Jennifer O'Loughlin
Titulaire d'une chaire de recherche du Canada en déterminants précoces des maladies chroniques
- Professeure titulaire
École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive
Research expertise
Dr. O’Loughlin is a Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Montreal. She is a senior member of the Health Innovation and Evaluation Hub in the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center (CRCHUM), a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, a consultant to the Tobacco Control Research team at the Institut national de sante publique (INSPQ) and an elected member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium. Her team is housed at the CRCHUM and in addition to local researchers Dr. O’Loughlin has many ongoing collaborations nationally and internationally. During her 10-year tenure (to date) as a Tier I Canada Research Chair in the Early Determinants of Adult Chronic Disease, her research had focused on increased understanding of the relative importance of genetic, psychosocial, behavioral and environmental determinants of the childhood risk for adult chronic disease. She heads two pediatric cohort investigations (i.e., the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) Study and AdoQuest) and she is a co-investigator on another four.
From 2007-13, she headed an interdisciplinary capacity enhancement team (funded 1.5 million by the CIHR), which included 35 investigators and students working on tobacco control research. Her research output over the past 5 years includes 123 publications and over 151 presentations at local, national and international conferences, as well as Knowledge Transfer products including 13 “Feuillets” on her work with INSPQ practitioners improving cessation counseling practices in six health professional groups. These feuillets are distributed to tobacco control practitioners and policy makers across Quebec and help assure that the results of her research are incorporated in practice.
Dr. O’Loughlin’s work has attracted media coverage, and she was one of the University of Montreal’s Top Newsmakers in 2008. Perhaps a key indicator of how her work is influential, is its citation in “Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth and Young Adults: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2012” and “A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease, 2010.” Her research is also cited in a recent INSPQ submission to the Quebec government on proposed legislative changes to the Quebec Tobacco Control Act. Overall Dr. O’Loughlin’s work exemplifies interdisciplinary research that is well-grounded in public health, it demonstrates leadership in child and adolescent research, and it provides the “cells to society” underpinnings for furthering early prevention of adult chronic disease.
- 1992 - Ph.D. Épidémiologie, McGill
- 1983 - M.Sc. Épidémiologie, McGill
- 1977 - M.Sc. Limnologie, McGill
- 1974 - B.Sc. Biology, Queen's University
Parcours professionnel
- 2006-... - Professor (Full time, tenured), DSPM, U Montreal
- 2004-6 - Associate Professor (Full time), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
- 1999-4 - Associate Professor (Part time, non-tenure track), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
- 1994-9 - Assistant Professor (Part time, non-tenure track), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
- 1993-4 - Faculty Lecturer (Part time, non-tenure track), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
- 2004-... - Consultant, Tobacco Control Team, Institut national de santé publique du Québec
- 1985-2004 - Research Associate, Direction de santé publique, Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre
Awards and recognitions
- 2017-20 - Member, CIHR College of Reviewers
- 2006-21 - Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Early Determinants of Adult Chronic Disease
- 2010-... - Elected Fellow, Tobacco Research Consortium, Julius B. Richmond Center of Excellence, American Academy of Pediatrics
- 2009-... - Elected Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
- 1974 — B.Sc. — Biologie et autres sciences connexes — Université Queen's
- 1983 — M.Sc. — Épidémiologie et biostatistique — Université McGill
- 1992 — Ph.D. — Épidémiologie et biostatistique — Université McGill
For more information…
- Étude NICO - NDIT Study
- 16-09-2013 Devenir fumeur une fois adulte: un risque bien présent
- 16-10-2014 7 nouvelles Chaires de recherche du Canada à l'Université de Montréal
- 30-06-2015 Quel est l'effet réel de la marijuana sur la prise de poids?
- 15-12-2015 Les adolescents séparés de leur père risquent plus de souffrir de symptômes dépressifs
- 19-02-2016 Les beuveries chez les jeunes adultes pourraient mener à l'hypertension
- 28-10-2016 Les distractions dues à l’utilisation des technologies sont liées à moins d’heures de sommeil chez les adolescents
- 19-04-2017 Je démontre les bienfaits de l’activité physique sur la santé mentale
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Research units
- CRCHUM — Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal
- CACIS — Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les approches communautaires et les inégalités dans le domaine de la santé
Affiliated institutions
- Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM)
University service and activities
Activities within organizations or entities of the institution
- 2017 - Scientific Officer, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Community and Population Health (PH2) Peer Review Committee.
