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Health Sciences

Jennifer O'Loughlin

Titulaire d'une chaire de recherche du Canada en déterminants précoces des maladies chroniques

Professeure titulaire

École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive

Secondary number: 514 890-8000 #15858 (Travail 1)


Research expertise

Dr. O'Loughlin is a Professor at the University of Montreal’s School of Public Health, a member of the Carrefour de l’innovation et de l’évaluation en santé at the CrCHUM, an elected member of the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium, and a member of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. She held a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Early Determinants of Chronic Disease from 2004-21. She is a leading expert in child and adolescent public health research, with over 360 publications and extensive international collaborations. Her work has significantly advanced understanding of the early determinants of chronic disease and has led to transformative findings in public health, particularly in chronic disease prevention, tobacco control, and health inequalities. Her studies, such as NDIT and AdoQuest, have shaped policy on tobacco use, while PHORCAST and PromeSS have informed the development of public health infrastructure. Dr. O'Loughlin’s work has been cited in numerous influential reports, including the U.S. Surgeon General’s reports on tobacco use. Her efforts are definitively integral to improving public health systems, youth health behaviors, and health equity in Canada and beyond. Listed below are 5 key contributions.

  1. Incidence of and Risk Factors for Falls in the Elderly, Principal Investigator 1987-1993. Dr. O'Loughlin conducted the first community-based prospective cohort study on falls in the elderly, which led to her PhD dissertation, two publications, 11 presentations, and one book chapter. This groundbreaking study laid the foundation for two funded evaluations of falls prevention programs and contributed significantly to the field of geriatric public health.
  2. Community-Based Heart Disease Prevention Program, Principal Investigator 1992-97
    Dr. O'Loughlin led a five-year program to design, implement, and evaluate a heart disease prevention initiative targeting adults in a low-income neighborhood in Montreal, Canada. Over 40 distinct interventions promoting heart health were developed and assessed, resulting in valuable insights into heart health promotion in disadvantaged communities.
  3. Nicotine Dependence in Teens, Principal Investigator 1999-Present ( This ongoing, longitudinal study of 1,294 students recruited in 10 Montreal high schools investigates the natural course of nicotine dependence in youth. Data have been collected in 26 cycles to date, from grade 7 through adulthood. The study also examines related factors like obesity, physical activity, and mental health. NDIT has produced 140 publications and is funded by the Canadian Cancer Society and CIHR.
  4. PHORCAST, Principal Investigator 2005-Present ( PHORCAST is Canada’s first longitudinal study on public health organizations’ capacity to prevent chronic diseases. With three data collection cycles to date (2005, 2010, 2022), it assesses how public health organizations have evolved in Canada, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings from PHORCAST have informed national policy and highlighted regional disparities in public health systems.
  5. PromeSS, Principal Investigator 2016-Present (
    The PromeSS study focuses on social inequalities in the availability and implementation of school-based health-promoting interventions across Quebec. Two cycles of data collection to date from school principals and qualitative interviews with school service centers have provided critical data for improving health promotion interventions in schools, particularly those in disadvantaged communities.



  • 1992 - Ph.D. Épidémiologie, McGill
  • 1983 - M.Sc. Épidémiologie, McGill
  • 1977 - M.Sc. Limnologie, McGill
  • 1974 - B.Sc. Biology, Queen's University

Parcours professionnel

  • 2006-... - Professor (Full time, tenured), DSPM, U Montreal
  • 2004-6 - Associate Professor (Full time), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
  • 2004-18 - Epidemiology Consultant, Tobacco Control Team, Institut national de santé publique du Québec
  • 1999-4 - Associate Professor (Part time, non-tenure track), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
  • 1994-9 - Assistant Professor (Part time, non-tenure track), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
  • 1993-4 - Faculty Lecturer (Part time, non-tenure track), Dept Epidemiology, McGill
  • 1985-2004 - Research Associate, Direction de santé publique, Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de Montréal-Centre

Awards and recognitions

  • 2021 - Honneur pour saluer les efforts exceptionnels, Cérémonie virtuelle Bravo Recherche - Spécial COVID-19
  • 2017-20 - Member, CIHR College of Reviewers
  • 2014-21 - Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Early Determinants of Adult Chronic Disease
  • 2010-24 - Elected Fellow, Tobacco Research Consortium, Julius B. Richmond Center of Excellence, American Academy of Pediatrics 
  • 2009-... - Elected Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences


  • 1974 — B.Sc. — Biologie et autres sciences connexesUniversité Queen's
  • 1983 — M.Sc. — Épidémiologie et biostatistiqueUniversité McGill
  • 1992 — Ph.D. — Épidémiologie et biostatistiqueUniversité McGill

