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Communication; Law

Vincent Denault

Crédibilité des témoins, détection du mensonge, communication non verbale

Professeur adjoint

Faculté des arts et des sciences - École de criminologie

Pavillon Lionel-Groulx, room C-4122

514 343-7309



Vincent Denault currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Montreal’s School of Criminology. Previously, he occupied postdoctoral research positions at McGill University’s Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, as well as at the International Centre for Comparative Criminology and the University of Montreal’s Public Law Research Center. Additionally, he has served as a Research Consultant at the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and as a Lecturer at several academic institutions, including the Faculty of Law at the University of Sherbrooke, as well as the Department of Communication and the Faculty of Law at the University of Montreal. He earned a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Montreal in 2020 and a Master of Laws from the University of Quebec in Montreal in 2015. His research primarily focuses on issues related to witness credibility, deception detection and nonverbal behavior. Vincent Denault is the co-founder of the Center for Studies in Nonverbal Communication Sciences of the Research Center of the Montreal Mental Health University Institute and the co-founder of the Deception Research Society. Outside academia, he also works as a scientific consultant, lawyer, and coroner, investigating deaths resulting from negligence or occurring in obscure or violent circumstances.


  • 2007 — Baccalauréat — DroitUniversité du Québec à Montréal
  • 2015 — Maitrise — DroitUniversité du Québec à Montréal
  • 2020 — Doctorat — CommunicationUniversité de Montréal

Affiliations and responsabilities



Publications and presentations


(liste partielle)

Denault, V., Patterson, M., Zloteanu, M., & Talwar, V. (2024). The myth of body language and the fallacies of body language analysis and training programs. Dans A. Kostic & D. Chadee (dirs.), Body Language Communication (p. 151-186). Palgrave.

Lebeau, A., & Denault, V. (2024). La confiance et les émotions en médiation, le virtuel est-il à la hauteur? Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke, 53(2), 259-305.

Denault, V., & Talwar, V. (2024). Le comportement non verbal lors de procès devrait-il être ignoré? Criminologie, forensique et sécurité, 2(2).

Denault, V., & Bozin, D.  (2024). The influence of “body language” on the assessment of witness credibility in Australian written court judgments. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice. Advance online publication.

Denault, V., & Talwar, V. (2024). The use of demeanor to assess the credibility of child victims in sexual interference trials. Child Abuse Review33(3), 1–14.

Denault, V., & Vrij, A. (2024). “The Eyes Can’t Lie”: Misconceptions about nonverbal communication and why they matter. CREST Security Review, 18, 14-17.

Delmas, H., Denault, V., Burgoon, J. K., & Dunbar N. (2024). A review of automatic lie detection through facial features. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior48, 93–136.

Pennestri, M.-H., Denault, V., Béliveau, M.-J., Tong, D., & Talwar, V. (2023). Aspects psychologiques et légaux liés à la garde d’enfants en bas âge. Revue du Barreau, 80, 145-190.

Denault, V., & Talwar, V. (2023). The science of children’s lies (and their detection): A Primer for justice practitioners. Court Review: The Journal of the American Judges Association, 59(2), 58-62.

Plusquellec, P., Smart, K., & Denault, V. (2023). Facial reactivity to emotional stimuli is related to empathic concern, empathic distress, and depressive symptoms in social work students. Psychological Reports. Advance online publication.

Denault, V., & Talwar, V. (2023). From criminal interrogations to investigative interviews: A bibliometric study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1175856.

Denault, V., Leclerc, C., & Talwar, V. (2023). Nonverbal communication and witness credibility: A view from the bench. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 31(1), 97-120.

Denault, V. (2023). The transition to scientific research and the fallout of speaking publicly: Perspectives from a former proponent of “body language” pseudoscience. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 37(4), 1031-1045. 

Denault, V., & Zloteanu, M. (2022). Darwin’s illegitimate children: how body language experts undermine Darwin’s legacy. Evolutionary Human Sciences, 4(e53)1-13.

Denault, V. (Ed.) (2022). La science au service de la pratique : enquêtes, procès et justice, Volume 2. Cowansville, Canada: Éditions Yvon Blais.

Denault, V., Talwar, V., Plusquellec, P., & Larivière, V. (2022). On Deception and lying: An overview of over 100 years of social science research. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36(4), 805-819.

Bérubé, M., Allard, S., & Denault, V. (2022). Ensuring the probative value of web searches as digital evidence. Canadian Criminal Law Review, 26, 167-173

Ramirez, F. A., Denault, V., Carpenter, S., & Wyers, J. (2021). ‘But her age was not given on her Facebook profile’: Minors, social media, and sexual assault trials. Information, Communication & Society, 25(15), 2282-2298. 

Denault, V., Delmas, H. et Zloteanu, M. (2021). Communication non verbale et détection du mensonge : Une conversation entre trois jeunes chercheurs. Commposite, 22(1), 107-119.

Denault, V., Duran, G., & Delmas, H. (2021). La communication non verbale dans les médias télévisuels: Un regard critique sur un « décryptage » lors du procès d’Aaron Hernandez. Criminologie, 54(1), 171-196

Denault, V., & Patterson, M. (2021). Justice and nonverbal communication in a post-pandemic world: An evidence-based commentary and cautionary statement for lawyers and judges. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 45,1-10.

Denault, V. (2020). Préparation des témoins: Enjeux théoriques, pratiques et éthiques. Dans K. Poitras & P.-C. Gagnon (dirs.), Psychologie et droit (p. 79-95). Yvon Blais.

Denault, V. (Ed.) (2020). La science au service de la pratique : enquêtes, procès et justice, Volume 1. Cowansville, Canada: Éditions Yvon Blais.

