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/ Research

Je donne
Natural Sciences and Engineering; Engineering; Social Sciences and Humanities

Shahab Bakhtiari

My research focuses on the intersection of neuroscience and AI, also known as NeuroAI.

Professeur adjoint

Faculté des arts et des sciences - Département de psychologie



Research expertise

Shahab's research is centered at the intersection of neuroscience and AI, also known as NeuroAI. Specifically, he examines visual perception and learning in both biological brains and artificial neural networks. He uses deep learning as a computational framework to model learning and perception in the brain, and leverages our understanding of the nervous system to create more biologically-inspired artificial intelligence.


Shahab Bakhtiari is an Assistant Professor at the University of Montreal. He received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran. He then went on to earn a PhD in Neuroscience from McGill University. After completing his PhD, he was a postdoctoral fellow at the Mila Quebec AI Institute, where he focused on research at the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence.


Research projects

2023 - 2029

An optimization framework for comparative, multispecies studies of visual s y s t e m s

Lead researcher : Shahab Bakhtiari
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(DGECR) Tremplin vers la découverte
2023 - 2029

An optimization framework for comparative, multispecies studies of visual s y s t e m s

Lead researcher : Shahab Bakhtiari
Funding sources: CRSNG/Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et génie du Canada (CRSNG)
Grant programs: PVX20965-(RGP) Programme de subvention à la découverte individuelle ou de groupe
2022 - 2029

Union Neurosciences et Intelligence Artificielle Québec (UNIQUE)

Lead researcher : Karim Jerbi
Funding sources: FRQNT/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et technologies (FQRNT)
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-(RS) Programme de regroupements stratégiques
2020 - 2027

Frais Direct - Canada Excellence Research Chair in Autonomous Artificial Intelligence

Lead researcher : Irina Rish
Co-researchers : Shahab Bakhtiari , Blake Richards
Funding sources: SPIIE/Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Grant programs: PVXXXXXX-Chaire d'excellence en recherche du Canada


  • Neurosciences
  • Psychology
  • Computer Engineering and Software Engineering

Areas of expertise

  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Machine learning
  • Visual System
  • Learning
  • Vision
  • The brain and learning
  • Systems neuroscience
  • Role of autonomic nervous system functions
  • Computer models