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Sciences de la santé; Sciences médicales

Walter Wittich

basse vision, déficience auditive, réadaptation, surdicécité

Professeur agrégé

École d'optométrie

Pavillon 3744, rue Jean-Brillant, local 230-45

514 343-7962


Le chercheur Walter Wittich

Walter Wittich est un chercheur passionné par différents projets qui concernent les personnes sourdes et aveugles.

Labo Wittich 2023

Les membres du Labo Wittich


Expertise de recherche

Intéressé depuis longtemps par les pertes de vision liées à l’âge, il poursuit actuellement des recherches sur la double déficience sensorielle et la surdicécité. Son domaine de spécialisation comprend la psychophysique ainsi que les approches médicale, psychosociale et de la réadaptation des déficiences sensorielles.   Spécifiquement, il examine l’utilité, l’accessibilité et l’utilisabilité des aides techniques dans le but d’améliorer  la qualité de vie et la participation sociale des aines vivant avec une déficience sensorielle.


Walter Wittich est professeur agrégé à l'École d'optométrie de l'Université de Montréal, au Québec, Canada. Ses recherches portent sur la réadaptation des personnes âgées souffrant d'une perte combinée de la vision et de l'audition. Ses domaines de recherche comprennent la science sensorielle de base, ainsi que les approches médicales, psychosociales et de réadaptation de la perte sensorielle. Il est le premier président du réseau international de recherche sur la surdicécité, le lauréat 2020 du 10e prix JT annuel du Centre canadien Helen Keller, est membre de l'American Academy of Optometry et de l'Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, et est le premier thérapeute certifié en basse vision du Québec. Traduit avec (version gratuite)

Walter Wittich is an Associate Professor at the School of Optometry at the University of Montreal, in Quebec, Canada. His research focuses on the rehabilitation of older adults with combined vision and hearing loss. His research domains include basic sensory science, as well as medical, psychosocial, and rehabilitation approaches to sensory loss. He is the inaugural chair of the Deafblind International Research Network, the 2020 recipient of the Canadian Helen Keller Centre 10th Annual JT Award, is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Optometry, and the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, and is Quebec’s first Certified Low Vision Therapist.   

Prix et distinctions

2021 Bravo Recherche ( Édition spéciale COVID-19, hommage aux chercheurs et aux chercheuses qui ont remporté des prix ou distinctions, qui ont obtenu une chaire ou une subvention majeure au cours de l’année, Université de Montréal, Québec, Canada

2020 10th Annual JT Award, Canadian Helen Keller Centre, Toronto, ON

2018 Envision Research Award, Envision Conference, Wichita, KS

2008 Constance W. Atwell Award, ARVO Low Vision Research Group – Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology/ARVO (500 $), Fort Lauderdale, FL


  • 2012 — Postdoctorat (audiologie/sciences biomédicales) — Génie biomédical, AudiologieUniversité de Montréal
  • 2006 — M.A. — PsychologieUniversité Concordia
  • 2004 — B.Sc. — PsychologieUniversité Concordia
  • 2010 — PhD — NeurosciencesUniversité McGill

Affiliations et responsabilités

Affiliations de recherche

Unités de recherche


  • CRIR/Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal ( 
  • Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV) du FRQS (
  • Réseau de recherche en santé de la vision du FRQS (

Établissements affiliés

  • Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain (CRIR)
  • CISSS Montérégie-Centre – Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille (INLB)

Titres professionnels et autres affiliations

Activités clinique et professionnelle

202 - encours: Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), CAN-THUMBS UP Study Grou; ROle: BHPro Content Contributor

Titres : corporations et organismes professionnels

2023 - en cours: Étude longitudinale canadienne sur le vieillissement - Groupe de travail clinique; Membre de l'équipe consultative - Mesures de la vision / 2023 – ongoing: Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging -  Clinical Working Group; Advisory Team member - Vision Measures

Contribution au fonctionnement de l’institution

Activités au sein d’organismes ou d’entités de l’institution

2021  Comité évaluation scientifique, Université de Montréal Doctorat - Bourses d'excellences ESP 2021-2022

2021 Comité - nomination professeurs – Hiring Committe   Professeur en orientation & mobilité

2021  Comité - nomination professeurs – Hiring Committe  Professeur en soins oculaires

2020   Comité évaluation scientifique, Université de Montréal Doctorat - Bourses d'excellences ESP 2020-2021

2018  Bourse de mobilité - Evaluation Committee, MSc, internal ranking École d’optometrie, Université de Montréal, Committee Member

2018   Fellowship Evaluation Committee, PhD – NSERC, internal ranking  École d’optometrie, Université de Montréal, Committee Member

2018   Fellowship Evaluation Committee, Master’s level: Comité d’évaluation des bourses d’excellence de la FESP (maîtrise), Committee Member

2017 - now Scientific Committee & Organizing Committee, 19e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation; Chair

2016 -2022  Fellowship Evaluation Committee, PhD - Bourses d’excellence de la Faculté    des études supérieures et postdoctorales 2016-2017, Committee Member

2016 – present  Admissions Interview Committee – Clinical Master’s in Vision Science program (Low Vision, Rehabilitation Therapy, Orientation & Mobility), Chair École d’optometrie, Université de Montréal.

2016 – 2019  Master’s degree internal review committee, School of Optometry, University of Montreal

2015– 2017  Admissions Interview Committee – Orientation & Mobility DESS program École d’optometrie, Université de Montréal. Committee Member

2015 – 2018 Admissions Interview Committee – Doctoral degree in OptometryÉcole d’optometrie, Université de Montréal. Committee Member

2015 - present  Scientific Committee – Harland Sanders Chair for Vision Science École d’optometrie, Université de Montréal. Committee Member

Responsabilités administratives

Directeur de programme - Maîtrise en sciences de la vision, option Intervention en déficience visuelle (anglais et français)

Enseignement et encadrement



September 2024 - August 2026 Sarkia Gopalakrishnan, PhD. Title: Analysis of functional vision of people with low vision using different models of augmented reality devices Envision Research Institute Fellowship (US $ 65,000 per year for 2 years)

May 2021 – Aug. 2022 Zakia Hammouni, Ph.D. Title: Vers un environnement inclusif du Campus de l’Université de Montréal: Une étude exploratoire; Funding: l’Université de Montréal – operating funds

Sept 2019 – April 2023 Atul Jaiswal, Ph.D. Preparing the Canadian health care system to meet the needs of older adults with vision and hearing impairments and their caregivers Funding: CIHR Health Systems post-doctoral fellowship ($ 155,000 over 2 yrs); FRQ-S post-doctoral fellowship ($ 135,000 over 3 yrs - partially declined)

Sept 2020 – June 2021 Shikha Gupta, Ph. D. Title: Exploring employment, education and technology use outcomes for Canadians who are blind, deafblind, partially sighted or hearing impaired, using the Canadian Survey on Disability; Funding: FRQS - Quebec Vision Health Research grant, FRQS Reseau de recherche en santé de la vision Recruitment Fellowship ($ 8,000)

Feb 2018 - Jan 2020 Andrea Urqueta Alfaro, Ph.D. Title: Early detection of sensory impairment (vision and hearing) at font-line health services: A study to examine standardized assessments in older adults; Funding: CRIR fellowship ($20,000 over 1 yr), INLB fellowship ($ 30,000 over 1 yr) & Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration and Aging

Oct. 2017 – Sept. 2018 Anni Marjukka Hämäläinen, Ph.D. Title: The interactions of sensory, cognitive and social factors and their influence on the health and quality of life of older Canadians; Funding: CIHR Catalyst grant & RQRV supplement

June 2014 – Mar. 2015 Florian Grond, PhD (Co-Supervisor) Department of Psychology, Concordia University; Title: Audible Pointers from the Real World: A Guidance System for Blind and Sighted Shoppers in the MALL, Funding: CRIR Post-doctoral fellowship ($ 15,000)

June 2013 – July 2015  Sarah Fraser, PhD (Co-supervisor) School of Social Work, McGill University, Title: Qualitative assessments of older adults with acquired sensory impairment, Funding: Quebec Ministry of Family & Aging grant

Thèses et mémoires dirigés (dépôt institutionnel Papyrus)


Content development for a tool to assess the preparedness of employment environment to welcome people with visual impairment

Diplômé(e) : Ogedengbe, Tosin Omonye
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.

