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Medical Sciences

Anne Gallagher

Neuropsychologie pédiatrique

Professeure titulaire

Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de psychologie

Marie-Victorin, room F-414-6

514 345-6111 #36556


Research expertise

My current research mainly concerns the cognitive and cerebral effects of different pediatric diseases and syndromes, such as epilepsy, infantile spasms, tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC), prematurity and congenital cardiac anomalies. In the laboratory, I use neuropsychological assessment and neuroimaging (optical imaging (NIRS), electroencephalography) and magnetoencephalography (MEG)) to better understand these pathologies and their impact on brain development, identify predictive markers for certain related disorders or developmental prognostics and develop pre-surgical assessment techniques suitable for use with these populations.


En plus d’être chercheuse au Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, la Dre Anne Gallagher est professeure agrégée au Département de psychologie de l’Université de Montréal. Ses intérêts de recherche sont axés sur le développement cognitif et langagier de l’enfant. Plus spécifiquement, son programme de recherche se divise en deux volets: 1) Développement langagier typique au cours de la petite enfance ; 2) Les effets cognitifs et cérébraux de différentes maladies et syndromes pédiatriques, tels que l’épilepsie, les anomalies cardiaques congénitales et la prématurité. Au sein de son laboratoire, le Laboratoire d'Imagerie Optique en Neurodéveloppement (LIONlab), son équipe utilise l’évaluation neuropsychologique et l’imagerie cérébrale, notamment l’imagerie optique (NIRS) et l’électroencéphalographie (EEG), afin de mieux comprendre ces pathologies et leurs effets sur le développement du cerveau, identifier des marqueurs prédictifs du pronostic neurodéveloppemental et développer des techniques d’évaluation pré-chirurgicales pouvant être utilisées auprès de ces populations.

Awards and recognitions

  • 2019-2024: Chaire de recherche du Canda en Neuropsychologie de l'enfant et imagerie cérébrale
  • 2019-2022: Chercheur-Boursier Junior 2, FRQS
  • 2017: Prix d'excellence pour Jeune Checrheur Louise Rousselle Trottier, Fondation des Maladie du Coeur du Canada
  • 2016: Junior Investigator Award, CLAE
  • 2015: Rising Star, Canadian League Against Epilepsy (CLAE)
  • 2013-2019: CIHR New Investigator Salary Award
  • 2013-2018: Chercheur-Boursier Junior 1, FRQS


  • 2011 — Post-doctoral Fellow — NeurosciencesHarvard Medical School
  • 2008 — Doctorat Ph.D. — — Université de Montréal
  • 2001 — Maîtrise M.Ps. — PsychologieUniversité Laval
  • 1999 — Baccalauréat — PsychologieUniversité Laval

Affiliations and responsabilities

Teaching and supervision

Student supervision

Theses and dissertation supervision (Papyrus Institutional Repository)


Influences de l'environnement linguistique prénatal sur l'émergence des réseaux langagiers à la naissance

Graduate : Caron-Desrochers, Laura
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : D. Psy.

Les émotions évoquées par la musique chez les enfants présentant une épilepsie

Graduate : Fargues, Delphine
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : D. Psy.

Le développement visuel et cognitif chez les enfants nés à terme ou prématurément

Graduate : Sayeur, Mélissa Sue
Cycle : Doctoral
Grade : Ph. D.


Research projects

2024 - 2030

SCALE - Social Cognition in Autism across LEvels

Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2023 - 2030

Integrating early neuromonitoring biomarkers to better define eligibility for therapeutic hypothermia after perinatal hypoxiaischemia

Lead researcher : Elana Pinchefsky
Co-researchers : Anne Gallagher , Ramy El-Jalbout , Laurence Ducharme-Crevier , Sophie Tremblay
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2023 - 2030

Executive functioning and parent-child relationship in infants with CHD: early screening and underlying brain mechanisms

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2024 - 2029

Chaire de recherche du Canada_Child Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: SPIIE/Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Grant programs: PVX50399-Chaires de recherche du Canada - IRSC
2022 - 2028