Affiliations and responsabilities

University service and activities

Activities within organizations or entities of the institution

  • 2024-25 - Membre évaluateur, Comité FCI-Fonds des Leaders, Comite 7, Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) - secteur Santé
  • 2024 - Member, Psychosocial, Sociocultural & Behavioural Determinants of Health (PB1) Committee, Project Grant: Spring 2024 Competition. CIHR
  • 2023-24- Scientific Officer, Team Grant: Lung Health, CIHR
  • 2022-24 - Scientific Officer, Post-Doctoral and Doctoral Peer Review Committees, Health System Impact (HSI) Fellowship, CIHR
  • 2022 - Scientific Officer, Healthy Cities Research Initiative: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts (HCRI), Peer Review Committee, CIHR.
  • 2021-22 - Scientific Officer, Catalyst Grant: Alcohol, Peer Review Committee, CIHR
  • 2021 - Scientific Officer, Health Research Training Platform (HRTP) program. Peer Review Committee, CIHR
  • 2020 - Committee Member, Programme de bourses sur le jeu responsable, Fonds Recherche Québec, Société et culture (FRQSC)
  • 2018-20 - Scientific Officer, Operating Grant: Data Analysis Using Existing Databases and Cohorts, Peer Review Committee, CIHR.
  • 2018- 20 - Member, Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) Innovation and Innovation to Impact (i2i) Grants Panel I5
  • 2018-21 - Member, Fellowship Nomination Committee. Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS).
  • 2018 - Scientific Officer, Operating Grant: Secondary Data Analysis for Cancer Prevention and Control Peer Review Committee, CIHR
  • 2017 - Scientific Officer, Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Community and Population Health (PH2) Peer Review Committee.
  • 2017 - Expert External Peer Reviewer. Evaluation panel CE36 Public Health, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), France
  • 2017 - Expert extérieur, Comité Scientifique d’Évaluation (CSE), Projets Général volet Prévention, Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (IReSP), mai 2017
  • 2017 - Réviseur (expert recherche "santé populationnelle), concours Projet du Continuum de recherche, CRCHUM, juin 2017
  • 2017 - Membre, Comité d’évaluation des affiches, 19e congrès annuel des étudiants, stagiaires et résidents du centre de recherche du CRCHUM, mai 2017
  • 2017 - Reviewer, PhD Epidemiology comprehensive exam questions, April 2017
  • 2016 - Réviseur, Résumés des abstracts d’etudiants, Colloque Annuel de l’Association des étudiants en santé publique de l’université de Montréal (AEESPUM) 2016.
  • 2016-17 - Member, Scientific Program Committee for the 2017 Canadian Cancer Research Conference (to be held November 5-7, 2017 in Vancouver
  • 2016-17 - Member, Operating Grant – Partnerships for Health System Improvement for Cancer Control, CIHR
  • 2016-17 - Scientific Officer, Funding Opportunity, Catalyst Grant: Health Services and Economics Research in Cancer Control, CIHR
  • 2016 - Member, Innovation and Innovation to Impact Grants Panel, CCSRI
  • 2016 - Member, Prevention Research Grant Competition Panel, LOI Stage, CCSRI
  • 2015-17 - Expert External Peer Reviewer, International Scientific Evaluation Committee, French National Cancer Institute (INCa), Research program and interventions to reduce tobacco consumption and   change current prevalence of tobacco-related cancers.
  • 2015 - Expert Consultant. WHO Research Priorities Exercise: Prevention of overweight, obesity and metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents.
  • 2015 - External Evaluator for considering a candidate for appointment as Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
  • 2015 - External Grant Proposal Reviewer. The Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding)
  • 2015 - Participant invitée aux auditions (avec mémoire). Commission de la santé et des services sociaux. Consultations particulières et auditions publiques sur le projet de loi n° 44, Loi visant à   renforcer la lutte contre le tabagisme. Assemblée nationale du Québec. Sept 2015
  • 2014-16 - Clinical Expert, Clinical Practice Guidelines, Tobacco prevention and cessation in children and adolescents, McMaster Evidence Review and Synthesis Centre, Canadian Task Force on Preventive   Health Care (Project Leaders: Brett Thombs, McGill; Leslea Peirson, McMaster Evidence Review and   Synthesis). 
  • 2014-15 - External Reviewer, French Institute for Public Health, General Call for Projects
  • 2014-15 - Member, Expert Panel, US Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products
  • 2014-... - Guest Editor. Special issue on e-cigarettes and public health. Int J Health Promotion.
  • 2014-15 - Member, Knowledge Synthesis Grant (KRS) Stage 1 Peer Review Committee. CIHR
  • 2013-15 - Member, FRSQ Chercheur boursiers clinique salary award committee
  • 2012-15 - Responsable, PhD Public Health Option Epidemiology, Department of Social and Preventive Me

Teaching and supervision

Student supervision

Post-doctoral Supervision


  • 2017 - Tamer Ibrahim Salah Ahmed, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal
  • 2017 - Reena AnthonyRaj. Short exchange program. Option santé mondiale de la maitrise. DSPM, U Montreal.Project: Tobacco control programs in schools in India.
  • 2013-5 - Khady Ka, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal.
  • 2013-4 - JiaWei Wang, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Exploitation of dietary data in NDIT, QUALITY and PHORCAST
  • 2011-2 - Jennifer Brunet, Postdoctoral Student, DSPM, U Montreal. Project: Smoking and physical activity in adolescents. 
  • 2011-3 - Andrea Kermack, Postdoctoral Student, Resident in Internal Medicine. MUHC. Project: Cessation in adolescents.

Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)


School culture and social inequalities in school-based health promoting interventions in Québec elementary schools

Graduate : Kalubi-Lukusa, Jodi Cécile
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.

Cigarette smoking trajectories in adolescents

Graduate : Lauzon, Béatrice
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.

Physical activity and screen time trajectories in adolescents

Graduate : Riglea, Teodora
Cycle : Master's
Grade : M. Sc.

Theses and dissertation supervision


  • 2023-… Roua Chihi, MSc en Épidémiologie, Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Superviseure principale
  • 2023-… Darline Larissa Kengne Kuate, MSc en Épidémiologie, Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Projet: Le role des stratégies d'adaptation dans l'association entre le sommeil et la santé mentale positive. Co-superviseure
  • 2022-… Saphia Hassan, MSc en Épidémiologie, Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Projet: Co-use of alcohol and cannabis in relation to mental health. Co-superviseure
  • 2021-… Teodora Riglea, PhD en santé publique (Option Épidémiologie), Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Projet: Potential mechanisms underpinning the relationship between sedentary behavior and mental health in young adults. Superviseure principale
  • 2021-… Annie Pelekanakis, PhD en santé publique (Option Épidémiologie), Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Projet: The acute and long-term effects of cannabis use on anxiety symptoms in prime-working age adults. Superviseure principale
  • 2020-25 Yasmien Deis, MSc en Épidémiologie, Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Projet: Sociodemographic, Lifestyle and Psychological Factors Associated With Positive Mental Health In Young Adults. Co-superviseure
  • 2020-2024 Kévin L'Espérance, PhD en santé publique (Option Épidémiologie), Departement de médecine sociale et préventive, École de santé publique, Université de Montreal. Projet: L’excès de masse grasse chez l’enfant et le jeune adulte sur le risque de cancer épithélial de l’ovaire. Co-superviseure