- 2017 - Expert External Peer Reviewer. Evaluation panel CE36 Public Health, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France
- 2017 - Expert extérieur, Comité Scientifique d’Évaluation (CSE), Projets Général volet Prévention, Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (IReSP), mai 2017
- 2017 - Réviseur (expert recherche "santé populationnelle), concours Projet du Continuum de recherche, CRCHUM, juin 2017
- 2017 - Membre, Comité d’évaluation des affiches, 19e congrès annuel des étudiants, stagiaires et résidents du centre de recherche du CRCHUM, mai 2017
- 2017 - Reviewer, PhD Epidemiology comprehensive exam questions, April 2017
- 2016 - Réviseur, Résumés des abstracts d’etudiants, Colloque Annuel de l’Association des étudiants en santé publique de l’université de Montréal (AEESPUM) 2016.
- 2016-17 - Member, Scientific Program Committee for the 2017 Canadian Cancer Research Conference (to be held November 5-7, 2017 in Vancouver
- 2016-17 - Member, Operating Grant – Partnerships for Health System Improvement for Cancer Control, CIHR
- 2016-17 - Scientific Officer, Funding Opportunity, Catalyst Grant: Health Services and Economics Research in Cancer Control, CIHR
- 2016 - Member, Innovation and Innovation to Impact Grants Panel, CCSRI
- 2016 - Member, Prevention Research Grant Competition Panel, LOI Stage, CCSRI
- 2015-17 - Expert External Peer Reviewer, International Scientific Evaluation Committee, French National Cancer Institute (INCa), Research program and interventions to reduce tobacco consumption and change current prevalence of tobacco-related cancers.
- 2015 - Expert Consultant. WHO Research Priorities Exercise: Prevention of overweight, obesity and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.
- 2015 - External Evaluator for considering a candidate for appointment as Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
- 2015 - External Grant Proposal Reviewer. The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding)
- 2015 - Participant invitée aux auditions (avec mémoire). Commission de la santé et des services sociaux. Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi n° 44, Loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre le tabagisme. Assemblée nationale du Québec. Sept 2015
- 2014-16 - Clinical Expert, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Tobacco prevention and cessation in children and adolescents, McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre, Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care (Project Leaders: Brett Thombs, McGill; Leslea Peirson, McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis).
- 2014-15 - External Reviewer, French Institute for Public Health, General Call for Projects
- 2014-15 - Member, Expert Panel, US Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products
- 2014-... - Guest Editor. Special issue on e-cigarettes and public health. Int J Health Promotion.
- 2014-15 - Member, Knowledge Synthesis Grant (KRS) Stage 1 Peer Review Committee. CIHR
- 2013-15 - Member, FRSQ Chercheur boursiers clinique salary award committee
- 2012-15 - Responsable, PhD Public Health Option Epidemiology, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2010-15 - Responsable, Committee to propose an MSc Epidemiology Program, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal
- 2007-15 - Member, PhD Comprehensive Exam Committee. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal
- 2006 - Member, Scientific Committee. Revue Drogues, sante et societe.
- 2005-... - Member, Editorial Team, American Journal of Health Promotion
Teaching and supervision
Student supervision
Post-doctoral Supervision
- 2017 - Tamer Ibrahim Salah Ahmed, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal
- 2017 - Reena AnthonyRaj. Short exchange program. Option santé mondiale de la maitrise. DSPM, U Montreal.Project: Tobacco control programs in schools in India.
- 2013-5 - Khady Ka, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal.
- 2013-4 - JiaWei Wang, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Exploitation of dietary data in NDIT, QUALITY and PHORCAST
- 2011-2 - Jennifer Brunet, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Smoking and physical activity in adolescents.
- 2011-3 - Andrea Kermack, Postdoctoral Student, Resident in Internal Medicine. MUHC. Project: Cessation in adolescents.
Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)
L’activité physique comme modérateur de la génétique de la pression artérielle chez les adolescents
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Le rôle modificateur de la qualité du sommeil dans l’association entre la génétique de la pression artérielle
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
A cross-sectional study of the association between polysubstance use and mental health in young adults
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
School culture and social inequalities in school-based health promoting interventions in Québec elementary schools
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
The role of coping style in the relationship between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in young adults
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
A time-use compositional analysis of the association between movement behaviours and depressive symptoms in young adults
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Cigarette smoking trajectories in adolescents
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.
