Isabelle Boucoiran
Recherche clinique, maladies infectieuses de la femme
- Professeure agrégée de clinique
Faculté de médecine - Département d'obstétrique-gynécologie
- Professeure agrégée de clinique
Faculté de médecine - Département de microbiologie, infectiologie et immunologie
- Professeure agrégée de clinique
École de santé publique - Département de médecine sociale et préventive
- Professeure accréditée
Faculté de médecine - Département de pharmacologie et physiologie
Expertise de recherche
Dr Isabelle Boucoiran est gynécologues-obstétricienne au CHU Sainte-Justine et membre du comité de maladies infectieuses de la Société des Obstétriciens Gynécologues du Canada. Elle a complété son fellowship en maladies infectieuses de la reproduction à l’University of British-Columbia.
Centrés sur l’épidémiologie et la recherche clinique, ses principaux intérêts de recherche touchent les maladies infectieuses en gynécologie obstétrique et la médecine materno-foetale. Elle est responsable du développement de la recherche portant sur les femmes enceintes au Centre d'Infectiologie Mère-Enfant (CHU Sainte-Justine).
Prix et distinctions
Source: Fond de Recherche du Québec-Santé
Junior 1 clinicien-chercheur 07/2015-06/2019
Junio 2 clinicien -chercheur 07/2020-06/2023
Titres honorifiques, prix, distinctions
Novembre 2021 - Prix Carl Nimrod de la Société des Obstétriciens-Gynécologues du Canada
Juin 2021 - Prix Jacques Van-Campenhout pour Contribution exceptionnelle à la formation des résidents en obstétrique-gynécologie de l’Université de Montréal
Mai 2021 - CIHR Bhagirath Singh Early Career Award in Infection and Immunity for the project: CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living with and without HIV from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research
Avril 2021 - Infectious Disease Committee - Distinguished Service Award from the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Affiliations et responsabilités
Affiliations de recherche
Unités de recherche
Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, Centre d'infectiologie Mère-Enfant
Montreal Emerging Research team in maternofetal medicine
Établissements affiliés
- Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine (CHU Sainte-Justine)
Titres professionnels et autres affiliations
Activités clinique et professionnelle
Obstétricienne-Gynécologue spécialisée en médecine foetomaternelle et en maladies infectieuses de la reproduction
Titres : corporations et organismes professionnels
Comité de Maladies Infectieuses de la Société des Obstétriciens Gynécologues du Canada
Infectious Disease Society in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Canadian Perinatal & Paediatric AIDS Research Group
Contribution au fonctionnement de l’institution
Activités au sein d’organismes ou d’entités de l’institution
Membre du comité de programme de la résidence en obstétrique-gynécologie et du comité de programme du fellowship en médecine foetomaternelle (responsable de la recherche)
Enseignement et encadrement
2020-2021 Elisabeth Mc Clymont
Projet: CMV non primary infection and viral dynamic in pregnancies of women living with HIV
Rôle: Superviseure principale (co-superviseur S. Gantt)
Thèses et mémoires dirigés (dépôt institutionnel Papyrus)
Utilisation des thérapies antirétrovirales et des soins du VIH pendant la période post-partum chez les femmes vivant avec le VIH
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Impact du statut d’immigration sur le vécu des soins obstétricaux au Québec
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Analyse coût-utilité du dépistage de l’infection primaire à cytomégalovirus chez les femmes enceintes au Québec.
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Évaluation du programme provincial de préparation commerciale pour nourrissons (P3CN) nés de personnes vivant avec le VIH au Québec
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Caractérisation du profile inflammatoire des personnes enceintes vivant avec le VIH selon le type de thérapie antirétrovirale utilisée lors de la grossesse
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Infection par le cytomégalovirus pendant la grossesse et exposition professionnelle au Québec
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.
Association entre la thérapie antirétrovirale et les biomarqueurs de la fonction placentaire pendant la grossesse
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.
Thèses et mémoires dirigés
2018- Meggie Lallier-Beaudoin, MD, Résidente
Projet: Cytomegalovirus screening in pregnancy: women’s attitude and choice
Rôle: Superviseure principale
2018- Safari Balegamire, MD, Étudiant PhD, Boursier du FRQS
Projet: Infection no-primaire à cytomegalovirus en grossesse
Rôle: Superviseur principal avec B. Masse
Ameyo Djeha, MSc Student (U of Montreal), 2017-2018
Project: Impact of antiretroviral therapy use in pregnancy on placental function
Role: main supervisor
Chelsea Elwood MDB.M.ScH, M.Sc, MD, Fellow (U of British-Columbia), 2016-
Project: The Role of HIV, antiretroviral therapy and the vaginal microbiome in triggering preterm birth and shaping the infant microbiome (Canadian Trial Network fellowship and Allen-Carey Education Award of Excellence in Women's Health)
Role: co-supervisor
Dina Zaki, MD, Resident (U of Montreal) 2017-
Project: Chorioamnionitis: fetal and maternal risk factors for neonatal mortality
Role: main supervisor
Jennifer Longpré, MD, Resident (U of Montreal), 2016-
Project: Association between misoprostol and chorioamnionitis in labor induction: does fever count?