Jury Member


  • 2024 - Membre externe, jury du mémoire de Raphaël Aubin, MSc, Sciences en psychoéducation, École de Psychoéducation, Université de Montreal. L’association entre la sécurité d’attachement mère-enfant et la consommation de cannabis.
  • 2024 - Président rapporteuse du jury, Méloë Maigné, MSc en épidémiologie, Université de Montréal. Association entre l’ethnicité haïtienne et les hospitalisations pédiatriques au Québec.
  • 2024 - Président rapporteuse du jury, Ariane Belzile, MSc en épidémiologie, ESPUM, Université de Montréal. L’effet protecteur de la consommation d’alcool sur le risque de diabète de type 2 : une étude pan-génomique.
  • 2023-24 - Président rapporteuse du jury, Sadun Kehzri, MSc Santé publique, Recherche, ESPUM, Université de Montréal. Relations entre environnementaux bâtis, contexte social et bien-être : Une étude par évaluation écologique momentané à Montréal.
  • 2023 - President rapporteuse du jury, Amira Amer, MSc Santé publique, Recherche, Université de Montréal. Risk of severe influenza infection in women with a history of pregnancy complications: a longitudinal cohort study.
  • 2023 - Membre interne du jury, Sabrina Jeanveaux, MSc Épidémiologie, Université de Montréal. Exploration génétique de la mortalité liée à la chaleur dans la UK Biobank : une étude d’association pangénomique.
  • 2022 - Président rapporteuse du jury, Nahantara Lafleur, MSc Épidemiologie, Université de Montréal. Contribution de l’endométriose à la morbidité maternelle sévère : une étude de cohorte rétrospective.
  • 2021-22 - President rapporteuse du jury, Heather Walker, MSc Épidémiologie, Université de Montréal. Dengue surveillance in Colombia: temporal patterns and predictors.
  • 2020 - President rapporteuse du jury, Aleksandra Pruzsynska, MSc Épidémiologie, Université de Montréal. Variability of diastolic and systolic blood pressure measurements in the Canadian Population.
  • 2020-21 - Président rapporteuse du jury, Larisa Ines Yankoty, PhD Candidate, Programme Sante publique Option Épidémiologie, Université de Montréal. Maladies cardiovasculaires et bruit environnemental et des transports.
  • 2019 - President rapporteuse du jury, Jonathan Michaud, MSc Épidémiologie, Université de Montréal. Prématurité et futur risque de fracture orthopédique.
  • 2018-19 - Président rapporteuse du jury, Mélanie Chouinard, MSc en santé publique (option recherche), Université de Montréal. Portrait des grossesses ectopiques au Québec et leurs retombées sur la santé reproductive et maternelle.
  • 2017-18 - Évaluatrice interne jury de thèse doctoral, Youssef Allami, Université de Montréal. Profils de joueurs à problèmes : un test empirique des parcours multiples.
  • 2017 - President du jury, Maxine Sun, MSc en santé publique (option recherche), Université de Montréal. 
  • 2017 - President du jury, rapport de stage « Portrait des surdoses de drogues à Montréal : Mise à jour en vue de l’ouverture de Services d’injection supervisée (SIS) ». Ouédraogo Mady Anick Solang, Candidate à la maîtrise en santé publique, option épidémiologie avec stage, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal. 
  • 2016-7 - Internal Examiner, PhD Thesis. Tamer Ibrahim Salah Ahmed, étudiant(e) àu PhD en santé publique, option epidemiologie, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal. 
  • 2016 - Internal Member. PhD Thesis. Isabelle Dore, étudiant(e) àu PhD en santé publique, option epidemiologie, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal. 
  • 2016 - Internal Member. MSc Thesis. Khadidja Malloum Boukar, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise avec these en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal. 
  • 2016 - Internal Member. MSc Thesis. Elyse Durocher, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise avec these en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.  L'objectif de modifier ou de contrôler son poids chez les adolescents : Vecteur de promotion des saines habitudes de vie ou facteur de risque à la santé?
  • 2016 - Présidente rapporteuse, Évaluation du rapport de stage de Nath Dipa, étudiant(e) à la maîtrise en santé publique, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
  • 2015 - Membre, Jury de l'examen de synthèse (défense de protocole de recherche) de Miguel Chagnon, candidat PhD Sante publique, Option Epidémiologie. Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Montreal.
  • 2015 - Présidente rapporteuse, Jury pour la soutenance de la thèse de doctorat


Research projects

2024 - 2031

Effectiveness of integrated screening and facilitated referral to smoking cessation resources with health navigators for parents with unmet social needs – The CanCEASE randomized controlled trial

Lead researcher : Olivier Drouin
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2024 - 2029

Changes in sport and physical activity participation from the childhood to emerging adulthood

2023 - 2028

Étude longitudinale des facteurs individuels et sociaux associés à l’évolution temporelle des habitudes de consommation de cannabis et de leurs conséquences selon la perspective des jeunes inscrits au cégep

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2022 - 2027

CAN-DO (CANnabis research DevelOpment): A cells-to-society research program on cannabis and mental health in younger adults

Lead researcher : Marie-Pierre Sylvestre , Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:
2024 - 2026

Unpacking resilience: Identifying individual-to-societal predictors of favorable affect regulation.

2023 - 2026

Étude des effets sur la santé physique de la consommation de cannabis chez les adultes en âge de travailler et les enfants vivant avec eux : le programme CAPE. Programme de recherche sur l’usage du cannabis à des fins non-médicales : impacts de la consommation sur la santé

Lead researcher : Marie-Pierre Sylvestre
Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs:
2018 - 2025

Do community-based food security interventions influence use of community services, food security, social integration and health among new users?

Lead researcher : Louise Potvin
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2023 - 2024

Exposition aux écrans et à la nature: évaluation d’outils de mesure et estimation des impacts sur la santé mentale des jeunes à partir de données longitudinales des études MATCH et NDIT

Lead researcher : Isabelle Doré
Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2022 - 2024

Application of a brief digital screening tool to address parental and adolescent tobacco and electronic cigarette use in pediatric medical care

Lead researcher : Olivier Drouin
Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin , Marie-Pierre Sylvestre , Nicholas Chadi , Jonathan Winickoff
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2021 - 2024

Coping strategies and mental health: quantitative and qualitative insight into the COVID-19 experience in young adults

Lead researcher : Marie-Pierre Sylvestre
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Subvention de fonctionnement (COVID-19)
2020 - 2024

EXplorer les mécanismes des Inégalités Sociales liées au Tabagisme en population adolescente pour développer une stratégie préventive intégrative : le projet EXIST

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2020 - 2023

Sport participation through the transition from adolescence to adulthood

2020 - 2022

Scaling up public health chronic disease prevention (CDP) innovations

Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:
2017 - 2022

Exploring the effects of Quebec's legislation " An Act to Bolster Tobacco Control" in social inequalities in smoking.

Lead researcher : Katherine Frohlich
Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin , Kristin Voigt , Rebecca Haines-Saah
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada , IRSCC/Institut de recherche de la Société canadienne du cancer
Grant programs: PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général) , PV132873-Subventions pour l'innovation
2020 - 2021

Youth and E-Cigarettes: A Knowledge Synthesis

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2020 - 2021

Programme de dépannage CRCHUM: Coping strategies and mental health: quantitative and qualitative insight into the COVID-19 experience in young adults

Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Co-researchers : Marie-Pierre Sylvestre
Funding sources: Fondation du CHUM/Fondation du Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM)
Grant programs:
2019 - 2021

A prognostic tool for regular cannabis use among youth: A precursor to lowering cannabis-related cancer risk

Lead researcher : Marie-Pierre Sylvestre
Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: (16631)Société canadienne du cancer (16631)
Grant programs:
2016 - 2021

From birth to adulthood: the risk and protective factors leading to mental health problems in a representative population sample

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2014 - 2021


Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: SPIIE/Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Grant programs: PVX50399-Chaires de recherche du Canada