Physical activity and screen time trajectories in adolescents
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
L’association entre les symptômes de la dépression chez les adolescents et l’alimentation nocturne chez les jeunes adultes
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Statut d’immigrant et tabagisme dans l’étude des inégalités sociales de santé chez les jeunes adultes à Montréal
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.
Theses and dissertation supervision
- 2016-… - Beatrice Lauzon. PhD Public Health Student (Epidemiology Option). DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Trajectories of cigarette smoking.
- 2015-… - Iliana Guentcheva. MSc Public Health Student (research option). DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Depression and night eating
- 2014-7 - Gauthier Tougri. MSc Public Health Student (research option). DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Predictors of blood pressure trajectories (co-supervision with MP Sylvestre).
- 2014 - Camille Bolze. MSc Epidemiology. Université Bordeaux Segalen (France). Project: Predictors of losing BMI.
- 2013-6 - Isabelle Dore. PhD Public Health Student (epidemiology option), DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Promouvoir la santé mentale et prévenir l’anxiété et la dépression par l’activité physique chez les jeunes adultes au collégial
- 2013-… - Miguel Chagnon. PhD Public Health Student (Epidemiology option), DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Genetic determinants of cessation in novice smokers. Funded by CRCHUM/IRSPUM.
- 2011-3 - Emily Dube. MSc Public Health Student (research option). DSPM, U Montreal. Project: The association between cannabis use and changes in adiposity over time in adolescents.
- 2009-13 - Maxime Pedneault. MSc Public Health Student (research option), DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Association between nicotinic cholinergic receptor SNPs and smoking initiation.
- 2006-13 - Thao Huynh, PhD Public Health Student (Epidemiology Option), Dept Epidemiology, McGill; DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Reperfusion for STEMI in Quebec hospitals
Jury Member
- 2017 - President du jury, MSc Thesis, Maxine Sun, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise avec these en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2017 - President du jury, rapport de stage « Portrait des surdoses de drogues à Montréal : Mise à jour en vue de l’ouverture de Services d’injection supervisée (SIS) ». Ouédraogo Mady Anick Solang, Candidate à la maîtrise en santé publique, option épidémiologie avec stage, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2016-7 - Internal Examiner, PhD Thesis. Tamer Ibrahim Salah Ahmed, étudiant(e) àu PhD en santé publique, option epidemiologie, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2016 - Internal Member. PhD Thesis. Isabelle Dore, étudiant(e) àu PhD en santé publique, option epidemiologie, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2016 - Internal Member. MSc Thesis. Khadidja Malloum Boukar, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise avec these en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2016 - Internal Member. MSc Thesis. Elyse Durocher, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise avec these en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal. L'objectif de modifier ou de contrôler son poids chez les adolescents : Vecteur de promotion des saines habitudes de vie ou facteur de risque à la santé?
- 2016 - Présidente rapporteuse, Évaluation du rapport de stage de Nath Dipa, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2015 - Membre, Jury de l'examen de synthèse (défense de protocole de recherche) de Miguel Chagnon, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Epidémiologie. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2015 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury pour la soutenance de la thèse de doctorat de Sabrina Cavallo, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2015 - Présidente rapporteuse, Évaluation du rapport de stage de E. Côté-Boileau, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2015 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury pour la soutenance de la thèse de doctorat de Tarik Benmarhnia, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2015 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury de l'examen de synthèse (défense de protocole de recherche) de Romain Pasquet, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie.
- 2014 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury pour la soutenance de la thèse de doctorat d’Etienne Langlois, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2013-4 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury de l'examen de synthèse (défense de protocole de recherche) d’Ahsan Raza, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie.
- 2013 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury de l'examen de synthèse (défense de protocole de recherche) Anne-Sophie Dube, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie.
- 2013 - Membre, Jury d’examen de mémoire de maitrise. Emily Dube. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2013 - Membre, Jury d’examen de mémoire de maitrise. Maxime Pedneault. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2013 - Membre, Jury pour la soutenance de la thèse de doctorat de Thao Huynh, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Épidémiologie. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
- 2013 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury de l'examen de synthèse (défense de protocole de recherche) de Gevorg Chilingaryan
Research projects
Effectiveness of integrated screening and facilitated referral to smoking cessation resources with health navigators for parents with unmet social needs – The CanCEASE randomized controlled trial
Do community-based food security interventions influence use of community services, food security, social integration and health among new users?
