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Environmental Planning and Design; Arts and Literature; Social Sciences and Humanities

Alessandra Ponte

Paysages culturels, histoire et théorie de l'architecture

Professeure titulaire

Faculté de l'aménagement - École d'architecture

Pavillon de la Faculté de l’aménagement, room 2006

514 343-6111 #4311

Secondary number: 514 343-2355 (Télécopieur)


Alessandra Ponte | March 18, 2013 | UIC School of Architecture

Alessandra Ponte - The Map and the Territory

The lecture is organised around a series of statements that articulate contradictory accounts of the relationship between maps and territories. The entry point is the title of a novel by Michel Houellebecq, 'La carte et le territoire' (2010).

Alessandra Ponte, Thomas Weaver, and François Dallegret present the book

Alessandra Ponte, Automated Landscape Data Centers, Rotterdam

Alessandra Ponte, Representing Ambience Today, Waterloo

Alessandra Ponte, Stephan Kowal, Learning from… Labrador Trough, Montréal, CCA

Communication with the media


  • Français, Écrit
  • Français, Oral

Expertise for media

Architecture : Histoire de l'architecture. Architecture et paysages culturels. Architecture de la contre-culture aux États-Unis.


  • Environmental Planning and Design
  • Architecture
  • History
  • Art History
  • Urban Studies

Areas of expertise

  • Architecture
  • History and theory of architecture
  • Cultural landscapes
  • History and theory of urban planning
  • Historic urban landscape

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