Delineating hemodynamic changes of epileptiform discharges in critically ill patients using functional near infrared spectroscopy

Lead researcher : Dang Khoa Nguyen
Co-researchers : Anne Gallagher , Michaël Chassé , Frédéric Lesage
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2020 - 2027

Development of functional language brain networks: a multimodal neuroimaging approach

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVX20965-(RGP) Programme de subvention à la découverte individuelle ou de groupe
2019 - 2026

Visual and cognitive development in preemies: the role of neonatal hypoglycemia

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2023 - 2025

Integrating early neuromonitoring biomarkers to better define eligibility for therapeutic hypothermia after perinatal hypoxia-ischemia

Lead researcher : Elana Pinchefsky
Co-researchers : Anne Gallagher , Ramy El-Jalbout , Laurence Ducharme-Crevier , Sophie Tremblay
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2019 - 2024

Chaire de recherche du Canada en Clinical Child Neuropsychology and Brain Imaging

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: SPIIE/Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Grant programs: PVX50399-Chaires de recherche du Canada
2019 - 2022

Marqueurs prédictifs de troubles cognitifs et cérébraux : prédire pour mieux intervenir

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Bourse de chercheur-boursier : Junior 2
2015 - 2022


Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVX20965-(RGP) Programme de subvention à la découverte individuelle ou de groupe
2020 - 2021

Impact of early systematic interdisciplinary follow-up program on neurodevelopmental outcomes in school-aged children with CHD: Phase 2 of the CINC Study

Funding sources: FMCC/Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Bourse de nouveau chercheur au Canada seulement
2020 - 2021

Prédicteurs électrophysiologiques précoces des troubles neurodéveloppementaux - coopération Québec-Cuba 2020-2021

Funding sources: Ministère des Relations internationales, de la Francophonie et du Commerce extérieur
Grant programs:
2020 - 2021

Supplément COVID-19 CRSNG_Development of functional language brain networks: a multimodal neuroimaging approach

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Supplément à l’appui des étudiants, des stagiaires postdoctoraux et du personnel de soutien à la recherche COVID-19
2017 - 2021

Functional brain connectivity in infants with congenital heart disease (CHD): A predictor of neurodevelopmental outcomes

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: FMCC/Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX7979-Subvention pour projet de recherche et de développement
2019 - 2020

Functional brain connectivity and neuropsychological profile after a 1st unprovoked seizure : a preliminary NIRS-EEG study

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: Fondation Savoy
Grant programs:
2016 - 2020

Impact of early intervention on neurodevelopmental outcome in CHD

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Co-researchers : Lionel Carmant
Funding sources: FMCC/Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX7979-Subvention pour projet de recherche et de développement
2018 - 2019

Intégration des données d'imagerie cérébrale multimodale de spectroscopie proche infrarouge et d'électrophysiologie: outil portable et idéal pour les populations cliniques pédiatriques.

Funding sources: Ministère des Relations internationales, de la Francophonie et du Commerce extérieur
Grant programs:
2013 - 2019


Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Co-researchers : Lionel Carmant , Philippe Major , Ellen Grant
Funding sources: IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Grant programs: PVXX5664-Bourse salariale pour nouveau chercheur
2016 - 2018

Development of innovative optical technologies for quantitative blood perfusion imaging

Lead researcher : Mathieu Dehaes
Co-researchers : Sylvain Chemtob , Sarah Lippé , Santiago Costantino , Anne Gallagher , Jean-Sébastien Joyal
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(OIR) Outils et d'instruments de recherche (de 7 001 $ à 150 000 $)
2015 - 2018

Resting-state presurgical mapping in children with epilepsy.

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Co-researchers : Lionel Carmant , Dang Khoa Nguyen
Funding sources: Sick Kids Foundation
Grant programs:
2015 - 2017

Language cerebral networks in typical and altered developing brain: a Portable all-integrated neuroimaging (PRALINE) platform

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: FCI/Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Fonds des leaders
2013 - 2017


Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Bourse de chercheur-boursier : Junior 1
2015 - 2016

Réseau des jeunes chercheurs du Québec - Santé : Établissement d'une structure exécutive.