Role: main supervisor
Radoslaw Kaminski, MD, Resident (U of Montreal), 2016-2017
Project: The use of antiretroviral agents during pregnancy in Canada and compliance with North-American guidelines
Role: main supervisor
Melissa Roy, MD, Resident (U of Montreal), 2015-2018
Project: Inhibition de la lactation chez les femmes vivant avec le VIH
Role: main supervisor
Michael Desjardin, MD, Resident (U of Montreal), 2015-2016
Project: Les pratiques actuelles en matière de dépistage et de prise en charge des maladies infectieuses chez la femme enceinte au Québec
Role: co-supervisor
Ouidade Ally, MD, Resident (U of Nice-Sophia Antipolis), 2010-2013
Project: Learning curve of assisted vaginal delivery by spatulas
Role: main supervisor – thesis defense on June, 28 2013.
Stéphanie Gaulin, MD, Resident (U of Montreal), 2011-2013
Project: Impact of glucose tolerance on nuchal translucency in first trimester screening for Down Syndrom
Role: co-supervisor
Audrey Picard, MD, Resident (U of Montreal), 2012-2013
Project: intra-amniotic sludge on ultrasound and the risk of preterm delivery: a preliminary study on the impact of antibiotic treatment
Role: co-supervisor
Sarah Thissier-Levy, MD, MSc Student (U of Montreal), 2010-2011
Project: Study of Endostatin as a new biomarker for preeclampsia screening
Role: co-supervisor
Stages et autres supervisions
Carina D'Aiuto, Étudiante MSc professionnelle 2018-2019
Terrie Laplante Beauchamp, Microbiologie, infectiologie et immunologie, MCB2091 Initiation à la recherche, Université de Montréal, Stage été 2017
Verinsa Mouajou, Pharmacologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Stage été 2016
Petra Tamer, Sciences Biomédicales, Université de Montréal, Stage été 2016
Participation à des jurys
Présidente du Jury, Maîtrise en immuno, UdeM: vieillissement et les réservoirs du VIH, Isabelle Turcotte, 2021
Représentant du doyen, jury de mémoire pour PhD en viro/immuno, UdeM: Caractérisation moléculaire et phylogénétique de l'enveloppe du VIH-1 transmis/fondateur, par KAFANDO, Alexis, 2019.
Jury de Mémoire présenté en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maîtrise en science (M.Sc.) en Administration des services de santé (Ecole de Santé Publique): Impact de l’organisation des soins en néonatalogie : Association entre les heures supplémentaires infirmières, les ressources infirmières, le taux d’occupation et les infections nosocomiales par Marc Beltempo, directeur Pr Régis Blais, 2017.
Projets de recherche
The CAnadian Mother-ChIld COLlaborative Training Platform - The CAMCCO-L Training Platform
POPCORN 2.0 (Pediatrics Outcomes imProvement through COordination ofvResearch Networks)
CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living with and without HIV
Reducing Maternal Perinatal Mental Health Problems in Times of Service Shortage: A web and telephone-based Intervention
Human Cytomegalovirus as a Driver of Adverse Health Outcomes among Children Exposed to HIV in Utero
Starting before birth: Preventing maternal mental health problems via a virtual and partner-inclusive intervention
The Canadian Surveillance of COVID-19 in Pregnancy: Epidemiology, Maternal and Infant Outcomes
Évaluation coût-efficacité de dépistage systématique de l'infection primaire à Cytomégalovirus (CMV) chez les femmes enceintes au Québec et en Suisse
CMV Dynamics and Transmission in Pregnancy: Comparison Between Women Living with and without HIV.
The Bhagirath Singh Early Career Prize in Infection and Immunity
Prévenir les complications périnatales secondaires aux infections par le CMV et le VIH
Placental mitochrondrial dysfunction and preterm birth
Canadian Population Serological Survey Utilizing Antenatal Serum Samples: Phase1
Quebec registry of pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2
Projet du Groupe québécois de recherche sur l'infection périnatale à COVID-19 (Banque de données des grossesses COVID-19)
Projet du Groupe québécois de recherche sur l'infection périnatale à COVID-19 (Banque de données des grossesses COVID-19)
Non primary cytomegalovirus infections in pregnancy
Montreal Emerging Research Team in Maternal Fetal Medicine (MERe)
SIDA-MI//Non primary cytomegalovirus infections in pregnancy.