Application of a brief digital screening tool to address parental and adolescent tobacco and electronic cigarette use in pediatric medical care
Coping strategies and mental health: quantitative and qualitative insight into the COVID-19 experience in young adults
Exploring the effects of Quebec's legislation " An Act to Bolster Tobacco Control" in social inequalities in smoking.
Programme de dépannage CRCHUM
From birth to adulthood: the risk and protective factors leading to mental health problems in a representative population sample
From birth to adulthood: the risk and protective factors leading to mental health problems in a representative population sample. CIHR $489,280. PI: S Côté Co-I: M Battaglia, M Boivin, L Booij, JP Gouin, CM Herba, BR Masse, J O'Loughlin, RE Tremblay, G Turecki, F Vitaro
Monitoring activities of teenagers to comprehend their habits (MATCH): an 8-year study on sport participation and its determinants
Monitoring activities of teenagers to comprehend their habits (MATCH): an 8-year study on sport participation and its determinants. SSHRC $156,378. PI: M Belanger. Co-I: CM Sabiston, J Brunet, JL O’Loughlin, KE Gunnell, RJ Vallerand.
Determinants of individual blood pressure trajectories in adolescents
Determinants of individual blood pressure trajectories in adolescents. CIHR $355,492. PI: MP Sylvestre; Co-PI: J O’Loughlin. Co-I: J Engert, I Karp, S Williams
Investigating Social Disparities in School-Based Health-Promoting Programming: Project PromeSS
Investigating Social Disparities in School-Based Health-Promoting Programming: Project PromeSS. Soutien financier ($505,299) de Directeur national de santé publique et sous-ministre adjoint, Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux d’une recherche portant sur les disparités en matière de statut socio-économique dans les programmes de prévention du tabagisme en milieu scolaire – N/Réf. : 16-SP-00494.
Comprendre les mécanismes du sevrage tabagique chez l'adolescent dans une perspective d’aide à la décision projet (Projet COMET)
Comprendre les mécanismes du sevrage tabagique chez l'adolescent dans une perspective d’aide à la décision projet (Projet COMET). Ligue contre le cancer et l’institut national du cancer dans le cadre de l’appel a projets 2017 « Priorite cancers tabac : programme de recherche et d’interventions pour reduire le tabagisme et inflechir la prevalence des cancers lies au tabac». 337,605 Euros. PI : Manary L CO-I : Frohlich K, O'Loughlin J, Kestens Y, Sylvestre MP, Rondier P, Gagné T, Agrinier N, Kivits J, Cambon L, Alla F, Vallanta A
Prevention Research Grant. Continuation of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) study to age 30
Prevention Research Grant. Continuation of the Nicotine Dependence in Teens (NDIT) study to age 30. CCSRI $594,375. PI: J O’Loughlin Co-A: Datta G, Engert J, Kakinami L, Low N, Montreuil A, Sabiston C, Sylvestre MP; Additional Authors: DiFranza J, Paradis G, Pbert L, Winickoff J
Continuation of the nicotine dependance in teens (NDIT) study to age 30
Depressive symptoms in adolescence : The independent and interactive influences of genetics and physical activity over time
Depressive symptoms in adolescence : The independent and interactive influences of genetics and physical activity over time. CIHR Operating Grant: Analyses of existing Canadian cohorts and databases related to reproductive, child and maternal health and Cancer Control program $75,000. PIs: J Brunet, MP Sylvestre CO-I: I Karp, J Engert, S Williams, J O’Loughlin
Lifecourse approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer
Lifecourse approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer. Cancer Research Society/Read for the Cure Operating Grant ($120 000). PI: Sylvestre MP: Co-I: Datta G; Engert J; Karp I; Jutras-Aswad D; O’Loughlin J
Lifecourse approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer
Extension of the monitoring activities of teenagers to comprehend their habits study
Extension of the monitoring activities of teenagers to comprehend their habits study. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council – Sport Canada $130,781. PI: Bélanger M. Co-I: Beauchamp J, Brunet J, O’Loughlin J, Sabiston C, Vallerand R. Collaborator: Mancuso M.