L'évaluation cognitive d'individus atteints de déficience(s) sensorielle(s)

Diplômé(e) : Dumassais, Shirley
Cycle : Maîtrise
Diplôme obtenu : M. Sc.

Factors related to braille acquisition among adult and senior learners : establishing evidence-based practice

Diplômé(e) : Martiniello, Natalina
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.

Understanding the Use of Head-Mounted Displays by Individuals with Low Vision : The case of eSight

Diplômé(e) : Lorenzini, Marie-Céline
Cycle : Doctorat
Diplôme obtenu : Ph. D.

Thèses et mémoires dirigés

Maîtrise en sciences de la vision, option Intervention en déficience visuelle:

Ongoing: Alexia COMO, Supervisor; Title: Deafblind Indentity; Funding: none

Ongoing: Lily MONETTE, Supervisor; Title: Deafblind Indentity; Funding: none

Ongoing: Thankgod Eze CHINONYEREMSupervisor (w/ S. Gopalakrishnant); Title: Headmounted mobility devices for persons with visual impairment; Funding: none

Ongoing: Athar ZAREEI, Supervisor (w/ S. Gopalakrishnant); Title: Headmounted mobility devices for persons with visual impairment; Funding: none

Dec 2024: Bonheur Noella TWAHIRWA, Supervisor (w/ N. Martiniello and J. Nemargut); Title: Feasibility of tele-rehabilitation for guide dog users receiving orientation and mobility services; Funding: none

Dec 2024: Mark Agyenim BOATENG, Supervisor (w/ N. Martiniello and J. Nemargut); Title: Feasibility of tele-rehabilitation for guide dog users receiving orientation and mobility services; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Amanda LATULIPE, Supervisor (with Aaron Johnson); Title: The Effects of Fixation Stability on Balance Confidence; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Hamidreza ARMINPARVIN, Supervisor (with C. Auger & J. Renaud); Working Title: Scoping review of vision rehabilitation follow-up techniques; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Leif HENRICHS, Supervisor (with C. Auger & J. Renaud); Working Title: Scoping review of vision rehabilitation follow-up techniques; Funding: Bourse de maitrise pour les candidat(e)s Canadiens non-résidents du Québec, Faculté des Études supérieures et postdoctorales, Université de Montréal ($ 8,900)

Dec 2023: Fereshteh KHODAYARI, Supervisor (with N. Martiniello & J. Nemargut); Title: Development of a decision tree for O&M tele-rehabilitation; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Mina ESLAHI, Supervisor (with N. Martiniello & J. Nemargut rgut); Title: Development of a decision tree for O&M tele-rehabilitation; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Muhammad Ismail KHAN, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: WHO ICF development of a core set for deafblindness: Survey with professionals; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Ali JAFARI, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: Developing a core set for deafblindness using the WHO ICF; Funding: none

Dec 2023: Mohammad Sina KOKABIAN, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: WHO ICF development of a core set for deafblindness: Survey with professionals; Funding: none

April 2023: Gauri PATEL, Supervisor – discontinued; Funding: Bourses conjointes l'École d'optométrie (ÉOUM) et les Études supérieures et postdoctorales (ESP) de l'Université de Montréal 2020-2021 $ 4,500; CCNA operating funds

Dec. 2022: Rebecca AMAR, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: Tele-healthcare for older adults with sensory loss: Perspectives for hearing and eye care providers in Canada; Funding: none

Dec. 2022: Vanessa SOLDANO, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: Tele-healthcare for older adults with sensory loss: Perspectives for hearing and eye care providers in Canada; Funding: none

Dec. 2022: Eghonghon Juliet IBHAZE-BAROR, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: Exploring the profile and training needs of Long-Term Care staff assisting older residents with dual sensory impairment; Funding: $ 11,560 tuition remission fellowship - Bourse de maîtrise pour les candidates ou candidats canadiens non-résidents du Québec – science de la vision

Dec. 2022: Sila KARACOVA, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: Exploring the profile and training needs of Long-Term Care staff assisting older residents with dual sensory impairment; Funding: none

Dec 2021: Chantal KREIDY, Supervisor; Title: Understanding the impact of face masks on the use of echolocation for persons with visual impairments during COVID-19: International cross-sectional survey, Funding: none

June 2021: Emilie PAROLIN, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal); Title: Depression among Individuals with Acquired Vision impairment - Causes, Factors influencing, and impact on Quality of life, Funding: none

June 2021: Talar TCHERKEZIAN, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal) Title: Depression among Individuals with Acquired Vision impairment - Causes, Factors influencing, and impact on Quality of life; Funding: none

Travaux dirigés

Doctorat en Optometrie (1e cycle)

April 2023 Samuel Coté, Supervisor, Title: Aides optiques pour l’albinisme: quels sont les impacts visuels qui subsistent et quelles solutions pourraient y répondre?

April 2023 Jérémie Boulanger, Supervisor; Title: Aides optiques pour l’albinisme: quels sont les impacts visuels qui subsistent et quelles solutions pourraient y répondre?

April 2023 Virginie Boudreau, Co-Supervisor (with L. Michaud): Title: Les optométristes et la sensibilisation au don de cornée au Québec

April 2023 Florence Jobin, Co-Supervisor (with L. Michaud) Title: Les optométristes et la sensibilisation au don de cornée au Québec

August 2021 Samuel Coté, Supervisor (with A. Jaiswal) - Summer research internship 2nd year undergraduate Optometry student; Title: Development of the WHO ICF core set for deafblindnessFunding: FdeRC – University of Montreal, Optometry ($ 4,500)

Apr. 2022 Fatima Tangkhpanya, B.Sc. – Supervisor; Title: The reading rehabilitation of older adults with low vision: an investigation of the usability of the OrCam MyEye 2.0 as a reading assistive device; Funding: FdeRC – University of Montreal, Optometry ($ 4,500)

June 2021 Alexandra Laplante Co-Supervisor (with E. Bitton); Title: Endettement des étudiants en optométrie au Canada

June 2021 Gabrielle Hurteau Co-Supervisor (with E. Bitton) Title: Endettement des étudiants en optométrie au Canada

June 2021 Stephanie Huang – Supervisor; Title: La relation entre les facteurs reliés aux parents et aux professionnels de la santé et la communication chez les enfants et jeunes adultes atteints de surdicécité et de déficience cognitive : une revue de portée

June 2021 Geneviève Major – Supervisor; Title: La relation entre les facteurs reliés aux parents et aux professionnels de la santé et la communication chez les enfants et jeunes adultes atteints de surdicécité et de déficience cognitive : une revue de portée
August 2019 Fatima Tangkhpanya – Supervisor (Summer research internship) 2nd year undergraduate Optometry student; Title: Maternal Sensitivity and Attachment in Children with Visual Impairment Funding: FdeRC – University of Montreal, Optometry ($ 4,500)

June 2019 Roxanne Arsenault, Co-Supervisor (with E. Bitton) Title: Is Dry Eye a Consideration by Optometrists Treating Low Vision Patients?

