Chaire de recherche du Canada en signalisation du cancer et en biologie structurale
About us
Research involves
Applied biophysics to study the 3D shape and molecular machinery that control oncoproteins, with focus on the RAS family of small GTPases.
Research relevance
Research will improve our understanding of how cancer associated proteins function and provide new possibilities for therapeutic intervention.
Research units
- Institut de recherche en immunologie et en cancérologie de l’Université de Montréal
Location on the University campus
Pavillon Marcelle-Coutu, room 4480For more information…
At Université de Montreal
- Matthew James Smith - Titulaire
- Oncology
- Cell Biology
- Molecular Biology
- Medical Biochemistry
- Biochemistry
Areas of expertise
- Cell Signaling and Cancer
- X-Rays
- Proteins
- Bioprocesses and Biomedical systems
- Biological and Biochemical Mechanisms
- Mutation (Process)
- Enzymes and Proteins
- Growth Factors (Cancer)
- Cell Therapy of Cancer