Understanding blood pressure and end organ damage in adolescents
Understanding blood pressure and end organ damage in adolescents. CIHR $438,116. PI: Zappitelli M. Co-I: Bigras J, Chiolero A, Foster B, Gray-Donald K, Henderson M, Mathieu M, Maximova K, McGrath J, Moodie E, O`Loughlin J,Paradis G, Poirier P, Sabiston C, Tremblay A, Zhang X.
Understanding blood pressure and end organ damage in adolescents
Strengthening the links between research, practice and policy to reduce the burden of smoking in youth
strengthening the links between research, practice and policy to reduce the burden of smoking in youth. Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute $961,163. PI: O’Loughlin J; Co-PI: M Tremblay; Co-I: A Montreuil, L Rochefort. I Karp, A Labbe, G Paradis, J DiFranza, N Low, J Brunet, A Jean-Charles
Gene environment interactions in the development of cigarette smoking and obesity
Gene environment interactions in the development of cigarette smoking and obesity. Cancer Research Society/Read for the Cure Operating Grant $120,000. PI: Engert JC. Co-I: O'Loughlin J, Karp I, Low NCP, Sylvestre MP
Lifestyle activity and the promotion of emotional well-being, biological functioning, and physical health among breast cancer survivors over time
Lifestyle activity and the promotion of emotional well-being, biological functioning, and physical health among breast cancer survivors over time. CIHR $416,485. PI: Sabiston CM. Co-I: Wrosch C, O'Loughlin J, Meterissian S, Brunet J, Gaudreau, P.
Extension of the Monitoring Activities of Teenagers to Comprehend their Habits study
Extension of the Monitoring Activities of Teenagers to Comprehend their Habits study. New Brunswick Health Research Foundation $25,000. PI: Belanger M. Co-I: Beauchamp J, Utzschneider A, O’Loughlin J, Sabiston C, Mancuso M.
Participation à des jurys (hors de l’institution)
- 2016 - External Member, PhD Dissertation Defense of Phongsack Manivong. An evaluation of tobacco control strategies on smoking-related outcomes in Canada during the time of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy, Department of Epidemiology, McGill University
- 2012 - External Examiner, Sara Hitchman, PhD candidate in Psychology, University of Waterloo. Thesis: The relation between number of smoking friends and adult smoking cessation outcomes. Supervisor: Geoffrey Fong.
Publications and presentations
2016-7 (Total 303 lifetime)
- Gallant F, O’Loughlin J, Brunet J, Sabiston C, Bélanger M. Childhood sport participation profile predicts adolescence sport profile: A five-year study. Pediatrics (accepted).
- McGrath J, Racicot S, Okoli C, Hammond K, O’Loughlin J. Airborne nicotine, secondhand smoke, and precursors to adolescent. Pediatrics (accepted).
- Brunet J, O’Loughlin JL, Gunnell KE, Sabiston CM. Physical activity and depressive symptoms after breast cancer: Cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships. Health Psychology (accepted).
- Sylvestre MP, Kâ, K, Dugas EN, Zappitelli M, O’Loughlin J. Sex-specific trajectories of systolic and diastolic blood pressure in youth. J Hypertens 2017 Feb 22. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000001322. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28234673
- Ashdown-Franks G, Sabiston CM, Solomon-Kralus S, O'Loughlin J. Sport participation in high school and anxiety symptoms in young adulthood. Ment Health Phys Act (accepted)
- Brunet J, Pila E, Salomon-Krakus S, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin JL. Self-esteem moderates the association between body-related self-conscious emotions and depressive symptoms. J Health Psychol (acccepted).
- Brunetti V, Pigeon É, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL. Screen and non-screen sedentary behaviour and sleep in adolescents. Sleep Health (accepted). Editors selected this article to be part of the CME (Continuing Medical Education) Program for physicians.
- Crevier-Couture S, Barnett TA, O’Loughlin J, Tremblay A, Mathieu ME. Zeros in accelerometer files – a comparison study of ten nonwear algorithms. J Sports Science (accepted)
- Jabbour G, O'Loughlin J, Tremblay A, Mathieu ME. Moderate to vigorous physical activity to normalize fitness levels in children. J Phys Act Health (accepted)
- Scarapicchia T, McDonough M, Wrosch C, O'Loughlin J, Sabiston C. Social support and emotional well-being among breast cancer survivors. Prev Med (accepted)
- O’Loughlin E, Sabiston C, Dugas E, Contreras G*, Low N, O’Loughlin J. Anxiety symptoms are associated with physical activity in young adults. Mental Health Phy Act (accepted).