June 2019 Genevieve Bournonniere-Sirard, Co-Supervisor (with E. Bitton) Title: Is Dry Eye a Consideration by Optometrists Treating Low Vision Patients?

August 2018 Fatima Tangkhpanya – Supervisor (Summer research internship) 1st year undergraduate Optometry student; Title: The rehabilitation of older adults with low vision: The importance of cognition and hearing status to ensure rehabilitation success; Funding: FdeRC – University of Montreal, Optometry ($ 4,500)

May 2018 Lorie St.-Amour, Supervisor; Title: The audibility of low vision devices with speech output used by older adults with dual sensory impairment

Apr. 2017 Diana Brindina, Supervisor; Doctorate in Optometry, School of Optometry, University of Montreal; Title: L'iPad comme aide technique pour les activités quotidiennes en bassevision

Apr. 2017 Myriam Nadeau, Supervisor; Title: L'iPad comme aide technique pour les activités quotidiennes en basse vision

Apr. 2017 Ariane Labonte Boyer, Supervisor; Title: L'iPad comme aide technique pour les activités quotidiennes en basse vision

Apr. 2017 Mylene Leger, Supervisor; Title: L'iPad comme aide technique pour les activités quotidiennes en basse vision

Apr. 2017 Cassie Anne Ellis, Supervisor; Title: La comparaison de différents niveaux de luminance et de leurs effets sur le seuilde lecture et la préférence en lecture de patients normaux et en déficience visuelle à l’aide de l’appareil LuxIQ

Apr. 2017  Catherine Rondeau, Supervisor; Title: La comparaison de différents niveaux de luminance et de leurs effets sur le seuilde lecture et la préférence en lecture de patients normaux et en déficience visuelle à l’aide de l’appareil LuxIQ

Stages et autres supervisions

June 2021 – ongoing Caroline Gravel, Co-supervisor (with Prof. Dr. Markus Dederich) Doctoral student, Faculty of Human Sciences; Department of Therapeutic Education & Rehabilitation Science; University of Cologne, Germany [Universität zu Köln; Bereich Heilpädagogik & Rehabilitationswissenschaften] Title: Deafblindness, Technology and Participation [Taubblindheit, Technik und Teilhabe]

Sept. 2020 – ongoing Jana Martin, Co-supervisor (with Prof. Andrea Wanka) Doctoral student, Fakultät für Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften [Faculty of Education and Social Sciences], Heidelberg University of Education, GermanyWorking Title: Vocational rehabilitation in deafblindness/dual sensory impairment [Berufliche Rehabilitation bei Taubblindheit/Hörsehbehinderung]

May 2020 Gabrielle Aubin – Supervisor (B.Sc. Honors in Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal) Title: Sensory and cognitive changes in older adults completing a low vision rehabilitation intervention

Dec. 2014 Jessica Wilson, Co-Supervisor (w/ Aaron Johnson) B.A. Student, Department of Psychology, Concordia University

June 2014  Christina Nadon, Co-Supervisor (w/ Aaron Johnson) B.A. Honors Student, Department of Psychology, Concordia University

July 2011 Maria Martinez, Summer research internship (12 weeks), Baccalauréat en science biomédical, University of Montreal

Participation à des jurys


Membre du jury 2019 - Candidate: Simona Manescu, Département de Psychologie, Université de Montréal; Title: Chemosensory perception in sighted and blind populations, Supervisors: Franco Lepore & Johannes Frasnelli

Membre du jury November 2017 – Candidate: Sébrina Aubin, Sciences neurologiques, Université de Montréal, Title: L’influence de la cécité sur le rythme circadien et le sommeil, Supervisor : Maurice Ptito

MSc. - Recherche

Membre du jury: 2020 October – Candidate: Ismaël Djerourou, School of Optometry, University of Montreal, Title: Navigation spatiale avec des systèmes de substitution sensorielle tactiles dans la cécité précoce et tardive

Membre du jury: 2017 April – Candidate: Michèle MacLean, Department of Psychology, University of Montreal, maîtrise en psychologie, Title: Novel methods to evaluate blindsight, study the effects of cholinergic stimulation on training and perceptual learning, and develop rehabilitation strategies for hemianopic patients using MRI and tACS

Président du jury: 2016 March – Candidate: Robyn Pakdaman Lahiji, School of Optometry, University of Montreal, Masters in Vision Science, Title: Assessing the transfer of video game play versus attention training using 3D-Multiple Object Tracking

M.Sc. Clinique

Examinateur de thèse: April 2019 – Candidate: Danny Riszk, School of Optometry, University of Montreal, Clinical Masters in Vision Rehabilitation, Title: The Impact of Smart Speakers as Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) on Functionally Blind Individuals

Examinateur de thèse: December 2018 – Candidate: Olivia Souaid, School of Optometry, University of Montreal, Clinical Masters in Vision Rehabilitation, Title: The Effect of Fixation Stability on Balance in Older Adults with and without Age-Related Macular Degeneration using the Cave Automated Virtual Environment

Examinateur de thèse: March 2016 – Candidate: Christina Nadon, School of Optometry, University of Montreal, Clinical Masters in Vision Rehabilitation, Title: Investigating the link between age-related macular degeneration and mild cognitive impairment as a function of drusen characteristics

Autres activités pédagogiques

Continuing Education Courses

Wittich, W. (2016). Acquired deafblindness: Identify and treating a complex aging population, Envision University, Wichita, KS., 3-hours; ACVREP: 4, AOTA: 0.4, CPC: 4, COPE: 3,

Wittich, W. (2014). Training of Occupational Therapists in Sensory Impairment: Are we doing enough?  Envision 2014, Minneapolis, MN, 1-hour, ACCME: 1, ACVREP: 1, AOTA: 0.1, COPE: 1, CPC: 1, CRCC: 1


Projets de recherche

2024 - 2026

Growing up & Being Deafblind: Analyzing comparative case studies from the Global South and North to illuminate enablers that lead towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : Services canadiens de l'ouïe/Canadian Hearing Services
Programmes de subvention :
2021 - 2026

Experiences of older people with vision impairment listening to audiobooks and podcasts

Chercheur principal : Bjorn Herrmann
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : CRSH/Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Subvention Savoir
2021 - 2026

Prévention du déclin cognitif lié à l'âge : un programme multidomaine à distance avec et pour les personnes âgées et leur communauté au Québec

Chercheur principal : Sylvie Belleville
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich , Edeltraut Kroger
Sources de financement : FRQSC/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FQRSC)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-(AC) Actions concertées - générique
2021 - 2026

Avoiding pitfalls in virtual care: paving the road for more ethical and equitable policies and practices in rehabilitation

Chercheur principal : Dahlia Kairy
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2024 - 2025

Making the WHO ICF Core Sets for deafblindness accessible to Sign Language users

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Co-chercheurs : Natalina Martiniello
Sources de financement : Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal Métropolitain
Programmes de subvention :
2023 - 2025

Development of a Multi-sensory Rehabilitation Program for People with Ultra Low Vision

Chercheur principal : Arathy Kartha
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : NIH/National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Subvention de recherche
2021 - 2025

Appuyer les intervenants en CHSLD à offrir de meilleurs soins aux personnes âgées ayant une perte de vision et/ou d'audition en pandémie (COVID-19) : Une approche collaborative intersectorielle de transfert de connaissances

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Co-chercheurs : Aaron Johnson , Machelle Wilchesky
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Plateforme de financements de la recherche intersectorielle sur le vieillissement - volet Appel à solutions

Advancing braille accessibility through research and lived experience: Mentorship for a blind student

Chercheur principal : Natalina Martiniello , Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : Fondation Habilitas , CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l'île-de-Montréal
Programmes de subvention : ,
2023 - 2024

RÉSEAU DE RECHERCHE EN SANTÉ DE LA VISION (RRSV) / Development of a Core Set for deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health – Phases 2 and 4

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Co-chercheurs : Michel Cayouette
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2022 - 2024

Development of a Core Set for Deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health-Phase 3

Sources de financement : Services canadiens de l'ouïe/Canadian Hearing Services
Programmes de subvention :
2022 - 2024

Bridging a knowledge-to-practice gap: How to screen cognitive function in older adults with sensory impairment.