Lead researcher : Mathieu Dehaes
Co-researchers : Anne Gallagher , Hélène Decaluwe
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2013 - 2016


Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Établissement de jeunes chercheurs Juniors 1
2014 - 2015

Pre-clinical detection of infantile spasms using NIRS

Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: Fondation Savoy
Grant programs:
2013 - 2015


Lead researcher : Anne Gallagher
Funding sources: Fondation de l'Hôpital Ste-Justine
Grant programs:

Publications and presentations


Publications des 7 dernières années:

  1. *Hüsser AVannasing PTremblay J, Osterman B, Lortie A, Diadori P, Major P, Rossignol E, Roger KFourdain SProvost AMaalouf Y, Nguyen DK, Gallagher A. (accepted) Brain language networks and cognitive outcomes in children with frontotemporal lobe epilepsy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
  2. Smith ML, Puka K, Speechley KN, Ferro MA, Connolly MB, Major P, Gallagher A, Almubarak S, Hasal S, Ramachandrannair R, Andrade A, Xu Q, Leung E, Snead III OC, Widjaja E. (accepted). Trajectories of Parent Well-Being in Children with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy. Epilepsia.
  3. *Provost SFourdain SVannasing PTremblay JRoger K, García-Puented Y, Doussau A, Vinay MC, Von Siebenthal Z, Paquette N, Poirier N, Gallagher A. Relationship between 4-month functional brain network topology and 24-month neurodevelopmental outcome in children with congenital heart disease. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 2023. 47:47-59. doi: 10.1016/j.ejpn.2023.09.005.
  4. *Simard MN, *Lepage C, *Gaudet IPaquette N, Doussau A, Poirier N, Beauchamp M, Côté S, Pinchefsky E, Brossard-Racine M, Mâsse B, Gallagher A. (in press) A parent-child yoga intervention for reducing attention deficits in children with congenital heart disease: The Yoga for Little Hearts Feasibility Study prior to a randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open. *co-first author
  5. Gallagher A, Wallois F, Obrig H. (2023). fNIRS in pediatric clinical research: different pathophysiologies and promising clinical applications. Neurophotonics. 10(2): 023517.
  6. Brossard-Racine M, Rampakakis E, Tardif CL, Gilbert G, White A, Luu TM, Gallagher A, Pinchefsky E, Montreuil T, Simard MN, Wintermark P. (2023) Long-term consequences of neonatal encephalopathy in the hypothermia era: protocol for a follow-up cohort study at 9 years of age. BMJ Open. 13. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-073063
  7. Smith ML, Puka K, Speechley K, Ferro M, Connolly M, Major P, Gallagher A, Almubarak S, Hasal S, Ramachandrannair R, Andrade A, Xu Q, Leung E, Snead III O, Widjaja E. (2023). A longitudinal cohort study of mediators of health-related quality of life after pediatric epilepsy surgery or medical treatment. Epilepsia. 0: 0.
  8. Fourdain SProvost STremblay JVannasing P, Doussau A, Caron-Desrocher LGaudet IRoger KHüsser A, Dehaes M, Martínez-Montes E, Poirier N, Gallagher A. (2023). Functional brain connectivity after cardiac corrective surgery for critical congenital heart disease: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Child Neuropsychology. 30: 1-21.
  9. Lepage CGaudet I, Doussau A, Vinay MC, Gagner C, von Siebenthal Z, Poirier N, Simard MN, Paquette NGallagher A. (2023). The Role of Parenting Stress in Anxiety and Sleep Outcomes in Toddlers with Congenital Heart Disease. Frontiers in Pediatrics. 10: 1055526. 
  10. Widjaja E, Puka K, Speechley K, Ferro M, Connolly M, Major P, Gallagher A, Almubarak S, Hasan S, Ramachandrannair R, Andrade A, Xu Q, Leung E, Snead III CO, Smith ML. (2023). Trajectory of healthrelated quality of life after pediatric epilepsy surgery: prospective multi-center cohort study. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 6(3). doi : 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.2858.
  11. Bonney E et al (35 contributors) (2023) The Global Brain Consortium’s GLAD White Paper: Challenges and Prospects for a Multi-National Children and Adolescents’ Brain Health Study. OSFpreprint. doi: 10.31219/ 
