Engineering; Applied Sciences; Medical Sciences
Chaire de recherche du Canada en bionanoélectronique
Chaire de recherche du Canada
Faculté des arts et des sciences
Secondary number:
514 343-6111 #88923
Secondary email:
(Personne contact)
About us
A new type of biomedical sensors is emerging, based on ultraminiature electronic circuits able to capture a single molecule and monitor its movements or interactions over time. The proposed research program will use this innovative approach to study DNA and proteins in regimes that are difficult or impossible to access with other techniques. The large amount of data collected by these experiments will provide unique insight into the fundamental mechanisms of human biology and will open avenues to improve cancer detection technology using electronic sensor devices.
Location on the University campus
Pavillon Marcelle-Coutu, room 4306-5For more information…
Portrait de Delphine Bouilly, titulaire de la chaire
28-02-2017 Un financement de 10 M$ pour des infrastructures de recherche à l’UdeM
11-05-2017 Les chercheurs de l’UdeM offrent une 2e tournée de Pinte de science au public montréalais
18-12-2017 Nouvel appui majeur à la recherche à l’Université de Montréal
At Université de Montreal
- Delphine Bouilly - Titulaire
Projects and funding
Publications and presentations
- Physics
- Medical Physics
- Physical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Molecular Biology
Areas of expertise
- La vie repensée
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