Chercheur principal : Howard Chertkow
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-(CAN) Consortium canadien en neurodégénérescence associée au vieillissement
2022 - 2024

Faisabilité de la télé-réhabilitation pour répondre aux besoins d'orientation et de mobilité des personnes atteintes de déficience visuelles pendant COVID-19 : Développement et évaluation d'un protocole de prise de décision

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : MSSS/Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Programmes de subvention :
2021 - 2024

Avoiding pitfalls in virtual care: paving the road for more ethical and equitable policies and practices in rehabilitation

Chercheur principal : Dahlia Kairy
Sources de financement : Fondation AMC/CMA Foundation
Programmes de subvention :
2020 - 2024

Consortium canadien en neurodégénérescence associée au vieillissement CCNV - CCNA Team 17 - Phase 2 - knowledge translation activities and knowledge implementation research

Chercheur principal : Howard Chertkow
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Subvention de réseau
2020 - 2024

Co-Creation of Leisure Experience in an Inclusive and Accessible Theatre Space: The case of the Segal Centre for Performing Arts - Innovations sociales et technologiques en adaptation-readaptation: Vers une societe quebecoise plus inclusive

Chercheur principal : Philippe Archambault
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Initiative de recherche intersectorielle - Société inclusive
2022 - 2023

Réseau RRSV // ORVIS: un répertoire d'outils pour la réadaptation de la vision

Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2022 - 2023

Faisabilité de la télé-réhabilitation pour répondre aux besoins d'orientation et de mobilité des personnes atteintes de déficiences visuelles pendant COVID-19 : Développement et évaluation d'un protocole de prise de décision

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Co-chercheurs : Natalina Martiniello
2021 - 2023

Development of a tool for the assessment of employer preparedness to engage people with visual impairment

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : MITACS Inc.
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
2020 - 2023

Words on the Brain: Can Reading Rehabilitation for Age-Related Vision Impairment Improve Cognitive Functioning?

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-(PJT) Subvention Projet
2021 - 2022

Learning from Lived Experience with Sensory Impairment: Work-study opportunity for a student with vision impairment

Sources de financement : Fondation Habilitas
Programmes de subvention :
2021 - 2022

Consortium canadien en neurodégénérescence associée au vieillissement CCNV - CCNA - Test-retest reliability of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Blind: Comparing in-person with telephone administration

Chercheur principal : Howard Chertkow
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Subvention de réseau
2021 - 2022

Building capacity of clinicians in responding to sexual stimulatory behaviours in young adults with deafblindness

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : Fondation de l'Institut de réadaptation de Montréal
Programmes de subvention :
2020 - 2022

Réseau Québécois de Recherche sur le Vieillissement - Préparation aux pandémies pour les personnes âgées souffrant de perte auditive et visuelle en évaluant les barrieres aux soins de santé et a l'information sur la santé durant et apres la COVID-19

Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2020 - 2022

Déclin cognitif lié à l’âge associé à la déficience visuelle et auditive combinée: Explorer les associations, élaborer de nouvelles interventions et mettre en oeuvre l'innovation

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Bourse de chercheur-boursier : Junior 2
2020 - 2022

Réseau de Recherche en Santé de la Vision - Exploring employment, education and technology use outcomes for Canadians who are blind, deafblind, partially sighted or hearing impaired, using the Canadian Survey on Disability

Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche

JL - Covid-19 et déficience visuelle : l'impact du port du masque sur l'utilisation de l'écholocalisation dans les déplacements des personnes avec une déficience visuelle

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : MSSS/Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux
Programmes de subvention :
2018 - 2021

Les mots et le cerveau: Est-ce que la réadaptation en lecture pour les personnes ayant une dégénérescence maculaire liée à l’âge peut améliorer le fonctionnement cognitif? --- Words on the Brain: Can Reading Rehabilitation for Age-Related Macular Dege...

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Recherches sur la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA)
2019 - 2020

Réseau RQRV // A web-based system for systematic assistive technology follow-up of older adultswith visual impairment and their caregivers(MOvIT-vision)

Chercheur principal : Claudine Auger
Co-chercheurs : Jean Renaud , Catherine Vincent , Walter Wittich , Martine Guay
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2019 - 2020

Co-Creation of Leisure Experience in an Inclusive and Accessible Theatre Space: The case of the Segal Centre for Performing Arts

Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Initiative de recherche intersectorielle - Société inclusive
2018 - 2020

Factors Related to Braille Acquisition Among Adult and Senior Learners: Establishing Evidence-Based Practice

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : MITACS Inc.
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
2017 - 2020

Early detection of sensory impairment at front-line health services: A study to examine standardized assessments in older adults with cognitive impairment

Chercheur principal : Howard Chertkow , Dawn Guthrie
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention :
2017 - 2019

ArtonTheBrain: A cognitive health app for older adults to promote aging at home

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Co-chercheurs : KELLY MURPHY , Lynn HASHER
Sources de financement : Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care
Programmes de subvention :
2017 - 2019

The interactions of sensory, cognitive, and social factors and their influence on the health and quality of life of older Canadians

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : IRSC/Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Subvention catalyseur
2017 - 2019

The Effect of Rehabilitation on Assistive Device Use Continuity : The Case of the eSight Device.

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : Ministère Économie et Innovation , MITACS Inc.
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Prog. soutien rech (PSR v1B): Soutien à des projets rech. (Mitacs) , PVXXXXXX-Stage Accélération Québec - MITACS
2017 - 2018

Development of a Clinically Effective Sensory Screening Tool for Résidents with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) in Long Term Care (LTC)

Chercheur principal : Katherine McGilton
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : Société Alzheimer du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXX2123-Subvention de recherche
2017 - 2018

RQRV - Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement - The interactions of sensory, cognitive, and social factors and their influence on the health and quality of life of older Canadians

Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2016 - 2018

Paradoxical effects of mobility aids on postural stability in dementia

Chercheur principal : Susan Hunter
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : The Alzheimer's Association
Programmes de subvention :
2015 - 2018


Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Bourse de chercheur-boursier : Junior 1
2016 - 2017

Early detection of sensory impairment (vision and audition) at front-line health services : A study to examine standardized assessments in older adults / réseau-RQRV-Le Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement

Chercheur principal : Natalie Phillips
Co-chercheurs : Pierrette Gaudreau , Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche
2016 - 2017

Une approche de méthodes mixtes pour identifier les stéréotypes associés aux aides techniques utilisées en réadaptation de la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge.