Faire face à la pauvreté en temps de COVID-19 : besoins et actions des populations vulnérables et résilience du système alimentaire d’urgence


Genetic impact on youth vaping: extending known genetic risk factors in smoking and tobacco-related illnesses to vaping

Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:
2016 - 2020

Determinants of individual blood pressure trajectories in adolescents

Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2016 - 2020

Monitoring activities of teenagers to comprehend their habits (MATCH): an 8-year study on sport participation and its determinants

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2017 - 2019

Investigating Social Disparities in School-Based Health-Promoting Programming: Project PromeSS

Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2017 - 2019

Comprendre les mécanismes du sevrage tabagique chez l'adolescent dans une perspective d’aide à la décision projet (Projet COMET)

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2015 - 2019

Continuation of the nicotine dependance in teens (NDIT) study to age 30

Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: IRSCC/Institut de recherche de la Société canadienne du cancer
Grant programs: PVXXXXX-Nouveau chercheur
2012 - 2019


Lead researcher : Mélanie Henderson
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX5647-(MOP) Subvention de fonctionnement incluant les subventions de fonctionnement programmatiques (général)
2017 - 2018

Depressive symptoms in adolescence : The independent and interactive influences of genetics and physical activity over time

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2016 - 2018

Lifecourse approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer

Lead researcher : Marie-Pierre Sylvestre
Co-researchers : Didier Jutras-Aswad , Igor Karp , Jennifer O'Loughlin , Geetanjali Datta , James Engert
Funding sources: SRC/Société de recherche sur le cancer
Grant programs: PVX12154-Subvention de fonctionnement
2016 - 2018

Lifecourse approach to study the development of lifestyle risk factors for cancer

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2014 - 2017

Extension of the monitoring activities of teenagers to comprehend their habits study

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2014 - 2017

Understanding blood pressure and end organ damage in adolescents

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin , Marie-Ève Mathieu , Mélanie Henderson , Jean-Luc Bigras
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PV125458-Subvention de fonctionnement : des connaissances à la pratique
2012 - 2017


Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Co-researchers : Igor Karp , Gilles Paradis , Michele Tremblay
Funding sources: IRSCC/Institut de recherche de la Société canadienne du cancer
Grant programs:
2014 - 2016

Gene environment interactions in the development of cigarette smoking and obesity

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2012 - 2016

Lifestyle activity and the promotion of emotional well-being, biological functioning, and physical health among breast cancer survivors over time

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2013 - 2015

Extension of the Monitoring Activities of Teenagers to Comprehend their Habits study

Co-researchers : Jennifer O'Loughlin
2011 - 2014


Lead researcher : Jennifer O'Loughlin
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs:


Participation à des jurys (hors de l’institution)


  • 2022-23 - Évaluatrice externe, Dr Nawwal Alwani Mohd Radzi, PhD candidate, Department of Community Oral Health and Clinical Prevention, Faculty of Dentistry, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Evaluation of a school-based smoking cessation programme in Negeri Sembilan: The Kotak Programme.
  • 2020-21 - Membre du jury de la soutenance de thèse de Hamzah Bakouni, PhD, Programmes recherche en sciences de la santé, Département des sciences de la santé communautaire. Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, University of Sherbrooke. Événements stressants, expériences adverses durant l’enfance, profils d’activité du cortisol et anxiété chez les aînés.
  • 2019 - Évaluatrice externe pour le mémoire de maitrise en psychoéducation, Alison Pellerin, Département de psychoéducation, UQTR. Consommation de médicaments opiacés et stimulants à des fins non médicales ou sans prescription par des étudiants québécois de niveau postsecondaire.
  • 2018 - Évaluatrice externe pour la thèse doctorale, Mme Pascaline Kengne Talla, candidate au PhD en santé communautaire, Université Laval. Déterminants psychosociaux et environnementaux de l’adoption des meilleures pratiques par les dentistes au Québec : Cas du renoncement au tabac.
  • 2018 - Évaluatrice externe, PhD thesis, Adam Cole, PhD candidate in Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo. Understanding youth tobacco and nicotine product use: Exploring susceptibility to, use of, and trajectories for six tobacco and nicotine products. Supervised by Scott Leatherdale
  • 2016 - Évaluatrice externe pour la soutenance de thèse de Phongsack Manivong. An evaluation of tobacco control strategies on smoking-related outcomes in Canada during the time of the Federal Tobacco Control Strategy, Department of Epidemiology, McGill University

Publications and presentations


      2022-25 (n = 361 lifetime)