  12. Gaudet IPaquette N, Doussau A, Poirier N, Simard MN, Beauchamp MH, Gallagher A. (2022). Social cognition and competence in preschoolers with congenital heart disease. Neuropsychology. 36(6): 552-564.
  13. Roger KVannasing PTremblay J, Bringas Vega ML, Bryce CP, Rabinowitz AG, Valdés-Sosa PA, Galler JR, Gallagher A. (2022). Impact of early childhood malnutrition on the adult brain function: an ERP study. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 884251 
  14. Hüsser ACaron-Desrochers LTremblay JVannasing P, Martínez-Montes E, Gallagher A. (2022). Parallel Factor Analysis (PARAFAC) for multidimensional decomposition of fNIRS data - A validation study. Neurophotonics. 9(4): 045004
  15. Tremblay J, Martínez-Montes E, Hüsser ACaron-Desrochers L, Pouliot P, Vannasing PGallagher A. (2022). LIONirs: flexible Matlab toolbox for fNIRS data analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 370 : 109487. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2022.109487
  16. Bosch-Bayard J, Razzaq FA, Lopez-Naranjo C, Wang Y, Li M, Galan-Garcia L, Calzada-Reyes A, Virues-Alba T, Rabinowitz A, Suarez-Murias C, Guo Y, Sanchez-Castillo M, Roger KGallagher A, Prichep L, Anderson SG, Michel CM, Evans AC, Bringas-Vega ML, Galler J, Valdes-Sosa PA. (2022). Early Protein Energy Malnutrition distorts subsequent life-long developmental trajectories of the sources of EEG rhythmic activity. Neuroimage 254: 119144. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119144
  17. Gaudet IPaquette N, Bernard C, Doussau A, Harvey J, Trudeau N, Beaulieu-Genest L, Pinchefsky E, Poirier N, Simard MN, Gallagher A. (2021). Neurodevelopmental outcome of children with congenital heart disease: a cohort study from infancy to preschool age. The Journal of Pediatrics. 239. doi: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2021.08.042.
  18. Fourdain S, Simard MN, Dagenais L, Materassi M, Doussau A, Dehaes M, Goulet J, Gagnon K, Prud’homme J, Vobecky S, Poirier N, Carmant L, Gallagher A. (2021). Gross motor development of children with congenital heart disease receiving early surveillance and individualized intervention. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 12. doi: 10.1080/17518423.2020.1711541. 
  19. Lépine J, Gagnon K, Prud’homme J, Vinay MC, Doussaud A, Fourdain SProvost S, Belval V, Bernard C,Gallagher A, Poirier N, Simard MN, on behalf of the CINC team. (2021). Utility of the ASQ-3 in screening for developmental delay in children with Congenital Heart Disease. Developmental Neurorehabilitation. 8. doi: 10.1080/17518423.2021.1960918.
  20. Phillips NL, Widjaja E, Speechley K, Ferro M, Connolly M, Major P, Gallagher A, Ramachandrannais R, Almubarak S, Hasal S, Andrade A, Xu Q, Leung E, Snead III OC, Smith ML. (2021). Longitudinal changes in emotional functioning following pediatric resective epilepsy surgery: 2-year follow-up. Epilepsy and Behavior. 114. doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107585.
  21. Hüsser AFourdain SGallagher A. (2020). Neuropsychological Assessment. Handbook of Clinical Neurology; Neurocognitive Development. 174. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64148-9.00017-X.
  22. Citherlet D, Boucher O, Tremblay J, Robert M, Gallagher A, Bouthillier A, Lepore F, Nguyen D.K. (2020). Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Auditory Information Processing in the Insular Cortex: An Intracranial EEG Study using an Oddball Paradigm". Brain Structure and Function. 225. doi: 10.1007/s00429-020-02072-z. 
  23. Fourdain SCaron-Desrochers L, Simard MN, Provost S, Doussau A, Gagnon K, Dagenais L, Presutto E, Prud’homme J, Boudreault-Trudeau A, *Constantin IM, Desnoux B, Poirier N, Gallagher A, on behalf of the CINC team. (2020). Impacts of an Interdisciplinary Developmental Follow-up Program on Neurodevelopment in Congenital Heart Disease: the CINC Study.Frontiers in Pediatrics. 8. doi: 10.3389/fped.2020.539451.
  24. Gaudet IGallagher A. (2020). Description and classification of neurodevelopmental disabilities. Handbook of Clinical Neurology; Neurocognitive Development. 173. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-444-64150-2.00001-0