- Sylvestre MP, Wellman RJ, O’Loughlin EK, Dugas EK, O’Loughlin J. Gender differences in risk factors for cigarette smoking initiation in childhood. Addict Behav 2017 Sep;72:144-150. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2017.04.004. Epub 2017 Apr 4. PMID: 28399489
- Kakinami L, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J, Dugas EN, Constantin E, Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin J. Associations between physical activity and sedentary behavior with sleep quality and quantity in young adults. Sleep Health 2017 Feb;3(1):56-61. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.11.001. Epub 2016 Dec 9. PMID: 28346152
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin JL, Sabiston CM, Fournier L. Psychometric evaluation of the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form in French-Canadian young adults. Can J Psychiatry 2017 Apr;62(4):286-294. doi: 10.1177/0706743716675855. Epub 2016 Nov 10. PMID: 28363262
- O'Loughlin J, O'Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Dugas EN, Chagnon M, Dutczak H, Laguë J, McGrath JJ. Predictors of cigarette smoking initiation in early, middle, and late adolescence. J Adolesc Health 2017 Mar 15. pii: S1054-139X(17)30045-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2016.12.026. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28318910
- Montreuil A, Hanusaik N, Cantinotti M, Leclerc BS, Kestens Y, Tremblay M, Cohen J, McGrath J, Datta GD, O’Loughlin JL. Social disparities in children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in privately owned vehicles. Tob Control 2016 Oct 28. pii: tobaccocontrol-2016-053347. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2016-053347. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27794067
- Dugas EN, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J, Kakinami L, Constantin E, O’Loughlin J. Nicotine dependence and sleep quality in young adults. Addict Behav 2017 Feb;65:154-160. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2016.10.020. PMID: 27816041
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin JL, Beauchamp G, Martineau M, Fournier L. Volume and social context of physical activity in association with mental health, anxiety and depression among youth. Prev Med 2016 Oct;91:344-350. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2016.09.006.PMID: 27609745
- Wellman RJ, Dugas EN, Dutczak H, O’Loughlin EK, Datta GD, Lauzon B, O’Loughlin J. Predictors of the onset of cigarette smoking: a systematic review of longitudinal population-based studies in youth. Am J Prev Med 2016 Nov;51(5):767-778. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2016.04.003. Review.PMID: 27180028. Editors selected this article to be available online free for all readers, and to be part of the Continuing Medical Education (CME) Program for physicians.
- Wilke MS, Maximova K, Henderson M, Levy E, Paradis G, O’Loughlin J, Tremblay A, Proctor SD. Adiposity in children and CVD risk: ApoB48 has a stronger association with central fat than classic lipid markers. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016 Jul;101(7):2915-22. doi: 10.1210/jc.2016-1171. PMID: 27163356
- Maximova K, Hanusaik N, Kishchuk N, Paradis G, O’Loughlin JL. Public health strategies promoting physical activity and healthy eating in Canada: are we changing paradigms? Int J Public Health 2016 Jun;61(5):565-72. doi: 10.1007/s00038-016-0826-8. PMID: 27165863
- Contandriopoulos D, Hanusaik N, Maximova K, Paradis G, O’Loughlin JL. Mapping collaborative relations among Canada’s chronic disease prevention organizations. Healthc Policy 2016 Aug;12(1):101-15. PMID: 27585030
- O’Loughlin EK, Struik LL, Dugas EN, Botorff JL, O’Loughlin JL. Reasons to quit smoking by social status in adolescents. Can J Addiction 2016 Jun:7(2):5-13.
- Dugas EN, Wellman RJ, Kermack A*, Tremblay M, O`Loughlin J. Reasons young smokers do not use NRT even when it is available free-of-charge: pilot data. Can J Addiction 2016 Jun:7(2):14-21.