Conséquences périnatales de la COVID-19: Impact sur la santé des mères et des nouveau-nés
Quebec registry of pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 - Programme RNMH - Switzerland
Uninfected but not unaffected? Health outcomes among HIV-Exposed Uninfected (HEU) Children
La prise en charge des femmes enceintes infectées par le VIH et la prévention de la transmission périnatale du VIH au Québec.
Issues périnatales chez les femmes vivants avec le VIH
Réseau SIDA/MI - Impact of antiretroviral therapy use in pregnancy on placental functions.
Issues périnatales chez les femmes vivants avec le VIH
Fonds de démarrage
Evaluation of Cabergline for Lactation Suppression in Women Living with HIV.
Déploiement et transfert de TAVIE en santé pour soutenir les personnes vivant avec le VIH à relever leurs défis de santé : alliance entre les milieux de soins et communautaires.
Le transfert clinique de TAVIE-Femme: une intervention virtuelle destinée aux femmes vivant avec le VIH pour les soutenir dans la prise des antirétroviraux
Participation à des jurys (hors de l’institution)
Membre de jury:
Maîtrise en sciences de la santé, U de Sherbrooke: Le ratio albumine/créatinine dans le diagnostic d’une protéinurie significative chez des femmes enceintes hypertendues hospitalisées de Camille TOURIGNY, 2020.
Autres activités et contributions
Membre du conseil consultatif de l’Institut du développement et de la santé des enfants et des adolescents des IRSC (2024-2026)
Membre du collège des reviewers des IRSC
Publications et communications
Peer-reviewed publications - published or in press
- Boucoiran I, Van Schalkwyk J, Alimenti A, Maan E, Albert A, Wagner E, Chaworth-Muster T, Forbes J, Pick N, Money D, Oak Tree Clinic Research Group. HIV Viral Rebound Near Delivery In Previously suppressed, Combined Antiretroviral Therapy Treated Pregnant Women. Obstetrics & Gynecology [accepted]
- Cote J, Rouleau G, Thouvenot VI, Boucoiran I, De Pokomandy A. TAVIE-Woman™: A web-based virtual nursing intervention to meet the specific needs of women living with HIV. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth 5:e3.
- Desjardins M, Labbé AC, Boucoiran I, Paquet C, Laferrière C, Gosselin-Brisson A, Martel-Laferrière . Healthcare Providers' Attitude Towards Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy: A Quebec Survey. Journal of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease Canada. [accepted]
- Vaujois L, Boucoiran I, Brassard M, Houde C, Fouron JC, Raboisson MJ. Relashionship between pulmonary flow and physiological shunts in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries at risk for neonatal hypoxia. Cardiol Young. 2017 Apr 5:1-9. [epub ahead of print]
- Gantt S, Leister E, Jacobson DL, Boucoiran I, Huang ML, Jerome KR, Jourdain G, Ngo-Giang-Huong N, Burchett S, Frenkel L. Risk of congenital cytomegalovirus infection among HIV-exposed uninfected infants is not decreased by maternal nelfinavir use during pregnancy. J Med Virol 2016 Jun;88(6):1051-8.
- Martillotti G, Boucoiran I, Dubé E, Damphousse A, Grignon A, Moussa A, Bouchard S, Morin L. Predicting gastroschisis perinatal outcome from antenatal characteristics. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 2016;39(4):279-86.
- Jordan A, El Haloui O, Breaud J, Chevalier D, Antomachi J, Bongain A, Boucoiran I, Delotte J. Training of residents in obstetrics and gynecology: an educational program including formal lectures and practical sessions using simulators. J. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2015 Jul-Aug;43(7-8):560-7.
- Boucoiran I, Tulloch K, Kakkar F, Pick N, Money D, Boucher M. Third trimester Raltegravir initiation: impact on maternal HIV viral load and obstetrical outcome. CJIDMM 2015 May-Jun;26(3):145-50.
- Kakkar F, Boucoiran I, Lamarre V, Boucher M, Lapointe N. Boosted protease inhibitor-based regimens increase the risk of preterm birth. Journal Int AIDS Soc 2015 Jun 5;18:19933.
- El Haloui O, Delotte J, Gillard C, Boukaïdi S, Bongain A, Boucoiran I. [Instrumental extractions using Thierry's spatulas: evaluation of the learning curve]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2015 Jan;43(1):3-7.
- Maisonneuve E, Delvin E, Ouellet A, Morin L, Dubé J, Boucoiran I, Moutquin JM, Fouron JC, Klam S, Levy E, Leduc L. Oxidative conditions prevail in severe IUGR with vascular disease and Doppler anomalies. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2015 Aug;28(12):1471-5.
- Fuchs F, Boucoiran I, Picard A, Dube J, Wavrant S, Bujold E, Audibert F. Impact of amniotic fluid "sludge" on the risk of preterm delivery. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 2015 Jul;28(10):1176-80.