  25. Gaudet IHüsser AVannasing PGallagher A. (2020). Functional brain connectivity of language functions in children revealed by EEG and MEG: A systematic review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14: 62. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2020.00062.
  26. Fourdain S, St-Denis A, Harvey J, Carmant L, ­Gallagher ATrudeau N. Language development in children with congenital heart disease aged 12 to 24 months. European Journal of Pediatric Neurology 2019; 23(3): 491-499. doi :  Co-auteur principal
  27. Citherlet D, Boucher O, Tremblay J, Robert M, Gallagher A, Bouthillier A, Lepore F, Nguyen DK. Role of the insula in top-down processing: an intracranial EEG study using a visual oddball detection paradigm. Brain Structure and Function 2019; 224(6):2045-2059. Doi: 10.1007/s00429-019-01892-y
  28. Tremblay J, Martínez-Montes, Vannasing P, Nguyen D, Sawan M, Lepore F, Gallagher A. Comparison of source localization techniques in diffuse optical tomography for fNIRS application using a realistic head model. Biomedical Optics Express 2018; 9(7): 2994-3016. doi: 10.1364/BOE.9.002994
  29. Kassab A, Le Lan J, Vannasing PSafi D, Dehbozorgi M, Pouliot P, Gallagher A, Lesage F, Sawan M, Nguyen DK. Multichannel Wearable NIRS-EEG System for Long-Term Clinical Monitoring. Human Brain Mapping 2018; 39: 7–23. doi:10.1002/hbm.23849
  30. Major P, Lortie A, Dehaes M, Lodygensky GA, Gallagher A, Carmant L, Birca A. Periictal activity in cooled asphyxiated neonates with seizures. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 2017; 43: 13-16. doi: 10.1016/j.seizure.2017.03.002
  31. Gallagher A, Dagenais L, Doussau A, Décarie J-C, Materassi M, Gagnon K, Prud’homme J, Vobecky S, Poirier N, Carmant L. Significant motor improvement in an infant with congenital heart disease and a rolandic stroke: the impact of early intervention. Dev Neurorehabil. 2017;18:1–4. doi: 10.3109/17518423.2015.1132280
  32. Birca A, Lortie A, Birca V, Decarie JC, Veilleux A, Gallagher A, Dehaes M, Lodygensky   GA, Carmant L. Rewarming affects EEG background in term newborns with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy undergoing therapeutic hypothermia. Clin Neurophysiol. 2016; 127(4):2087–94. doi: 10.1016/j.clinph.2015.12.013
  33. Vannasing PCornaggia I, Vanasse C, Tremblay J, Diadori P, Perreault S, Lassonde M, Gallagher A. Potential brain language reorganization in a boy with refractory epilepsy: An fNIRS-EEG and fMRI comparison. Epilepsy Behav Case Reports. 2016; 5: 34–7. doi: 10.1016/j.ebcr.2016.01.006
  34. Safi D, Béland R, Nguyen DK, Pouliot P, Mohamed IS, Vannasing PTremblay J, Lassonde M, Gallagher A. Recruitment of the left precentral gyrus in reading epilepsy: a multimodal neuroimaging study. Epilepsy Behav Case Reports. 2016; 5: 19–22. doi: 10.1016/j.ebcr.2016.01.003
  35. Pirmoradi M, Jemel B, Gallagher ATremblay J, D’Hondt F, Nguyen DK, Béland R, Lassonde M. Verbal memory and verbal fluency tasks used for language localization and lateralization during magnetoencephalography. Epilepsy Res. 2016; 119: 1–9. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2015.11.015
  36. Gallagher ATremblay JVannasing P. Language mapping in children using resting-state functional connectivity: Comparison with a task-based approach. J Biomed Opt. 2016; 21(12): 125006-1-8. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.21.12.125006
  37. Kassab ATremblay J, Y. Poppe A, Létourneau-Guillon L, Gallagher A, Nguyen DK. Cerebral hemodynamic changes during limb-shaking tia: a near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neurology. 2016;86(12):1166–8. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000002505
  38. Vannasing P, Florea O, González-Frankenberger B, Tremblay JPaquette NSafi D, Wallois F, Lepore F, Béland R, Lassonde M, Gallagher A. Distinct hemispheric specializations for native and non-native languages in one-day-old newborns identified by fNIRS. Neuropsychologia. 2016;84:63–9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.01.038
  39. Fourdain S, Vanasse C-M, Poirier N, Carmant L, Gallagher A. Cardiopathies congénitales : physiopathologie, facteurs de risque et profils neuropsychologiques. Rev québécoise Psychol. 2016;37(2):3–20. 


