Physical Education and Rehabilitation; Social Sciences and Social Action
Leslie Podlog
Mes recherches portent sur les aspects psychosociaux de la réadaptation après une blessure.
Secondary email:
Research expertise
Ma recherche examine les principaux facteurs psychosociaux influençant la réadaptation après une blessure et le retour à la pleine fonction dans diverses populations (athlètes d'élite et adolescents, militaires, personnes atteintes de troubles neurologiques). Je cherche également à examiner l'impact des interventions comportementales pour améliorer les résultats de la réadaptation après une blessure, tels que le bien-être personnel, la performance optimale et la croissance personnelle après une blessure.
Affiliations and responsabilities
Research affiliations
Teaching and supervision
Courses taught (current session only)
- KIN-3090 – Intégration et études de cas
- KIN-6506 – Enjeux psychosociaux et promotion en kinésiologie
- KIN-7821 – Séminaire doctoral 1
Research projects
- 2028
Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport Following Injury: Development and Validation of a Measure for Use in Youth Sport Community Settings
Lead researcher :
Leslie Podlog
Funding sources:
CRSH/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Grant programs:
PVXXXXXX-Subvention Savoir
Publications and presentations
- Caron, J.G., Cadotte, G., Collict, C., van Ierssel, J., & Podlog, L. (in press). Exploring the factors involved in being “ready” to return to sport following a concussion. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine.
- Burns, R.D., Podlog, L., & Bai, Y. (2022). Enjoyment Mediates Associations Between the Built Environment and Family Social Environment with Adolescent Physical Activity. Journal of Adolescent Health.
- Podlog, L., Wadey, R., Caron, J., Fraser, J.J., Ivarsson, A., Heil, J., Podlog, S., & Casucci, T (2022). Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport Following Injury: A State-of-the-Art Review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
- Dunston, E.R., Bai, Y, Newton, M., Podlog, L., Walker, D., Oza, S., Zingg, R.W., Hansen, P.A., & Coletta, A.M. (2022). Clinical and demographic factors associated with follow-up in a hospital-based exercise oncology program. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
- Burns, R. D., Bai, Y., Podlog, L. W., Brusseau, T. A., & Welk, G. J. (2022). Associations of physical activity enjoyment and physical education enjoyment with segmented daily physical activity in children: Exploring tenets of the trans-contextual model of motivation. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education
- Adam Gledhill, A., Forsdyke, D., Goom, T., & Podlog, L. (2021). Educate, involve, and collaborate: Three practitioner strategies to empower athletes during return to sport. British Journal of Sports Medicine. doi: 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104268.
- Dimmock, J.A. Simich, D., & Budden, T, Podlog, L., Beauchamp, M. & Jackson, B. (2020). Not all promotion is good promotion: The pitfalls of overexaggerated claims and controlling language in exercise messaging. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 42(1),1-14.
- Wagnsson, S., Gustafsson, H., Libäck, J., & Podlog. L. (2020, online). Lessons learned from a holistic intervention program to prevent Swedish female athletes from dropping out of floorball. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action, 12(1) doi:10.1080/21520704.2020.1850576.
- Rollo, I., Close, G. L, Yangüas, X., Gomez-Diaz, A., Medina Leal, D., Duda, J.L., Holohan, D., Erith, S., Carter, J.M. & Podlog, L. (2020, online). Role of sports psychology and sport nutrition in return to play from musculoskeletal injuries in professional soccer: An interdisciplinary approach. European Journal of Sport Science, 21(7), 1054-1063. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2020.1792558.
- Hall, M.S., Podlog, L., Newton., M, Galli, N., Fritz, J., Butner, J., Greviskes, L., & Hammer, C. Patient and practitioner perspectives of psychological need support in physical therapy. (2020). Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2020.1780654
- Rubio, V.J., Quartiroli, A., Podlog, L., & Olmedilla, A. (2020). Understanding the dimensions of personal growth following a severe sport injury: A DELPHI method approach. PLOS One, 15(6), e0235149. https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235149.
- Podlog, L., Heil, J., Burns, R.D., Bergeson, S., & Williams, A.M., Fawver, B. (2020, online). A cognitive behavioral intervention for collegiate athletes with injuries. The Sport Psychologist, 34(2), 111-121.
- D’Astous, E., Podlog, L., Newton, M., & Burns, R (2020). An exploration of college athletes’ motivation and return-to-sport outcomes after injury. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17092980
- Kinesiology
Areas of expertise
- Trauma / Injuries