- Money D, Boucoiran I, Wagner E, Dobson S, Cole L, Krajden M, Yoshida EM, and the HCV Perinatal Study group. Obstetrical and neonatal outcomes among women infected with Hepatitis C and their infants in Canada. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2014 Sep;36(9):785-94.
- Vieille P, De Tayrac R, Hudry D, Boucoiran I, Wafo E, Badiou W. [Impact of a training workshop on interns and senior registrar skill in diagnosis and repair of anal sphincter and rectal mucosae obstetrical injuries]. Progrès en Urologie 2014 Mar;24(4):240-6.
- Thissier-Levy S, Boucoiran I, Wu Y, Wei Sq, Luo Zc, Nuyt Am, Julien P, Fraser W, Audibert F. Endostatin levels and the risk of subsequent preeclampsia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2013 Oct;170(2):396-400.
- Boucoiran I, Djemli A, Taillefer C, Rypens F, Delvin E, Audibert F. First trimester prediction of birth weight. American J Perinatol. 2013 Sep;30(8):665-72
- Boucoiran I, Suarthana E, Rey E, Fraser W, Delvin E, Audibert F. Repeated measures of PlGF, PP13 and ADAM12s at first and second trimester for preeclampsia screening. American J Perinatol. 2013 Sep;30(8):681-8.
- Boucoiran I, S. Thissier-Levy S, Wu Y, Wei SQ, Luo ZC, Delvin E, Fraser W, Audibert F. Risk for preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction: effective value of PlGF, Sflt-1 and Inhibin A in singleton and multiple pregnancies. American J Perinatol. 2013 Aug;30(7):607-12.
- Kadhel P, Monnier P, Boucoiran I, Chaillet N, Fraser W. Impact of Persistent Organochlorinated Pollutants on Women’s Fertility: a Systematic Review as seen through In Vitro Fertilization Studies. Reprod Sci. 2012 Dec;19(12)1246-59.
- Masse V, Ferrari P, Boucoiran I, Delotte J, Isnard V, Bongain A. Normal serum concentrations of Anti Müllerian Hormone in a population of fertile women in their first trimester of pregnancy. Human Reprod. 2011 Dec;26(12):3431-6.
- Audibert F, Boucoiran I, An N, Aleksandrov N, Delvin E, Bujold E, Rey E. Screening for preeclampsia using first-trimester serum markers and uterine artery Doppler in nulliparous women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2010 Oct;203(4):383.e1-8.4.
- Boucoiran I, Valerio L, Bafghi A, Delotte J, Bongain A. Spatula-assisted deliveries: a large cohort of 1065 cases. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2010 Jul;151(1):46-51.
Peer-reviewed publications – under review
- Boucoiran I, Mayer BT, Krantz E, Boppana S, Wald A, Corey L, Casper C, Schiffer JT, Gantt S. Recurrent maternal CMV infection following primary infection in infants.
- Berard A, Sheehy O, Zhao J, Abrahamowicz M, Boucoiran I, Boucher M, Loutfy M, Bernatsky S. Antiretroviral therapy use during pregnancy and the risk of major congenital malformations. AIDS.
Editorials / letters to editors
- Moullec G, Boucoiran I. [G. Moullec and I. Boucoiran in reply to the article by G. Filhol et al. International recommendations on physical exercise for pregnant women]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2015 Jan;43(1):91-2.
- Boucoiran I. [The resident: How to be a student and a teacher at the same time?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2011 Oct;39(10):594.
- Boucoiran I. [Can we learn humanism in the management of patients?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2011 Jun;39(6):398.
- Boucoiran I. [Residents in gynecology-obstetrics: are we concerned by burn out?]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2011 Feb;39(2):116.
- Boucoiran I. [A place for clinical research training during residentship]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2010 Jun;38(6):428.
- Boucoiran I, Bongain A. [How I do... to write an abstract]. Gynecol Obstet Fertil. 2010 May;38(5):366.
Book chapters
- Boucoiran I, C. Paquet C. Infections in pregnancy. Mc Master ebook. [in progress].
- Boucoiran I, Desilets, V, Audibert, F. Care Path in Neonates. Management of fetus with non-immune hydrops, McGraw Hill Education, [Epub ahead of print].
- Boucoiran I, Ferreira E, Gagné C. Soins pré-conceptionnels et soins post partum. Grossesse et allaitement : guide thérapeutique, 2nd edition, CHU Sainte-Justine Edition, 2013.
- Boucoiran I, Maisonneuve E, Wavrant S. Complications obstétricales : membranes rompues, tocolyse, prévention de la prématurité. Grossesse et allaitement : guide thérapeutique, 2nd edition, CHU Sainte-Justine Edition, 2013.
Abstracts (published)
- Boucoiran I, T. Lee T, Tulloch K, Sauve L, L. Samson L, J. Brophy J, Boucher M, Money D. The use of antiretroviral agents during pregnancy in Canada and compliance with North American guidelines. Reviews in Antiviral Therapy & Infectious Diseases. 2016;01:16.