Présentations des 5 dernières années:

  1. (2023) Language brain response and neurodevelopmental outcome in preschoolers with congenital heart disease: a fNIRS study. Sarah Provost. World Congress of Pediactric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery 2023 (WCPCCS2023), Washington DC, USA**Bronze Medal for the Best abstract competition WCPCCS2023, 3rd out of 2800 abstracts
  2. (2023) Using fNIRS in pediatric clinical populations. Symposium: NIRS in Movement Science, German Sport University, Cologne, Germany
  3. (2023) Studying functional brain networks in at-risk pediatric populations. 11th European School on Multimodal Analysis of the Development of Brain Function, Amiens, France
  4. (2023). Barbados Nutrition Study: the impact of infantile malnutrition on the adult brain function. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Satellite Symposium, Montreal
  5. (2023) Toute la lumière sur le développement du cerveau. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Public Lectures, Montreal
  6. (2023) LIONnirs Toolbox: a new tool for fNIRS data preprocessing and analyses. Julie Tremblay, pre-OHBM NIRx Workshop, Montreal
  7. (2023). Adult Brain Function following Childhood Malnutrition: EEG-NIRS data. Global Brain Consortium (GBC) Annual Meeting, Virtual
  8. (2023) LIONnirs Toolbox: a new tool for fNIRS data preprocessing and analyses. Julie Tremblay, NIRx Virtual Webinar Series, Virtual
  9. (2023). Development of Language Brain Networks: typical and atypical trajectories. University of Trois-Rivière (UQTR) Annual Scientific Day, Trois-Rivières, Canada
  10. (2022) fNIRS and EEG for studying the development of functional brain networks. 10th European School on Multimodal Analysis of the Development of Brain Function, Amiens, France
  11. (2022) Altered fNIRS Language Networks in Children with Fronto-tempotal Epilepsy. Alejandra Hüsser, Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (sfNIRS) annual meeting, Boston
  12. (2022). Social Outcomes in Preschooloers with Congenital Heart Disease: An intergrative perspective. Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative (CNOC) International Annual Meeting, Montreal
  13. (2022). Harnessing individual variability of human brain systems across health and disease. Andrew Zalesky.Keynote Lecture Chair. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) annual meeting, Glasgow
  14. (2022). From the womb to wisdom. Session Chair. Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) annual meeting, Glasgow
  15. (2022). Enlighten the Brain… What is Near Infrared Spectroscopy? NeuroQAM conference series, Montréal
  16. (2021). fNIRS In Epilepsy: From Research To Clinic. Phetsamone Vannasing, Alejandra Hüsser, NIRx Virtual Webinar Series, Virtual
  17. (2021). Neurodevelopmental outcome of children with congenital heart disease: a cohort study from infancy to preschool age. Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative (CNOC) International Annual Meeting (virtual), Virtual
  18. (2021) Clinique, Enseignement et Recherche en Santé au Québec. Forum sur les vecteurs féminins du développement économique - Regards croisés Québec – Cuba, Ministère des Relations Internationales, Gouvernement du Québec, Virtual
  19. (2021). Prenatal exposure to an unfamiliar language: A facilitation or competition effect for the newborn’s brain linguistic processing? Caron-Desrochers L, Paquette N, Vannasing P, Tremblay J, Roger K, Provost S, Fourdain S, Hüsser A, Petitpas L, Gervain J, Boucoiran I.  Society for functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (sfNIRS) annual meeting, Virtual