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Recherches sur la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA)
2015 - 2017

Development of a clinically effective sensory screening tool for résidents with Alzheimer's disease

Chercheur principal : Katherine McGilton
Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : Société Alzheimer du Canada
Programmes de subvention : PVXX2123-Subvention de recherche
2015 - 2017

Évaluation de l'IPad d'Apple comme une aide à la lecture en basse vision - phase 1 & 2

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Recherches sur la dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge (DMLA)

eQUEST, eSight Quality of Life and Efficacy Study

Chercheur principal : Walter Wittich
2014 - 2015

Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR) - CP2: Engaging community partners for children's participation

Co-chercheurs : Walter Wittich
Sources de financement : FRQS/Fonds de recherche du Québec - Santé (FRSQ)
Programmes de subvention : PVXXXXXX-Réseaux thématiques de recherche


Organisation d’événements

2025     Vision 2025 - 14th International Conference by the International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation (ISLRR), Florence, Italy; Symposium Moderator: Combined vision and hearing impairment – Exploring topics on aging and acquired sensory losses; Symposium Moderator: Challenges and Successes in the Rehabilitation of Early-onset combined vision and hearing loss

2024     Chair, Scientific Committee of the WHO ICF Consensus Conference on the development of Core Sets for deafblindness, Tarragona, Spain

2024     ARVO Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA; Session Moderator: Low Vision and Mental Health

2023     18th International World Conference 2023 of Deafblind International, Ottawa, ON Session Moderator: Vison and Hearing Loss in Long-Term Care: Interprofessional Contributions to Integrated Care to Address Sensory-based Communication Barriers Session Moderator: The Virtual World: An Opportunity or Threat for Persons with Disabilities; Keynote given by Tom Shakespeare

2023     ARVO Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA Session Moderator: Low vision and comorbidity

2022     10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference (COSRC), Montreal, QCSession Moderator: Low Vision and Rehabilitation; Optics and Contact Lenses

2022     CCNA Partners Forum and Science Days 2022 (virtual) Keynote Moderator for “Exploring the structural determinants of health in Canada: Considerations for research on dementia in racialized communities” by Ingrid Waldran, PhD.

2022     Vision 2020+2 - 13th International Conference by the International Society for Low Vision; Research and Rehabilitation (ISLRR), Dublin, Ireland Symposium Moderator: Combined vision and hearing impairment – Exploring topics on aging and acquired sensory losses Symposium Moderator: Challenges and Successes in the Rehabilitation of Early-onset combined vision and hearing loss

2022     MC and Host: 2022 June 14, Rehabilitation Scientific Day of the Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Center CIUSSS West Central - Create a scientific culture of empowerment in rehabilitation

2021  International Federation on Ageing – 15th Global Conference on Ageing “Rights Matter”; Niagara Falls, Ontario Symposium Moderator - Sensory health in long-term care homes: Improving communication and social interaction with residents to facilitate care quality

2021     2021 Partners Forum and Science Days, Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging Panel moderator – Equity, diversity and inclusion of lived experiences in dementia research: The path behind and the road ahead

2021     Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO), San Francisco, CA; virtual Networking Session Moderator of the Low Vision Cross-sectional Group:

Title: Networking around the effects of COVID-19: How have you been affected, how have you adjusted, how can we help each other?

Title: The future of assistive technology and where do we go from where we are now?

Title: Networking around upcoming and emerging themes: training the next generation, changes in needs and profiles, and other undiscovered topics…

Session Moderator of the Low Vision Cross-sectional Group Session Title: Technologies for visual enhancement in 2020 and beyond

2021     Les réunions virtuelles 2021 du Réseau de recherche en santé de la vision; La 25e Réunion annuelle du Reseau Vision (Jan. 29 2021) Moderator for Plenary Speaker session - Aurélie Calabrèse, Keynote

2020     Think Tank on Hearing in Later Life – International Federation on Ageing Session Moderator: Hearing Loss – The Lived Experience

2020     Deafblind International Webinar: “Living with Deafblindness in a New Reality” Online MC and Host, 26 hours of content, June 22-26 2020 during Deafblind Awareness Week

2020     Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology (ARVO), Baltimore, MD Session Moderator of the Low Vision Cross-sectional Gro

Participation à des jurys (hors de l’institution)

Committee Member: ongoing – Candidate: Elena Guseva; Department of Family Medicine and Division of Geriatric Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada; Title: Art therapy interventions to reduce neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia: Towards establishing evidence-based knowledge using objective and feasible outcome measures; Supervisor: Machelle Wilchesky

Committee Member: ongoing – Candidate: Astrid Minier; Department of Neurosciences, Lemanic Neuroscience Doctoral School (University of Geneva, Switzerland); Title “Low vision assessment: From the outer retina to the innter retina”. Supervisors: Pr. Micah M. Murray (Unil) and Pr. Dimitri Van De Ville (Unige).

Committee member: ongoing – Candidate: Juan Ricardo Nino Falcon, Faculté de musique, Université Laval, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; Title: Building an Assistive Communication and Co-creation Device for the Visually Impaired and Sighted: Towards an Inclusive Online Community; Supervisor: Jocelyne Kiss

External Examiner: June 2022 – Candidate: Moira Dunsmore; The University of Sydney; Menzies Centre for Health Policy and Economics, Sydney School of Public Health, Sydney Faculty of Medicine and Health Sydney, Australia; Title: An invisible disability: navigating the enduring state of Dual Sensory Impairment (DSI) in older age. Supervisor: James Gillespie

Committee Member: 2021 – Candidate: Elliott Morrice, Department of Psychology, Concordia University, PhD in Psychology, Title: Impact of Visual Impairments on Cognitive Assessment: Disentangling the variability attributable to visual impairments and cognitive impairment when assessing cognitive functioning; Supervisor: Aaron Johnson

External Examiner: 2021 – Candidate: Annmaree Watharow; Department of Journalism & Creative Writing, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,University of Technology, Sydney, Australia;  Title: ‘Not knowing what is going on’: the experiences of people with deafblindness and dual sensory impairment in Australian hospitals – a mixed methods study. Supervisor: Sue Joseph

External Examiner: 2019 – Candidate: Alana Roy; School of Social and Political Science (The University of Melbourne, Australia); Title “Consultation, research and policy development; Lessons from the Deafblind community about creating a more inclusive world”. Supervisor: Professor Keith McVilly and Professor Beth Crisp

Committee Member: March 2019 - Candidate: Atul Jaiswal, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University, PhD in Rehabilitation Science, Working Title: Participation of people with deafblindness in India; Supervisor: Marcia Finlayson

External Examiner: 2019 – Candidate: Wagner Henrique de Souza Silva, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University, Title: Perceptuo-motor strategies in response to moving obstacles  while walking: impact of obstacle characteristics and mobile  communication in healthy young and older adults immersed in a virtual environment, Supervisor: Anouk Lamontagne

External Examiner: 2016 March – Candidate: Flemming Ask Larsen, Institute for Psychology, University of Copenhagen, PhD in Psychology, Title: Congenital deafblindness and bodily-tactile language acquisition; Supervisor: Jesper Herup Dammeyer

Expertise professionnelle (hors de l’institution)

External evaluator - Tenure and promotion committee, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney, Australia

Transfert technologique et de connaissances

Pichora-Fuller, M.K. & Wittich, W. (Dec 12 2024). How Sensory Health Promotes Cognitive Health, Dialogue on Aging, University of British Columbia & Providence Health Care, webinar (n = 104)