- Thériault K, Boucoiran I, Jarcevic R, Dal Soglio D, Wavrant S. Added value of placental examination in the investigation of stillbirth. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Dec (presented in February 2016)
- Kakkar F, Boucoiran I, Lee T, Sauve L, Singer J, Samson L, Money D and members of the Canadian Pediatric HIV Surveillance Program (CPHSP). High Rates of Preterm Birth and Small for Gestational Age in a Cohort of HIV Infected Women in Canada: Role of Ritonavir Boosted Regimens? Open Forum Infectious Diseases (Fall 2014) 1 (suppl 1): S430-S431.
- Picard A, Boucoiran I, Wavrant S, Dube J, Bujold E, Audibert F. Intra-amniotic sludge observed at cervical ultrasound and the risk of preterm delivery. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2013 Oct; 42 (S1): 77 (presented in September 2013)
- Boucoiran I, Wavrant S, Rypens F. Prenatal diagnosis of hydromyelia: a case report. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012 Oct; 40 (S1):237 (presented in September 2012)
- Martillotti G, Boucoiran I, Dubé E, Damphousse A, Grignon A, Moussa A, Bouchard S, Morin L. Predicting gastroschisis perinatal outcome from antenatal characteristics. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012 Oct; 40 (S1):292 (presented in September 2012)
- Martillotti G, Boucoiran I, Morin L, Fouron JC. Is the circulatory dynamics of fetuses with gastroschisis different from normal? Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012 Oct; 40 (S1):135 (presented in September 2012)
- Clermont ME, Morin L, Boucoiran I, Dubé J, Codsi E, Audibert F, Wavrant S. Validity of first trimester 3D foetal anatomy assessment. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2012 Oct; 40 (S1):274 (presented in September 2012)
- Maisonneuve E, Delvin E, Levy E, Ouellet A, Grenier E, Morin L, Dubé J, Boucoiran I, Bouity-Voubou M, Moutquin JM, Fouron JC, Klam S, Leduc L. Severity of foetal growth restriction from placental insufficiency is associated with a oxidative stress markers response in umbilical cord blood. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2012 Oct; 40 (S1):48 (presented in September 2012)
- Boucoiran I, Delvin E, Rypens F, Rey E, Audibert F. Repeated measures of PlGF, PP13 and ADAM12 at first and second trimester for preeclampsia screening. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Dec; 206(1),S337 (presented in February 2012)
- Boucoiran I, S. Thissier-Levy S, Wu Y, Wei SQ, Luo ZC, Delvin E, Fraser W, Audibert F. Risk for preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction: effective value of PlGF, Sflt-1 and Inhibin A in singleton and multiple pregnancie. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Dec; 206(1),S336-337 (presented in February 2012)
- Thissier-Levy S, Boucoiran I, Wu Y, Wei SQ, Luo ZC, Nuyt AM, Fraser W, Audibert F. Endostatin: a new biomarker of preeclampsia ? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Dec; 206(1),S334 (presented in February 2012)
- Boucoiran I, Taillefer C, Wavrant S, Morin L, Dubé J, Hudon L, Audibert F. First trimester prediction of birth weight. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011 Oct; 38 (S1):128 (presented in September 2011).
- Wavrant S, Boucoiran I, Maisonneuve E, Audibert F, Rypens R. Prenatal diagnosis of schizencephaly: two cases. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011 Oct; 38 (S1):203-204. (presented in September 2011).
- Wavrant S, Boucoiran I, Tordjman L, Gauthier R, Bortoluzzi P, Rypens F, Morin L, Audibert F. Severe fetal head moulding without labor. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2011 Oct; 38 (S1):222 (presented in September 2011).
- Wavrant S, Boucoiran I, Brunet S, Audibert F, Morin L. Resolving access limitation to first trimester Down syndrome screening: is 3D nuchal translucency measurement combined with biochemical markers valid? Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2010 Oct; 36 (S1):181-182 (presented in September 2010).
- Audibert F, Boucoiran I, Brunet S, Rypens F, Grignon A, Rey E. Screening for preeclampsia using first and second trimester uterine artery Doppler and maternal characteristics in nulliparous women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Dec;201(6), S115 (presented in February 2010)
- Boucoiran I, Rey E, Delvin E, An N, Audibert F. Screening for preeclampsia using first trimester serum markers in nulliparous women. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2009 Dec;201(6), S268 (presented in February 2010)
Nationa Clinical guidelines
- van Schalkwyk J, Yudin MH, SOGC Infectious Disease Committee, Yudin MH, Allen V, Bouchard C, Boucher M, Boucoiran I, Caddy S, Castillo E, Kennedy VL, Money DM, Murphy K, Ogilvie G, Paquet C, van Schalkwy JK; Vulvovaginitis: screening for and management of trichomoniasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, and bacterial vaginosis. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2015 Mar;37(3):266-76.
