Groupe de recherche sur l’inadaptation psychosociale chez l’enfant
About us
The Research Unit on Children’s Psychosocial Maladjustment (GRIP) is a group of multidisciplinary inter‐university researchers from the Université de Montreal, Université Laval, and McGill University who contribute to the understanding of the development of adjustment problems in children and youths, and to the identification of the most effective means to prevent these problems. The GRIP is financed by the Université de Montréal, Université Laval, McGill University, and by FRQSC funds.
Research units
- Centre d’excellence pour le développement des jeunes enfants
- Université Concordia/Concordia University
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- Université du Québec en Outaouais
- Université Laval
- Université McGill/McGill University
- Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Location on the University campus
3050-60 Edouard-montpetit, room A-212For more information…
30-11-2016 Richard E. Tremblay décroche le «Nobel de la criminologie»
26-09-2009 De l’inadaptation psychosociale chez l’enfant - Ils sont jeunes, et pourtant déjà...
15-05-2020 Nouveau départ pour le Groupe de recherche sur l'inadaptation psychosociale chez l'enfant: deux millions sur sept
10-09-2018 Il faut réinvestir dans le réseau des centres de la petite enfance
11-01-2019 Le monde difficile de l’enfance ne dure qu’un temps
14-08-2019 Des pratiques parentales positives en bas âge pourraient prévenir les symptômes du TDAH
14-07-2020 L’usage du cannabis à l’adolescence affecte davantage le cerveau des filles
At Université de Montreal
- Sylvana Côté - Directrice
At Université de Montreal
Support staff
- Katja Valois - Coordonnatrice
Expertise description
The Research Unit on Children’s Psychosocial Maladjustment (GRIP) investigates psychosocial maladjustment among children, from birth to adolescence, from a developmental perspective.
Its research program is based on three complementary themes:
- The first encompasses studies that describe and predict maladjustment in children. The main objective of this theme is to delineate the prevalence of maladaptation in a given territory, to describe the development of these problems, and to identify risk factors as well as protective factors.
- The second research theme is focused on factors related to family and to factors in the environment, such as peers and the school setting.
- The third research theme focuses on studying interventions aimed at preventing adjustment problems in the young.
The GRIP research program is positioned within the overall body of research on human development conducted by researchers from disciplines as varied as anthropology, biology, criminology, demography, education, genetics, neurosciences, nutrition, pediatrics, psychiatry, psychology, and sociology. A conceptual model using longitudinal‐experimental studies as collaboration vectors integrates these different interdisciplinary perspectives.
Since the very first longitudinal and experimental studies, GRIP researchers have worked closely with families, school personnel and school boards. The GRIP continues to establish these important partnerships with several provincial and federal departments, with para-governmental organizations, as well as with private foundations, in order to conduct new generations of longitudinal and preventive studies and transfer new knowledge to policy makers, to those responsible for services, and to the general public.
Projects and funding
Publications and presentations
Les publications des membres du GRIP sont disponibles via leur profil Google Scholar ou institutionnel :
- Psychoeducation
- Sociology
- Psychology
- Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
- Criminology
Areas of expertise
- Délinquance et troubles mentaux
- Learning
- Learning disorders - Learning disabilities
- Traumatismes pendant l'enfance
- Child
- Child development
- Enfant à risque
- Enfant-adolescent
- Enfants et la télévision
- Enfants et les écrans
- Relation mère-enfant
- Rôle des pairs dans le développement psychosocial des enfants et des adolescents
- Violence envers l'enfant
- Child sexual abuse
- Parent-child attachment
- Assessment of the child
- Child-adolescent assessment
- Newborns, children and teenagers
- Parent-child relations
- Children's sleep
- Cognitive Development
- Cerebral and cognitive development
- Mental health
- Engagement comportemental
- Évaluation du risque de récidive
- Prise de risque
- Comportement à risque
- Adaptation scolaire
- Réussite scolaire
- Violence at school
- Abandon scolaire
- Activités parascolaires
- Climat scolaire
- Environnement scolaire
- Intégration scolaire
- Préparation scolaire
- Preschool period
- Environnements éducatifs (famille, garderie, école)
- Family violence
- Family mediation
- Family break-ups
- Prevention
- Psychosocial prevention
- Preventing psychosocial problems
- Jeunes en difficulté
- Stress
- Réactivité au stress
- Stress management