- Sabiston CM, Jewett R, Ashdown-Franks G, Belanger M, Brunet J, O’Loughlin E, O’Loughlin J. Number of years of team and individual sport participation during adolescence and depressive symptoms in early adulthood. J Sport Exerc Psychol 2016 Feb;38(1):105-10. doi: 10.1123/jsep.2015-0175. PMID: 27018562
- Grandi SM, Eisenberg MJ, Joseph L, O'Loughlin J, Paradis G, Filion KB. Cessation treatment adherence and smoking abstinence in patients after acute myocardial infarction. Am Heart J 2016 Mar;173:35-40. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2015.12.003. PMID: 26920594
- Wellman RJ, Vaughn JA, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin EK, Dugas EN, O'Loughlin JL. Relationships between current and past binge drinking and systolic blood pressure in young adults. J Adolesc Health 2016 Mar;58(3):352-357. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2015.10.251. PMID: 26903432
- Chenoweth MJ, Sylvestre MP, Contreras G*, Novalen M, O’Loughlin J, Tyndale RF. Variation in CYP2A6 and tobacco dependence throughout adolescence and in young adult smokers. Drug Alcohol Depend 2016 Jan 1;158:139-46. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.11.017. PMID: 26644138.
2016-7 (Total 416 lifetime)
- Morneau-Vaillancourt G, O’Loughlin J, Brunet J, Dugas E, BoivinM, Engert J, Sylvestre MP. Literature-based genetic risk score for depressive symptoms in adolescents. Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant (GRIP), École de Psychologie, Université Laval, juin 2017 (gagné le prix de la meilleure présentation orale).
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP, Beauchamp G, Martineau M, Fournier L. Santé mentale "positive" et risque de troubles anxieux et dépressifs chez les jeunes au collégial. Journée scientifique annuelle du Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec - Regroupement santé mentale (RRSPQ-SM), juin 2017, Montréal (gagné le prix de la meilleure présentation orale)
- O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami, Barnett T, Belanger M, Sabiston C, Contreras G, Dugas E, O’Loughlin J. Weight misperception and physical activity among young adults. PERFORM conference at Concordia, Montreal Spring 2017
- Doré, I*, O’Loughlin J, Schnitzer M, Datta G, Fournier L. Modalités de l’activité physique associées à la santé mentale et aux troubles mentaux courants chez les jeunes au collégial. 85e congrès annuel de l’association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS). Colloque “Activité physique et santé mentale: de la promotion du bien-être aux soins”. May 2017, Montréal
- Lauzon B*, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J. Smoking trajectories among novice smokers. 11th annual meeting of the Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD), Montréal, May 2017 (poster)
- Chagnon M*, O’Loughlin JL, Engert JC, Karp I, Sylvestre MP. Replicating Genetic Risk Scores: Should missing SNP values be replaced by proxy SNPs? 19e Congrès des étudiants, stagiaires et résidents du CRCHUM, Montreal, May 2017 (poster).
- Lauzon B*, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J. Smoking trajectories among novice smokers. 19e Congrès des étudiants, stagiaires et résidents du CRCHUM, Montreal. May 2017. (poster).
- Berger D, Sylvestre MP, Hanusaik N, Dugas E, O’Loughlin JL. Outil de dépistage pour identifier les adolescents à risque d’initiation au tabagisme. 19e Congrès des étudiants, stagiaires et résidents du CRCHUM, Montreal, May 2017.
- O’Loughlin EK, Kakinami L, Barnett T, Belanger M, Sabiston CM, Contreras G, Dugas E, O’Loughlin J. Weight misperception and health habits among young adults. Canadian Nutrition Society, May 2017, Montreal (poster).
- Ahun MN, O’Loughlin J, Datta G, Karp K, Engert J, Jutras-Aswad D, Sylvestre MP. Trajectories of alternate adiposity measures in youth: do they tell the same story? 6th ICCR Congress, Chronic Societal Cardiometabolic Diseases, Québec City, May 2017
- Chagnon M*, O’Loughlin JL, Engert J, Karp I, Sylvestre MP. Replicating Genetic Risk Scores: Should missing SNPs be replaced by proxy SNPs? 6th Annual Canadian Human and Statistical Genetics Meeting, Quebec city, April 2017 (poster)
- Dugas EN, Sylvestre MP, Wellman RJ, O’Loughlin J. Point of no return: Smoking frequency, smoking intensity and nicotine dependence in youth. Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence, Mar 2017 (poster).