- Money D; Infectious Disease Committee Members, Yudin MH, Allen V, Bouchard C, Boucher M, Boucoiran I, Caddy S, Castillo E, Kennedy VL, Money D, Murphy K, Ogilvie G, Paquet C, van Schalkwyk J. SOGC committee opinion on the management of a pregnant woman exposed to or infected with Ebola virus disease in Canada. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2015 Feb;37(2):182-91
- Money, D, Tulloch K, Boucoiran I, Alimenti A, Sauve L, Pick N, Caddy S, Van Schalkwyk J. Recommandations de la SOGC: Guidelines for the care of HIV positive pregnant women and interventions to reduce perinatal transmission. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2014 Aug;36(8):721-51.
- Crane J, Mundle W, Boucoiran I. SOGC Guidelines: Parvovirus B19 infection in pregnancy. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2014 Dec;36(12):1107-16.
Guest speaker Presentations
- Zika versus CMV : une perspective québécoise, Formation Médicale Continue de la SOGC, Mont tremblant (Qc), October 2017.
- Le virus Zika : que doivent savoir les obstétriciens-gynécologues ? Congrès de l’AOGQ, Montreal (Qc), May 2017.
- Gynecologica infections. Canadian Obstetrics and Gynecology Review Program, Toronto (Ont), Feb 2017
- Le virus Zika. Formation Médicale Continue de la SOGC, Montreal (Qc), October 2016.
- Accouchements prématurés chez les femmes vivant avec le VIH : causes et lien avec la thérapie antirétrovirale. Colloque Femmes et VIH : Recherche et pratiques d'intervention. 84th meeting of the “Association Francophone pour le Savoir”, Montreal (Qc), May 2016.
- HIV et grossesse: cas pratiques. Comité des pharmaciens experts en VIH. Programme National de Mentorat sur le VIH-Sida, Montreal (Qc), January 2016.
- Infections maternelles pendant la grossesse et repercussions foetales. Formation Médicale Continue de la SOGC, Montebello (Qc), October 2015.
- HIV et grossesse: cas pratiques. 10e Week-end de formations des médecins oeuvrant en VIH, Orford (Qc), September 2015.
- Management of HIV+ pregnancies. Chronic Viral Illness Service – McGill University Health Centre, Montreal (Qc), September 2015.
- Cytomegalovirus et grossesse : quand y penser, nouvelles perspectives. Journées annuelles du department de Gynécologie-Obstétrique de l’Université de Montréal, Mont-Tremblant (Canada), February 2015.
- Genital Herpes in the obstetrical population. Annual meeting of the "Association des Obstétriciens Gynécologues du Québec". Mont-Tremblant (Canada), May 2014.
- Infectious diseases and pregnancy. Mother-Child Network. Montreal (Canada), Dec 2012.
Oral Presentations
- Roy M, Thibaudeau R, Tulloch K, Ferrera E, Sheehan N, Autmizguine J, Money D, Boucoiran I. Evaluation of Cabergoline for Lactation Suppression in Women Living with HIV. 7th HIV & Women International Workshop. Seattle (US), Feb 2017 and Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Montreal (Qc), May 2017.
- Boucoiran I, Mayer BT, Krantz E, Boppana S, Wald A, Corey L, Casper C, Schiffer JT, Gantt S. Recurrent maternal CMV infection following primary infection in infants. CMV Public Heath and Policy Conference. Austin (US), Sep 2016.
- Smiljkovic M, Renaud C, Leduc D, Boucoiran I, Lamarre V, Kakkar F. Quantitative PCR guided management of congenital CMV infection: A single center review. CMV Public Heath and Policy Conference. Austin (US), Sep 2016.
- Côté J, Rouleau G, Boucoiran I, Pichette N, de Pokomandy A. TAVIE Femme : Une intervention virtuelle au service des femmes vivant avec le VIH pour soutenir la prise des antirétroviraux. Colloque « Les femmes et le VIH : Recherche et pratiques d’intervention », 84th meeting of the “Association Francophone pour le Savoir”, Montréal (Qc), May 2016.
- Boucoiran I, Lee T, Tulloch K, Sauve L, Samson L, Brophy J, Boucher M and Money D for and members of the Canadian Pediatric HIV Surveillance Program (CPHSP). The use of antiretroviral agents during pregnancy in Canada and compliance with North-American guidelines. 6th HIV & Women International Workshop. Boston (US), Feb 2016.
