Sophia Chae
- Professeure agrégée
Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de démographie
Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, room C-5036
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
- Membre du Centre on Population Dynamics - Université McGill
Teaching and supervision
Courses taught (current session only)
Student supervision
Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)
L’influence de la polygynie sur le besoin non satisfait en planification familiale chez les femmes en union au Bénin
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Influence de la famille d’origine sur les préférences des femmes en termes de fécondité à Madagascar en 2008-2009
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Research projects
Marriage and Health in Malawi
Mortalité des frères et sœurs dans les pays à revenu faible et intermédiaire
Men’s migration, social support, and women’s health and wellbeing in three diverse contexts
Publications and presentations
Agadjanian, Victor and Sophia Chae. 2023. “Long-term consequences of men’s migration for women’s well-being in a rural African setting.” Sociological Perspectives. 66(6): 1084-1102.
Chae, Sophia and Victor Agadjanian. 2022. “The transformation of polygyny in sub-Saharan Africa.” Population and Development Review. 48(4): 1125-1162.
Chae, Sophia, Victor Agadjanian, and Sarah R. Hayford. 2021. “Bridewealth marriage in the 21st century: A case study from rural Mozambique.” Journal of Marriage and Family. 83(2): 409-427.
Chae, Sophia, Nicole Haberland, Katharine McCarthy, Ann Weber, Gary L. Darmstadt, and Thoai D. Ngo. 2020. “The influence of schooling on the stability and mutability of gender attitudes: Findings from a longitudinal study of adolescent girls in Zambia.” Journal of Adolescent Health. 66: S25-S33.
Chae, Sophia and Jennifer E. Glick. 2019. “Educational selectivity of migrants and current school enrollment of children left-behind: Analyses in three African countries.” International Migration Review. 53(3): 736-769.
Weber, Ann M., Benjamino Cislaghi, Valerie Meausoone, Safa Abdalla, Iván Mejía-Guevara, Pooja Loftus, Emma Hallgren, Ilana Seff, Lindsay Stark, Cesar G. Victora, Romina Buffarini, Aluísio J. D. Barros, Benjamin W. Domingue, Devika Bhushan, Ribhav Gupta, Jason M. Nagata, Holly B. Shakya, Linda M Richter, Shane A. Norris, Thoai D. Ngo, Sophia Chae, Nicole Haberland, Katharine McCarthy, Mark R. Cullen, and Gary L. Darmstadt. 2019. “Gender norms and health: Insights from global survey data.” The Lancet. 393:2455-68.
Bankole, Akinrinola, Patrick Kayembe, Sophia Chae, Onikepe Owolabi, Jesse Philbin, and Crispin Mabika. 2018. “The Severity and Management of Complications Among Postabortion Patients Treated in Kinshasa Health Facilities.” International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 44(1):1-9.
An, Danming, Natalie D. Eggum-Wilkens, Sophia Chae, Sarah R. Hayford, Scott T. Yabiku, Jennifer E. Glick, and Linlin Zhang. 2018. “Adults’ Conceptualizations of Children’s Social Competence in Nepal and Malawi.” Psychology and Developing Societies 30(1):1-23.
Chae, Sophia, Patrick Kayembe, Jesse Philbin, Crispin Mabika, and Akinrinola Bankole. 2017. “The Estimated Incidence of Induced Abortion in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo.” PLOS ONE 12(10): e0184389.
Frye, Margaret and Sophia Chae. 2017. “Physical Attractiveness and Women’s HIV Risk in Rural Malawi.” Demographic Research 37(10): 251-294.
Chae, Sophia, Sheila Desai, Marjorie Crowell, and Gilda Sedgh. 2017. “Reasons Women Have Induced Abortions: A Synthesis of Findings from 14 Countries.” Contraception 96(4): 233-241.
Chae, Sophia, Sheila Desai, Marjorie Crowell, Gilda Sedgh, and Susheela Singh. 2017. “Characteristics of Women Obtaining Induced Abortions in Selected Low- and Middle-Income Countries.” PLOS ONE 12(3): e0172976.
Chae, Sophia. 2016. “Parental Divorce and Children’s Schooling in Rural Malawi.” Demography 53(6): 1743-1770.
Chae, Sophia, Sarah R. Hayford, and Victor Agadjanian. 2016. “Father’s Labor Migration and Leaving the Parental Home in Rural Mozambique.” Journal of Marriage and Family 78(4): 1047-1062.
Chae, Sophia. 2016. “Forgotten Marriages? Measuring the Reliability of Marriage Histories.” Demographic Research 34(19): 525-562.
Chae, Sophia. 2013. “Timing of Orphanhood, Early Sexual Debut, and Early Marriage in Four SubSaharan African Countries.” Studies in Family Planning 44(2): 123-146.
- Demography
- Sociology
Areas of expertise
- Marriage
- Genre
- Family
- Migrations
- Démographie sociale
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Quantitative methods