  20. (2021). Associations between functional brain connectivity networks in 4-month infants with congenital heart disease and their neurodevelopmental outcomes in early childhood. Sarah Provost, Solène Fourdain, International Organization of Psychophysiology, Virtual
  21. (2021). Innovative Brain Recording Methods in Cognitive and Social Neuroscience - Co-chair Symposium. Sarah Lippé, International Organization of Psychophysiology, Virtual
  22. (2021). Early markers of neurodevelopment in young children with CHD. Advances in behavioral and neuroimaging techniques for the study of neurodevelopment. A Cuba-Quebec-Mexico Workshop, Minister of International Relationship of Quebec, Virtual
  23. (2021). Social outcomes in preschoolers with congenital heart disease (CHD): an integrative perspective. Gaudet I, Paquette N, Bernard C, Poirier N, Simard MN, Beauchamp M, Gallagher A, International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual Meeting, Virtual
  24. (2021). NIRS-EEG : multimodal imaging in pediatric research. 8th European School of Cerebral Oxymetry and Optical Imaging, Amiens, France
  25. (2020). Neuroimaging predictive markers of neurodevelopment. Global Brain Consortium (GBC), Varradero, Cuba
  26. (2019). Impact of Childhood Epilepsy on Cognitive, Behavioral and Socio-Affective Functioning, MaryLou Smith, Canadian League Against Epilepsy (CLAE) Scientific Meeting, Winnipeg, Canada
  27. (2019). Expérience de Montréal: Centre de suivi des cardiopathies congénitales, 9èmes Rencontres Francophones Multidisciplinaires des Cardiopathies Congénitales, Bordeaux, France  
  28. (2019). Why using NIRS-EEG in pediatric populations? 7th European School of Cerebral Oxymetry and Optical Imaging, Amiens, France 
  29. (2019). Does early intervention work? Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Outcome Collaborative (CNOC) Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
  30. (2019). Neurodevelopmental profiles of children with common pediatric diseases: convulsive disorders and congenital heart disease, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
  31. (2019). NIRS-EEG markers of infancy malnutrition: a pilot project part of the Barbados Nutrition Study, 11e QBIN Scientific Day, Montreal, Canada
  32. (2018). Maximizing the advantages of Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in clinical settings: what else can be done?, 6th European Autumn School of Cerebral Oxymetry and Optical Imaging (fNIRS), Amiens, France
  33. (2018). Toward the prediction and prevention of neurodevelopmental impairments in children with CHD, Pediatric Neurology Grand Round, SickKids Hospital, Toronto, Canada
  34. (2018). Using NIRS-EEG as a clinical tool in children, Keynote Symposium, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) annual meeting, Singapore
  35. (2018). Neuroimagerie développementale du fonctionnement langagier, Keynote speaker, 7e Journée scientifique annuelle pour le Consortium d'imagerie en neurosciences et santé mentale de Québec (CINQ), Québec, Canada
  36. (2018). Le développement cognitif et visuel d’enfants nés prématurément : une perspective EEG, 40e congrès annuel de la Société québécoise pour la recherche en psychologie (SQRP), Québec, Canada


  • Neurosciences
  • Psychology
  • Pediatrics

Areas of expertise

  • Neuropsychologie
  • Cerebral and cognitive development
  • Neuroimaging
  • Language
  • Electrophysiology (EEG)
  • Optical imaging (NIRS)
  • Newborns, children and teenagers
  • Congenital heart disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Prematurity
  • Learning disorders - Learning disabilities
  • Child development
  • Language acquisition