Denault, V. (2020). Misconceptions about nonverbal cues to deception : a covert threat to the justice system? Frontiers in Psychology – Personality and Social Psychology, 11, 573460.

Denault, V., Plusquellec, P., Jupe, L. M., St-Yves, M., Dunbar, N. E., Hartwig, M., … van Koppen, P. J. (2020). L’analyse de la communication non verbale: Les dangers de la pseudoscience en contextes de sécurité et de justice. Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 73, 15-44.

Denault, V., Plusquellec, P., Jupe, L. M., St-Yves, M., Dunbar, N. E., Hartwig, M., … van Koppen, P. J. (2020). The analysis of nonverbal communication: The dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 30, 1-12

Turbide, O., Cherba, M., & Denault, V. (2020). Réagir au dévoilement de soi dans un forum de discussions pour les personnes vivant avec un cancer: une approche interactionelle. Corpus, 21.

Bencherki, N., Bourgoin, A., Chen, H.-R., Cooren, F., Denault, V., & Plusquellec, P. (2019). Bodies, faces, physical space, and the materializations of authority. Dans N. Bencherki, F. Matte & F. Cooren (dirs.), Authority and power in social interaction: Methods and analysis (p. 77-98). Routledge

Cherba, M., Thoër, C., Turbide, O., Denault, V., Renaud, L., Valderrama, A., … Muloin, C. (2019). Le soutien social en ligne comme mode d’intervention psychosociale: Revue de littérature, pistes de recherche et recommandations pour les intervenants. Santé Publique, 31, 83-92

Denault, V., & Dunbar, N. (2019). Credibility assessment and deception detection in courtrooms: Hazards and challenges for scholars and legal practitioners. Dans T. Docan-Morgan (dir.), The Palgrave handbook of deceptive communication (p. 915-936). Palgrave Macmillan.

Denault, V., Dunbar, N., & Plusquellec, P. (2019). The detection of deception during trials: Ignoring the nonverbal communication of witnesses is not the solution – A response to Vrij and Turgeon (2018). The International Journal of Evidence and Proof, 24(1), 3-11

Denault, V., & Plusquellec, P. (2019). La communication non verbale, 60 ans de connaissances révisées par les pairs. Médiation et information, 48, 49-61.

Denault, V., Rioux-Turcotte, J., & Tomas, F. (2019). La spontanéité du discours, un facteur déterminant la crédibilité des témoins. ScriptUM: La revue du Colloque VocUM 2016, 3, 85-110.

Jupe, L., & Denault, V. (2019). Science or pseudoscience? A distinction that matters for police officers, lawyers and judges. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 26(5), 753-765.

Rioux-Turcotte, J., & Denault, V. (2019). L’expertise en linguistique devant les tribunaux québécois et fédéraux canadiens, portrait global et conséquences pour les professionnels du système judiciaire. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law – Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique, 32(2), 427-447.

Denault, V., & Cooren, F. (2018). Lawyers as ventriloquists: A contemporary approach to understanding credibility in the courtroom. Dans G. Tessuto, V. K. Bhatia & J. Engberg (dirs.), Frameworks for discursive actions and practices of the law (p. 138-152). Cambridge Scholars

Denault, V., & Jupe, L. (2018). Aviation security and the TSA’s behavior detection: Why effective academic and practitioner dialogue is vital. Frontiers in Psychology – Disaster Communications9, 240.

Denault, V., & Jupe, L. (2018). Detecting deceit during trials: Limits in the implementation of lie detection research – A comment on Snook, McCardle, Fahmy and House. Canadian Criminal Law Review, 28(1), 97-106.

Plusquellec, P., & Denault, V. (2018). The 1000 most cited papers on visible nonverbal behavior: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 42(3), 347-377.

Rochat, N., Delmas, H., Denault, V., Elissalde, B., & Demarchi, S. (2018). La synergologie révisée par les pairs, analyse d’une publication. Revue québécoise de psychologie, 39(2), 247-266

Turbide, O, Thoër, C., Cherba, M., Denault, V., & Benzaza, R. (2018). Formes d’expression de soutien social sur le forum de discussion de la Société canadienne du cancer: une analyse thématique et conversationnelle. Dans B. Cordelier, O. Galibert, S. Alemanno & H. Romeyer (dirs.), Actes des Journées d’études – Organisation, santé et numérique (p. 32-34). ComSanté.

Denault, V. (2017). Credibility assessment. Dans B. Baker, R. Minhas & L. Wilson (dirs.), Psychology and law factbook, 2nd edition (p. 19-21). European Association of Psychology and Law Student Society.

Denault, V. (2017). Le « langage » non verbal des témoins, quand les pseudosciences s’invitent au tribunal. ScriptUM: La revue du Colloque VocUM 2015, 2, 96-118.

Denault, V., & Dunbar, N. (2017). Nonverbal communication in courtrooms: Scientific assessments or modern trials by ordeal? The Advocates’ Quarterly47(3), 280-308.

Denault, V., & Jupe, L. (2017). Deception detection. Dans B. Baker, R. Minhas & L. Wilson (dirs.), Psychology and law factbook, 2nd edition (p. 22-24). European Association of Psychology and Law Student Society.

Denault, V., & Jupe, L. (2017). Justice at risk! An evaluation of a pseudoscientific analysis of a witness’ nonverbal behavior in the courtroom. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 29(2), 221-242.

Denault, V., Jupe, L., Dodier, O., & Rochat, N. (2017). To veil or not to veil, detecting lies in the courtroom: A comment on Leach et al. (2016). Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 24(1), 102-117.


  • Communication
  • Law

Areas of expertise

  • Courtrooms
  • Testimonies
  • Witnesses preparation
  • Deception detection
  • Credibility assessment
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Stereotypes and prejudices
  • Pseudosciences and unfounded practices