- Desjardins M, Boucoiran I, Labbé AC, Paquet C, Laferrière C, Gosselin-Brisson A, Martel-Laferrière V. Pratiques québécoises en matière de dépistage des maladies évitables par la vaccination chez la femme enceinte. Journée de la recherche de microbiologie de l’Ude M, January 2015, Journées annuelles de formation de l'AMMIQ (JAFA), Quebec, May 2015
- Thériault K, Boucoiran I, Jarcevic R, Dal Soglio D, Wavrant S. Added value of placental examination in the investigation of stillbirth. 36st Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Atlanta (USA), Feb 2015.
- Boucoiran I, Kakkar F, Lee T, Sauve L, Singer J, Samson L, Money D and members of the Canadian Pediatric HIV Surveillance Program (CPHSP). Risk factors for Preterm Birth Among Women Living with HIV in Canada: Role of Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen Used in Pregnancy. Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (IDSOG) Annual Meeting, Stowe, Vermont (US), Aug 2014.
- Picard A, Boucoiran I, Wavrant S, Dube J, Bujold E, Audibert F. Intra-amniotic sludge observed at cervical ultrasound and the risk of preterm delivery. 23rd World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sydney (Australia), Sept 2013.
- Boucoiran I, Van Schalkwyk J, Alimenti A, Maan E, Albert A, Wagner E, Chaworth-Muster T, Forbes J, Pick N, Money D, Oak Tree Clinic Research Group HIV Viral Rebound Near Delivery In Previously suppressed, Combined Antiretroviral Therapy Treated Pregnant Women. Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (IDSOG) Annual meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo (US), Aug 2013.
- Boucoiran I, Van Schalkwyk J, A. Bahji, T. Chaworth-Musters, E. Maan, A. Alimenti, A. Albert, J. Forbes, N. Pick, D. Money. Time To HIV Viral Load Suppression With Combination Antiretroviral Therapy In Pregnancy: Time Of Initiation Counts. IDSOG Annual meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo (US), Aug 2013.
- Boucoiran I, Tulloch K, Pick P, Kakkar F, van Schalkwyk J, Money D, Boucher M. Third Trimester Raltegravir Initiation: The Impact On Maternal HIV Viral Load And Obstetrical Outcome. IDSOG Annual meeting, Santa Ana Pueblo (US), Aug 2013.
- Gaulin S, Boucoiran I, Audibert F, Rey E. Prévalence de diabète en présence de clarté nucale augmentée. Congrès Annuel de l’Association des Obstétriciens et Gynécologues du Québec, Jun 2013. 69th Annual clinical meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada, Calgary (Al), Jun 2013.
- Picard A, Boucoiran I, Dubé J, Wavrant S, Bujold E, Audibert F. Impact de la boue intra-amniotique (« sludge ») sur le risque d’accouchement premature. Congrès Annuel de L’Association des Obstétriciens et Gynécologues du Québec, Baie-St-Paul (Qc), Jun 2013.
- Martillotti G, Boucoiran I, Morin L, Fouron JC. Is the circulatory dynamics of fetuses with gastroschisis different from normal? 22st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 2012.
- Maisonneuve E, Delvin E, Levy E, Ouellet A, Grenier E, Morin L, Dubé J, Boucoiran I, Bouity-Voubou M, Moutquin JM, Fouron JC, Klam S, Leduc L. Severity of foetal growth restriction from placental insufficiency is associated with a oxidative stress markers response in umbilical cord blood. 22st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 2012.
- Thissier-Levy S, Boucoiran I, Wu Y, Wei Sq, Luo Zc, Nuyt Am, Julien P, Fraser W, Audibert F. Endostatine et risque de prééclampsie. Journée Francophone de Recherche en Obstétrique et Gynécologie, Paris (France), Dec 2011.
- Boucoiran I, Taillefer C, Wavrant S, Morin L, Dubé J, Hudon L, Audibert F. First trimester prediction of birth weight. 21st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Los Angeles (USA), Sep 2011.
Poster Presentations
- Côté J, Rouleau G, Boucoiran I, dePokomandy A, Brochet M-S, Morin C, Pichette N, Hot A, Monteith K . A web-based virtual nursing intervention to meet the specific needs of women living with HIV taking antiretroviral treatment. Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Montreal (Qc), May 2017
- F. Kakkar F, I. Boucoiran I, Valois S, Lamarre V, Renaud C, Soudeyns H, Lapointe N, Boucher M. The CMIS Cohort (1988-2015): Progress in the prevention of mother to child transmission in a resource-Rich Setting. Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Montreal (Qc), May 2017
- Minsart AF, McClymont E, Varin J, van Schalkwyk J, Boucher M, Money D, Boucoiran I. Causes of Preterm Delivery Among HIV-Positive Women in Canada and Association with Antiretroviral Exposure. Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Montreal (Qc), May 2017
- Placenta Progesterone Levels are Negatively Associated with Placenta Mitochondrial DNA Content among HIV+ and HIV- women in the CARMA-PREG cohort. Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Montreal (Qc), May 2017
- Minsart AF, Smiljkovic M, Christian R, Gagné MP, Lamarre V, Kakkar F, Boucher M, Boucoiran I. CMV-specific hyperimmunoglobulins in pregnancy: tolerance and pregnancy outcome. Canadian Perinatal Research Meeting, Montebello (Qc), Feb 2017.
