Health Sciences; Social Sciences and Humanities; Life Sciences; Physical Education and Rehabilitation; Humanities; Social Sciences and Social Action
Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
Centre de recherche hospitalier
Département de linguistique et de traduction; Département de psychologie
Faculté de médecine
Département de psychiatrie et d’addictologie
Secondary numbers:
514 340-3540
514 340-3530
Secondary email:
(Autre courriel)
Research units
- Chaire de recherche en soins infirmiers à la personne âgée et à la famille
- Chaire pharmaceutique Michel-Saucier en santé et vieillissement
Partner organizations
- Ministère de l'Économie, de la Science et de l'Innovation
- Fondation Institut de gériatrie de Montréal
- Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux du Québec
- Fondation Caroline Durand
- Le Groupe Maurice
Other Institutions and Research Units
- CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal – Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal (IUGM)
4565, Chemin Queen-Mary
Montréal (Québec), H3W 1W5, Canada
Montréal (Québec), H3W 1W5, Canada
For more information…
At Université de Montreal
- Sylvie Belleville - Directrice
- Oury Monchi - Directeur adjoint
At Université de Montreal
Francine Ducharme
Yves Joanette
Martin Arguin
(Chercheur associé)
Gonia Jarema Arvanitakis
Constant Rainville
(Chercheur associé)
Julie Carrier
Jean-Pierre Gagné
Hélène Kergoat
Louise Demers
Julien Doyon
Marie-Jeanne Kergoat
Pierre Rainville
Jacqueline Rousseau
Bryna Shatenstein
David Roy
Brigitte Stemmer
Pierre Jolicoeur
Cara Tannenbaum
Marie Alderson
Hélène Girouard
Anne Bourbonnais
Chantal Dumoulin
Johanne Filiatrault
Jean-François Gagnon
(Chercheur associé)
Richard Hoge
Sven Joubert
Marie Andrée Bruneau
Simona Maria Brambati
Fadi Massoud
(Chercheur associé)
Juan Manuel Villalpando Berumen
Adrian Fuente
Hélène Masson
(Chercheur associé)
Ovidiu Lungu
Nathalie Champoux
Nathalie Veillette
Ana Inés Ansaldo
Nathalie Bier
Antony Karelis
Julien Cohen
Bernard-Simon Leclerc
(Chercheur associé)
Sébastien Grenier
Julie Messier
Sylvie Nadeau
(Chercheur associé)
Pierre-Louis Bellec
Sarah Fraser
(Chercheur postdoctoral)
Laurent Bosquet
(Chercheur associé)
Thien Thanh Dang-Vu
Guillaume Vallet
(Chercheur postdoctoral)
Nancy Presse
Jean-Nicholas Leduc Berryman
Comité d'éthique de la recherche
- Louise Demers
- Pierre Rainville
- Cara Tannenbaum - Suppléante
- Anne Bourbonnais - Suppléante
- Chantal Dumoulin - Suppléante
- Johanne Filiatrault - Suppléante
- Sven Joubert - Suppléant
- Marie Andrée Bruneau - Suppléante
- Juan Manuel Villalpando Berumen - Suppléant
- Ovidiu Lungu - Suppléant
- Nathalie Bier - Suppléante
- Sébastien Grenier - Suppléant
- Pierre-Louis Bellec - Suppléant
Research focus
Axe 1 : Neurosciences du vieillissement
Research unit's members associated with this research focus:
Yves Joanette,
Julie Carrier,
Jean-Pierre Gagné,
Sylvie Belleville,
Julien Doyon,
Sylvie Hébert,
Pierre Rainville,
Brigitte Stemmer,
Pierre Jolicoeur,
Sven Joubert,
Simona Maria Brambati,
Adrian Fuente,
Ovidiu Lungu,
Julien Cohen,
Julie Messier,
Pierre-Louis Bellec,
Thien Thanh Dang-Vu
Axe 2 : Promotion de la santé, soins et intervention
Nathalie Bier
Research unit's members associated with this research focus:
Francine Ducharme,
Guylaine Ferland,
Louise Demers,
Marie-Jeanne Kergoat,
Jacqueline Rousseau,
Bryna Shatenstein,
Louise Lévesque,
Cara Tannenbaum,
Marie Alderson,
Hélène Girouard,
Anne Bourbonnais,
Chantal Dumoulin,
Johanne Filiatrault,
Marie Andrée Bruneau,
Juan Manuel Villalpando Berumen,
Nathalie Champoux,
Nathalie Veillette,
Antony Karelis,
Sébastien Grenier,
Nancy Presse,
Jean-Nicholas Leduc Berryman
Projects and funding
Publications and presentations
- Geriatrics
- Neurosciences
- Psychology
- Psychiatry
- Gerontology
- Geriatric Psychiatry
Areas of expertise
- Social Aspects of Aging
- Genetics of Aging
- Neurodegenerative Diseases (Aging)
- Cognitive Neuropsychology of Aging
- Nutrition and Aging
- Aging Process
- Quality of Life and Aging
- Cellular Aging
- Chronic Diseases in Elderly
- Individual and Dignity
- Age and Risk Factors
- Learning and Memory (Psychology - Biological Aspects)
- Cognition and Language
- Imagery (Language and Cognitive Processes)
- Communication Disorders
- Neuronal Communication and Neurotransmission
- Genetics of Neurological and Psychiatric Diseases
- Neurodegenerative Diseases (Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction)
- Neurological Diseases
- Plasticity / Neuronal Regeneration
- Suicide (Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction)
- Gene Therapy (Neurosciences)
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Cognition
- Cognitive Development
- Sleep and Sleep Disorders
- Sleep, Arousal and Chronobiological Modulation
- Memory
- Pain
- Health Care Organization
- Nutritional Requirements
- Rehabilitation Care and Services
- Home Care Services
- Long-Term Care Services
- Hospital Care Services
- Nursing
- Palliative Care
- Health Care Technologies
- Cultural and Health
- Social Determinants of Health
- Law and Health
- Ethics and Health
- Lifestyle Determinants and Health
- Health Policies
- Community Health / Public Health
- Health Prevention
- Health Promotion
- Mental Health and Society
- Health Services
- Health and Security
- Loss of Independence
- Pharmacoepidemiology
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