Belleville, S. & Wittich, W. (Dec 5 2024). Prevention du déclin cognitif lie à l’age » Un programme multi-domaine a distance avec et pur les personnes agees et lour communaute au Quebec,  Rencontre de transfert - Action concertée - Programme de recherche-action pour un vieillissement actif de la population du Québec, webinar, QC

Harris, L., Sekuler, A. & Wittich, W. (October 21 2024). Lightening the load with vision and hearing, Virtual Defy Dementia on the Road webinar, Baycrest, Toronto, ON

Wittich, W., Duda, V. & Deroche, M. (2024 October 22). Round Table of Clinicians on Hearing Impairments: Research-related activities for the CRIR community, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain, Montreal, Qc, webinar

Wittich, W. (2024 (October 9th). The Process behind the ICF Core Sets for deafblindness, Policy Day on the presentation of the WHO ICF Core Set for deafblindness, Barcelona, Spain

Wittich, W. (2024 August 21). Using the WHO ICF for deafblindness as a guide for international collaborative research on deafblindness. Recorded Session for the Birmingham City University Diploma in Professional Studies (Deafblind Studies) Course, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, England

Wittich, W. (2024 August 19). What is the WHO ICF? A “beginners” guide, Deafblind International webinar, Switzerland (& Facebook Live)

Nieman, C.L., Oh, E.s., Phillips, N., Wittich, W., Bass, J., Hope, P., Grant, N., & Piyajarawong, T. (2024 July 25). Assessing and Addressing Hearing, Vision and Olfaction in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment, Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Abstract ID # 11771, interactive workshop (n = 20)

Wittich, W. (May 31 2024). Clasificación Internacional de Funcionamiento.  Equipo de trabajo de las Areas claves para personas con sordaceguera de la DbI [International Classification of Functioning – The Deafblind Interntational Task Force Key on Areas for People with Deafblindness], Inter-Ministerial Meeting as part of the DbI Global Education Campaign, Cordoba, Argentina (hybrid event)

Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Reed, M., Sandor, N., Wittich, W., & McGilton, K. (May 23rd 2024). Hearing Care and Inter-professional Collaboration in Long-term Care, International Society of Audiology Hearing (webinar)

Phillips, N. & Wittich W. (April 9th 2024). Why sensory-cognitive research in aging and dementia requires a multi-disciplinary approach, CCNA’s Talking Brains Webinar Series,

Wittich, W. (host), Whitson, H. (invited guest speaker), Phillips, N. (panelist), Nieman, C. (panelist), Oh, E. (panelist) & Ekstrom, I. (panellist) (March 15 2024). The Basics of Considering the Senses in your Research, Alzheimer's and Dementia Research Webinars, The Alzheimer's Association International Society to Advance Alzheimer's Research and Treatment (ISTAART), Philadelphia, PA - There were 54 unique attendees plus 9 panelists from 22 countries: Algeria, Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Jamaica, Lithuania, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Romania, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam

Overbury, O., Wittich, W., Stuen, C., Granberg, S & Pichora-Fuller, M.K. (January 25th 2024). The hearing-vision-aging webinar, “Hearing in Later Life”, a working group of the International Society of Audiology, UK; w/ 100 registered participants

Publications et communications


Vincent, C., Wittich, W., Boucher, N., Hotton, M., Bergeron, F., Bertrand Achou, B., Fex, J., Belec, C. Schmouth, M.E., & Dumont, F.S. (accepted February 18th 2025). Adoption and usability of a braille communication assistive device (CAD) for face-to-face and remote communication in two users with deafblindness, Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology,

Wittich., W. & *Dumassais, S. (in press February 21st 2025). The WHO ICF Core Sets for Deafblindness: An Overview of the Development Process, British Journal of Visual Impairment

*Aminparvin, H., *Hendricks, L., Auger, C., *Dumassais, S., Renaud, J., & Wittich., W. (in press November 28th 2024). Follow-up in vision rehabilitation for users of assistive technology: A scoping review, Disability & Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology,

Bleau, M., *Jasiwal, A., Holzhey, P. & Wittich, W. (in press November 21st 2024). 3D printing as assistive technology for individuals with deafblindness: perspectives of rehabilitation professionals, Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology

Rizzo, J.R., Rosenblum, L.P., Samuel, C., Wittich, W., Martiniello, N., Beheshti, M., Johnson, A.P., Wu, Y.-H., Sukhai, M. & Swenor, B. (in press October 19th 2024). Accessible scientific conferences for blind and low vision professionals and researchers: A necessary step for achieving STEMM equity, Disability & Society,

Koesters, N., Minhas, R., Wittich, W., McMenemy, A., Johnson, C. (in press June 24th 2024). Visualizing worldwide prevalence of age-related dual sensory loss (DSL), Journal of Aging and Health,

*Ogedengbe, O.T., Kreidy, C., Gurke, N., *Twahirwa, B.N., *Boateng, M.A., *Eslahi, M., *Khodayari, F., Nemargut, J., Martinello, N., & Wittich, W. (2025). Feasibility of telerehabilitation to address the orientation and mobility needs of individuals with visual impairment: A perspective of current guide dog users, Disability and Rehabilitation, 47(5), 1298-1308

Cantin, S., Lapointe, L., Boisvert, I., Renaud, J & Wittich, W. (2025). Letter to the Editor Re: Rubin et al.: Eccentric Viewing Training for Age-Related Macular Disease: Results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (the EFFECT Study), Ophthalmology Science, 5(2), 100645

Nino, J., Ochoa, S., Kiss, J., Edwards, G., Morales, E., Hutson, J., Poncet, F., & Wittich, W. (2024). Assistive Technologies for Internet Navigation: A Review of Screen Reader Solutions for the Blind and Visually Impaired, International Journal of Recent Engineering Science, 11(6), 260-274,

D’Amico, D., Savundranayagam, M.Y., Biles, R., Itzhak, I. & Anderson, N.D., for the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) CAN-THUMBS UP Study Group (2024). Engaging Older Adults in the Process of Aging Research: A Mixed-Methods Study Evaluating the Experience and Efficacy of a Citizen Advisory Group for a Dementia Risk Reduction Program, Research Involvement and Engagement, 10, 135

Chertkow, H., Phillips, N., ... & Wittich, W. (2024). Impact of a national dementia research consortium: The Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), Journal of Alzheimer Disease, 102(3):535-561

Wittich, W., *Dumassais, S., Prain, M., * Ogedengbe, T.O., *Gravel, C., *Jaiswal, A., Minhas, R., Lopez, R. & Granberg, S. (2024). Development of Core Sets for deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health: The perspectives of individuals with lived experience, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60(6), 1060-1069  DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.24.08500-9

Asheber, H., Minhas, R., Hatolkar, V., Jaiswal, A. & Wittich, W. (2024). Sensory Health and Universal Health Coverage in Canada, Healthcare, 12(23), 2475.