  1. Sylvestre MP, Riglea T*, Dessy T*, Kalubi J*, Goulet D, Ikwa Ndol Mbutiwi F, Williams S, Engert J, Chen HY, O'Loughlin J. Body Mass Index Modifies Genetic Susceptibility to High Systolic Blood Pressure in Adolescents and Young Adults: Results From An 18-Year Longitudinal Study. Journal of Human Hypertension (accepted)
  2. Wellman RJ, Strong DR, O'Loughlin EK, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin JL. Adapting and Applying Tobacco Dependence Indicators to Cannabis Dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2025 (accepted)
  3. Riglea T*, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Sabiston C, O'Loughlin J. Factor structure and measurement invariance of the GAD-7 across time, sex, and language in young adults. J Affect Disord. 2025 Jan 27;375:359-365. doi: 10.1016/j.jad.2025.01.117. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39880312.
  4. Bitar S, Minary L, Lalloué B, Kestens Y, Manneville F, O'Loughlin J, Ligier F, Agrinier N. Adolescent mental well-being in time of crises: The role of social and residential contexts. J Adolesc. 2025 Feb;97(2):551-561. doi: 10.1002/jad.12424. Epub 2024 Oct 6. PMID: 39370374.
  5. O'Loughlin EK, Marashi M, Beer S, Sabiston CM, Nesbitt AE, O'Rourke RH, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin JL. Factors associated with low self-compassion in young adults. Can J Public Health. 2024 Nov 26. doi: 10.17269/s41997-024-00965-8. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39592565.
  6. Struik LL, Armasu A, Fortin G, Riglea T*, Kalubi J*, Ferlatte O, Naja M, O'Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. A qualitative study of experiences among young adults who increased their cannabis use during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health. 2024 Sep 6;24(1):2434. doi: 10.1186/s12889-024-19886-9. PMID: 39243042; PMCID: PMC11380347.
  7. O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, Riglea T*, Naja M*, Bélanger M, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin JL. Natural Course and Predictors of Sustained Exergaming in Young Adults. Games Health J. 2024 Oct 18. doi: 10.1089/g4h.2024.0021. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39423165.
  8. Manneville F, Omorou YA, Bitar S, Lalloué B, Epstein J, O'Loughlin J, Agrinier N, Minary L. Associations between lifestyle behavior change during the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health among French adolescents: Insights from the EXIST pilot study, Ment Health Phys Act, Volume 25, 2023, 100557,
  9. Cavaillès C, Barnett TA, Sylvestre MP, Smyrnova A, Van Hulst A, O'Loughlin J. Prospective associations between neighborhood features and body mass index in Montreal adolescents. Ann Epidemiol. 2024 Aug;96:13-23. doi: 10.1016/j.annepidem.2024.05.009. Epub 2024 May 29. PMID: 38821155.
  10. Clément JF, Gallant F, Hudon C, Montiel C, Riglea T*, Berbiche D, Doré I, MP Sylvestre, O’Loughlin J, Bélanger M. Use of physical activity as a coping strategy mediates the association between adolescent team sports participation and emerging adult mental health. Ment Health Phys Act, Vol 27, Oct 2024, 100612
  11. Wellman RJ, O'Loughlin EK, Maximova K, Kalubi J*, Riglea T*, O'Loughlin J. School- and intervention-related factors associated with institutionalization of health promotion interventions in elementary schools. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2024 Apr;44(4):166-178. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.44.4.03. PMID: 38597805; PMCID: PMC11097743.
  12. Collonnaz M, Minary L, Riglea T*, Kalubi J*, O'Loughlin J, Kestens Y, Agrinier N. Lack of consistency in measurement methods and semantics used for network measures in adolescent health behaviour studies using social network analysis: A systematic review. J Epidemiol Community Health. 2024 Apr 10;78(5):303-310. doi: 10.1136/jech-2023-220980. PMID: 38290822.
  13. L'Espérance K*, Abrahamowicz M, O'Loughlin J, Koushik A. Childhood body fatness and the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: A population-based case-control study in Montreal, Canada. Prev Med. 2024 Jan;178:107794. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2023.107794. Epub 2023 Dec 10. PMID: 38072312.
  14. Liu Y, Schnitzer ME, Herrera R, Díaz I, O'Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. The application of target trials with longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation to assess the effect of alcohol consumption in adolescence on depressive symptoms in adulthood. Am J Epidemiol. 2024 Jun 3;193(6):835-845. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwad241. PMID: 38061692.
  15. Mylocopos G, Wennberg E, Reiter A, Hébert-Losier A, Filion KB, Windle SB, Gore G, O'Loughlin JL, Grad R, Eisenberg MJ. Interventions for Preventing E-Cigarette Use Among Children and Youth: A Systematic Review. Am J Prev Med. 2024 Feb;66(2):351-370. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2023.09.028. Epub 2023 Oct 5. PMID: 37802308.
  16. Pienkowski M, Chaiton M, Bondy SJ, Cohen JE, Dubray J, Eissenberg T, Kaufman P, Stanbrook MB, O'Loughlin J, Dos Santos J, Schwartz R. Milestones in the natural course of the onset of e-cigarette dependence among adolescents and young adults: Retrospective study. Addict Behav. 2024 Jan;148:107846. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107846. Epub 2023 Sep 1. PMID: 37678007.
  17. Bitar S, Collonnaz M, O'Loughlin J, Kestens Y, Ricci L, Martini H, Agrinier N, Minary L. A systematic review of qualitative studies on factors associated with smoking cessation among adolescents and young adults. Nicotine Tob Res. 2024 Jan 1;26(1):2-11. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntad167. PMID: 37648287. Selected as Editor’s Choice article in issue 26 by Marcus Munafò.
  18. Reiter A, Hébert-Losier A, Mylocopos G, Filion KB, Windle SB, O'Loughlin JL, Grad R, Eisenberg MJ. Regulatory Strategies for Preventing and Reducing Nicotine Vaping Among Youth: A Systematic Review. Am J Prev Med. 2024 Jan;66(1):169-181. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2023.08.002. Epub 2023 Aug 6. PMID: 37553038.
  19. Chadi N, Diamant E, Perez T, Al-Saleh A, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J, Winickoff JP, Drouin O. A Brief Digital Screening and Intervention Tool for Parental and Adolescent Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Use in Pediatric Medical Care in Canada: Protocol for a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023 Nov 30;12:e47978. doi: 10.2196/47978. PMID: 38032712; PMCID: PMC10722363.
  20. Murray RM, Doré I, Sabiston CM, Michael F, O'Loughlin JL. A time compositional analysis of the association between movement behaviors and indicators of mental health in young adults. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2023 Dec;33(12):2598-2607. doi: 10.1111/sms.14471. Epub 2023 Aug 27. PMID: 37635273.
  21. Kalubi J*, Riglea T*, Wellman RJ, O'Loughlin J, Maximova K. Availability of health-promoting interventions in high schools in Quebec, Canada, by school deprivation level. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2023 Jun;43(6):321-329. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.43.7.02. PMID: 37466397; PMCID: PMC10414818
  22. Lucibello KM, O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, Malouka S, O'Rourke RH, O'Loughlin JL. Body-related shame and authentic pride are independently associated with self-rated health in young adults. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2023 Jun;43(6):271-280. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.43.6.01. PMID: 37379356; PMCID: PMC10364575.