- Dugas EN, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin EK, Brunet J, Kakinami L, Constantin E, O’Loughlin J. Nicotine dependence and sleep quality in young adults. Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence, Mar 2017 (poster).
- Dugas EN, O’Loughlin EK, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Chagnon M, Dutczak H, Lague J, McGrath J, O’Loughlin J. Predictors of cigarette smoking initiation in early, middle and late adolescence. Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT), Florence, Mar 2017 (poster).
- Tougri G*, Sylvestre MP, Dugas E, O’Loughlin J. Association entre l’activité physique et l’hypertension/préhypertension artérielle chez les adolescents. Journées Annuelles de Santé Publique (JASP), Montreal, Nov 2016.
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Fournier L. Does relatedness to others in physical activity promote mental health and prevent mental disorders? International Society of Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) Bangkok, Nov 2016.
- Chen HY, Sylvestre MP, Dugas E, Karp I, Dufresne L, Desbiens K, Thanassoulis G, O’Loughlin J, Engert J. Working together: Genetic risk and environmental contributors to adolescent adiposity. Genetic Epidemiology Society Meeting, Toronto, Oct 2016.
- Gallant F, Sabiston C, Brunet J, O’Loughlin J, Bélanger M. Longitudinal follow-up of early sport specializers and samplers. Sport Canada Research Initiative, Gatineau, Oct 2016.
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Fournier L. Mechanisms underpinning the association between physical activity context and mental health, anxiety and depression: evidence from a longitudinal study of youth. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology (CAPE). Toronto, Sept 2016.
- Wilk MS, Maximova K, Henderson M, Levy E, Paradis G, O’Loughlin J, Tremblay A, Proctor SD. Homeostatic model of assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and apolipoprotein B48 increase with increasing adiposity, whereas LDL cholesterol and triglyceride concentration are reduced over a 2 year period in children at metabolic risk. Symposium of the International Atherosclerosis Society “Anitschkow Days”. St. Petersburg, June 2016.
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Fournier L. Physical activity context is associated with mental health and depression among youth. Society for Epidemiologic Research Annual Conference, Miami, Jun 2016 (poster).
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Fournier L.Which type of physical activity should be encouraged to enhance perceived relatedness to others in physical activity among youth? North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Montréal, Jun 2016 (poster).
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Fournier L. Physical activity is associated with positive mental health, anxiety and depression among youth. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), Montréal, juin 2016.
- Brunet J, O’Loughlin JL, Sabiston CM. Physical activity and depressive symptoms trajectories: Associations over time among breast cancer survivors. International Society for Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 2016 Meeting. Cape Town, South-Africa, June 2016.
- Brunetti V, Pigeon E, O’Loughlin E, O’Loughlin J, Constantin E, Jen Y. Comportements sédentaires avec et sans écran et le sommeil chez les adolescents. Congrès d’etudiants du CRCHUM, Montreal, May 2016 (poster).
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin JL, Sabiston C, Fournier L. L’échelle du Continuum de santé mentale (MHC-SF): description, évaluation et utilité d’une mesure de la santé mentale. 84e Congrès : journée du Regroupement Santé mentale du RRSPQ, Points de rencontre, Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, mai 2016 (poster).
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin JL, Fournier L. Bouger plus, bouger ensemble : Explorer les associations entre l’activité physique et la santé mentale, l’anxiété et la dépression chez les jeunes adultes. 84e Congrès : journée du Regroupement Santé mentale du RRSPQ, Points de rencontre, Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, mai 2016 (poster).
- Doré I*, Fournier L, O’Loughlin JL, Beauchamp G. Martineau M. Portrait et déterminants de la santé mentale chez les étudiants au collégial. 84e Congrès : Points de rencontre, Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Montréal, mai 2016.
- Chen HY, Dugas EN, Dufresne L, Desbiens K, O’Loughlin JL, Engert JC. Genetic risk scores with and without FTO robustly predict body mass index. 16th Annual McGill Biomedical Graduate Conference, Montreal, Mar 2016.
- Doré I*, O’Loughlin J, Fournier L. Quels types d’activités physiques sont associés à une santé mentale optimale chez les jeunes adultes? XIème colloque de l’Association des étudiantes et étudiants en santé publique de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, février 2016 (Gagné le prix du public pour la meilleure présentation orale).
- Epidemiology and Biostatistics
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