- Renaud C, Lamarre V, Rypens F, Fallet-Bianco C, Kakkar F, Boucher M, Soudeyns H , Boucoiran I. Zika virus infection in pregnancy: a single centre experience. Canadian Perinatal Research Meeting, Montebello (Qc), Feb 2017.
- Smiljkovic M, Renaud C, Leduc D, Boucoiran I, Lamarre V, Kakkar F. Use of qPCR in Blood and CSF as a Predictor of Severity in Congenital CMV Infection. IDweek, New Orleans (US), Oct 2016.
- Boucoiran I, Boucher M, Varin J, Kakkar F, Money D. Causes of Preterm Birth Among HIV-Positive Women in Canada and Association with Antiretroviral Exposure. Infectious Diseases Society for Obstetrics and Gynecology (IDSOG) Annual Meeting, Annapolis (US), August 2016.
- Delangre E, Rabamaad L, Boucoiran I, Lamarre V, Kakkar F, Renaud C. Complexity of in-house verification of anti-cmv igg avidity assay in the context of low prevalence and rarity of gold standard sera. 32nd Clinical Virology Symposium, Daytona, FL, May 2016.
- Desjardins M, Boucoiran I, Labbé AC, Paquet C, Laferrière C, Gosselin-Brisson A, Martel-Laferrière V. Dépistage et prévention des malades évitables par la vaccination chez la femme enceinte), Congrès annuel de l'Association canadienne des sages-femmes, Montréal, Nov 2015.
- Desjardins M, Labbé AC, Boucoiran I, Paquet C, Laferrière C, Gosselin-Brisson A, Martel-Laferrière V. Influenza Vaccine in Pregnancy: Low Compliance Rate Among Healthcare Providers, Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Diego (US), Sept 2015.
- Desjardins M, Boucoiran I, Labbé AC, Paquet C, Laferrière C, Gosselin-Brisson A, Martel-Laferrière V. Impact of Vaccination History on Serology Testing in Pregnant Women, Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Diego (US), Sept 2015.
- Kakkar F, Boucoiran I, Lee T, Sauve L, Singer J, Samson L, Money D and members of the Canadian Pediatric HIV Surveillance Program (CPHSP). High Rates of Preterm Birth and Small for Gestational Age in a Cohort of HIV Infected Women in Canada: Role of Ritonavir Boosted Regimens? IDWeek, Philadelphia (US), Oct 2014.
- Vaujois L, Boucoiran I, Houde C, Fouron JC, Raboisson MJ. The absence of physiological shunts during the fetal period can help predict severe post-natal hypoxia in fetuses with transposition of the great arteries with intact ventricular septum. 6th World Congress of Paediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery, Cape Town (South Africa), Feb 2013.
- Boucoiran I, Wavrant S, Rypens F. Prenatal diagnosis of hydromylia: a case report. 22st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 2012.
- Martillotti G, Boucoiran I, Dubé E, Damphousse A, Grignon A, Moussa A, Bouchard S, Morin L. Predicting gastroschisis perinatal outcome from antenatal characteristics. 22st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 2012.
- Clermont ME, Morin L, Boucoiran I, Dubé J, Codsi E, Audibert F, Wavrant S. Validity of first trimester 3D fetal anatomy assessment. 22st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Copenhagen (Denmark), Sept 2012.
- Boucoiran I, Delvin E, Rypens F, Rey E, Audibert F. Repeated measures of PlGF, PP13 and ADAM12 at first and second trimester for preeclampsia screening. 32st Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Dallas (USA), Feb 2012.
- Boucoiran I, S. Thissier-Levy S, Wu Y, Wei SQ, Luo ZC, Delvin E, Fraser W, Audibert F. Risk for preeclampsia and intrauterine growth restriction: effective value of PlGF, Sflt-1 and Inhibin A in singleton and multiple pregnancies. 32st Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Dallas (USA), Feb 2012.
- Thissier-Levy S, Boucoiran I, Wu Y, Wei SQ, Luo ZC, Nuyt AM, Fraser W, Audibert F. Endostatin: a new biomarker of preeclampsia? 32st Annual Meeting of the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Dallas (USA), Feb 2012.
- Wavrant S, Boucoiran I, Maisonneuve E, Audibert F, Rypens R. Prenatal diagnosis of schizencephaly: two cases. 21st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Los Angeles (USA), Sept 2011.
- Wavrant S, Boucoiran I, Tordjman L, Gauthier R, Bortoluzzi P, Rypens F, Morin L, Audibert F. Severe fetal head moulding without labor. 21st World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Los Angeles (USA), Sept 2011.
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