  23. Marrone E, Longo C, O'Loughlin J, Villeneuve PJ, Zappitelli M, Bartlett-Esquilant G, Barnett TA. Association between annual exposure to air pollution and systolic blood pressure among adolescents in Montréal, Canada. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2023 Apr;43(4):191-198. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.43.4.04. PMID: 37043547; PMCID: PMC10111566.
  24. Wellman RJ, Dugas EN, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J. Identifying high school smokers likely to persist in smoking at age 31. Addict Behav. 2023 Sep;144:107720. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107720. Epub 2023 Apr 10. PMID: 37059001.
  25. O'Loughlin EK, Sabiston CM, O'Rourke RH, Bélanger M, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin JL. The Change in Exergaming From Before to During the COVID-19 Pandemic Among Young Adults: Longitudinal Study. JMIR Serious Games. 2023 May 22;11:e41553. doi: 10.2196/41553. PMID: 36952329; PMCID: PMC10242463.
  26. O'Loughlin EK, Marashi M, Sabiston CM, Lucibello KM, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin JL. Predictors of Food and Physical Activity Tracking Among Young Adults. Health Educ Behav. 2023 Oct;50(5):647-657. doi: 10.1177/10901981231159679. Epub 2023 Mar 20. PMID: 36942324; PMCID: PMC10492434.
  27. Kalubi J*, Riglea T*, O’Loughlin E, Potvin L, O’Loughlin J. Health-promoting school culture: How do we measure it and does it vary by school neighborhood deprivation? J Sch Health. 2023 93(8), 659-668.
  28. Wellman RJ, O'Loughlin EK, Sylvestre MP, Dugas EN, O'Loughlin JL. Factors associated with cannabis use in early adolescence. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2023 Nov;43(1):14-26. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.43.1.02. PMID: 36651884; PMCID: PMC9894293.
  29. Alsaafin A, Chenoweth MJ, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J, Tyndale RF. Genetic variation in fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH): Genetic variation in fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH): Associations with early drinking and smoking behaviors. Addict Behav. 2023 Feb;137:107545. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2022.107545. Epub 2022 Nov 11. PMID: 36403489.
  30. Collonnaz M, Riglea T*, Kalubi J*, O’Loughlin J, Naud A, Kestens Y, Agrinier N, Minary L. Social network analysis to study health behaviours in adolescents: A systematic review of methods. Soc Sci Med 2022 Dec;  315, 115519
  31. Gagné T, Pelekanakis A*, O'Loughlin JL. Do demographic and socioeconomic characteristics underpin differences in youth smoking initiation across Canadian provinces? Evidence from the Canadian Community Health Survey (2015-2018). Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2022 Nov;42(11-12):457-465. English, French. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.42.11/12.01. PMID: 36383157.
  32. Sylvestre MP, Tchouangue Dinkou GD, Armasu A*, Pelekanakis A*, Plourde V, Bélanger M, Maximova K, Thombs BD, O'Loughlin J. Symptoms of depression and anxiety increased marginally from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic among young adults in Canada. Sci Rep. 2022 Sep 26;12(1):16033. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-20379-1. PMID: 36163248; PMCID: PMC9512816.
  33. O'Loughlin EK, Kalubi J* (co-first authors), Riglea T*, Pelekanakis A*, O'Loughlin JL. Correlates of perceived success of health-promoting interventions in elementary school. Health Promot Chronic Dis Prev Can. 2022 Sep;42(9):398-407. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.42.9.03. PMID: 36165766; PMCID: PMC9559196.
  34. Struik LL, O'Loughlin EK, Riglea T, O'Loughlin J. Predictors of past-year e-cigarette use among young adults. Prev Med Rep. 2022 Aug 29; 29:101965. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101965.
  35. Mésidor M, Rousseau MC, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. Does group-based trajectory modeling estimate spurious trajectories? BMC Med Res Methodol. 2022 Jul 14;22(1):194. doi: 10.1186/s12874-022-01622-9. PMID: 35836129; PMCID: PMC9281109.
  36. Pelekanakis A, Doré I, Sylvestre MP, Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin J. Mediation by coping style in the association between stressful life events and depressive symptoms in young adults. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2022 Dec;57(12):2401-2409. doi: 10.1007/s00127-022-02341-8. Epub 2022 Jul 27. PMID: 35895096.
  37. Doré I, Thibault V, Sylvestre MP, Sabiston CM, O'Loughlin JL, Abi Nader P, Romain AJ, Brunet J, Bélanger M. Physical activity motives have a direct effect on mental health. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2022 Aug;32(8):1258-1267. doi: 10.1111/sms.14174. Epub 2022 May 13. PMID: 35478463.
  38. Fairbank EJ, McGrath JJ, Henderson M, O'Loughlin J, Paradis G. Social support and C-reactive protein in a Québec population cohort of children and adolescents. PLoS One. 2022 Jun 22;17(6):e0268210. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268210. PMID: 35731783; PMCID: PMC9216536.
  39. Roncarolo F, Pérez EJ, Mercille G, O’Loughlin J, Riva M, Sylvestre MP, Potvin L. Engaging with community organizations to recruit and retain vulnerable adults: The Pathways Study. SSM Popul Health. 2022 Apr 4;18:101088. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101088. eCollection 2022 Jun. PMID: 35464615
  40. Gallant F, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J, Bélanger M. Teenage Sport Trajectory Is Associated with Physical Activity, but Not Body Composition or Blood Pressure in Early Adulthood. J Adolesc Health. 2022 Jul;71(1):119-126. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.02.014. Epub 2022 Apr 13. PMID: 35428561.
  41. O'Loughlin EK, Riglea T* (co-first authors), Sylvestre MP, Pelekanakis A*, Sabiston CM, Bélanger M, O'Loughlin JL. Stable physical activity patterns predominate in a longitudinal study of physical activity among young adults in Canada from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prev Med Rep. 2022 Mar 29;27:101782. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101782. eCollection 2022 Jun.PMID: 35392180
  42. Sylvestre MP, Dinkou GDT, Naja M, Riglea T*, Pelekanakis A*, Bélanger M, Maximova K, Mowat D, Paradis G, O'Loughlin J. A longitudinal study of change in substance use from before to during the COVID-19 pandemic in young adults. Lancet Reg Health Am. 2022 Apr;8:100168. doi: 10.1016/j.lana.2021.100168. Epub 2022 Jan 6. PMID: 35469267; PMCID: PMC9021679.
  43. Stearns JA, Belanger M, O’Loughlin JL, Brunet J. Change in the social context of physical activity across adolescence and its association with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity. Psychol Sport Exerc. 2022;60:102170.
  44. Alsaafin A, Chenoweth MJ, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J, Tyndale RF. Does genetic variation in a bitter taste receptor gene alter early smoking behaviours in adolescents and young adults? Addiction. 2022 Jul;117(7):2037-2046. doi: 10.1111/add.15871. Epub 2022 Apr 3. PMID: 35293057.
  45. Bélanger M, Carpenter JG, Sabiston CM, Vanderloo LM, Trono C, Gallant F, Thibault V, Doré I, O'Loughlin J. Identifying priorities for sport and physical activity research in Canada: an iterative priority-setting study. CMAJ Open. 2022 Mar 22;10(1):E269-E277. doi: 10.9778/cmajo.20210114. Print 2022 Jan-Mar. PMID: 35318251
  46. Riglea T*, Kalubi J* (co-first authors), Sylvestre MP, Maximova K, Dutczak H, Gariépy G, O’Loughlin J. Social inequalities in availability of health-promoting interventions in Québec elementary schools. Health Promot Int. 2022 Feb 17;37(1):daab023. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab023. PMID: 33760062


