 16th annual brain injury conference, Toronto, CA. Poster. February 2024.

Feiz H, Romeas T, […], Andrews S. Animation database from sport videos using deep learning techniques. Sport Innovation Summit 2023, Halifax, CA. Poster presentation. December 2023.

Clavijo F, Romeas T, Trempe M. Perceptual-cognitive performance of baseball players with varying level of expertise. Canadian Society for Psychomotor Learning and Sport Psychology, Kingston, CAN. Poster presentation. October 2023.

Romeas T, Vona M, Deslauriers J, Leclerc S, de Guise E. Multi-domain assessments of cognitive functions in elite athletes according to their sport type and sex: preliminary results. European College of Sport Science, Paris, FR. Poster presentation. July 2023.

Loiseau Taupin M, Labbé D, Romeas T. Effects of virtual reality training on boxing performance. North American society for the psychology of sport and physical activity, Toronto, CA. Poster presentation. June 2023.

Dong L, Berryman N, Romeas T. Questioning the validity and reliability of using a video-based test to assess decision making among female and male water polo players. Sport Innovation Summit 2022, Richmond, CA. Poster presentation. December 2022.

Dong L, […], Romeas T, Berryman N. The effects of fatigue on perceptual-cognitive performance among open-skill sport athletes: a scoping review. Sport Innovation Summit 2022, Richmond, CA. Poster presentation. December 2022.

Feiz H, Romeas T, […], Andrews S. Animation database from sport videos using deep learning techniques. Sport Innovation Summit 2022, Richmond, CA. Poster presentation. December 2022.

Romeas T, […], Leclerc S. Monitoring sport-related concussion in high performance sport: results of an interdisciplinary clinical model of practice. 6th edition International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport, Amsterdam, NL. Poster presentation. October 2022.

Valevicius A, Romeas T, […], Leclerc S. Concussion Rates in the Canadian National Short Track Speed Skating Program During the Last Olympic Quadrennial. 6th edition International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport, Amsterdam, NL. Poster presentation. October 2022.

Valevicius A, Romeas T, […], Leclerc S. Impact attenuation performance of short track speed skating helmets. 6th edition International Consensus Conference on Concussion in Sport, Amsterdam, NL. Poster presentation. October 2022.

Romeas T, [], Bieuzen F. Virtual-reality training of elite boxers preparing for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics during the COVID-19 pandemic. North American society for the psychology of sport and physical activity, Waikoloa, USA. Poster presentation. May 2022.

Dong L, […], Romeas T, and Berryman N. Sport-specific agility and change of direction in water polo: the reliability and validity of two newly developed tests. Sport Innovation Summit 2019, Toronto, CA. Poster presentation. October 2019.

Romeas T, Faubert J. Assessment of sport specific and non-specific biological motion perception in soccer. 15th Annual Meeting, Vision Sciences Society, St. Pete Beach, Flo, USA. Poster presentation. May 2015.

Romeas T, Morissette M-C., Pineyro G et M. Boye S. Olfactory bulbectomy in the rat is associated with paradoxical changes in reward function. 37th Annual Meeting, Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Ca, USA. Poster presentation. November 2007.


  • Neurosciences
  • Optometry
  • Psychology
  • Computer Engineering and Software Engineering
  • Kinesiology

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