*Dumassais, S., Grewal, K., *Aubin, G., O’Connell, M.E., Phillips, N., & Wittich, W. (2024). Exploring the Qualitative Experiences of Administering and Participating in Remote Research using the Montreal Cognitive Assessment - Blind: A cross-sectional study, JMIR Formative Research, 8:e58537

Prats, F., Choukou, M.-A., Wittich, W., Beaulieu-Bonneau, S., Piquer, O., Cherrier, S., & Poncet, F. (2024). Digital tools to support technology-enabled budget management in people with acquired brain injury: A rapid review, Disability & Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 19(8), 2797-2805

*Jaiswal, A.,*Paramasivam, A., Budhiraja, S., Holzhey, P., *Santhakumaran, P., *Gravel, C., *Martin, J., *Ogedengbe, T., James, T.G., Kennedy, B., Tang, D., Tran, Y., Colson-Osborne, H., Minhas, R., Granberg, S., & Wittich, W. (2024). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) core sets for deafblindness, Part II of the Systematic review: Linking data to the ICF categories, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60(5), 893-902 DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.24.07984-X

*Ogedengbe, T.O., Sukhai, M., & Wittich, W. (2024). Towards Identifying Gaps in Employment Integration for People Living with Vision Impairment: A Scoping Review, WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 78(2), 317-330 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-230018

Martiniello, N. & Wittich, W. (2024). A duoethnography on disability and allyship within a vision science doctoral program: perspectives on inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23

Wittich, W., *Dumassais, S., *Jaiswal, A., *Paramasivam, A., Budhiraja, S., Lopez, R. & Granberg, S. (2024). Development of Core Sets for deafblindness: An international expert survey on functioning and disability of individuals living with deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health, European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 60(2), 382-390 DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.24.08188-7

Xiong, Y., Nemargut, J.P., Bradley, C., Wittich, W., & Legge, G.E. (2024). Dual Sensory Impairment: Use of Residual Vision and Hearing in Real-Life Spatial Localization, Scientific Reports, 14, 7911

Mick, P., Kabir, R. Isler, L., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Young, T.-L., Sosero, Y, Gan-or, Z., & Wittich, W., & Phillips, N., (2024). ApoE4 is not associated with pure tone hearing thresholds, visual acuity or cognition, cross-sectionally or over 3 years of follow up in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, Neurobiology of Aging, 138 (June), 72-82

*Dumassais, S., Pichora-Fuller., M. K., Guthrie, D., Phillips, N., Savundranayagam, M. Y., & Wittich, W. (2024). Strategies Used during the Cognitive Evaluation of Older Adults with Dual Sensory Impairment: A Scoping Review. Age and Ageing, 53(3), afae051

Bethell, J., Andrew, M.K., Mick, P., Morgan, D.G., O’Connell, M.E., Phillips, N., Steward, S. Walker, J.D., Wittich, W., & McGilton, K.S. (2024). Does social connection mediate the association between neuroticism and cognition? Cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging, Aging & Mental Health, 28(3), 482-490

Bitton, E., & Wittich, W. (2024). Double-blind comparison of eyelash epilation techniques for the purpose of Demodex Folliculorum mite retrieval, Eye & Contact Lens, 50(3), 152-157, DOI: 10.1097/ICL.0000000000001070

Bitton, E., Jones, G. & Wittich, W. (2023). Financial inequities in Optometric Education in Canada: A comparison of two optometry programs, Optometry & Vision Science, 100(11), 785–793 DOI: 10.1097/OPX.0000000000002072

Ahmed S, Ataman R, McKerral M, Roberge-Dao J, Auger C, Wittich W, Talla PK, Boychuck Z, Thomas A. (2023). Response to Letter to the Editor on: "Measurement Properties of the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI-4) and related measures: A Systematic Review", Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 104(12), 2170-2171,


Ahmed, S., Ataman, R., Talla Kenge, P., Auger, C., McKerral, M., Wittich, W., & Thomas, A. (Conference Presentation, 2024 Nov 8-9). Strategies for collecting rehabilitation outcome measures to capture data on functioning and enhance system level rehabilitation data: The example of the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory (MPAI-4) across three health regions. 3rd International Rehabilitation Conference, Athens, Greece.

Wittich, W., *Dumassais, S., Prain, M., McVilly, K., Anze, D., López, R., Minhas, R., van de Molengraft, S., Baur, M., *Jaiswal, A., *Gravel, C., *Ogedengbe, T.O., & Granberg, S. (May 5 2024). Perspectives from individuals living with deafblindness on priorities for the development of WHO ICF Core Sets, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, Seattle, WA; Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 65 (7), 6185

Rehan, S., Mehrabi, F., Mick, P., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Wittich, W., & Phillips, N. (March 20 2024). Does psychosocial function mediate the link between sensory and cognitive function in mild cognitive impairment? Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) Partners Forum and Science Days 2024, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

A. Deschenes, J. Darveau, L. Cloutier, T. Gallant, A. Lamontagne, W. Wittich, F. Poncet (2024) Formation pour l’Intervention interdisciplinaire en Orientation et mobilité et Optométrie (IO2M). ​Un projet novateur. 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation. Événement organisé par l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille du CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, le Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et l’École d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal. 6 février, Longueuil, QC

Dumassais, s. & Wittich, W. (2024). Renforcer les tests cognitifs pour les personnes atteintes d'une double déficience sensorielle: Approches pratiques et fondées sur des données probantes, 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation. Événement organisé par l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille du CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, le Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et l’École d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal. 6 février, Longueuil, QC

Ogedengbe, T.O., Sukhai, M., & Wittich, W. (2024, Feb 6th). Sustainable Inclusion of People with Vision Loss in the Workforce: What Next? 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation. Événement organisé par l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille du CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, le Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et l’École d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal. 6 février, Longueuil, QC

Vincent, C., Wittich, W., Boucher, N., Hotton, M., Bergeron, F., Achou, B., Fex, J., Belec, C., Schmouth, M.E., Dumont, F. (2024, 6 février). Adoption et utilisation d’une aide technique à la communication en braille pour la communication face à face et à distance pour deux utilisateurs atteints de surdicécité. 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation. Événement organisé par l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille du CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, le Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et l’École d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal. 6 février, Longueuil, QC

Auger, C., Itani, R., Nehmani, L., Renaud, J., Vincent, C., Wittich, W. (2024, 6 février,). Suivi post-intervention en réadaptation pour la basse vision : quels outils sont prometteurs? 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation, 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation. Événement organisé par l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille du CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, le Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et l’École d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal. 6 février, Longueuil, QC

Wittich, W., Jaiswal, A., López, R., van de Molengraft, S., Minhas, R., Dumassais, S., Baur, M., Sukhai, M., Anze, D., Wareham, A., Prain, M., McVilly, K.R., & Granberg, S. (February 6th 2024) Developing an ICF Core Sets for Deafblindness: An international collaboration, 22e Symposium scientifique sur l’incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation. Événement organisé par l’Institut Nazareth et Louis-Braille du CISSS de la Montérégie-Centre, le Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal et l’École d’optométrie de l’Université de Montréal. 6 février, Longueuil, QC

Wittich, W., Jaiswal, A., Lopez, R., van de Monelngraft, S., Minhas, R., Dumassiais, S., Budhiraja, S., Paramasivam, A., Kat, F., Sukhai, M., Anze, D., Wareham, A. Prain, M., McVilly, K.R. & Granberg, S. (Nov. 1 2023). Developing the World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Core Sets for Deafblindness, 26th Annual meeting of the FRQS Quebec Vision Health Research

*Ogedengbe, T.O., Sukhai, M., Wittich, W. (2023, Nov 29-30). Assessment of employment environment preparedness to hire people with vision disability: A strategy for job retention. Disability and Work Conference Canada, Ottawa, CA