      2022-25 (Total 536 lifetime)

  1. Murray, R. M., Sabiston, C. M., Wellman, R. J., & O’Loughlin, J. L. Trends in team sport participation and depression across adolescence. North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) Annual Conference, Lake Tahoe, Nevada. (2025, June).
  2. O'Loughlin, E., O'Loughlin, J., Wellman, R. J., & Maximova, K. Building Lifelong Wellness: Better Practices for School-Based Health Interventions. 2025 PHE National Conference, Sheraton Fallsview Hotel, Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 2025.
  3. Bitar S, Minary L, Lalloué B, Kestens Y, Manneville F, O’Loughlin J, Ligier F, Agrinier N. Adolescent well-being in time of crisis: the role of social and residential contexts. 17th EPH Conference, Sailing the Waves of European Public Health: Exploring a Sea of Innovation. Nov 2024, Lisbon (poster)
  4. Riglea T, Wellman RJ, Sylvestre MP, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin J. Factor structure and measurement invariance of the GAD-7 across time, sex, and language in young adults. Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology 2024 Annual Scientific Symposium. Nov 2024 (poster) 
  5. Doré, I., Comtois-Cabana, D., Montiel, C., O’Loughlin, J., Sylvestre, MP. Psychometrics of the Attitudes towards Outdoors Physical activities adapted for adults (ATOP-A) and association with positive mental health. 10th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, Paris, France, October 2024 (poster).
  6. Comtois-Cabana, D., Sylvestre, MP., Riglea, T., O’Loughlin, J., Doré, I. Does context of physical activity moderate the association between screen time and positive mental health? 10th International Society for Physical Activity and Health Congress, Paris, France, October 2024.
  7. Lucibello, K. M., Sabiston, C. M., O'Loughlin, E. K., Marashi, M., Patte, K. A., O'Loughlin, J. Examining the moderating role of physical activity in the relationship between negative weight commentary and body image among young adults. The European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, Innsbruck, AUT, July 2024 (poster)
  8. Ross M. Murray, Catherine M. Sabiston, Isabelle Doré, O’Loughlin JL. Exercise identity as a mediator of the relationship between physical activity and depressive symptoms NASPSPA, June 2024, New Orleans
  9. O’Loughlin EK, Maryam Marashi, Catherine M. Sabiston, Roxy H. O’Rourke, Shannon Beer, Amy E. Nesbitt, Marie-Pierre Sylvestre, O’Loughlin JL. Body image predictors of low self-compassion in young adults. Appearance Matters 10 Conference, Bristol, June 2024 (poster)
  10. O'Loughlin EK, Mounia Naja, Catherine Sabiston, Maryam Marashi, Kristen Lucibello, Karen Patte, O'Loughlin JL. Are there social inequalities in school-based body image health-promoting interventions (HPIs)? Appearance Matters 10 Conference, Bristol, June 2024 (poster)
  11. L’Espérance K, Ritonja J, Nicolau B, Mathadil S, Ho V, Abrahamowicz M, O’Loughlin J, Koushik A. Trajectories of body fatness in adulthood and the risk of ovarian cancer. Gerald Bronfman Department of Oncology Third Annual Celebration of Research and Training in Oncology (CORTO), McGill University, Montreal, May, 2024.
  12. Hunter, S., O'Loughlin, J., Sylvestre, MP., Pabayo, R. Income inequality and mental health trajectories from adolescence into emerging adulthood: Proposed research using the NDIT study. 15th annual workshop for the International Network for Research on Inequalities in Child Health, May 2024 Montreal, Canada (poster).
  13. Manneville F, Omorou Y, Bitar S, Lalloué B, Epstein J, O’Loughlin J, Agrinier N, Minary L. Associations between lifestyle change during the COVID-19 pandemic and mental health in adolescents. European Public Health Conference, Dublin Nov 2023
  14. Collonnaz M, Agrinier N, Kestens Y, Lalloué B, O'Loughlin J, Minary L. Association between personal network profiles and tobacco, alcohol or e-cigarettes use among adolescents. Annual SRNT-E Conference, London, Sept 2023 (poster).
  15. Bitar Hamade S, Collonnaz M, Agrinier N, Kestens Y, Lalloué B, O'Loughlin J, Minary L A systematic review of qualitative studies on factors associated with smoking cessation among adolescents and young adults. Annual SRNT-E Conference, London, Sept 2023.
  16. O’Loughlin EK, Sabiston C, O’Loughlin J. Do mental health challenges modify the behaviour regulations - physical activity association? North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA), June 2023.
  17. Manneville F, Bitar S, Lalloué B, O’Loughlin J, Kestens Y, Agrinier N, Minary L. Ever smoking, using e-cigarettes, and drinking alcohol among French adolescents before and during the COVID-19 lockdown: Evidence from a cross-sectional school-based study. Congrès de l' Albatros 2023, Addictions : Le Renouveau ? Paris, June 2023.
  18. Sylvestre MP, Riglea T, Dessy T, Kalubi1 J, Goulet D, Ikwa Ndol Mbutiwi F, Williams SM, Engert JC, Chen HY, O’Loughlin J. Body Mass Index Modifies Genetic Susceptibility to High Systolic Blood Pressure in Adolescents and Young Adults: Results From An 18-Year Longitudinal Study. CSEB, Halifax, June 2023.
  19. L’Espérance K, Ritonja1 JA, Abrahamowicz M, Ho V, Nicolau B, Madathil S, O’Loughlin J, Koushik A. Adult lifetime body fatness and the risk of epithelial ovarian cancer. CSEB, Halifax, June 2023.
  20. Naja M, Sylvestre MP, Riglea T, Dessy T, Kalubi1 J, Goulet D, Ikwa Ndol Mbutiwi F, Williams SM, Engert JC, Chen HY, O’Loughlin J. Body Mass Index Modifies Genetic Susceptibility to High Systolic Blood Pressure in Adolescents and Young Adults: Results From An 18-Year Longitudinal Study. Third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress, Toronto, June 2023.
  21. Naja M, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. The modifying effect of sleep quality in the association between blood pressure and genetics. Third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress, Toronto, June 2023 (poster).
  22. Ta M, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL, Paradis G, Holmes E, Mowat D, Maximova K. Major declines in resources to deliver population-based approaches for chronic disease prevention in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from PHORCAST 2022-2023.Third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress, Toronto, June 2023.
  23. Ta M, O’Loughlin EK, O’Loughlin JL, Paradis G, Holmes E, Mowat D, Maximova K. Increasing centralization of Canada’s infrastructure for chronic disease prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion: Evidence from PHORCAST 2004-2023. Oral at the Third World Non-Communicable Diseases Congress, Toronto, June 2023.
  24. O'Loughlin E, Sabiston M, Marashi M, Lucibello K, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin J. What predicts food and physical activity tracking among young adults: Results from the longitudinal Canadian NDIT study. ISBNPA 2023 Annual Meeting, Uppsala, Sweden, June 2023
  25. Asselin FO, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP, Trudel-Fitzgerald C. Le rôle des stratégies d'adaptation au stress dans l'adoption de saines habitudes de vie chez les jeunes adultes québécois. Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie, Sherbrooke, May 2023 (poster).
  26. O'Loughlin EK, Kalubi J, Pelekanakis A, O'Loughlin JL. What makes a health promotion intervention in school perceived as a “success”? Correlates of perceived success of health-promoting interventions in elementary schools in Quebec, Canada. World Congress on Public Health - A World in Turmoil: Opportunities to Focus on the Public’s Health, World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), Rome, May 2023.
  27. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin J, Riglea T, Doré I, Potvin L. Mental health-promoting interventions in elementary schools: school context correlates of availability and alignment with evidence-based practices. World Congress on Public Health - A World in Turmoil: Opportunities to Focus on the Public’s Health, World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), Rome, May 2023.
  28. Fortin G, Ferlatte O, Struik L, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. "It's the stress of not knowing": A qualitative study of the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic among young adults in Canada (poster). World Congress on Public Health - A World in Turmoil: Opportunities to Focus on the Public’s Health, World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA), Rome, May 2023.
  29. Fortin G, Ferlatte O, Struik L, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. Donner un sens à son expérience : une étude qualitative sur les stratégies d'adaptation des jeunes adultes en contexte de pandémie dans l'est du Canada Congres de l’Acfas, 100 ans de savoirs pour un monde durable, Montreal, May 2023
  30. Liu Y, Schnitzer ME, Herrera R, Bayer AG, Díaz I, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP. The application of target trials with longitudinal targeted maximum likelihood estimation to assess the effect of alcohol consumption in adolescence on depressive symptoms in adulthood. 50th Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC), May 2023, Carleton University, Ottawa.
  31. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin J, Riglea T, Doré I, Potvin L. Promotion de la santé mentale dans les écoles primaires : quels facteurs sont associés à la présence d’interventions dans les écoles et sont-elles alignées avec les données probantes? Université de Montréal, Annual AEESPUM Student Conference. Montréal (Canada), April 5, 2023.
  32. Chenoweth M, Alsaafin A, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP, Tyndale R. Genetic impact on youth vaping: extending known genetic risk factors in smoking and tobacco-related illnesses to vaping. CIHR Youth Vaping Meeting for Grant Awardees, Ottawa, March 2023.
  33. Comtois-Cabana, D., Riglea, T., Sylvestre, MP., O’Loughlin, J, Doré, I. Connecter pour se déconnecter ? Examiner l’effet protecteur de l’activité physique en contexte social sur l’association entre le temps d’écran et la santé mentale positive. Journée de la recherche – École de kinésiologie et des sciences de l’activité physique de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, mars, 2023.
  34. Comtois-Cabana D, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J, Dore I. Investigating the buffering effect of physical activity in social and outdoor contexts on the association between different types of screen time and positive mental health in young adults. Second Annual McGill Minds in Motion Conference, March 2023.
  35. Comtois-Cabana D, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J, Dore I. Investigating the buffering protective effect of physical activity in social and outdoor contexts on the association between different types of screen time and positive mental health in young adults. Symposium de psychologie du sport et de l'exercice de l'est du Canada (ECSEPS), Sherbrooke, March 2023
  36. O'Loughlin EK, Marashi M, Sabiston CM, Lucibello KM, Sylvestre MP, O'Loughlin JL. Predictors of food and physical activity tracking among young adults. SCAPPS, Montreal Oct 2022
  37. Alsaafin A, Chenoweth MJ, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J, Tyndale RF. In adolescents, slow FAAH activity is associated with drug initiation and heavy drinking; however, it is not consistently associated with early smoking behaviors. American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG) conference. Los Angeles, Oct 2022.
  38.       L’Espérance K, O’Loughlin J, Koushik A. L’adiposité chez l’enfant et le risque de cancer épithélial de l’ovaire. Épidémiologie et Santé Publique : Union Des Forces En Francophonie - Ixème Congrès International D’Epidémiologie EPITER-ADELF. Quebec, Aug 2022.
  39. Murray R, Dore I, Sabiston C, O'Loughlin J. Subjective perceptions of time spent in movement behaviours and depressive symptoms in young adults: A compositional analysis. 16th European Congress of Sport & Exercise Psychology, FEDSAP, Padova, Italy, July 2022.
  40. L’Espérance K, O’Loughlin J, Koushik A. Is childhood body fatness an early marker of ovarian cancer risk? 10th Canadian Conference on Ovarian Cancer Research, Ottawa, May 2022.
  41. L’Espérance K, O’Loughlin J, Koushik, A. Is childhood body fatness an early marker of ovarian cancer risk? CRCHUM Annual Student Conference, Montreal, May 2022.
  42. Pérez EJ, Mercille G, O’Loughlin J, Sylvestre MP, Roncarolo F, Riva M, Carabali M & Potvin LUrban-Rural disparities in food source utilization patterns among new food bank users in Québec, Canada. 24th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion [Online due to Covid-19]. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022.
  43. Kalubi J, O’Loughlin E, Riglea T, Potvin L, O’Loughlin J. Does a positive health promoting school culture differ between advantaged, moderately advantaged and disadvantaged elementary schools? Poster presentation, 24th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion [Online due to Covid-19]. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022.
  44. Kalubi J, Pérez EJ, Riva M, Sylvestre MP, O’Loughlin J, Roncarolo F, Mercille G, Potvin L. Social inequalities in food insecurity among first-time food bank users. Poster presentation, 24th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion [Online due to Covid-19]. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022.
  45. Collonaz M, Riglea T, Kalubi J, O’Loughlin J, Naud A, Kestens Y, Agrinier N, Minary L. A systematic review on the use of social network analysis to study health behaviours in adolescent populations. Poster presentation, 24th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion [Online due to Covid-19]. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022
  46. Riglea T, Kalubi J, O’Loughlin E, Pelekanakis A, Maximova K, O’Loughlin J. Factors associated with the sustainability and institutionalization of health-promoting interventions in Québec elementary schools. Poster presentation, 24th International Union for Health Promotion and Education World Conference on Health Promotion [Online due to Covid-19]. Montreal (Canada), May 15-19, 2022.
  47. L’Espérance, K., Koushik, A., O’Loughlin, J. Is childhood body fatness an early marker of ovarian cancer risk? [communication par affiche]. 23e Congrès des étudiant(e)s, stagiaires et résident(e)s du CHUM, Montréal, Canada. 2022, 11-12 mai.


  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Preventive Medicine

Areas of expertise

  • Youths
  • Teenager
  • Epidemiology
  • Longitudinal studies
  • Méthodes de recherche
  • Quantitative methods
  • Prevention
  • Public health
  • Smoking
  • Child
  • Exercise
  • Obesity
  • Cohort studies