Belleville, S., Chertkow, H., Feldman, H., Mondero-Odesso, M., Nyyguard, H., Anderson, N., Bherer, L., Camicioli, R., Chan, S., Cuesta, M., Dwosh, E., Ferland, G., Fiocco, A., Gilbert, B., Itzhak, I., Jarrett, P., Laurin, D., Liu-Ambrose, T., Lupo, J.-L., McGibbon, C., Middleton, L., Murphy, K., Phillips, N., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Revta, C., Savundranayagam, M., Sexton, A., Smith, E., Speechley, M., Trigui, A., Wittich, W., for the CCNA CAN-THUMBS UP Study Group (2023). The online educational Brain Health PRO program to preserve cognition in older adults:  An intervention mapping protocol to develop features, usability, and acceptability, 52nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association for Gerontology, Toronto, ON

Wittich, W., Kröger, E., *Aubin, G., Fadhlaoui, A., Anderson, N., Bengaied, N., Itzhak, I., & Belleville, S. for the Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA) CAN-THUMBS UP Study Group. (2023). Focus groups to customize a remote multidomain program designed to increased dementia literacy: A co-creation approach, Session S77, 52nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association for Gerontology, Toronto, ON

Belleville, S., Chertkow, H., Feldman, H.H., Nygaard, H.B., Montero-Odasso, M., Anderson, N.D., Bherer, L., Ferland, G., Camicioli, R., Chan, S., Cuesta, M., Dwosh, E., Fiocco, A.J., Gilbert, B., Itzhak, I., Jarrett, P., Laurin, D., Liu-Ambrose, T., Lupo, J.-L., McGibbon, C.A., Middleton, L.E., Murphy, K.J., Phillips, N., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Reyta, C., Savundranayagam, M.Y., Sexton, A., Smith, E.E., Speechley, M.R., Trigul, A, & Wittich, W. (2023). Brain Health PRO: An Interactive, Online, Educational Program for Dementia, Alzheimer's Association International Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; Alzheimer's & Dementia 19, e075156

Bleau, M., Jaiswal, A., Wittich, W., Nemargut, J.P., & Ptito, M. (May 26th 2023). Improving cognitive mapping skills and environment accessibility with 3D printing technology, 18th International Mobility Conference (IMC18), Warsaw, Poland

Bethell J, Andrew MK, Hothi S, Mick P, Morgan D, O'Connell ME, Phillips NA, Stewart S, Walker JD, Wittich W, McGilton K. (June 2023). The relationships between neuroticism, social connection and cognition. International Psychogeriatric Association International Congress, 29 June -2 July 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal. International Psychogeriatrics 35(S1):92-94 doi:10.1017/S104161022300128X

Jaiswal, A., Budhiraja, S., Paramasivam, A., Santhakumaran, S., Coté, S., Boie, N.R., Savundranayagam, M., Vincent, C., Kröger, E. & Wittich, W. (July 26th 2023). Continuum of Care for Older Canadians with Dual Sensory Loss During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Existing Scenario and Lessons to be Learned, Deafblind International 18th World Conference, Global Connections: The Future in our Hands, Ottawa, ON

Martiniello, N. & Wittich, W. (July 25th 2023). Elevating Conference Accessibility and Inclusion for Individuals with Deafblindness: Merging Best Practices from Vision, Hearing and Dual Sensory Impairment, Deafblind International 18th World Conference, Global Connections: The Future in our Hands, Ottawa, ON

Martin, J., Wanka, A. & Wittich, W. (July 25th 2023). An Environmental Scan of Rehabilitation Services for Adults with Deafblindness, Deafblind International 18th World Conference, Global Connections: The Future in our Hands, Ottawa, ON

Dumassais, S., & Wittich, W. (July 26th 2023). Addressing Evidence-based and Practical Strategies During the Administration of Cognitive Tests to Individuals Living with Dual Sensory Impairment, Deafblind International 18th World Conference, Global Connections: The Future in our Hands, Ottawa, ON

Wittich, W., Jaiswal, A., López, R., van de Molengraft, S., Minhas, R., *Dumassais, S., Budhiraja, S., Paramasivam, A., Kat, F., Sukhai, M., Picasso, J., Anze, D. & Granberg, S. (2023 April 24). Expert Survey for the Development of a Core Set for Deafblindness using the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health, Association for Research in Vision & Ophthalmology, New Orleans, LA, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 64 (8), 1906

Ogedengbe, T., Sukhai, M., & Wittich, W. (Dec 3rd 2022). A Wholistic Approach to Employment Success among People with Vision loss: A Scoping Review, 10th Canadian Optometry School Research Conference, Montreal, QC

Ogedengbe, T., Sukhai, M., & Wittich, W. (Nov 9th 2022). Sustainable Employment Success for People with Vision Impairment: A Scoping Review, 25th Annual Meeting of the Vision Health Research Network, Montreal, QC

*Lorenzini, M.-C. & Wittich, W. (July 8th 2022). Effects of telerehabilitation on functional vision in individuals using a head-mounted display, Vision 2020+1 – the 13th International Low Vision Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

*Lorenzini, M.-C. & Wittich, W. (July 8th 2022). Understanding the use of head-mounted displays and benefits of telerehabilitation in a visually impaired population, Vision 2020+1 – the 13th International Low Vision Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Wittich, W., Phillips, N., Reed, M., & Orange, JB (2022 April 28). Interdisciplinary, integrated, person-centred assessment of persons living with dementia, 2022 SAC Speech-Language Pathology Virtual Conference, Vancouver, BC (remote event)

Jenna Littlejohn, J., Bowen, M., Piers Dawes, P., Dickinson, C., Constantinidou, F., Heyn, P., Hooper, E., Hopper, T., Hubbard, I., Langenbahn, D., Nieman, C.L., Rajagopal, M., Thodi, C.., Weinstein, B., Wittich, W., & Leroi, I. (2022). International practice recommendations for the identification and management of hearing, vision and cognitive impairment, Hearing Across the Lifespan (HEAL) 2022 Conference, Cernobbio, Italy

Aubin, G., Al-Yawer, F., Pichora-Fuller, M.K., Phillips, N., & Wittich, W. (2022). Faible concordance entre les mesures auto-rapportées et comportementales de déficience visuelle et/ou auditive chez les personnes âgées avec ou à risque de démence, 21st Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation, Montréal, Qc, Canada (Prize for best oral presentation by a student)

Vincent, C., Wittich, W., Bergeron, F., Hotton, M., & Achou, B. (2022). Magasiner quand on est sourd-aveugle : Un test pré-technologique de nouvelles méthodes de communication face à face, 21st Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation, Montréal, Qc, Canada.

Dumassais, S & Wittich, W. (2022). Adaptations During Cognitive Evaluation of Older Adults with Dual Sensory Impairment: A Scoping Review, 21st Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation, Montréal, Qc, Canada (Prize for best oral presentation by a student), Canadian Geriatrics Journal (01 Mar 2023), 26(1): 211-212

Wittich, W., Kreidy, C., Rodrigue, C., Perreault, A., Roy, I, Nemargut, J & Martiniello, N. (2022). Étude de l'effet des masques sur l'orientation et la mobilité : Un exemple de recherche-action participative et de partenariat institutionnel réussi, 21st Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation, Montréal, Qc, Canada.

Hammouni, Z., Martiniello, N., Poldma, T., Kehayia, E., Verduyckt, I., & Wittich W. (2022). Partenariat et interdisciplinarité pour la co-création d'une représentation théâtrale décontractée, 21st Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation, Montréal, Qc, Canada.

Pietrangelo, S., Souaid, O., Mailhot, A.-A., Wittich, W. & Nemargut, J. (2022). Exploring Barriers and Facilitators to Tele-rehabilitation in Orientation & Mobility, 21st Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation, Montréal, Qc, Canada.


  • Optométrie
  • Médecine physique et réadaptation

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